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Do we really need NPUs now?

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Title :  Do we really need NPUs now?
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Comments Do we really need NPUs now?

I dont like ai How samsung uses it is annoying
Comment from : @jamesgossel9483

Honestly anything besides on device Llm’s to help with programming and grammar checking are worthless imo I could see maybe possibly some ai generated image models being useful for small developers who can’t afford to hire artists, buts that’s a fringe scenario that I’m still not convinced of
Comment from : @andrewpagan5087

The generic feature of graphics processing, ML training and sensory processing is the same, massive parallel compute So reckon we move towards a more generic core style and call it Parallel Compute Unit PCU and not suffer a new bullshit marketing term every few years
Comment from : @RiversJ

Blockchain is not a scam, gpu are the scams, a bunch of heaters in a machine
Comment from : @dennisalbert6115

NPUs get very interesting when you're caring about energy consumption, heat and costs, as a 5W NPU can do as much calculation than a 100w GPU, therefore heats way less which is a huge selling point by its own, and if it wasn't enough the ratio inference per second vs chip cost is about 20 times less expensive than a GPU (values based on DeepX's NPU)brbrIt will take some time before NPUs will be able to replace GPUs, but they bring way too much major benefits to not use them as soon as it can be done
Comment from : @Bloodysugar

give me an npu pci card which has ddr rambanks on it lol or better can utilize the system memory efficiently
Comment from : @alexmehler6765

Is the current implementation of neural networks really the best path to GAI The current approach certainly yields results, but falls short compared to even that of an insect, in terms of behaviour, speed, and power efficiency It seems as if the silicon solutions are missing a trick compared to the original wetware
Comment from : @nigeljohnson9820

So the best NPU application is spying on the computer user It would be far more useful to use it to make home automation independent of the cloud and remote servers brIt is perverse to use billions of transistors to link to a remote network to recognise an audio request to turn a local light bulb All that AI should be local and independent of the outside world Only request for information from the internet should involve remote servers
Comment from : @nigeljohnson9820

Surely your simple example could be implemented using boolean logic
Comment from : @nigeljohnson9820

13:27 no I've already decided I do not want Microsoft spying on me so I've already switched to Linux operating systems Mint, Ubuntu, and Fedora were all great I settled on Mint And am learning Debian server just for the fun of it Microsoft no longer allowed in my home
Comment from : @GungaGaLunga777

Wouldn't it be awesome if NPUs are implanted in every human brain, we would all be genuis 🎉
Comment from : @76wellbuilt

i would never buy an apple pc total garbage
Comment from : @Batx00091

Strange, my MetaMask isn’t showing my balance even though I have the correct seed phrase [obvious stay actor sunset unable assault hamster glory law cruise wire drip]
Comment from : @JoshuaAndrews-1cwx

No we fucking don'tbrNext question
Comment from : @MayumiTheKimura

NPU (on a chip) is like an NPC (in a game), it's there!
Comment from : @thesunnykadam0

They should just call is the NSA chip
Comment from : @1fattyfatman

If you look at an nVidia chip the tensor cores have compute power orders of magnitude higher than the cuda cores So if you do want to do AI, you do want tensor compute cores
Comment from : @rupertsmith6097

lost me at "windows take screenshots of everything you are doing"
Comment from : @trump2024-s8o

Please God get them away from our graphics cards
Comment from : @NeutronJohn

haven't been here for a while his face doesn't look right beard?
Comment from : @Jagermonsta

That was an informative explanation Thank you
Comment from : @TSUNAMI17

Recall is not the problem Problem is it is done by a company with shady intentions and not at all transparent towards user Microsoft basically does whatever it wants with your PC, and user has no control over it anymore Try uninstalling edge for example So if user has no control over operating system anymore, how safe it is to use app that basically spies on you, it is like having a stranger in your house constantly looking over your shoulder to everything you are doing on your pc And as we know it, it will be sold to whoever to target ads, of course
Comment from :

You can fight for privacy but we have already lost the fight It's a thing of the past
Comment from : @quake2u

Why did Shepherds Have the Fastest Computers?brTons of Ram and lots of Cash XD [well I tried, damnit]
Comment from : @seanb3516

