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We Wish We Knew This Before Homeschooling

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Title :  We Wish We Knew This Before Homeschooling
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Comments We Wish We Knew This Before Homeschooling

Are you considering homeschooling? We’d love to know!
Comment from : @athomewiththebeveres

Its unfortunate that more mom's cant homeschool because they have to work Even working from home makes it hard to focus on child's curriculum while trying to work your own job 😞
Comment from : @graceskye1

Can you please share what program you use to homeschool?🙏😊
Comment from : @believe1043

A lot of complaining by these two but really not a lot of value imo
Comment from : @ProfessorCrow

This upcoming school year will be our first year homeschooling I found out my sons charter school was secretly teaching him CRT
Comment from : @spinecollector9931

This is heavily religious fyi If you are not into it scroll on ✌🏽
Comment from : @OaktonHall

I’m a teacher and I don’t think there was a shift- honestly I think 2020 just showed parents how much wasted time and energy is in schools I think they were able to see first hand the problems and the teachers and the useless “work” and they said- hey I can do this! 😂😂😂😂 it was the realization of a broken system that is more of a babysitter than an educator
Comment from : @mimigrace7591

My kids are enrolled in a hybrid model school I try not to homeschool my kids 100 because I know I will make them study like how I grew up in Asia Because I know how Asian students are studying, it’s very hard for me to not push them If I have them all day five days a week, they will end up studying 10-12 hours a day brHomeschooling is great but also can be dangerous to parents like me who are highly academic driven They are already ahead of their peers, the oldest even skipped a grade But knowing that means nothing compared to the global competition arena, I can’t help myself but to push them whenever I have them at home during the homeschool days
Comment from : @junechoi7595

Heavens!!!! CHRIST bet the Glory! This was rich and so much to chew on, to listen on repeat!!! Buckets of Gratitude fam 💜🙏🏽✝️
Comment from : @elviragill6982

What program did you use or would recommend for a 7th grader in PA?
Comment from : @darialo8740

Instagram us people, would love tips and ideas from those who actually do this
Comment from : @TheLoveHealingCompany

I am just about to start homeschooling, trying to find the best school program for us to go with Having a little problem with it
Comment from : @tashabond7799

Same here Thanks for sharing!
Comment from : @almondeyez

Is any one homeschooling an only child (no siblings) Please share your positives and negatives
Comment from : @almondeyez

I wish your video got to the point really quickly Lot's of "off camera" conversation I'm not interested in
Comment from : @mtolla05

We have 4 amazing children Started homeschooling the first-born 11years ago, and the other 2 in 2020 Today, they are in 5th, 8th, 12th grade There are so many advantages: academic level is higher that public school level, the oldest worked 2 days per week , we all grew in our relationship, and in obedience to God(for me too)brMy oldest, aplied and got accepted in a College, and was offered a lot out of college experiencebrNot everything was perfect during these years, but I am thankful for everything
Comment from : @irinateaca6603

😂I have no idea how they kept straight faces throughout this conversation As a homeschool mother of two, I was wheezing So many classic lines, “you don’t need to be a teacher but a learner…” There are pros and cons to both I can relate to ALL this logic
Comment from : @autumnbeckstein204

I never considered homeschooling at all however due to moving and my daughter having some social anxiety I started rather than switching her mid year I thought I’d teach her at home for a semester and it’s going very well She needs one on one attention and the social aspect makes it hard for her to ask questions I never considered it but it’s working for us and I might keep doing it
Comment from : @LovelyWorld1773

Id like to know the long term outcome if the children eventually went to college or what kind of work opportunities etc
Comment from : @llinosrollinson3850

They seem sweet but the wife talks too slowly to keep listening
Comment from : @akhilat

Really interested in the home schooling topic, we are atheists Gleaning the home school insights without all the talk of god This is a crucial topic for us to decide in next 6 months
Comment from : @robbybroon4904

My baby is almost 17 months old my calling is to homeschool because I’m a Bible believer, I don’t trust the gov & public school because they don’t follow Christ
Comment from : @mrsdianavanessahill

I love this honest conversation Thank you
Comment from : @anatolia613

Why are so many homeschooling family's wiccan now? At least here they are!
Comment from : @FastAF420

Many homeschool situations I have observed in my community have been net negative The positive situations occurred when the teaching parent had a teaching background These range from loneliness to life-altering education gaps My family members who are teachers are now seeing COVID-homeschooled kids return to the classroom, and it is devastating to 10 and 11-year-olds when they have to be placed multiple grade levels behind because they can not read brbrHomeschooling is a massive responsibility The child's ability to grow in your care will determine their opportunities in life It's not a flippant hobby one can pursue; a parent can't just sit them down in front of a YouTube video, or a worksheet, or have them play outside and expect them to learn There are real consequences for these decisions and so I appreciated the frankness you provided
Comment from : @gracekugler9389

❤ We can't out source disciplining our children
Comment from : @velizjgarcia4

❤ We can't out source disciplining our children
Comment from : @velizjgarcia4

New paper about homeschooling in Egypt:br jsepjournalsekbeg/article_376279_428c0fc4261ce85334485aaea1be3702pdf
Comment from : @yasserahmed-d2r

