Title | : | “We’re married. Why do I have to ask him for money?” |
Lasting | : | 1.04.30 |
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Views | : | 286 rb |
Literally a team generated budget would save them 😩 Comment from : @SOLTANA17 |
We really gonna ignore that she is paying $2k on daycare to make $3k? That’s wild Stop spending like and idiot and raise your own kids and you are golden Comment from : @seminolekilla |
We really gonna ignore that HE is paying $2k on daycare so she can make $3k? That’s wild She needs to stop spending like and idiot and raise your own kids and you are golden Comment from : @seminolekilla |
when couples say joint finances, does that mean that every single dollar has to be allocated to family expenses?brbrlike with my wife, we share our family money for expenses, savings and investments, but we keep our own separate money for personal ventures like i’m not asking to spend $100 on top golf and she doesn’t have to ask to spend $100 on dinners/drinks with her friends Comment from : @marcuswalker7897 |
dude talks about her and treats her like a friend/ roommate She is your wife and mother to your children SMH Comment from : @justinskinner7483 |
150000 in groceries This has to be several months Hold crap! Comment from : @333cpink |
He treats her like a child because she acts like a child Spending all her money and having to be bailed out It’s not mature, she should be able to save enough for herself, especially with him helping out so much already Comment from : @celticwind4122 |
These types of conversations are so encouraging I love Caleb Hammer but I feel like he would be more effective to gen z and millennials if he took a page or two out of Ramit’s book, approach and communication style Comment from : @andreastatler |
40:30 Our Ford crested 200k miles after 11 years and has only had one significant issue (water pump failure) which was a $3k fix Say what you want, you just need to know which models to buy and what drivetrain options are more dependablebrbrThank you CAFE regulations Comment from : @wan3416 |
These men are NOT men They are young boys who throw a fit when they are expected to provide for their families If a woman is laboring children, bringing her warmth, care and love into your house and still contributing financially, what are you really bringing to the table if you cannot even vow to protect and take a lead in providing to the home?brbrThe men I used to know wanted to provide for themselves and understood that as a man, that is a part of their responsibility Comment from : @Yahookudi |
Wow! Making less, spending more, spending on things that nobody needs He’s stuck Comment from : @utorrent01 |
How does she not see she's the problem? Comment from : @TheNapoleonComplex1 |
A couple only needs 2 accounts:br-1 joint checking/savings account br-1 investment accountbr-At payday put away set 20-40 to investment account or better yet automize transferbr-Keep certain amount for fixed monthly bills and groceries, fun money for both(200-400 each), and some buffer(500) for incidentals(put in saving if not used at the end of month br-Fight when the money run out or Don’t fight, shrug 🤷 bring out rice and beans until next month rolls inbrEventually the couple will learn to adjust spending Comment from : @diydad5067 |
Amazon!!!! It'll get much worse, trust me Spending is her addiction Comment from : @idellbrown1825 |
This e-inside was amazing Literally everything they’re going through I’ve had happened with me Great advice and will be watching the prenup For more info Comment from : @rubenlopez6081 |
She has impulse control issues Comment from : @johancuellar6358 |
Three minutes in and I’m already on his side 😂😂😂 She really is taking no responsibility How do they have two young children and always have time to shower together? I wonder why she always asks him for money when she’s naked? 😂 Gee, could that be an attempt at manipulation? 🤦♂️ Why does she think she’s entitled to not be accountable? She is pretty immature She needs a budget, she has no structure and is going solely on what she feels she needs Comment from : @sparklemotion86 |
It sounds like she's not good with money so he should keep it separate Comment from : @DeniseCox-d9q |
Wow Comment from : @MrDorby |
Thanks Ramit you did more than financial planning you brought ppl together ❤️ brN the viewers have the understanding Comment from : @OnewithMultiverse |
She brings home about 5k a month and he brings home about 7k a month How is she broke? Even with her spending $1500 in groceries a month she still has so much money left over What is she really spending her money on? Also $1100 a month for the condo they're about to sell comes out of her pocket She still has plenty of money left over So i don't get it Comment from : @tinaf600 |
If he pays all the bills why do they need joint accounts? Is he against her working or? Comment from : @aldaj6051 |
In Islam the man is 100 responsible for the financials Comment from : @ummhuraira2495 |
