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Why learning languages in 2024 is just NOT worth it

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Title :  Why learning languages in 2024 is just NOT worth it
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Comments Why learning languages in 2024 is just NOT worth it

the truth is he was harassing, no about which language he used
Comment from : @wiins7850

I disagree completely If you can speak even a little, it will help in many situations I speak Thai and my situation is much easier than my non speaking friends
Comment from : @pneulab

Damn I’m being fooled in March
Comment from : @hollowedboi5937

Learning Norwegian for the internal dialogue at this point
Comment from : @EGULL97

Dear Mr Steve, brLearning the language is in my opinion very necessary if you want to read books that do not have translations in my original language, it is really frustrating that I do not find everything I want in my language, everything is in English or other languages brAnd when it is translated into my language, I feel that the translator has tampered with the meaning of the text, so it loses its depth or perhaps loses the real intended meaning brEven if the translator is skilled, I prefer to learn the language myself and read it in the language of the author of the book! br brLearning another language would get me out of the daily suffering that I sometimes live, I used to think that no one had my problem! But when I search through English content on the Internet and among books, I am surprised by the amount of knowledge available br brEven in my field of work, learning the language for reading and conversation is a beautiful and enjoyable thing and opens up great horizons for you that you did not realize before
Comment from : @saraspace94

Comment from : @RicardoEstrada-m4p

Lol😂😂😂 Steve is holding in laughter throughout the vid!😂😂
Comment from : @annach7914

I like German, French and Russian I learn them because I'm European and I love the rich history of these countries If I'm not interested in the country, I don't learn the language There's gotta be a real motivation
Comment from : @udarpavarota396

I think it's the polite thing to donto atleastbe able to greet someone in the language of the country you're in Imagine someone living in UK andthey wont learn English
Comment from : @LivegoodWilliam

Thanks for the laugh, man That was great
Comment from : @marinetropics

A reverse psychology also xD
Comment from : @andonandonov7793

Excellent, vous m'avez bien eu Steve😀 Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi, vous, un linguiste émérite, teniez ce genre de discours négatif Très drôle J'écris en français parce que je sais que vous parlez parfaitement notre langue Un autre Américain connu qui parle français sans accent c'est l'ancien secrétaire d'État des États-Unis, Antony Blinken Une fois je l'ai entendu sur une radio française, je croyais qu'il était français Et c'est seulement quand ils ont rappelé qui il était que j'ai compris ma méprise Impressionnant! Je pense que dans les métiers d'espion, où la maîtrise de langue est une condition de vie et de mort, on doit être particulièrement motivé pour parler comme un natif Mais ce n'est pas donné à tout le monde En tout cas la pratique des langues est vraiment un plaisir royal Boris Johnson, l'ancien Premier du Royaume Uni, dit qu'il lit tous les jours dix pages en français pour maintain his French C'est ce que j'essaie de faire aussi Le mieux que j'ai trouvé pour ne pas trop perdre, c'est de lire des romans avec beaucoup de dialogues, c'est plus proche de la langue vivante que les journaux ou les revues Et puis de temps en temps, regarder une vidéo en VO sur internet Bien le bonjour en Amérique
Comment from : @thibaut-t1k

Can't believe I wasted my time listening to this garbage right to the end
Comment from : @Charlie_Ses

Teaching critical thinking, science, math & physical machine shop skills & history & debunking antiscience & pseudoscience & pseudohistory is more important than forcing a person to learn more than their native language Teach about all the injustice throughout history THAT benefits other people than your consuming their culture Consuming others' culture is just for one's own entertainment That doesn't help THEM That doesn't help those people in that other culture Voting Socialist helps those people in that other culture Voting against oligarchs controlling one's laws & government is infinitely more important than learning multiple languages Stupidity is stupidity whether in 1 language or 7000 languages
Comment from : @theultimatereductionist7592

ya got me😂😂😂
Comment from : @MiniMuni-fo9rs

I was just at a Sam's Club An older mother, with two grown daughters, was going to test her blood pressurebrI paused, ready to make a joke, and a daughter "shut me down" in a rather rude way Should I cease smiling, joking, or just know that some people have been wounded and don't know or trust me, a stranger
Comment from : @Evan-lx9lw

