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Why men can’t afford to get married! #money #marriage #husband #wife #personalfinance

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Title :  Why men can’t afford to get married! #money #marriage #husband #wife #personalfinance
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Frames Why men can’t afford to get married! #money #marriage #husband #wife #personalfinance

Description Why men can’t afford to get married! #money #marriage #husband #wife #personalfinance

Comments Why men can’t afford to get married! #money #marriage #husband #wife #personalfinance

Men refuse to get married "because they can't afford to"?brbrUp yours honey!!!: Men are wising up and are increasingly unwilling to risk their financial and mental well-being just to marry someone like you Most modern women are too toxic, entitled, abusive, and morally bankrupt to risk marrying In short: the juice ain't worth the squeezebrbrWell under 1 of men in the USA are even considering getting married - and even that rate is dropping brbrSo keep acting as smug as you do: you're well on your way to being one of the millions of women between the ages of 25-45 that will be alone and childless by 2030
Comment from : @ct4929

Ya no another poor accuse to make yourself feel better on why yourself isn’t married yet not everyman is single bc of financial issues lol
Comment from : @Bolłōçk-v7z

Men have become like women and women like menmen expect women to be educated career job make money and provide gone are good old days when my dad provided for the family and my mom was stay at home mom
Comment from : @dianacharles713

I definitely can't buy a womanbrEscorts once in a while is the way
Comment from : @lucascosta-mr4mr

I think it’s just the dudes you interact with that are broke as always I can afford a family of 4 or more rn as a trucker and most trades still pay enough the reason some men don’t wana Mary is because there is a lack of quality women across all demographics
Comment from : @Realogn

This is not why men don't want to getting married
Comment from : @copainspammeur404

Marraige was a partnership in the 1950’s Everyone knew their role
Comment from : @florastewart7957

Men are not getting married because they are waking up seeing marriage is a sham
Comment from : @alienrockinheadd8969

When men say they can't afford to get married anymore, they aren't just talking about money They're talking about drama, toxicity, disrespect, lack of appreciation, self-entitlement, ridiculous expectations, infidelity, horrific divorce laws, etc
Comment from : @swirvone3151

Just don't marry Ru
Comment from : @g-page645

No most men won't get married because the quality of women has gone in the toilet!
Comment from : @masterj4777

Western wedding and relationship concepts are toxic I love my India
Comment from : @abhgup

You sound so ignorant 😂
Comment from : @solidsnake8331

You can't buy love sweetheart
Comment from : @Pweetypoo

Women over 50brbrIn 2023, an estimated 25 of all homeless adults in the US were women over 50brbrbrSo unless you have your 25 million dollars in cash not investments to last you from age 65 to 85 is a woman a man is not optional you need to incomes😂
Comment from : @Luckydog-of-war

Im always have money problems
Comment from : @colbysmith9049

I guarantee she is single and no men are even looking at her
Comment from : @deegeezy2055

Men also are tired of getting fxcked over my divorce and the legal system
Comment from : @Forgivefull

In the 50s America was 90 percent European
Comment from : @bobbydoom518

I am thinking dating sux And marriage has been dumb the idea of it is messed up to me
Comment from : @nolove85es

Gold diggers like you just need excuses😂
Comment from : @TruthBeliever5557

Yes, submitting to a man when he has nothing, equals to a successful man having everything because of that support🫵
Comment from : @TruthBeliever5557

Because once they are married one day she will tell her husband I'm not happy or I'm bored and file for a divorce and take half his pension 401k house and life savings Kings don't marry ITS A WARNING ⚠️ 😳 😕
Comment from : @JesusisLordgh8j

I'm a stay at home Single Mom How mad men get when I say that always brings me joy
Comment from : @JustASmallTownGirl85

She talks about the asshole men while denying the fact of why most marriages end So outspoken and somehow 🤔 so RINGLESS I WONDER why?
Comment from : @michaelcarlin777

🤣🤣🤣 She ate it down!!!
Comment from : @StephanieNiecey

But once the man can live happily single in his own home, what do most women have to offer him? The more desirable he gets, the fussier he can be, but the threshold moment is when he becomes comfortable existing on his own
Comment from : @ejaurand