She’s right that they should have a joint account, one account between the two of them He’s right that they should be accountable for the things spend money on He should show some faith and put their money together, and she should show more discipline with her spending Comment from : @barbieojeda454 |
I feel like there’s no clear plan on how to spend I think the wife should make more effort to not over spend, though I understand that moms always buy all the toys in the world for their kids… Comment from : @legrindem-her |
If you do a family budget, you can budget fun money for both members of the couple Comment from : @amypruss8391 |
Having her pay all of the kids' medical is kind of unfair, because medical is so unpredictable Comment from : @amypruss8391 |
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but if you had a monthly budget meeting, you could eliminate a lot of these conversations Comment from : @amypruss8391 |
Dan wants to feel like a team, yet they are playing in different fields Comment from : @robinh7267 |
This is because their is no clear communication They need to write all bills down and other items that are necessities Both incomes and what each are paying for and what each may need to keep the house running and both happy Comment from : @nicolebalderas122 |
If I was him, I also wouldn't be sharing an account with her Comment from : @manons6984 |
Get a divorce Comment from : @TaoLIOTTa |
No way she should give up that condo money to the household That's hers The marriage could already be on shaky grounds Keep it in case you end up being a single parent Comment from : @123ls3 |
We all know SHE is the problem! Comment from : @pinnacle1717 |
Don't blame my guy, she's like a child and impulsive She'll bankrupt him Comment from : @nickybutt9733 |
Why do women feel the need to spend every damn penny on everything I'm for keeping thinks separate Comment from : @ssbailey2369 |
The best way too deal with money is to lay it out in cost you can’t fight over money Comment from : @sherrieshay6173 |
He’s says he’s only putting 250/month in savings If true, there’s isn’t much more money to spend period If that’s all your saving you need to cut costs not spend more If not you’ll be working forever and don’t count on you being physically able to do so Comment from : @Fontainebleauify |
How much did you save - "I don't know, 100 bucks" sounds like she doesn't care, doesn't know, it was an accident that it happened Comment from : @annastoyanova1722 |
I couldnt imagine asking my husband for money like a child Im a stay at home mom and my husband always says its Our money I also am very good with money and I dont have a spending problem I make a budget and stick to it We both will discuss larger purchases as well and we have the same finiancial goals Comment from : @christinajose285 |
Easy solution: you both have to set spending budgets Give her a spending budget And yes she needs to learn some self control So do you bra…if you don’t trust her to be a partner she’ll never feel safe enough to be your partner and take accountability! brIf the tables were turned this guy wouldn’t be able to handle how he’s treating her Comment from : @audreysmithson175 |
The financial responsibility should fall on the man!! This is a feminine wounded man She made your babies dude!!! Her job never ends!!! What are you complaining about??? She’s not your slave to control! You need to trust your woman If you don’t want her to be happy and take care of her you should stay single bra This is toxic masculinity: a wounded feminine man needing to be in competition with his woman, expecting her to take on your responsibilitiesbrIf you want to stay home full time and take care of the kids…good luck Comment from : @audreysmithson175 |
First minute, she is the problem Her feelings She needs to learn to dominate and control spending Comment from : @nymincho |
One more thing If you make less than $500K in capitol gains you won’t have to pay taxes on it Comment from : @no-bozos |
My ex-wife was a stay-at-home wife/mother She had the same complaint as this womanbrbrOne day I sat down and made a list of my income and all the bills I had to pay It didn’t include the money she would use to pay for groceries and the such I did this to give her an indication of what our life costs and the amount of money that would be left over each monthbrbrI handed the list to her and her response was, “See, you get to spend the money on whatever you want”brbrHow does anyone deal with someone who refuses to live in reality? In the end, her childish feelings about living logistics led to our divorce Comment from : @no-bozos |
My ex-wife was a stay-at-home wife/mother She had the same complaint as this womanbrbrOne day I sat down and made a list of my income and all the bills I had to pay It didn’t include the money she would use to pay for groceries and the such I did this to give her an indication of what our life costs and the amount of money that would be left over each monthbrbrI handed the list to her and her response was, “See, you get to spend the money on whatever you want”brbrHow does anyone deal with someone who refuses to live in reality? In the end, her childish feelings about living logistics led to our divorce Comment from : @no-bozos |
