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My Wife Spent $50,000 Behind My Back!

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Title :  My Wife Spent $50,000 Behind My Back!
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Comments My Wife Spent $50,000 Behind My Back!

There will be no new buying of baby clothes or anything for a baby Everything can be got at a secondhand store
Comment from : @eileenlundin6256

How to get out of your responsibility cry Those tears should mean nothing to you
Comment from : @eileenlundin6256

Not a mistake These were choices
Comment from : @dusttodust4295

How do you spend 50k on baby stuff😮 Did she buy a car for the baby😊
Comment from : @anamia345

Baby stuff isn't going to get you 50k into debt Most likely, the baby isn't his and the wife is spending the money on lawyer fees to prepare for the divorce so she can be with the real father, or she has been buying nice things for her side man, or she buys stuff for herself and has been hiding it Either way, get a paternity test pronto She is not to be trusted
Comment from : @Eckh4rt

He should absolutely get a pass to make her a single mom and skip out on any child support payments
Comment from : @ytv6770

Finally some of tangible advice Normally it’s all the save advise, save money, don’t spend, cut your credit card, buy your car in cash 😂
Comment from : @johnkim7968

The wife got finessed by her side dude
Comment from : @toppsecretpyro6274

Lord, save me from ever meeting a woman like this
Comment from : @adamcraig1468

Just this guys tone says, my wife can do anything she wants because I'm a doormat Honey she is cheating in more ways than one
Comment from : @monicastricker3582

I'd paternity test the kid
Comment from : @monicastricker3582

Dave, Have I got a story for for you guys If I decide to call!
Comment from : @Fred80126

She would lose her vote if she pulled that financial deception
Comment from : @jagmechtech

thank God it was Dave who answered If it was George or John they would’ve asked “does she feel safe? 🤨”
Comment from : @CJ-BZ

He’s married to a huge liar I’m glad they made that clear
Comment from : @suec8337

That wife is just scandalous Makes me ill
Comment from : @christower363

Make her GET A JOB and PAY IT BACK! She did NOT "come clean" YOU CAUGHT HER! Even if it means getting a babysitter, SHE NEEDS TO PAY IT OFF by getting a job! You make her sign an agreement! IF she doesn't stick to it--DIVORCE HER! You need to CUT OFF CREDIT CARDS!
Comment from : @pixie8653

How about when its not hidden?brI paid all the bills for 2 yrs after she lost her job She got a new job and decided to keep her paychecks for herselfbrbrWe have the same income No kids
Comment from : @williamfranklin6283

And this is the woman your’e having kids with?! Oh lord
Comment from : @Nat__1677

Holy cow what did she buy for $50,000 and two income is $120,000 and the baby is not even here yet Scary
Comment from : @lucilaolson5163

50k is a fuck ton of money to put on a credit card How do people even manage to do that?? How far was she going to take it? She is putting her family in a dangerous situation
Comment from : @AGCurrie96

This identical thing happened to a relative He was working and going to school so she got bored, found a boyfriend and together they racked up a lot of purchases on a credit card The card company actually called him because the spending was so unusual They got divorced over it
Comment from : @serahloeffelroberts9901

He is doing overtime?? AHHAHAH Guuurl, you better go get 5 jobs, because you're paying that off yourself And I don't even care about the pregnancy anymore, she got herself in that mess, shell take them out
Comment from : @ZillenialAlex

No trust, no marriage
Comment from : @susanapol382

She’s going to do it again lol
Comment from : @DrKrysRacquel

It can never be the same after that
Comment from : @lifehappensfast_21

Comment from : @7779-c3m

sounds like cuh need to do a conference call with robert blake and our dear brother oj
Comment from : @GrumpyCat8000

Didn't you notice new stuff showing up at your house
Comment from : @nomosss

That's not his kid
Comment from : @Royal109618

OkayI’m a mom of three and stay home with my kids because we make huge sacrifices for that to happen so I know her being with her baby is super important and essential…but my opinion is that he shouldn’t clean this up for her If she made that mess she needs to work and pay that debt or she will do it again It’s 50k That’s insane We’re not talking a couple thousand in baby goods…it’s a half a hundred thousand dollars Just my two cents She obviously has some root issue she needs to deal with to go out and do that knowing she’s carrying her baby and that spending all this endangers him
Comment from : @sarahdimitrov6490

Send her to work too 😮
Comment from : @angerislugo6092

That’s an incredible video! Few years back, a friend introduced me to a financial adviser named Suzanne Gladys Xander We had a conversation about investments, and I decided to start with $150k Within two months, my portfolio had grown to $274,800—unbelievable, right? I reinvested the profits, and it’s been an amazing journey ever since Over the past year, we’ve been working together, making consistent gains I even bought my second home two weeks ago and can comfortably support my family now
Comment from : @AlexMorgan-i8v

Trust, exactly
Comment from : @babsdolson

Humanity been surviving eons with nothing more than boobs and blankets for babies Now in the 21st century, we have been convinced by advertisers that we need 100k worth of plastic crap to raise a baby
Comment from : @dgw4049

