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This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

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Information This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

Title :  This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture
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Frames This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

Description This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

Comments This is how you treat ADHD based off science, Dr Russell Barkley part of 2012 Burnett Lecture

15x is the speed at which ADHD folks listen & understand 😊
Comment from : @dhirajshetty483

I once tried explaining why I struggled in high school I told my teacher: "I always intend to work on the tasks in front of me, I even dream of doing them well But unfortunately, my life is a chain of moments in which I am NOT doing the task I intend to do" I really tried to bring home that i struggled with activating in the here and now but wasn't understood this video validates so much of that thought for me
Comment from : @Teddy0567

There's something hilariously pathetic about the fact that I've searched for this 13 minute video dozens of times in the past few months and have never actually watched it
Comment from : @Profile4

What is the best ADD medicine
Comment from : @suetyson1650

How much has changed in the last 10 years, is there an update?
Comment from : @joshelguapo5563

I love Dr Barkley because he doesn't sugarcoat it and give false hope like Gabor Mate does, and I love how angry Dr B is at all the jerks who treat us like we're stupid
Comment from : @SarahHodgins-t3b

this actually makes a lot of sense
Comment from : @chunkymilk

Comment from : @NolaNiLLY

I love this DR! BUT my little ADHD side note: I don't think the word "outgrow" is good I love this doctor and his explanations I always refer people to this video specifically, but he should have elaborated on that I have personally seen people turn around and say, "See! you CAN outgrow this!" and basically stopped listening to him, which made me sad/mad because all his descriptions are spot on I think ADHD adults who have been considered to "outgrow" ADHD just had proper help as a child/teen and/or learned how to work with it and manage their ADHD Like me, they may have learned ways to manage their time better that work for them (EX: My phone has like 30 alarms, so I don't get caught up in activities/work and miss other obligations; if it's important and attached to a time, it has an alarm/reminder Can it be annoying? YesDoes it also work and keep me on task so I get my crap done and the kids to bed on time everyday? Also, yes) Or, like he mentioned, they are on medication that helps them with the symptoms of ADHD Therefore making it seem like they "don't have it" anymore
Comment from : @KeaIrene23

My mind drifted away during first slide
Comment from : @SaiKishore-y6z

What is the song that is played at the intro and outro of the video? Thanks
Comment from : @AHutcherson

wowowowow the description of time blindness and consequences makes so much sense thats why college has been so shit for me so far the consequence of failing a class is months away so of course i dont want to go to class and do my homework 😭😭😭 thank fuck im on meds now oh my god
Comment from : @rreddddddd

How many people here watch YouTube videos in double speed only asking for a friend 😊
Comment from : @saltybarenuts

Anyone revisiting this video to try to fix their life without medication (since I have health issues that may get worse with medication), let me know any tips you have that helps you do well in life and execute on your tasks Post em below, hopefully we get a big thread of useful ideas going that work for you I’m tired of chasing starting and doing while everyone is out here finishing their goals
Comment from : @Yeeha494

Thank you sir I hope you’re doing well, you’re passion is felt and as a very non self regulated but appears to have their stuff together adhder, this will sharpen my blade to fight these inner battles
Comment from : @AbyssRein

More accountability you mean more stresssssss
Comment from : @tamarahbernixe

Comment from : @eliseholton9284

"Medication is vital" 'Fast forward to todaybrbrbrbrbrbrbrSevere and indefinite shortage of Adderall
Comment from :

this sounds so familiar its scary 1:36, im honestly scared in the sense that im not use to believe people that sound exactly like whatever i want to hear, but this talk, it feels like it describes my life, in the sense that i have 0 control over myself… i really wonder if i just found a convenient talking point or its actuallya first order issue i shoul be looking for
Comment from : @OppyOzzborz-sb8oz

I have to come back to this every couple of months I know his lectures inside out, but its always a good reminder for you to put the right steps in place for the betterbrbrI would love to spend a few hours Dr Barkley as hes akready changed my lie, just from short clips I coukdbt fsthom whsy a few hours 121 woukd be like
Comment from : @arethosemyfeet7144

Comment from : @ashishjain149

Absolutely amazing!brI really wish that I had found this video sooner
Comment from : @Drew_D

I forgot I got diagnosed in 2017 I called m homedocorr for a triage traject to check if have ADHD brEpitome of ADHD moment
Comment from : @steffiec5323

Love that it was short, cause my adhd would of thought this was a big task if longer 😅
Comment from : @lauralyon3474

He's good but not God! Not everything he says is absolute For example, if I go on strict keto diet combined with intermittent fasting My brain works way way better and I'm much more focused It doesn't have to be constant glucose 🤓😎
Comment from : @Yatana108

I didnt even have to rewind this video that much 😂
Comment from : @jordanedwards2714