This is why I am single, and never want to be married except going overseas And finances are not an issue in my life Comment from : @22SPORTSLIVE_10 |
I just give my wife a lump sum of money begging if every year she’s stay at home and this works great Comment from : @wees4231 |
Come on your being to nice Comment from : @jesuscastro8690 |
How many years ago was this? He feels like $1,500 is a lot for groceries, but admitted that he doesn't know what groceries cost It is the #2 expense in our budget and we don't eat lime royalty Comment from : @watching95 |
She should make more money… get a side gif or something Comment from : @tizzin8r |
Children do what feels good, while adults devise a written plan and follow it Both will need to sit down and create a written budget rogether (like Everydollar), this way, both of them have access to it on their phones At any point in time, either person can access it and communicate during the month Its awkward at first, but within 2 to 3 months they will we on their way Trust has been broken in the past and if they can see the numbers, perhaps they can heal with communication and earned trust Ramit did a great job bringing them together and form a financial philosophy together Bravo! Comment from : @USMCAllTheWay |
I’m a single female going on 4yrs now but this was very much good information for me and my future husband 😊❤ Thank you! 🙏🏾 Comment from : @ToxicPixels |
Daniel is not at fault here If his woman truly cared about his mental state as much as she would like him to care about hers she would make a point t to save and start to practice better financial habits $100 in a savings account is nothing Comment from : @jahkarijack8784 |
They will not make it if a compromise or changes are not madesoon She appears child like and he appears like he is her dad Comment from : @gingersnaps997 |
My money, your money (separate accounts) our/house money for the expenses No exceptions Comment from : @williamhadley1580 |
Buy what you need not things you want Comment from : @tazmax72 |
She needs to get rid of the credit cardsor only use them in a emergency Comment from : @tazmax72 |
I find it strange why do you have to combine accounts just because you’re married! obviously she wants more access to money and that’s the only reason she’s pushing for this Comment from : @dark_art_nursery |
I don’t think she’ll help his money insecurity She admits she has debt and she is incapable of spending responsibly Comment from : @iviewutoob |
I am not going to be accountable for my own spending behavior (So act like a child) but I am mad when he, who spends all of his time making most of the money won't let me be irresponsible Comment from : @rcw0053 |
he should teach her about money but back in the days, men controlled women with money Comment from : @lilpandanesegirl |
He married an adult child who wants an allowance after repeatedly breaking into the piggy bank Comment from : @1111KO |
"I don't have enough money in my account for it- but b*we*/b have enough money" - she's the stereotype of, "What's mine is mine, and what's his is mine" brbrI feel like a lot of "financial abuse" accusations come from women who are immature and reckless with money, who are with men who are more serious about it brbrIf you want to spend like a child- you'll get treated like one he's trying to make sure his family and children have a healthy, stable future She just cares about chocolate and what SHE wants Comment from : @ItsJustKylie- |
She’s in a lot of therapy Comment from : @ChristopherHawkins-j5m |
Her money is her money And his money is their money Comment from : @ChristopherHawkins-j5m |
How, just how Comment from : @shaftshot61 |
It sounds like he's a great provider!!! But I get it, and they can work it out Comment from : @julieowen5874 |
It’s only our experiences ,which is the past, that prepares us to deal with venomous snakes in the present Comment from : @brentonnewsome4411 |
And according to you “notice that they’re living in the past” The past is the foundation on which the future will sit, whether it’s the first or the 99th floor The 99th floor will only be as strong as the foundation on which it sits Comment from : @brentonnewsome4411 |
I think they should keep their financial situation separate Comment from : @brentonnewsome4411 |
You must justify to your partner Seems like she is spending a lot and don't give a shit about his worries Divorce her she is only there for money Comment from : @davidboldt3206 |
Relationships require vulnerability and vulnerability is scary Vulnerability requires trust and trust requires time and experience Time and experience has to include events that build trust It's a long, painful process One that I have never been able to fulfill in my 47 years Comment from : @BeccalaiShushushu |
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