If my wife spends 50,000 Behind my back I would divorce her So fast her head would be spinning As a man you have to check these women
Comment from : @donbuyshousescash4765

Time to get a DNA test She's been deceiving for a long time which shows her character
Comment from : @zhara2585

Dave missed this one he's absolutely wrong of course this should be the end of your marriage get out now how many red flags do you need dude? Jesus Christ wake up😊
Comment from : @FSEVENMAN

My wife got into 5k of debt behind my back She got found out when we got a letter from the IRS about a 1099 I didnt know aboutbrbrI forgave her, but there wont be a second time, that would end in divorce We have a young child and she has been through the ringer personally with many mental health related issuesbrbrSome grace was required, but it was a breach of trust However, not terminal to the relationship (yet)
Comment from : @TheHullmet

Wife was probably splurging on another dude He better check that baby 50k is way too much money for it to be items she was bringing into the house
Comment from : @gtsound12

why are they not making eye contact???
Comment from : @srivaraniradhakrishnan8282

Yo these type of call are not for financial advisors these are for marriage counseling! If thar can even fix it
Comment from : @calebhenderson6507

That’s not his baby
Comment from : @djlovely2604

Buddy! LEAVE HER! She just baby trapped you! I doubt she even works! She needs to GET A JOB! She did not "come clean!" She got caught! Better to lose half your assets and pay child support!
Comment from : @pixie_the_rabbit2917

Too many Simp(y) men call in on this show, it grind my gears😡
Comment from : @wezzman1

They were working on paying down the 57k, & she got pregnant knowing she was hiding another $50k debt? Wow
Comment from : @carolerooney407

Why isn't this guy on top of his finances? She had to be making at least minimal payments on credit cards Why isn't he saying "let me see the credit card bills" One person (the responsible one) should be controlling all the finances in a household I know every penny going out If I see something that doesn't add up, I ask my wife "what did you spend $100 on" Its not a trust thing I just want every cent to be accounted for
Comment from : @dponzi56

The wife deserves the blame here, but 50k worth of stuff and lifestyle wasn’t spent into a black hole He benefited from it and never questioned it Those extra groceries, baby stuff, trips, whatever that they afforded he definitely should have noticed 50k is WAY too much for him to pin on her with frivolous spending and not take some blame if she’s not out there buy designer stuff She was inflating their whole lifestyle with it, and he should have noticed
Comment from : @jessicadawson2353

My now ex-wife confronted me, after 2 years of marriage, and told me that she had racked up $20k on a credit card I told her if it happened again it would be grounds for divorce She swore it wouldn't happen again We went into savings and paid it off Six (6) years later, it happened again This time I refused to pay it I made her pay it off herself She wasn't happy with me WhateverbrAfter 23 years of marriage she decides she doesn't want to be married anymore I find out during the divorce proceedings she has nearly $35k in credit card debt$27k attached to me It got settled in the divorce but know thisif they do it once, there is a HIGH LIKELIHOOD IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN You can not change them It has to come from within themselves I can't tell you how to make that happen because I obviously couldn't find the right way
Comment from : @johnmaxwell1356

I have 7500 debt and I am overwhelmed, I can’t imagine having 50000
Comment from : @euphoria4013

DNA test!!!!
Comment from : @andrewbayram765

Fellas don't get Married there's No Benefit for Men
Comment from : @Secko1Secko

I am so glab I'm divorced, being tied to another person who's not the person you thought they were when you married them is the worst situation in the world to be in
Comment from : @tpynegar01

Can't believe the female host started to try offer excuses and justification: "was this because of the baby?" Thankfully the legend himself shut her down before she could get that ball rolling
Comment from : @benfubbs2432

My wife tell me, "I might die tomorrow"
Comment from : @theaussienurseflipper8113

This usually doesn’t happen but Dave missed the thing (i think) i believe this woman cheated on this man Some other man probably got the money OR was enjoying his money and his wife behind his back It could also be that she had/has a gambling addiction Backtrack the 50000! It was on a credit card means there are records of what was bought/done with the money I would additionally get a paternity test cuz she might have cheated and the child might not be his I know it’s hard and tough but this is the best for him to do Also she didn’t admit anything first! He caught her!!!
Comment from : @jovannikolic8032

There is no forgiveness in deception; its a divorceable offencebrWhy he is taking responsibility for not noticing? she is acting maniac, its not your faultbrDo a DNA test of the baby; there may be more than just financial infidelity
Comment from : @MineMeMineMeMineMe

I am utterly shocked by this I recently had a heart attack Luckily I recovered well and quickly and my out-of-pocket medical expenses were $3,500 brbrMy husband and I each pay 50 of the bills We pay for our own wants out of our own money That's because we got married well into our 50s and although we're planning on changing it in the future, we just hadn't gotten around to it yet brbrI didn't want to ask for help and so I put the $3,500 on a credit card I felt so guilty about this, and that I kept it from him, that I went ahead and sat him down and told him what I had done brbrHe kind of laughed He said you know if you came to me and said you wanted a $3,500 purse I'd tell you I better start to save for it (I have never spent more than $40 on a purse my entire life) But medical bills are needs and not something we put on a credit card So he paid it off for me brbrI can't imagine buying garbage and not telling my husband about it Thank God my husband is the man that he is
Comment from : @candicabral3767