Comment from : @Poppy3345-j9i

In 2024, I became fully fluent in Polish, it proved useful not just for the speaking, but for my mental capabilities Unsuscribing
Comment from : @henrybobenry

Quatsch!!!! Stupid post I am moving on
Comment from : @barbarayork3675

"Here it is, your moment of Zen"
Comment from : @SenorJuan2023

en argentino y claro : VIEJO PELOTUDO
Comment from : @dardofogg4748

What are english stories can I read for B1 Level
Comment from : @ولددبي

Comment from : @Joseph2day

First I thought the title was sarcastic, but I can't believve what I'm hearing in the 21st century, that it's not worth it? Yeah, these modern times promote retardedness and it's actually modern to be dumb, lazy and close minded
Comment from : @snjezanakristo6048

I am pretty sure this vid is an April Fools joke ButbrI learned English - improved my chances of getting job opportunities such as teaching in Chinese universitybrI am learning German, so I can study Modern Mandarin at Munich University brIt's been worth it so far ;)
Comment from : @michram

It's not worth it for ppl in the 1st world For ppl in the 3rd world, it's a necessity
Comment from : @aniksamiurrahman6365

Haha, the longest April 1 joke must be 😅
Comment from : @serbayhamatoglu

No matter what language you speak, just leave us girls drink our coffes in peace lol
Comment from : @cat_astronaut_

This was my FIRST video of yours I have ever watched - I did see you on an interview and I thought you were so brilliant and since I am over 60 and learned in the interview that you had learned numerous languages after 60, you gave me such hope and inspiration Next, I came here and was SO disappointed! I wondered if you are getting senile or if maybe you suffer from depression, I had quit watching halfway through and was extremely confused My instincts told me to go back and finish watching I was relieved to learn this was an April Fool's joke Although I was irritated that you wasted some of my time today, I also have a warped sense of humor myself and have done many April fools jokes in my life that people didn't appreciate but I had such fun doing them! Today was my turn to be on the receiving end even though I am watching this in January I will check out some of your other videos in the future
Comment from : @JenniferRosario-g4m

Ahahahah!!! Good one Steve I will share a little linguistic anecdote I learned in Thailand When communicating via text messages, Thais use "55555" to simulate laughter, as 5 in Thai is "ha", therefore "hahahahaha"
Comment from : @FoodieStreets

Shut up little old manbrbrI ain't hear what you saying
Comment from : @IsraelBts

Is his accent Canadian or Dutch?
Comment from : @joeyjojojunior1794

I am incapable of learning any languages other than my own I an just far too stupid!
Comment from : @karlgreene2177

Why this click baiting title and why stealing my time?
Comment from : @Irades

You’re wrong I’m learning specifically so that I can understand people No translate app, no translation earbuds, I’m actually doing it the proper way
Comment from : @davidwestergard9959

Worst take ever
Comment from : @elha92

If english is your first language, why indeed bother to learn another language When people from around the world are at a tourist attraction and need to communicate, what do they use? English of course
Comment from : @rexxx777

THANK YOU for confirming what I have felt for 40 years!! I don't give an f about learning other languages anymore I know two languages: English & mathematicsbrAnd even when I DID learn languages in the past, I NEVER got comfortable with this real-time listening & speaking bullshit I was interested ONLY in reading & writing, which one can do at one's own pace In fact, I now find it hard to keep tracking of what people are saying IN ENGLISH! For example, now I watch ALL movies online or on rented library dvd with ENGLISH SUBTITLES ON
Comment from : @theultimatereductionist7592

I have a hobby leren language 😅
Comment from : @SamuraiTV-p5u

Watch the video till the end dum-dums! Neve ever form an opinion without context and based only on fragments of a whole
Comment from : @illaudatus

