Title | : | How to Buy a House With $0 Down |
Lasting | : | 14.46 |
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Views | : | 117 rb |
Can I have some insight friends, Im in Texas, Id like to do this small scale to get me out of my current situation, but IM doing research and it looks like a super hostel environment as fast the legality and title company is concerned Comment from : @NephtaliValdez |
How do I find expired listings? Comment from : @winstonmiddlebrook6225 |
Thanks for your newsletter getting deep in to our Book 📖 Comment from : @brenttadams2018 |
Language Codie Comment from : @koontzman123 |
Creative financing has been way before Pace! But I am so happy he has revived it!! He's ultra sharp! Comment from : @samanthacrisp9421 |
Okay so I know I’m late to the video but I’m struggling to see how this actually works I’m looking to buy my first house so please don’t crucify me for asking a stupid question Let’s say I’m the owner of the house and you approach me wanting to take over my mortgage, why the hell would I give you the title to my house after I’ve put thousands into the mortgage?? I want that equity back after I sell it What am I missing here??? Comment from : @devinstucky9832 |
Who pays for the deed of title to be transferred? Comment from : @lizaflores2243 |
But The seller are selling the house because they bought a new house Thats the mainly reason they are selling Comment from : @Niiipon |
Thanks for posting Comment from : @list1726 |
I’ve been a a mentee of Paces for over 4 years now He’s completely changed my life brbrThanks so much for putting this video together Codie brbrIf anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out I’m happy to be a resource anyway I can ✌️ Comment from : @jesserstanton |
Um average house is like 400k Comment from : @LibertarianRF |
Contact me bless me make my life better please find me some thing help me beautiful queen give me always Comment from : @ObuluzorkelechukwuMonday-i4s |
Not sure this would work in Canada 😒 Comment from : @JasmineBeausoleil |
LOL creative financing isnt a secret and he isnt the inventor of it That has been happening since the beginning of time Comment from : @MrHomeRun100 |
Funny they bleeped out Pace saying Bulls#! yet she dropped an f-bomb at the end lol Comment from : @coachmindy |
Great Video Cody! QUESTION: Can this be done with the mortgages that have a "Due on Sale Clause"? A due-on-sale clause is a mortgage contract provision that requires the borrower to repay the lender in full upon the sale or conveyance of a partial or full interest in the property that secures the mortgage Mortgages with a due-on-sale clause are not assumable by the property's new buyer Also, FYI, I believe that all mortgages in Canada will now include a "Due on Sale Clause", so this is likely not able to be done in Canada Not that it's illegal, just that it would trigger a required mortgage repayment Comment from : @richardanderton-realestate8370 |
Prett Comment from : @dwiselamet549 |
I'm ready Comment from : @Pantsonfire777 |
🎉 Comment from : @Pantsonfire777 |
Thank you so much!! Comment from : @Pantsonfire777 |
Old Carleton H Sheets Comment from : @jakejake3182 |
This is nothing new This is how homes are sold almost in any part of the world My family is from Mexico and they buy properties exactly how pace advices Comment from : @J0232anch3z |
Can we do this is Canada? Comment from : @alainmallette8479 |
Nice Job Codie, This is also done in Australia on a different level and it does work, both parties are on a win win Comment from : @jrnaki903 |
What about the equity that the seller has already earned and payed for? Comment from : @johnwright6403 |
Ok You don't need a license to do real estate I predict a major cease and desist, but the strategy itself is pretty solid Comment from : @XCALIBURSHOES |
What the equity of the sellers? don't they ask for a upfront payment for the equity (10 - 20) of the house he earned after some time paying to mortage? Comment from : @miguelgalvez7960 |
How much does the title company cost and who pays Comment from : @deusp6087 |
Why would anyone transfer their deed to you and keep a mortgage That is actually illegal and you are actively committing fraud That house is collateral for the bank There is no damn bank that will allow the transfer of a deed without the new owner purchasing the home or paying off the current mortgage 😂😂😂😂 yo what kind of click bait is this 💩 Get caught up with the fbi I dare you guys lol The bank has a lien on that house and getting rid of the house without paying off that lien 😂😂😂😂😂 okay buddy You need to be a brokerage company to even manage someone’s home This guy is crazy Comment from : @Governmentdocz |
If the mortgage is being taken over, how do they get their original deposit back? Comment from : @katestone8630 |
This is great information! I just fell upon your channel & watched a few videos, as well signed up for your newsletter I am retired on a decent pension, but can use more for enjoyment & a legacy for my boys I am looking into what I want to do as a side hustle & will be reading some of the books you recommended I do not own a home & would like to find a home I could live in, & find other homes to use as rentals, etc or selling Can this be done for our first home without going thru the bank, as our own home? I’m paying off my $6000 debt in three months & will be saving the $2000 each month afterwards along with my tax returns What top three books out of your list would you recommend for me to read first so I can get on my first steps? I will continue to learn more from your videos Thank you for your channel! I am enthusiastic about what you’re sharing! It helps me feel like it’s not too late for me ❤ Comment from : @SRLopez63 |