I will never accept Recall, its not 1984
Comment from : @benyomovod6904

When a good neural algo is developed that can accurately render 99 of a game's frames, thats when NPUs start replacing GPUs for consumers
Comment from : @soothingunboxing7129

Well Pat made a shit cpu with focus on an NPU He's now fired so thats that
Comment from : @impuls60

Nope >> they will just bifurcate the abilities of the chip so they can pretend a small portion or it is doing something impressive (like when a companies make "4k" resolution windows on your monitor, who the fuck was that for) Just more endless bloat
Comment from : @NeverAnotherNephilim

So when we getting all these npu type tablets, glasses and so on
Comment from : @1978rayking

skin tags are pretty easy to remove these days
Comment from : @Layarion

Yeah this'll slot straight into chip business models Maybe they'll do hardware that supports both AI and GPU operations on one "PPU" (Parellel Processing Unit) co-pro and market that as a business solution, and maybe have other ones with dedicated GPU/NPU depending on what you want to do, gaming or AI dev, etc
Comment from : @leighkite1164

We just need to get to Data from Star Trek’s positronic neural net
Comment from : @jooky87

Actually great breakdown on machine learning neural nets!
Comment from : @jooky87

I think that technology giants are coming to a problem with developing their tech to every customer without directed-manipulative advertisement (propaganda), they just focus to much on revenue Of course the problem for average human being is that there are a lot of small developers whose product will probably be bought by one of those giants NPUs, while being great at what they do, are misrepresented for what they actually do, like that whole AI stuff brbrGreat vid btw
Comment from : @vulevu8880

The value of npu’s for the average person will be for people to have a home ai without the need for any type of cloud ai services
Comment from : @botsareeverywhere

Only useful is developers take advantage of it Developers won't use it unless it's standardized, so they don't have to develop for each chip
Comment from : @smartturkey123

reminds me of that Cell Broadband Engine Architecture fad
Comment from : @The_Conspiracy_Analyst

Comment from : @Traveler_into_the_future

High precision floating point GPUs are overkill for tensors The correct name for these are TPU (tensor processing unit)
Comment from : @homomorphic

9:28 Apple is not serious about integrating only eight gigs of RAM in their phone for Apple intelligence How can AI work effectively? 😎💯💪🏾👍🏾 10:17 So GPUs are the boss when it comes to running Ai Interesting 🤔💭🤔💭
Comment from : @aliettienne2907

Yes new pu is 👍
Comment from : @postman18ny

"they need a ton of cash" sounds right :P
Comment from : @flrn84791

halo 8 m
Comment from : @SeilingMart

The need they have is to use the NPU to evaluate your local data and answer questions the corporation asks for their marketing so it doesn't leave your device It expands on the uses they already have for asking your phone questions to get specific data from your device without storing any data off the device in order to "technically" get around those pesky privacy laws
Comment from : @CyclesMcHurtz

I don't think I'd want that tho I'd radther have my privacy 12:53 - 13:29
Comment from : @trickybrainpuzzles

Ai / Apple inteligent more lit
Comment from : @zulutgseta8276

Seems like NPUs them selves aren't that expensive?brIf i'm correct, you'd might want a NPU to "roughly sort" a bunch of data that the GPU can continue to work on?
Comment from : @fredriks91

Windows Recall is frankly dystopian in its implementation Who wants to live in the panopticon serving these diktats of Microsoft Computing should be private for who knows what the future brings
Comment from : @Jenny_Digital

Why didn't you talk about TPU's? some idiot who used to work in tech 15 years ago and doesn't even have a job right now knows more about this topic than you do
Comment from : @davidanalyst671

NPU's are interesting, and possibly very useful But pointless for the consumer market, especially on cell phones What's the point?
Comment from : @personpeoplepeoplepersons5722

NO silicon snake oil
Comment from : @AnyThingRC2025

I want nothing to do with ai waste of time and brain cells
Comment from : @AustinReinart

What does the N stand for?
Comment from : @BloxygenMC

How about npu in datacenter that are running big model such as gpt
Comment from : @Seawaks473-kh2ch

On device tracking
Comment from : @greenspand

we dont buy w11, we switch to linux, show middle finger to Microsoft NSA overloards
Comment from : @DevPythonUnity

its like with a lot of tech, they invent it and think they will figure out a use case eventually so stupid
Comment from : @garcipat