I learn languages by pleasure of learning, besides languages enables us to enlarge our horizon, to benefit from new experiences and to acquire knowledge
Comment from : @thepointview3994

Thank God I watched until the end
Comment from : @Kytchin

I'm gonna pretend that is not him that is saying this
Comment from : @Bing-s5x

If you really want to understand a different society and what makes them tick, what is important to them and what drives their behavior, the key is to learn their language Read their poetry in their language and read their history and mythology in their language Sing their songs in their language An electronic device or dictionary translates words to an approximation, but not emotions and ideas
Comment from : @chrismawata8755

It is easy to say when you're an English speaker But yeah if you're an English speaker don't bother learning a language you could never use even if you wanted to use
Comment from : @ofsevim

This analysis isn't complete and there is a lot of things to consider if it's compensates to learn a new language or not Don't be foolish so fast guys
Comment from : @Felipe-fh8ut

I don't care if it worth it or notbrI want to understand and communicate with people
Comment from : @tyrabjurman3584

Oh you got me, you got me good
Comment from : @SquidMissile1

Good job I saw the comment about it being an April fool’s jokebrI was just about to go off on a long walk, raising rant
Comment from : @nicfarrow

Having learned dozens of languages in the relatively monolingual Midwestern US, I, too, have felt disappointment of natives excited to speak English when I travel abroadbrbrHowever, I continue to study and learnbrbrEach new language is like anew map on the brain It allows us to see things from multiple angles and gain deeper insightsbrbrI do suspect that one day western Europe will likely be speaking English in the same way colonial America converged in English, despite the multicultural waves of immigrationbrbrMonolingualism, while extremely convenient, has some social drawbacks It creates a cultural 'Group Think' in the denotations of words and therefore, ideasbrbrBeyond this, I learn languages to better connect with peoplebrbrDuring my last trip to Québéc, I stopped into a pub to practice Québécois No one spoke English well enough to hold a conversation so no one tried to switch languages In fact, they were so excited that a US citizen was speaking Québécois, they refused to let me pay for my drinksbrbrI was like a dog on waterskis and everyone was very friendly and interested in mebrbrI've learned to venture away from the tourist areas to explore culture, people and new ideas (new to me)
Comment from : @bobmoreland3930

gonna do it anyway old man, i enjoy actually being able to communicate with people without using a fucking phone app as an intemediary
Comment from : @solidusraiden2502

For a good platform for foreign languages revisionI would recommend Immersive translate app totally
Comment from : @-nf9vt

Learn Latin instead Pure joy
Comment from : @jdbrown371

I used to think anyone could learn advanced calculus or probability WRONG!!!
Comment from : @jdbrown371

I still got fooled!!😭brAnd it's not even April!!🤣😅
Comment from : @Misakachichan

The lesson is don't learn the language, just don't be ugly
Comment from : @michaelcarr2466

Because I know English I understand you
Comment from : @bilimjolu6379

Google Translate works offline 😏
Comment from : @HEROgamer8085

when you want to seduce a girl don't say those boomer pick up lines "you have a lovely smile" be smarter
Comment from : @fredericpuget6157

Just english works Wnglish is the world most spoken language Is the only one which worth it
Comment from : @mustardandlocario1926

I was confused after watching this videobrbrI have gleaned information from his videos on aquiring language and vocabulary brbrSo I went to the comments section to get my understanding about Steve's claim Thanks to these wonderful folks with high IQ's😅 I understood this video was a jokebr brSo now, I can breath a sigh of relief and continue my love for language learning Thanks guys 😂
Comment from : @TimoteoAlonso-k1b

I agree I tried to learn Spanish, but I hated every moment of it
Comment from :