I would love to know what you use for curriculum! And how you incorporate life skills, science, and history I struggle right now with balance and you seem so structured! It would really help a lot of us I’m sure! Homeschooling is definitely a bit of a harder route
Comment from : @BrittsandPieces

Either you raise your children or you let an institution do it Every Christian Should homeschool, homeschooling is just a part of parenting Sending your children to a secular institution 8 hours a day is unwise Homeschooling is healthier and a more effective way to raise children There is nothing wrong wanting our children to be academics, but our goal isn't to raise children how to excel in school subjects but rather to have the mind of Christ Teaching them about scripture, how to interpret scripture, is the pinnacle of parenting If you want to raise children who honor and glorify God, we must be the ones who are educating them in our homes Homeschooling can be daunting, it will be challenging, but your children are your responsibility, why leave them in the hands of others? You can do this parents! God bless
Comment from : @TylerGG

Just starting this and LOLing at 5 minutes in What a great delivery of that important nugget!
Comment from : @jaord530

You talk about 'classical' and 'traditional' education What does that mean? Quadrivium?
Comment from : @operationaltactics1006

Are they wife and husband?
Comment from : @evaeva8731

I grew up in a christian private school, and you are so right People with money send their kids there expecting to not have to disciple their own kids Some of them weren't even christians, it was more of a status symbol to pay for their childrens education Me and siblings definitely were not discipled at home either, but you could tell the ones who were, and they were labeled as goody two shoes because they actuaplt had a sense of right and wrongbrbrMe and my husband have chosen the homeachool route for so many reasons but our christian school experience was definitely one of them I would rather be discipling my kids all day and having so many chances to speak into their lives all day, and ipen the Bible when they have questions, than do it in the exhausted few hours you have in the evenings after traditional school
Comment from : @Reed-Between-The-Lines

As a single mama I am believing the Lord will make a way for us to homeschool someday Currently believing He will provide for us to attend our churches prep! It’s spirit-filled and presence driven!
Comment from : @CROrsak

11:30 mins in, about half way through and you guys have literally said nothing loool
Comment from : @arianna5546

Going into our 8th year homeschooling classically Yes, it's a lot of work I'd never go back to public education I have zero regret
Comment from : @michelegioffredo8811

Roman's road press is a good curriculum for high school literature Rainbow 🌈 Resources website
Comment from : @jonross5899

Good evening, I am writing from Kigali (Rwanda - Africa) This is how far your voice is reaching!!! I love your videos, the tone you have, the topics you choose, how you explain and refer to the Bible and the word of God
Comment from : @mikainamahoro2556

I would love to know the name of the charter school in Colorado Springs We are moving there in a year (we currently leave in argentina) but im l9oking for good schools or Christian schools but it's sooo expensive! So I'm interested in some good charter schools ❤
Comment from : @kirstenbarbero1099

HSLDA is a great resource They have information about homeschooling laws in each state as well as assistance, like Compassion Grants to help parents buy curriculum
Comment from : @newmamaful

It’s definitely tough to teach a child who has already been to public school for a while has they don’t see the parents like teachers and many don’t respect them Also the majority of their learning was memorizing instead of learning in a natural form It’s better to start homeschooling at a very young age Looks like your husband needs to be more informed about homeschooling
Comment from : @My3Boys

I homeschooled my children as a single mom (Not by choice) all the way through high school It can be done and was so worth it! Greatest joy of my life! brI’d love to give back Great resources and ideas! I have a lot of Pre-K/K learning videos on my channel For anyone who needs them
Comment from : @KathyHutto

Homeschooling mama here! I know that I know that the Lord called our family to homeschool Did I fight it in the beginning?? yes I did! But I knew I had to be obedient and pray for God to show me how to start, patience, community, and guidance I can honestly say God has answered me in so many ways! All that to say it is easy? No its not BUT we we have to choose our "hard" This is a good kind of hard haha! Also, I know God is helping to develop my patience that I didn't know I had Spending the extra time with my kids and really getting to know them has been sweet God is good He does answer The important thing is to ask God what to do, how to do it, for wisdom, guidance HE truly answers I pray as we go forward in this homeschooling journey that one day my kids will appreciate it all and we will see the great fruits of it all ❤
Comment from : @isabellopez112

I just graduated my last child from homeschool I have ZERO regrets You can do this parents
Comment from : @sues3218

Thank you for touching on this topic - looking forward to hearing you share more with us!
Comment from : @helenb978

Yall are so cute! You have a beautiful community
Comment from : @Crowned__ByTheKing

How do you teach children when eventually they will bebrout in the world how to deal with all that goes on our therebrThey have been protected from all that and not faced to make right choices when faced with what they will facebrout in the world
Comment from : @jimmyhoffa2458

Fun topic!
Comment from : @honeyb384

I am a homeschool and enjoyed this episode I have to say homeschooling is not for all and I have been called to do it and sometimes I want to give up but I trust in God online classes I’m just a supervisor, but I rather have them home and let this come soon with so much negative, despite that I live in a very good community I just think that this is the best from my family
Comment from : @zaidagonzalez466

