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Retiring in THAILAND - How Much Money Do You REALLY Need? ??

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Comments Retiring in THAILAND - How Much Money Do You REALLY Need? ??

Small calculation error 72,000 - 66,000 is 6,000 baht less for 2,000 USD
Comment from : @vlodo001

We should may be stop to calculate in US $ The EURO is relevant for by far more countries nowdays The $ does lose dramatically all importance I would think about 1500 EURO is the minimum
Comment from : @fwnm

Thanks for the video! If I retire there on a retirement visa, am I allowed to buy a home so I don’t have to pay rent
Comment from : @DaCake2

Hi Pete I really enjoy ur Vids No hype just plan easy facts, keep up the good work I can see using ur GF ride service
Comment from : @markt4297

My SS will be paying $2800/month so it sounds like I could live there easily
Comment from : @michaeldurham4812

I just turned 48, i think i might quit work in 1 year and retire to Asia I'd sell my house and setup a monthly deposit of $3600 a month which would last about 8 years and my pension would kick in at 5 years I think I'm going to do it
Comment from : @IBtraveling

I was thinking of having to rental properties in CA wen I retire there with my wife with a minimum of 3k a month with stock you think we be ok we want to live good but not like kings
Comment from : @chinobling5011

As an American I would say you need to budget that you are getting 28 to the dollar So if your budget is $1500 a month you need to be able to live off 42,000 baht Why it’s good to keep your house at home and rent it out as inflation tends to move quicker in western countries brbrPacific cross do a good in patient and out patient policy for a 50 year old for 24000 baht a year covering you for $10,000 inpatient with no deductible I see heaps of expat videos and they don’t account for health insurance or visa fees
Comment from : @nomadinthemaking

Thailand has become more and more expensive The Baht keeps gaining value in the exchange rate too - making our USD's worth less and less over time --- Long term is the big issue ! --- And I personally have very little faith in the Thai GOVT to look out for us expats !!! Look at the changes they constantly seem to have coming (?) including the new tax laws ?!? It appears to me they really only want wealthy people who are willing to part with large amounts of their cash for long term living ? All others can simply - spend & leave ! - - - Some "wise" and thrifty expats - have done just that They reside in Siem Reap on Cambodia's "retirement visa" and visit their friends in Thailand when they feel like it - and at quite substantial savings !!! Only the slightest bit frugal will allow for significant financial gain ? - - - A different answer to your question - ?
Comment from : @KB3TLE

You can do it on a 1000 a month I can't but it is done 1500 very good 2000 great and more than than 2k is not needed unless you like spending Been here 4 years have rented 4 different condos 1500 a month and you can go out 2 to 3 times a week no problem
Comment from : @Michael-thai0318

You may have only been in Thailand a couple of years but your insights given here are very good, accurate & honest👍
Comment from : @Mike-du1dc

What's up with that weird right tooth?
Comment from : @idontwantahandle_

Thank you, Pete What did you base the health insurance figures off of- private or government health insurance?
Comment from : @philipriccobono1218

You can have Beef Steak if you cook your own Just go to local market and buy a big chunk of tender beef Not that expensive
Comment from : @kzqbeez

100 VA is my only income im retired living in Pattaya I live pretty well My advice get medical insurance they drive crazy here and if you plan to buy, or rent a scooter chances are you will have near death experience on a pretty regular basis
Comment from : @cocaine_hookers

Met a lot if backpackers living on like 200 USD a month, but they are mooching, and 7-11 food
Comment from : @sporter8646

Im retired military, moved to Chiang Mai, best life decision, you have a great channel
Comment from : @sporter8646

Chuck and I just returned yesterday from our 6 plus month trip to Europe We went grocery shopping and to say I was shocked would be an understatement Holy hell!
Comment from : @jameshall2299

Thailand is for fuglies who have to buy poverty women yaaaaarrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Comment from : @seahorse-h1w

Thumbs up 👍 Pete
Comment from : @mangostickyrice555

I have more than enough to retire in Thailand now, but there is always a possibility that living there won't be possible in the future Need a bit more in case I need to move or in case inflation goes out of control (again)
Comment from : @ubiquitousdiabolus

Love the video, and really happy to see the exchange rate talked about USD is recovering but man when it hit 32 It made me realize that my calculations may not be as conservative as I wanted Luckily I am still in the planning phase but if your budget is really tight, I highly recommend saving more for these swings, as they WILL happen, especially given the US Gov political circus (stating that for all parties not just one)
Comment from : @TheKnowledgeispower2