It’s been a year since this video was posted I would love to know if this couple is still together ?
Comment from : @donbrett5944

You don't understand "addictions" until you live with someone that has true addictions
Comment from : @Eaglejake

She is just getting ahead of herself She knows, shortly, that the baby is going to take her away from her "fun time", aka shopping as a hobby brbr"Having a controlling spouseyou are not giving us enough for food"That was the worst example I have ever heard I've never heard of a spouse "going off the rails" spending too much money at Food World FFS
Comment from : @Eaglejake

Language???? lol please
Comment from : @Fij_offical

She didn't feel bad She cried because she was caught Crying is a defense mechanism to get people to back off of them when they are caught
Comment from : @nicholasnagy2848

Is this an addiction? Does she have bipolar or something? brI'm shocked at that level of debt that isn't a house or car I'm gobsmacked!
Comment from : @DoulaGarcia

I can't get my head around not noticing $50,000 dollars of stuff showing up around the house, what on earth did she buy that went un noticed?
Comment from : @Frankybeanselevators

We’re talking about $50,000 How do you not notice $50,000 coming into the house? We’re not talking about steaks for dinner a new crib for the baby How do you not notice $50,000 worth of merchandise and just stuff in the house?
Comment from : @rperk02

She was spending the money on the real baby daddy 😮
Comment from : @NYCCamper

im surprised dave didnt just say its both of your money now, your married
Comment from : @blacksheeporganics

SHE needs to return the stuff if there's time AND help to pay this debt off its so sad how he thinks that he has do it, she should pick up a side hustle or something knitting blankets while she sits down or SOMETHING FFS
Comment from : @sn9731

Get a paternity test, and if it's not yours, leave her
Comment from : @shawmeck9323

Make her work overtime and return it all!
Comment from : @rangedeliveryn

Must be nice making 120k
Comment from : @thekingofprotoss4376

Return all of the stuff, have a baby shower, and shop at Goodwill Women go into a heavy "nesting" mode when a baby is on the way Not an excuse for over spending, just something that needs to get under control The purchases prior to the pregnancy is her job to clean up It goes on her credit report Get her off your credit cards and make sure she doesn't trash your credit
Comment from : @BlackKettleRanch

you better leave her behind
Comment from : @danielisfearless288

Or she may be sinking them into debt in preparation to divorce and combine it with a bankruptcybrParanoid theory, baby is not going to resemble OP
Comment from : @amerlin388

Comment from : @maryannlalumia349

This is the kind of thing that starts a divorce And right now, you are at the anger stage I would go do marriage counseling but honestly? She needs to ROYALLY defend this and have a huge plan If this is how she plays it, to each his/her own debt You pay what you inflicted There is NO WE here She betrayed you So all the money you contributed, that will be summed up and go to your ACTUAL INDIVIDUAL debt If there's a surplus, she gives you change AND PAYS THE REMAINING DEBT alone If there is some left, you just pay that, she pays hers
Comment from : @KneeJerkReactor

Picking a spouse is the most important financial decision that you'll ever make
Comment from : @joebloggs24

Get prenup like yesterdayor any next day available
Comment from : @pauliusmatiusovas4102

Screw this bad advice, Divorce her, yesterday, paternity test the kid
Comment from : @gregc247

Actually no, omission ISN'T lying brbrGiving a DISHONEST ANSWER OR STATEMENT IS lying brbrWITHHOLDING information by just not mentioning it ISN'T LYINGbrbrYou can be talking about something and just not mention stuff you just don't want to add to the conversation, THAT'S NOT LYINGbrbrIf someone asks you about it and you answer dishonestly, now THAT'S LYING brbrWHY do you THINK there's "don't ask, don't tell?"brbrIf you're NOT asked, you DON'T VOLUNTEER info, but rather KEEP QUIET
Comment from : @0annonymous

Caused Selfish
Comment from : @brucefrisby5721

So many excuses for her so littletime
Comment from : @brucefrisby5721

Don't pay it buddy
Comment from : @brucefrisby5721

How much can u hide in a closet
Comment from : @brucefrisby5721

The girl on the show keeps adding fuel to the fire, with all those "hoos"
Comment from : @everyonehasincommon1216

Time out Dave! There is no bigger liar than Trump, yet you trust him to be in the office of the President! Huh?
Comment from : @mgwright56

Oof I can sympathize I never carried a balance until my wife got pregnant It wasn't a deceit situation like this, just the onslaught of expenses that come with pregnancy, birth, and infancy, especially if there are medical complications that mean she can't work, which was the case in our situation Doesn't justify what she did, but I can see how it happened
Comment from : @shwazine5358

This 50k credit card spending has absolutely nothing to do with this woman being pregnant LmfaobrI hope that man ditched her and filed for sole custody of his child
Comment from : @karencurtis9260

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