Wow selling dreams even a child can ask basic important questions so im just gonna trust that u pay my mortgage like u can mess up and not pay 😂i went true the comments nd they are all in favor ecept 2 ppl asking the real questions but u guys wont explain 😂😂😂 thank you for waisting my life in watching this Comment from : @joaoborjas4603 |
here my deal , house is in florida , friend wants $35000 how do I purchase this home brmortgage is $1200 brtaxes $2500 brI'd love this dream of mine to come true Comment from : @edgardomatos6923 |
I would love to learn Comment from : @maribelgonzalez4555 |
Is this video about how to get a house 0 down or for people who already have a house? Need to change the title Comment from : @scholageemusic9373 |
This type of business model goes against ownership for the little guy (individual homeowners) and adds to the problem of America becoming a nation of renters (Stop making single family homes into rentals!!) I thought this was against your agenda, Codie? Personally this wholesaling practice goes against my morals when you really understand it It needs to stop! Comment from : @lindsaypelletier2294 |
This seems off How do they get around the Due on Sale clause in mortgages? And the seller stays on the mortgage until maturity? If the "buyer" decides to stop paying, the previous owner is still on the hook What am I missing here? Comment from : @jakethis3355 |
This is nonsense Lenders do no money down under 540k with good credit Comment from : @VividCollectiveWorks |
What does he seller get? I didn't catch that ? Comment from : @juliehawj3385 |
If they have sizable equity and need cash to get into a new home they'll tell you to pound sand Comment from : @jimdandy8996 |
Not so easy to find sellers here in Ohio to say yes to that I've offered 5 times to sellers to do this and looked at me like I was a scammer Sellers want it done in cash Theses types of sellers are few and far between If your lucky enough to find someone in desperate times Comment from : @cassieshaffer8613 |
HELL NAW 😂😂😂 Comment from : @Thatkenyannigga |
Can you explain why would a seller walk away from their house only having you take over the payment? They they leave with no money in hand, and the mortgage is still in their name, and on their credit, which ties up their credit preventing them from going to buy another house? Comment from : @_freedomkey |
What does the seller benefit from this Comment from : @ashdoesrealestate |
I bet she's gonna buy him out!!lol Comment from : @aainventors745 |
Hey CodybrbrI’m interested in doing something I currently live in Austin can you reach out to me Comment from : @tonystheory |
Every comment was a paragraph 🙄so fake and if it worked this would have a mil plus hits Comment from : @cauliflowerpower41 |
Interesting Though I'm still a bit lost He talks about owners being glad to have him take over the mortgage payments, but what are the sellers getting out of it? It sounds like he's targeting distressed sellers? Please correct me if I'm wrong Comment from : @WeSaveWe |
It sounds like the seller doesn't get any money for the deed/house — can anyone explain pls? Comment from : @tech-siss |
Something seems fishy here Ive invested in properties and banks keep the title to the deed until the mortgage is repaid How do you sell a title you dont have? There are ways yes, and it depends from state to state, but lenders have the right to demand full repayment if you sell the deed, because the banks only collateral is the deed Why would they lend money for a home that they cannot forclose on if payments stops getting made? Comment from : @LostIt_Tag |
How do you cover the built up equity that the previous owner built up in the house? Comment from : @spork1297 |
Wait So he does go into debt and pays someone 10 on that money People This is not easy! Be very careful! Comment from : @RRags |
Everyone slow down and let’s think this through carefully So I am the seller I (seller) still have a mortgage obligation (debt) but now I don’t have a house (asset) as collateral for that obligation? Doesn’t the mortgage (debt) go with the house(asset)? How does the seller go get another mortgage? Is this guy screwing the seller? Why the hell would the seller agree to this? What am I missing here!? Comment from : @RRags |
Ut Doesn't owners want their money out if tge house so they can buy a new one? Why don't they just rent it iut themselves? Comment from : @SunnivavinnuS |
Ive usually watch a few videos before I subscribe to a channel For someone who owns several businesses, myself; I feel a lot of her vidz are click baity, as some (not all) of her advice seem a bit shady, unethical, and illogical Everyone does business different is fact, but thats how you know who to stay away from Good luck to all those on their adventures Just be sure to follow the right people Comment from : @therealvizualassassin |
Except for the Due on Sale Clause in the Mortgage 😊 Comment from : @justinsane7128 |
This is golden Comment from : @HanaMana05 |