Love this! Looking forward to part 2
Comment from : @NaninhaOo

As a homeschool Mom I am glad that I didn't place my child in school
Comment from : @SadeTeaire

"I don't even know how to swim in the sharks" what an expressions God bless you for your open discussions, from Ethiopia
Comment from : @reformedcalivinst955

Hallelujah!!! I’m favored and blessed with $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church
Comment from : @HarperThomas-Hp1

I thought this was going to be more educational on all the different types of curriculums there are out there and which ones you guys specifically use and why This could be done in a funny way, so it’s not so heavy with all the critics This was more of a verbal journey of your process As a mother, with a 20 month year-old I don’t even understand what Unschooling is so defining these things in your sessions would be helpful too Food for thought You could literally cracking entire in-depth series on all of this with all the juicy details and transparency
Comment from : @Pestocrat

This was so well balanced, thank you Homeschooling and homesteading and homemaking although all good things, has becoming the holy grail and I think an idol in many Christian households today But it’s good to see you can’t fit God in a box, there are so many ways to raise our children in the world I think you guys have done a great job of listening to God, listening to your children and listening to each other and not killing each other while you’re at it! Koodos!
Comment from : @elizabethmcgrath537

Our daughter has ADHD - we removed her out of public school after 2nd grade due to multiple issues including alot of targeted bullying We prayed over whether or not to homeschool her diligently, did our research, had her tested, talked to her pediatrician, interviewed diffenret Co-ops and seeked out the best environment for her to learn in due to her ADHDit also helped we have many friends who actively have taught and or teach in the public schools to help guide and encourage us(although we are still met with scrutiny, doubt, questioning of our homeschool choice!) I want to encourage you to reach out to your local Co-ops, talk to your homeschooling association, local libraries and churches sometimes will host talks and post resources about these issues, and most public schools even if you don't attend offer services such as screening and resources to help with learning disabilities Praying for you and that resources and doors will open up to help your child's needs!
Comment from : @krissydavidson5655

Can you talk about what it has been like on your mental health home schooling specifically you Julie and the effect on your marriage? How do you navigate if home schooling is the best thing for you as the primary caregiver/teacher?
Comment from : @jessicamcallister3250

What a great podcast!
Comment from : @flyaway_withyou

Enjoyed this discussion!
Comment from : @nayomigunawardena7985

😂when you said that as a homeschooler Mom means becoming back a leaner, so relatedbrThis is our 3rd year with our 13 and 10brI can say, we made a wonderful decision We can see our children slowly enjoy and find what they're fascinating beside school
Comment from : @trisyadarmayanti5477

Thank you so much Your commitment to the highest good for your children is very apparent ❤❤
Comment from : @jennyc5100

Please so part 2 Please keep talking about this This is A very difficult thing that all parents are navigating right now with the world going bonkers It's hard to know what to do as a Christian, and when you feel so exhausted and drained being home homeschooling
Comment from : @melaniemungia8685

This topic is an answered prayer I was asking God for one of the Beveres to discuss this Thank you Praying about continuing homeschooling or trying to get into a charter school
Comment from : @melaniemungia8685

My child has special needs (ASD diagnosis) and is attending public school to receive speech, OT services as well as education I’m not sure if homeschooling would work when a child needs specialized instruction What are other Jesus follower’s experiences with ASD and homeschooling?
Comment from : @mlan1148

To be continued! Can’t wait for next episode Planning to home school my 2 boys ages 1 and 4
Comment from : @abbymayen4734

So lovely how these parents talk to each other
Comment from : @margaretwakefield5807

Are you involved in a strong homeschool network?
Comment from : @dnmccurry

More homeschool content please :) love all the parents advice And wisdom
Comment from : @briggsfamily90

Being a stay at home/homeschooling mom is literally sanctifying! My children are teaching me how to be more like Jesus in character ❤
Comment from : @audreyestelle687

I am in a similar situation I pulled my kids out of an amazing christian school I feel in my heart God called me to homeschool but I am not equipped… so I decided to obey (along with my husband) I am super scared, no family around or community Church moms are clicky and they already have their groupsbrSo I feel I am jumping off the cliff without a parachute but trusting GodbrI will put my kids in the waitlist for next school year so if this fall I can go back to our school
Comment from : @tayshavargas4547

Absolutely love this!! I’m a veteran homeschooling mama and I wouldn’t change a thing So happy I homeschooled my kids Now my daughter is choosing to homeschool my first grandchild!! So happy and excited to help her out!! ❤❤
Comment from : @lionofthetribeofjudah4655

Unschooling is learning to learn! It’s learning to love learning! One must trust the process Colleges love to accept unschooled students because of their love for learning and studying!
Comment from : @SavannahMares

I dont have kids yet, but when i do, I'd love to homeschool My best friend is having her first bavy in October, and I'd love to be able to homeschool her kids as well if she's up for it
Comment from : @gabzilove

This is my 3rd year homeschooling, I pulled my 3 children ages 8, 10, 12 out of the public school system and it was the BEST decision I have made for them Teaching them and raising them according to their gifts and talents is a blessing that we can give to our children ❤
Comment from : @nataliebarbosa9383

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