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My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.

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Information My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.

Title :  My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.
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Frames My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.

Description My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.

Comments My wife left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back.

Comment from : @emilys8971

The amount of i told her i crazy
Comment from : @XSPBStudiosReborn67

Did she cure her dipression??? What!!!!! She found a reason to live and removing social media always help people with depression 100 sure
Comment from : @HolyMcow

Gents, life is too short to waste on broken women
Comment from : @dino70253

I believe that the therapist did come up with the best solution for them She needed the shock and he needed a break The end results will be good for both
Comment from : @salimaljari8300

She wasn’t depressed, she was cheating
Comment from : @Mantelar

"Don't give ultimatums" is terrible advice and bad It should be "don't give ultimatums unless you're truly ready to walk away for good" If you run around giving ultimatums over every dispute, that's basically like dropping a nuclear bomb on a shop lifter It's overkill and eventually you're going to blow up your whole relationship brbrBut there's times when a partner's behavior is completely out of line and they need to know that if there isn't change, that's that
Comment from : @MinisterManDan

What mod are you using
Comment from : @OlajumokeOladimeji-h8u

Let's be clear, for anyone who needs to hear it: OTHER PEOPLES MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE NOT YOUR RESPOSIBILITY
Comment from : @hurricanev6

Comment from : @tabicatpuccino7425

Wow, poor man, got marrid with a shitty burden and got back with her after almost saving himself
Comment from : @medel96

He’s strong, only desperate people would bring people like her back but clearly not the case here
Comment from : @christophervokey6611

This guy is a massive idiot, this is probably gonna come back to bite him
Comment from : @FatAlbertFanClub

I feel sorry for her toomental damage is much more than physical damage
Comment from : @Cairocairocairo

Yeah that's a good call never be a prisoner in your home😢 you can't make a person happy they got to make themselves happy clearly nothing you ever did made her happy it's best to cut off the cancer and move on
Comment from : @Liu-ruyan

You aren't a idiot for hoping the one you love changes for the better Least you can say you gave it a shot instead of just giving up
Comment from : @trarusnorton7099

There’s absolutely zero chance she actually improved at all bro was already back to being her cheerleader 2 days in
Comment from : @xigosu

Comment from : @Channel7331

I think she wants him back because her mom won't wait on her hand and footbrSomething doesn't sit right with me about her "depression" Actually, nothing about this sits right with me I've been through it I have legit bipolar disorder diagnosed in the early 90s Something is NOT adding up
Comment from : @holeymcsockpuppet

Backstory always bog dislike
Comment from : @arcian2519

I can absolutely sympathize with her, being depressed, and being talen care of, and letting herself fall into that care, while the feeling of uselessness making her even more depressed
Comment from : @omalleycaboose5937

This is basically that one path in Mr Nobody
Comment from : @icydec3346

If she proves gerself this seems salvageable Its not like she was a baggage for him and having fun She was actually sick and not living even her own life and not doing anything all day for years She was a bad partner but if she changes I dont think she DID anything irreparable
Comment from : @huh5950

It was a story from a long time agobrIt was a guy wich his girlfriend get sick and he take care of her very very well until she gets betterafter she gets better and all the sacrifice that man did for hershe told him she does not feel anything for him and she left to her parentsbrThis guy was left speechless like every human being who knows the story
Comment from : @king489

Small point here if she spent most of her day in bed how come the house was a mess when you came home ?
Comment from : @slyph63

No pleasure in a year its been over bro fire her arse 😂😂
Comment from : @samw6930

" tell me I owe it to her"brbrIn what possible world does OP owe her a damned thing?
Comment from : @virtualatheist

what a loser hard to feel bad for guys like this
Comment from : @millyonair9225

Hmmm kind of tricky Her only fault is having a mental illness, she did not cheat You said it yourself, stay for better or worse But yes, she has to work on herself
Comment from : @scoobygang911

Had these roles been reversed the OP's s wife would've divorced him
Comment from : @MorpheusASmith

That therapist needs to go back to learning about things because that was the wrong thing to say The OP is the best husband he can be and somehow he is responsible for her depression when she isn't doing anything but blaming him? The only thing he owes her is a dose of reality He doesn't owe anything to her It doesn't take three months to realize the therapist was idiotic
Comment from : @NightCourt1984

The last time someone said we could try again, but it would take "months" before we can actually be friends again, and that I would need to "work on myself" I made sure to make it as clear as day how much of a total failure they were (Keep in mind, the problem that brought this up was entirely their fault) I have never been happier Do not threaten me with months of time before things can go back to normal, it will NEVER end well, no matter how much I cared for you in the past
Comment from : @oneechanknowsbest615

Keep being a doirmat buddy
Comment from : @1986trinder

Somewhat similar situation with my parents and knowing both their sides, I hope it works out for this couple 🙏🏼
Comment from : @muhammadfaheem3746

Why do I have this feeling in my gut that the wife might cheat due to her depression and insecurities? Especially now that OP requiring her to go and find some work 🤔
Comment from : @mr_bobrey

You know,you sure, stupid!
Comment from : @sageof346paths3

“Perhaps I am an idiot”brbrIf the shoe fits…
Comment from : @suisenzero1

You do yourself the worst wrong mistake, and days will show you I really hope I'm wrong Good luck
Comment from : @malikmandour

Being honest he did right thing I dont tell about taking her back but make a decission on himself
Comment from : @Radowid_V_Srogi

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the therapist fucked this up so bad, what they were trying to get at was that she was dependent on him, and that in order to get out of her depression she needed to distance herself temporarily and figure out how to stand on her own
Comment from : @Omos24

I kinda think her therapist felt sorry for OP and manipulated his wife to save him They probably saw she was a lazy toxic burden and knew her being separated from him might wake him and her up
Comment from : @ninjastorm540