Comment from : @Cpb27

I think for a system that includes a GPU, the relevance of an NPU will depend on whether it becomes common to need both of them at the same time A GPU is probably always going to be more powerful than an NPU An NPU is probably always going to be more efficient than a GPU On a desktop I don't really care about efficiency very much So most of the time my NPU will probably be idle and just a waste of silicon On a laptop, tablet, phone, etc an NPU might be a lot more useful
Comment from : @paulschaaf8880

3:00 why do you have 2 M3 pro chips of different sizes?
Comment from : @practicalthinker5545

NPU, will be the future But right now it’s really only needed for servers and Ai developers or enthusiasts such as myself
Comment from : @Larimuss

if we really only need NPUs for windows recall, im good im actually pretty fine with NOT having that feature
Comment from : @Fred-lq2kp

No /threadbrbrNow it's only a 10 year wait until we can get proper CPUs again ffs
Comment from : @wr0ngel

wouldn't it make sense to reintroduce FPUs and slim down the CPU to be faster on low precision calculations?
Comment from : @tuexss

In other words we need more powerfull pc's to be better spied upon GREAT! 👍👍
Comment from : @JanoschNr1

Seems like the "killer app" for this is to enable Micro$uck, Apple and Google to mine us for our sweet sweet marketable sata more effectively
Comment from : @sdkee

In conclusion, would you say NPUs have potential use but they are early? As in we don't use them a lot now, but they will become important in the coming years?
Comment from : @shmookins

This is probably the best explanation video, even explaining what hardware like the SnapDragon are so I know not to get them and uninstall Microsoft Recall if I EVER see it on ANY personal or work system of mine 🤣 (it's genuinely the simplest explanation video I've seen tho)
Comment from : @roccouploads

It’s not the NPU that does the real heavy lifting, there’s new ML circuits built in the CPU itself that do it, NPU is just for pattern recognition
Comment from : @drpython

I don't Even know what AI does there I prefer something powerfull for My games Not expensive chips with AI that does Nothing
Comment from : @rosergio7227

BatChestin' for AI BROTHER!
Comment from : @adventurefaps9571

the snake oil comparison made my day :)
Comment from : @DogDog173

Im totally over all this generative AI hype Really, no one needs or wants this It's not thay great, it creates soulless content, and its attempting to replace the creative work that humans would rather be doing Put it in the bin
Comment from : @jasonmaskell2894

sounds to me more like an SPU
Comment from : @Phosdoq

what does the "N" stand for?
Comment from : @CountlessPWNZ

I'm shocked at how much real estate is wasted on the GPUbrThey need to move all that out to a seperate chip
Comment from : @choppergirlfpv

nobody cares about AI
Comment from : @sotonin

NPU is just a small specialized GPU without graphics acceleration I haven't seen any good "killer" application for NPU For most professional jobs that utilize NPU capability, like AI application for image or video editing, are currently done by GPU Most such professional computers have dedicated GPU card So NPU in CPU chip has no niche to be utilized effectively Most home or business users can not find useful application of small NPU
Comment from : @youcantata

best vid!!
Comment from : @hundera9361

Absolutely not on anything I can't virtualize safely away from screens I operate day-to-day on
Comment from : @delsorou

PCs are beginning to be come a processor trifecta regardless if it's NPUs that comes to stick or not brThough I've been very curious ever since their introductionif they'd substitute either or GPU/CPU for latter generation NPUs or if they'd become integrated to CPUs/GPUs or again, become that hardware trio perfected 😅😮😂❤❤❤
Comment from : @borderczar14

New Host?
Comment from : @StvTph

For school yes
Comment from : @nightblood9462

I WANT CPU my computer lags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @connorizworski792

My curiosity mad me click Wtf is an NPU???
Comment from : @EarthPoweredHippie

Block chains have run out? The f are you talking about dude
Comment from : @Esotericism4life

Nothing special We have a hardware-specific device for any task already: audio processing, video processing, image, graphics now time to mass production acceleration technology for machine learning tasks It's also about power efficiency ;)
Comment from : @HedgehogInTheCPP

The best thing an npu can do on my laptop is spy on me?
Comment from : @scene2much

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