My future budget to live in Bangkok is currently set at exactly $5,005 USD per monthbrbrI've binge watched literally hundreds of budgeting videos from expats living in SE Asia over the years and zero of them include things I have in my hyper detailed budget such as 2-4x a year for dental teeth cleanings, 7-8× for a haircut/color, and buying friends/neighbors/businesses that you frequent a birthday or Christmas giftbrbrI've been helping people, businesses, and corporations for over 15 years move, marry, work, and live abroad on six continents and I in 2024 I tell every single guy looking at moving long term (not vacationing) to Pattaya, Hua Hin, or Chiang Mai to have a monthly MINIMUM budget of $2,000-$2,500 USD and $2,500-$3,000 USD to live in Bangkok, Phukett, or Koh Samui
Comment from : @BO-mb8rr

Is maylasia cheaper?😮
Comment from : @gif24gt60

A single person can live on 1700$US per month with minimum alcohol while a couple would be 2500$Nothing extravagantWhich is great,because in the west,I’m paying 42K per year just for rent and car expensesNo need for a car in Thailand
Comment from : @Sofaguy101

2K is average to live well there now So you want to be bringing in at least 2500 or more so you are saving money and increasing the amount you are bringing in yearly to keep up with inflation
Comment from : @Ncseventeen1976

Worldwide income tax coming for resident expats in Thailand There are better options
Comment from : @oscarvaldez7142

100k baht a month is my plan
Comment from : @AG-so4gl

You didn’t even mention Visa 5555 another useless vlogger
Comment from : @Golfnutt69

Not eating “western” food will probably prolong your quality of life
Comment from : @sonhuynh8222

From my research on healthcare so far, is premiums have to be paid in one lump sum once a year, no monthly payments
Comment from : @audielowe2700

A fair appraisal of what it will take I doubt that there's many 80 yr old guys in Thailand unless they've been there for decades I'd like to hear more info about how you manage your money while in Thailand I assume that you're keeping most of it stateside and bringing over what you need monthly or quarterly?
Comment from : @roberth7894

Hi again Pete! Thanks for the video I'll be retiring for sure in 15 years and the plan is to move to Thailand (of course! ) That neighborhood nestled between Pattaya and Jomtien sounds ideal I have set myself up quite well for retirement and I think I will actually find it quite challenging to spend my yearly budget there What sort of condo could one acquire in that neighborhood for oh I dunno 1,000 to 2,000 us a month ? (A wise man once said - "If I die with a dime in my pocket, I grossly miscalculated !" )
Comment from : @AlaskaGuy71

Thanks for the video, if I have to retire in Thailand in my early 50's now, I need to have at least $3K or B100K of monthly pension plus $100K of extra savings for emergency That won't happen until late 2025 or early 2026 to be living in Thailand for good
Comment from : @apoloestrada2908

100,000 Baht per month for me
Comment from : @nickjones8867

If people wait until they have enough, they might not last long enough to enjoy the golden years
Comment from : @phill7573

Good one Pete I too retired here in Jomtien last year at age 48 from the States My budget is similiar to yours overall, with some categories more and some less, but overall similiar Exchange rate does make a difference A little over 13 fluctuation just over the last year It needs to be factored in for sure
Comment from : @kevhov1

Goos info as usual…Did u dye your hair…You must really be feeling the gf budget boost by now? What are you doing for med insurance? Pete from buriram!! Hi!
Comment from : @PS-gm7vg

Great points about inflation, insurance, and definitely Thailand is actively looking to discourage discount retiree's for wealthy retirees' I notice another never talked about point is income tax, whether home country or now Thai tax and the expense of hiring an accountant The brutal truth is a retiree needs to pick a timeline Let's say 25 years You have 1 million bucks That's 40k a year, but wait, 40k x 20 tax is 32k after tax minimum 32k divided by 12 months is $2,666 From that, money has to be set aside for emergency flight home, insurance, visa, etc In no time that whittled down to 2k if not less per month to live on Lots of wiggle room sure, but If I'm going to be poor, I'm not sure I'd want to isolate myself in a foreign country, can't speak the language, don't know anyone, can't work, very few options and increasingly vulnerable Not trying to be a downer, but some very HARD truths need to be honestly examined before going YOLO at old age Glad to see you're doing well Cheers
Comment from : @davewave36

I would rather have income than a pile of cash
Comment from : @MichaelRichard-o9r

I would love to see this video topic made about the pension arrangements and income Those considering “is my pot big enough” and what sensible health insurance actually looks like, are poorly served by cost of living videos as they’re looking at the starting factors still
Comment from : @Chris-hq5zs

As a US citizen, One thing I wasn't factoring in was SS income, mostly because I was unsure of what it would be For those who need, the SS site ssagov/myaccount has a calculator that can help you determine how much additional funding you need, or how much you need until SS kicks in
Comment from : @Vansafe0

Great information Pete I got to the point asking myself, what is enough? Am frugal in many ways, and at 66, simply do not yearn for most things others i meet seem to Fancy meals, personal transportation, and traveling are the 3 costly activities most my friends spend a lot on that I do not I live on 1500 USD a month, but have savings for emergencies, a 401k, plus don't pay rent
Comment from : @WalkingmanPattaya

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