Haha! Happy April Fools Day albeit several months later Maybe the point of learning languages isn't pickup lines? It's possible to get rejected in any language I've found that there are two ways to get people to reply in their own language 1 Speak to someone who doesn't speak English all that well 2 Say something fairly complicated in their language If you just say Buenos Dias or something similar, you are more likely to get "Oh, you speak a "little" Spanish" However, if you use the imperfect subjunctive or a variety of past tenses correctly, you are more likely to get a response in that language
Comment from : @elizabethgardner6832

Well, it can be useful and it can be useless Sometimes it just something that a person needs, like some kind of food So even if the language is completely useless in the end, during the process of learning it served its purpose
Comment from : @personifiedmarvel

"Why should I learn your language, if you're not going to humor me?" - what an entitled piece of shit thing to say So the whole world speaks English now, would your English women now please spread their legs for all the foreigners? Or what
Comment from : @deutschlanddeutschland7111

I don't agree
Comment from : @akwasiw960

Bad advice brEnglish brings unity, just like it was once French or LatinbrYou only measured the bad effects and didn't counted the advantages Your example was marginal
Comment from : @trakingcamerainlondonbacky8780

The best way is to pretend you don't dpeak English, that's what I do My native language is Polish and a lot of people tend yo think I'm Russian when I start speaking Polish 😂 It doesn't bother me at all I don't speak English, that's it
Comment from : @malkiawagiza1327

This may be fine for large cities, but not for smaller towns and rural areas
Comment from : @stanobert3475

Whatever, I don't care Learning languages connects people It's fun to explore new people and culture ❤️
Comment from : @AnjumLearn

Seems to me that the presented example serves the opposite argument: someone who doesn't speak the local language AT ALL, tries to hit on a girl; for one thing, she may not like him for a myriad of reasons regardless of language Ignoring that, they cannot communicate and he uses a translation gadget; how the heck are they supposed to communicate later? always with the gadget? is that supposed to be a turn on for her? he'd have a MUCH better chance if he spoke the language AND said something more intelligent Concluding that language learning is illogical imho
Comment from : @hippocratessendoukas6097

at your age, yeah i could see why it's not useful buddy
Comment from : @RuMOS-nq2ke

OK Steve, you got me Well played
Comment from : @christiangibbs8534

Thanks God I got to the end of this vedio , and it was 1st April joke 😂
Comment from : @bomazen22

You got me
Comment from : @uratasan

Therapist: Don't worry Dark Steve isn't real, he can't hurt youbr*Dark Steve
Comment from : @marcustulliuscicero9512

You know what? Now I'm gonna start learning new language even harder I've felt motivation now, thanks
Comment from : @BlessYouMate

😂 you can take the hook out my mouth, Steve I will continue to learn IsiZulu, because in KwaZulu Natal, there are people who can speak, write and think in English better than most people I know in the US I want to show them that I can do the same in their language…Ngiyabonga brMnumzane!!!!
Comment from : @GMack224

Comment from : @baharozturk6865

Cos he old Less people talk to old people nowadays His gen are pass
Comment from : @Antyo_Stark

To share my grain of salt: Tech might be for people who do not put in the effort (and in the right way) to get beyond embarassing themselves as a tourist Tech cannot substitute for language learning being a window to the world It is such a nice experience to develope an intuition for a language and thereby getting an understanding of respective cultures brIf someone has work in mind: Well, even with AI there might be data protection problems that are less when humans translatebrAnd tech will not substitute for relations; there is a saying ascribed to Nelson Mandela stating that withba language man understands you can reach his brain, but with his language you will reach his heartbrAnd last but not least, by learning foreign languages you train your brain to think outside of the box of your mother tongue and that protects your brain from some old age illnesses (lowers risks)brIt is worth it and will continue to be
Comment from : @Never_again_against_anyone

One of the greatest joys of my life has been to learn several foreign languages A love of mine
Comment from : @thomasandrea8869

To say that it's a bad idea to learn a language--why try?--it's like saying, why have relationships? Why try to talk to anyone at all? Relationships can be challenging in any language!
Comment from : @vanahandleton4513

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