The question is brIf u find that financially stable guy that u want what you gonna add in his life except talking too much about how he should live his life brThe point is you do nothing except showing yourself and trying to look good and enticing people while the guy do all the hard work trying to feed you brThe women should be feminine and responsible for the raising the kids the guy should be the boss of the House who control everything and bieng responsible for everything , his word should be applied and that's the life lady brWithout this rules we're raising faggots who dance on tiktok brUnfortunately our generation is lost because of changing the rules that we born to live with brThe man should act like respectable guy and the women is that teacher in the house who teach the manners before her children go outside to the world brIt's my pov brHope you're doing well 😊❤
Comment from : @aesthetict2280

Not poor men ,,rich men not getting married
Comment from : @Nature-wi7xm

'50s: Men can support a whole family with one salarybrWomen: Opression! They earn more than us!brToday: Women outearn menbrWomen: You're too broke for my vgg! Pathetic!
Comment from : @Type_0_Fighter_Model_52

Well even thou if i'm a rich man with 10 figures, i won't get married I can't do my hobbies, or passtime if i'm married, so it's not worth it
Comment from : @mamoruchiba3301

aye aye aye theres a lot of lost women out there
Comment from : @ZacharyBachelier

I hope more men choose to not get married That way we can make the modern women and her ideas extinct
Comment from : @curiousintellect6874

The real high light should be, this why we don’t vote women into politics They destroyed men’s ability to be the single house hold provider, along with Zionist and communist pushing agendas and driving businesses to other countries
Comment from : @IrvinGuerrero

Plus men mostly supported their families with under 40 hour work weeks A good average was 30 Most people now these days with the same job need two different employers And usually racking above 60 hours and yet we can hardly afford it
Comment from : @IrvinGuerrero

That's what I told my now husband He wants SAHW privileges, but is not doing what he needs to provide and sustain that lifestyle You need to do morw than work a job and get a paycheck You need to invest that paycheck to sustain that income just in case something happens to you
Comment from : @MsChanT

Hahaha no you are so wrongmen's have no problem in providingit is the after divorce law
Comment from : @akashprince

WRONG LOL it's not that men or women can't afford because honestly we can just cut out all the unnecessary stuff like kitchenaids and ride on mowers We as a society have fallen far more to consumerism than our elder statesman Credit usage is way up across the board 2nd and 3rd mortgages are way up Oh and nomore economy cars for high school grads it's scat packs and low end German for sophomores You got 1 month 3 month 1/2 year birthday parties for babies all for the gram Oh and it's gotta be the top of the line device in your hand Money will always stress a relationship or marriage But this generation is the participation award kids who have been told they can have whatever they want but society forgot to say "if" you work hard and sacrifice
Comment from : @acegame2115

Men can afford to take care of a woman who isn't greedy and stupid, but too many women in modernity want a lifestyle of glamours and glitz, and think NOTHING of wasting a man's hard earned money THAT'S why they can't afford it
Comment from : @ratedg5039

Poverty?? 😂brUr the epitome of low marriage ratesbrSubmit? Or commit??brbrBecause marriage is a career path for you, only for what benefits younever for love or what u can actually offer🎉🎉🎉😅
Comment from : @User-ALphC1

And she speaks in her people multiply like rabbits and they don’t have money 🤣
Comment from : @decarlosmith3118

Yeah 1 income men earnt Women stayed at home oh wait women went to work… oh dear family destruction started at women going to work
Comment from : @CandlelightWanderer

Both should work together Don't marry with a woman who have high pride Let her being single for her entire lifebrbrMarrying a woman who is humble enough to accept who you are
Comment from : @TheTruth2505

When she said poverty i bursted into laughter 😂
Comment from : @BYBY

She likes to leave out the part women started working after 1950 which contributed and to this day contributes to inflation
Comment from : @NeygarzruinedAmerica

So we suppose to have a house and car for used up 304 Women have higher body count than a 🌽 star nowadays
Comment from : @NeygarzruinedAmerica

this girl doesn’t understand fiat money
Comment from : @213kidangel

Government devalued our dollar to exorbitant levels That’s why we can’t get married on one income
Comment from : @joshortega2231