He’s saying 55 of people on medication‘s are normalized What does that mean? What are the side effects? I appreciate the creativity I have as a person with ADHD And what is it like to be normal anyways? Seems to me we’re all on the spectrum ofdifferent abilities
Comment from : @elizabelleg3270

My experience as a 55yo womanbrI know stuff And only do stuff if it has an emotional payoff And if the payoff is negative I get anxious If i have nothing to do I get anxious Because i will not get a pay off Much like a dog who needs a "good girl" when i bring you back the ballbrWhen i was younger it was easier to be With the stressful adult life, my mind is less functional More anxious Less short term memory I take notes They help I need more information about how to get better
Comment from : @ruthshere9468

Is there a recommended specific medication mentioned in the lecture? Thanks in advance
Comment from : @User-hn1wg

that pronunciation of abacus was type rugged
Comment from : @lowlowseesee

10 years old and still dropping gems, dang
Comment from : @lowlowseesee

and you pretty much kept it in 10 minutes, so enabling even us to watch it in its entirety :-)
Comment from : @kendemajoros4617

This explains why I always wanted to suck on suckers when I was taking tests! And why when the teachers would actually allow it, why I did so much better! 😮
Comment from : @karijae

It’s so funny how I switched attention at 10:02 right after he explained about having brakes every 10 minutes 😂
Comment from : @MatheusFranco-g9u

What is the solution?
Comment from : @debrawehrly6900

"Do you know that the effects of ADHD medications are three times that of anxiety drugs and antidepressants that you all give away like candy in your practice?"brThis hit so deep My psychiatrist gave me sertraline I didn't need rather than give me ADHD meds If only I could afford a specialist
Comment from : @Kat-V

It sucks that doctors misdiagnosis ADHD so often! As an adult, it infuriates me
Comment from : @pixatestudios

Ive always felt like a distant observer of myself Time seems to jump forward and backwards
Comment from : @Thedesertguy75

Isn’t it possible that ADHD isn’t a “disorder” at all? But rather just a different type of “normal” human being that is made to feel stupid because of our school system and corporate job world that are geared to only one type of person and one type of learning style? Of course a psychiatrist would be saying we are “under treating” people and that MORE people need to be on medication As someone who has grown up “with ADHD” my entire life and never been on medication due to a very wise mother who recognized that I was just intelligent in other ways and not someone with a mental disorder, I so wish there was more material out there for how to help neurodivergent children live their best lives as their true selves instead of drugging them all up to fit into a highly outdated, defective model of “you’re only smart and successful if you fit into one mold” There were a few helpful nuggets here in between the garbage but I will keep searching for someone who is truly trying to help people rather than just making money off of drugging them up for their supposed “problems”
Comment from : @cozychristiancottage

Comment from : @OxybroCone

Comment from : @OxybroCone

Comment from : @OxybroCone

How can I send this to my parents in the year 2000 🥺
Comment from : @ElleDeas

had adhd since 19
Comment from : @sophiaamuzie2409

I am crying Thank you This video just might turn my life around
Comment from : @ArathyA1

I disagree with all of this brIf your kid isn't good at school, don't ruin your relationship with them over it, allow them to excel in what they're good at
Comment from : @AZ-kr6ff

So, in other words, go back to the 1970s approach to "lack of discipline"brThat didn't work for me, I just took the beatings and withdrew
Comment from : @AZ-kr6ff

So what's the best job for someone with adhd🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @LydiaTheBusinessWoman

Soon they will say adhd is type 4 diabetes
Comment from : @thinkingloud1988

Is there anyone who is Adhd but who is also control freak so you always got your things done anyway? brIs it only me?
Comment from : @beebeebeem

It’s like now that I’ve been diagnosed I have the answer to the what and but now I’m on a constant hunt for the “how” how come I cant? how can I? how will I? ALL THE TIME it’s better than the previous problems but it’s almost worse somehow because now im always wondering what my life would be like if I was given the proper tools at a young age I’ve ruined my life long before i transitioned into adulthood it’s like I was completely denied every opportunity to succeed I didn’t even know the damage this could cause and now I do but almost too late Only in the last three years of my life have I even begun to stratch the surface of learning to live with it and work around it I worry I’ll never get out of the hole I put myself in and the cracks I fell through I have hope but man it’s like life on hard mode and the controls got changed
Comment from : @ShilohKeeling

Beautiful, beautiful video! As a man recently diagnosed with ADHD, the more I serious analysis that I seek on data about my condition, the more I discover about myself and my behavioral tendencies Knowing what I know now , it's no wonder I've gotten such obtuse results in my life I've basically been forcing my unique shaped fit into the wrong pair of shoes my entire life because there is so much ignorance around people who think like me So grateful to finally have some answers So glad there are people to look to for guidance
Comment from : @DoriDoesVoices

This was good
Comment from : @ellanutellabella

What did he say?
Comment from : @Killadey

This disorder makes me want to kill myself every day
Comment from : @connornelson6882