Don't take her back
Comment from : @ROCKSTAR123620

well this is one of the happier relations i've seen on here brsure depression and shitbrbut there was no infidelity, meaning the love is very much still present between two sides untainted by some bullshitbrthere isn't manipulation to be picked up in this, and well depressed people tend to end themselves so being bed ridden isarguably better (pales in comparison to actually fixing shit like how the "ultimatum" demanded)brthey actually talked in a sensible manner that doesn't have water works or justifications of blatant faultsbrand op got a 3 month breakbrover all brit really is just a case of "maybe if i leave i will get better" and that "surprisingly" being wrong and with it they got the kickstarter to actually fixing shit
Comment from : @amenahmed672

5:45 You sure told her…
Comment from : @ayoshiro107

i don't know what is with most terapist in these stories, but imo is super weird for me that second therapist just accuse the husband without any like fundation to it? it seems kinda unethical to me, as a psychology student i get that even if there is no abuse (emotional, mental, pshysical etc) relationship can be not great, buut the therpaist should guide the patient through their pros and cons to help her with the current relationship also because her illness could be mostly connected with childhood stuff brbralso don't want to shit on the husband but i feel like he kinda didn't know how depression works? and i feel because of that he was kinda enabling her, like it seems he wans't giving her any purpose to do stuff in home, that maybe could get her moving a little bit but i know that he wanted everything ton be the best for her :(
Comment from : @agus_mimi

Pillow princess to the extreme
Comment from : @ExistentialGuru

Never compromise for a psychopath
Comment from : @CharleyOlivesss

I pray that these two can work it out and live a happy life together
Comment from : @tiptopflipflop7991

He realized he was better without her She realized she was nothing without him lmao goooooood luck
Comment from : @Thaddius0

You tell her to go back to therapy When Therapy did all of this to your married life Bad move
Comment from : @lawsonallen7741

bet money she slept around and found out it aint all that
Comment from : @TrueBlunty

u were acting like an idiot and your recent actions must be surprised others
Comment from : @trigggo54

She’s gonna go back to her old ways “Update After 2 years she has gone back to her old ways and has cheated on me”
Comment from : @firehot427

wat a fucking idiot for takig her back
Comment from : @IamJacksColon4

Nah, nobody should be against you She should've ended it She tortured you and expects your forgiveness
Comment from : @esperdragan3106

Those people don't know what it's like to be around an emotional vampire While the depression isn't her fault, it can weigh on a person over time and damage their own mental health Especially if you're just only spuing negativity and never engaging with your SO outside of venting At some point you need to take care of yourself
Comment from : @angel-nv7jk

Ngl, he's probably doing more than the therapist, when you're depressed sitting in your room alone doing nothing will only lead to a self destructive spiral None of the things he has her do is necessarily helping, but it is at least not making it worse like drowning in oneself
Comment from : @megan00b8

Could you go a little quicker ? This is to slow for me
Comment from : @blairbreland1443

F* her Live your best life You'll finde a lot better women Shouldn't be that hard, hearing about the last few years of your life together
Comment from : @_noname2032

His a good husband
Comment from : @horuka_0

I don't think it's going to work out If I was in a relationship of seven years of being mistreated I would hold a lot of resentment and never feel like we'll be even I am just talking for myself though
Comment from : @Ohsnhapitsdenus

Lmfao at MGTOW dorks trying to get him to join their loser club
Comment from : @emiliopalomo5124

the family pretends like her leaving him first didnt really happen
Comment from : @cerbus6597

When I was depressed no dude gave a shit I just don't get how some men are like this and be doormats She may be ill but she didn't want to do anything but lay in bed She should have tried to get a job or do some activities outside the house that distract her from her negative thoughts I hope she will stick to her promises to do all those things they agreed with
Comment from : @Misseria

Nah he ain't an idiot and what he's doing is worthy of respect in my book
Comment from : @arcadius3257

Glad I read the comments rather than waste almost 10 minutes
Comment from : @stokeyarcanum5754

For people shtting on the girl let me tell you i have worked around people with depression and yes the escape for depression is easy as fck but people with it don't see it that way and do nothing to overcome it because they think is impossible
Comment from : @michaelcorola8420

good on OP to set boundaries, he basically said i'll take you back if you do this, and this, and this, and this first no more excuses he gave her a chance but he is playing it safe at the same time good for him
Comment from : @danialdirty5656

How in the hell does this channel have almost 90k subs?
Comment from : @simplyhuman3982

Therapist liberated the husband
Comment from : @AkshayKumar-xh2ob

When will women learn that once a man finds out how peaceful and pleasant life can be without them, we aren't going to just take them back
Comment from : @TheQuantumWave

Good luck to you
Comment from : @DragonJohn

Massive idiot for taking her back
Comment from : @Spawnofsatan97

The ultimatum was reasonable
Comment from : @lmusima3275

There’s no issue Tell everyone to mind their business
Comment from : @bratp4504

She tried to help herself according to her therapist She did nothing wrong to be fair
Comment from : @slayerjjjX

OP needs to run far, far away
Comment from : @briansolomon2969

Smh, some people never learn
Comment from : @alwaysright3943

If anyone ever leaves, open the door for them and shut and lock it behind them They don't value you and you shouldn't waste any time or thought on them because they clearly did not ever do the same for you And never take them back, nor give them the time of day They'll be better for a short time, but they'll eventually fall back into old habits Learned this from lots of experience
Comment from : @darthmadeus

I never know how to feel when I hear these types of stories, I know people that have been in the same situation and put their heart and soul into helping their partner get better for years, only for said partner to cheat on them and leave I wish the best for op but doubling down on an already horrible marriage makes me feel all kinds of sad
Comment from : @SuperbFairy

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