Alhamdulillah allah made me broke and ugly so women stay away from me 🎉brGlory to God 💪❤
Comment from : @zultrax7496

So inflation isn’t real ??
Comment from : @neveaherup5487

Comment from : @LisaLee123

They won't get married, but they are okay living with a woman? The reason is more about getting privileges without marriage
Comment from : @brendadesmond6573

Bravo Vivian! Thankful to have been a traditional wife and family in the 90's 2000's Times have changed and what you said is absolute fact I hope for the children we can get back to Mom's raising their own children, it's just better for the children but it doesn't mean you can't have a career before or after if that's your desire Thanks Vivian! 🩷
Comment from : @lorysipel6823

You don’t have either no husband no house no kids so No One is taking advice from you we just look for a good laugh
Comment from : @AP-w2r

Comment from : @wakunanuma1966

No man is trying to lose half his assets If a man wants to get married, he needs to do so overseas
Comment from : @mauricepatterson9558

Enjoy ur cats alone
Comment from : @chriskerwin9050

no one wants to get married because the word WE isnt in thier vocabulary, and thats mostly women
Comment from : @DeRocco21

J Cole - No Role Models
Comment from : @crooked52h

I make six figures and wouldn’t dream of jeopardizing my lifestyle it by aligning my income with the modern women wayyyy to much liability NO Sam Rothstein
Comment from : @crooked52h

Woman flooded the labor force with affermitive action inferior workers that lowered wages
Comment from : @rastamandela981

I wish my wife was one team with me nope she wants me to pay for everything and give her the world is hard but shes doesn't understand
Comment from : @mpowerlife1832

Comment from : @honeybrownsugga6866

Sell me marriage 😂😂
Comment from : @jayTerry9

I can afford to marry but I will never, guess why?Hyperfeminism, anti masculinity movements, child support, division of assets during divorceI can go on but the main point being that women are becoming the oppressors in societyYou’ve become what you hated most
Comment from : @NintendoKnightThefirst

So she didn’t even listen to the original guys point I can almost guarantee it had nothing to do with the cost of marriage and everything to do with the lack of benefits and the cost of divorce
Comment from : @TBredd

God what an annoying boss babe spouting f-ism talking points
Comment from : @random19911004

Guys going to lose half their stuff in the divorce
Comment from : @random19911004

I have a housebr2 carsbrSavingsbrPay for everything brAnd she is still ungrateful and wants more money FML 🤦‍♂️
Comment from : @jijiXSama

There are 2 types of menbr1 Men with bad finances and no optionsbr2 Men with great finances with all the options
Comment from : @Onlyjorge382

Why women don't ask men for marriage if they so desperately to get marry 😮
Comment from : @nickdavis6294

Because they arent loyal to men 😡
Comment from : @Extra-yb2bd

This is the thing you need to understand, women do not work as much as a man does , women often do not even work 40 hours, but men work often 60 hours or more, so if a man works 60 hours, and a woman only works 20 or 30 hours at this point she should do all the housework
Comment from : @BruceWarren-z1o

Can't, we sincerely can't afford it
Comment from : @koutareyama8393

Who will risk life when you are in danger? eg You are being attacked on the street when you are walking with your man Remember this men always bring his life 100 on the line to protect you Above that he has to give alimony when you divorced him after realising you are being submitting to poverty
Comment from : @precisionz6181

Women are the most college educated with careers that outpace men
Comment from : @willmitchell6521

You are so wrong Most men CAN afford to support a wife and kids It's just that we can't support the delusional lifestyle most modern women have
Comment from : @SamuelCohenMusic

Face palm She doesn’t get that women are the ones that killed the single provider home They pushed into the workforce, doubling it, allowing employers to hold wages steady They literally haven’t moved since And the government doubled its tax revenue, creating more departments that require us to print more money Embarrassing video for her
Comment from : @Boom-oq5yj

This woman is ignorant
Comment from : @782YKW

True … things just cost too much nowadays 🤷🏽‍♂️😅 I can’t afford a family as a man
Comment from : @MrEOM41

Men don’t want to get married
Comment from : @Kim1217-k8f

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