Consequences are for future me to deal with so I’m good
Comment from : @sumatrican5990

Thank you Thank you
Comment from : @justiceforall8331

My 8 yo just got diagnosed with severe ADHD, combined form We look forward to starting the treatment, including medicationbrbrBut despite us being positive to all this, we still want to be informed The video I tried to watch just before this one started with "I have made it my life mission to educate people on why they shouldn't give their children ADHD medication, or any medication, really" I quickly shut it down There is so much wrong with said statement alone that I didn't want to watch another second of the video brbrThank you This was exactly what I needed after that tinfoil hat extravaganza
Comment from : @njorun1829

Can he be my fulltime dad please?
Comment from : @Braingrandchild

Wow! Wow! Wow!br😪😪😪
Comment from : @projectqueenbee5529

No one I repeat no one explains ADHD better than you Thank u
Comment from : @mrvera1970

Basedoffscience? OFF?
Comment from : @greyswandir2807

What did he say? I spaced out Well I started playing 60 second chess
Comment from : @victorc824

Side note, this guy actually sounds angry during these lectures 🧐
Comment from : @k8schmate

This is a great video and makes a lot of sense I have been waiting 2 years for my assessment for ADHD in England after being referred I am 35, and i have struggled all my life with depression, anxiety, emotional issues, motivation, and focus I am trying to help myself, but I feel i need the medication to give me that extra help I have no idea how long that will take, so i am constantly up and down, and i am pretty exhausted and want to give up many days
Comment from : @liamsmusicalbrain

Yes And yes
Comment from : @melliecrann-gaoth4789

its much deeper than that, those symptoms often start in a closed environment thats what happening when someone is separated from nature see for urself, live for some month with a tent in the forest and embrace the a life without mental manipulation with their own constructed illnesses a individual has to accept so its effect can spread perfectly dont let someone fool u without giving u the chance to find out by urself and again we are talking here about symptoms the main population which are in radius of this entity, could identify him or herself, some kind of gaslighting in my opinion, but what about the roots? and if thats true why do those things does not appear in nature with clear springwater, no bs food and no elektronic signals trying to penetrate ur brain from the building network? why could i with this ADHS have the capacity and power to study from 8 to 17:30 only with one stop for lunch in a library i never was before?brbru all are gifted with High IQ and are not easy to controll, so there are some Systems which operate in a painful despicable way to hinder ur brain and manipulate ur behavior with tec in every way possible the point is ADHS is wrong spelled its the possibility to outperform everyone without the leak of mana and mental energy in a naturebased or harmonic environment its like a CPU which is able to work on 150 without buring for a long time brbrthis are only the symptoms, but not the causes!
Comment from : @asapmig

Best cure is exercise and good food
Comment from : @ashshah3380

Watching this makes me realise I'm more fucked than I thought
Comment from : @goatman3366

This is ableist shit!
Comment from : @Kirktracy

Very interesting and well thought Practical, especially for young children However many, regardless of age, are mostly inattentive and for them, capturing very important and critical information on the fly, can be very straineous…
Comment from : @TiSIWO

You treat ADHD with ADHD stimulant or non stimulants ADHD meds
Comment from : @DrACAPELLAS

This method, though outstanding, is not uniform for all patients Each patient must be physically and mentally assessed in order to create a tailored treatment to achieve full potential There is a gradient and identifying a patients' position on it is vital
Comment from : @Hamofire

If you study hard as a animal fights for food you will pass your non adhd friends you will love it and get used to it tested and confirmed
Comment from : @omerege4209

"ADHD is the Diabetes of Psychiatry," that is well put Thank you, sir!
Comment from : @SociallyAwkward-h5h

What a masterclass!!!!
Comment from : @robertocfaguiar

Ketogenic diet is 10 times better than telling people to be sugar addicts
Comment from : @zeljkothegreekserb

At the age of 47 I found this infoI wish I new sooner
Comment from : @firerockfirerockextreme3667

Dealing with people with ADHD is extremely painful and exhausting People with ADHD have utterly no idea how bad their condition effects those around them
Comment from : @smoozerish

The slide for the 3 treatments doesn't seem to be displayed You can tell the slide he is referring to on the screen next to him is not the one displayed to us
Comment from : @benjenkins9515

I am so angry right now Ever since the authoritarians started banning sugar, I hv bn countering conversations with " without sugar your brain cannot function"brI must hv run out of meds cause I wd gladly push the button on all the nay sayers right now
Comment from : @onegorgeouschick

Explains me 200 percent!!!!
Comment from : @angelanabozny72

Well, f*** Im type-1 diabetic and have adhd
Comment from : @severeon

Thank you ❤
Comment from : @MarshaD-i7c

Thank you
Comment from : @jacobriis7859

Thankyou 😢😢
Comment from : @movieclips5963

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