Great video! For 2023, it’s hard to nail down specific predictions for the housing market is because it’s not yet clear how quickly or how much the Federal Reserve can bring down inflation and borrowing costs without tanking buyer demand for everything from homes to cars Comment from : @GhanYt |
Too good to be true Comment from : @josuecarranza2576 |
Usarfract Act in South Africa is legal way to buy property without bank financing ❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @alexemergineer3202 |
I'm not sure if I'm missing something here but an owner transfers the deed in exchange for their mortgage being paid and or "taken over" therefore they no longer own the housebrbrSo if their property is worth $500k and they have $200k mortgage they're handing you their property and the $300k they would have if they owned and sold itbrbrWhat kind of position are these people in that they would do this? Comment from : @Tonyroseauthor |
in from indonesia not like this can not do that really difficult Comment from : @jonathansukanto3052 |
The stuff that he didn't explain and is a big one is equity What happens to the equity of the person in the house? Comment from : @harmanjotsingh5867 |
❤❤🎉🎉🎉Part two PLEASE!!!!! Comment from : @neonzeonalien1 |
#CODIESANCHEZ Thank you for giving us ideas of making money outside of the box Could this idea be done with Warehouses as well as houses? Can you start this on a small scale? thank you so much for your time It is very valuable Comment from : @michellemartin4847 |
This is insane (and probably illegal in Canada) but Americans like to push boundaries which always seems to pave the way for their next financial crisis! To make this attractive you would need to have absolutely zero equity in the home (which doesn’t surprise me since ppl keep borrowing against their properties like kids in candy store) If you are in so much debt, you’re considering walking away from your property (bc it costs more than its worth) and so broke and lazy that you can’t pay for a little painting and moving costs to enable renting it out yourself, sure you might be open to some random, jumping in and taking over your crushing debt However, the bank is owned a shit load of money the fact that you are transferring the deed to another person (without checking their credit) would be the most surprising part of all this Also depending on how much the house is over-leveraged, the mortgage payments could cost more than the rental income Comment from : @XWarriorPrincess |
Will the bank allow you to take over the loan? Comment from : @marianavarro4013 |
Wait a MinuteThe Seller walks away from his Equity even if he is not upside down? You buy Real Estate and Wait if Seller is Upside Down just have the Seller wait until he is right side up Help the Seller you will get him as a Client for EVER! instead for one deal Comment from : @marcoszeledon4922 |
Dude the difference in your face is obvious! Stop using fillers! You don't need all that! Your beautiful without it It's changing your face and not for better! Comment from : @joeyjoem4365 |
"Great video! Thanks for teaching us about property Really informative! 👍" Comment from : @juliusyoohanruz920 |
So does that mean as long as you continue to make payments you actually own the property? Comment from : @brockhorwitz |
I would like to do this for myself so I can own a home I need more info please! Is it really just calling the Seller and taking over their mortgage? Sounds too easy, what am I missing? Comment from : @Literally_Ant |
This channel is freaking awesome Thx for sharing your knowledge Comment from : @MJFUYT |
That house owner does not need the money for his house ? Comment from : @SankarJankoti |
Any private money lender in here? Comment from : @agboodobi2918 |
Hey, I am from subto I live in Texas Comment from : @agboodobi2918 |
Let’s talk about the homeowner side I know you love a win win Cody, what is the win for the homeowner, outside of the unloading of the debt they are trying to get out of I would assume you are grossly under paying for these homes, so are these homeowners left broken hearted and this is a bitter deal, or do you come in “just under” Comment from : @hannahmanager7646 |
So have you done your first no money down? On any properties? 😃 Comment from : @danielrenteria6939 |
Cody, I have a part that I’m still confused about What if the seller has equity in the house? Do they just walk away from that? Or is it a very specialize seller who is maybe going to lose their house to foreclosure if it doesn’t sell? Why would they just leave their equity? Thank you so much! I love all your videos! Comment from : @FilosophyJewelry |
BIG question here How does mortgage eventually get into my name without a refi? I'm trying to acquire a large piece of property near me that isn't selling brbrAnother question He mentioned agent still gets their 3 can someone explain me how that works if it's no money down? Comment from : @gnome2024 |
Taking advantage of homeowners is such a great business model! The world needs more high integrity people like Pace Comment from : @disruptancepodcast |
Thank You Keep em coming Comment from : @brianhewitt338 |
If this is the first time you are hearing of this WELCOME TO THE GREATEST REAL ESTATE COMMUNITY ON EARTH!! Comment from : @JessieRussell208 |
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