Title | : | How to Get IRS Back Taxes Forgiveness 3 Different Ways [IRS Back Taxes Help] #backtax |
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Man I got penalized for not having health insurance because of obama care and I’m trying to figure out how to get out of that 🤨 Comment from : @skessisalive |
The most difficult thing is just getting someone from the IRS to speak with you The IRS believes I owe taxes for a year that I was working abroad (and paying taxes to the foreign government) I have the paperwork to support it, but no one wants to look at it Comment from : @jeffgawne |
This guy also fails to tell you how much his law firm will charge you if they are even successful in getting you such a tax forgiveness Trust me, they won't do it for a low price FU*K the IRS and FU*K all tax attorneysthey are all part of the same MAFIA to rob Americans of their hard earned money Comment from : @Fausto_Fauquer |
Uh-oh taxes for the last 8 or 9 years I'm self-employed and a hairstylist Can you help me? How do I get in touch with you? I'm in South Carolina Comment from : @irunwithscissors |
Don’t ever pay to apply for an OIC They are super expensive and rarely ever get approved You have to have zero assets, no income, and no means of future income You will be wasting money Comment from : @Higher_human1 |
Can you help me I need help 🙏 Comment from : @evecornell7785 |
Just complete the remittance coupon and send it back Debt paid Simple Comment from : @OfficialB00M1P |
I owe 97,000 for back taxes I suffer from anxiety and Vertigo and work just enough for essentials I have equity in our home, but no credit Bank denied LoanThey want to seize my home now What can i do? Comment from : @epifaniosoi5702 |
I'm not paying taxes Comment from : @interactive1178 |
Well, Hunter Biden was pardoned for this Why not us? Comment from : @denise8242 |
I owe $390,000 my tax man did not put down that l sold my house in 9 months Comment from : @tracyking1489 |
With respect to April 15th deadline, I live in the Philippines and it takes a month for me to receive a letter from the US My W2s are often late and sometimes it is past April 15th before I get to submit a return I usually so not have to pay as I am retired and live off of Social Security, but what happens if my return is not submitted timely even though I owe no money? Can I be fined for a late return even if I owe no money? Thanks Comment from : @thesilentgeneration |
I owe like 20k Make 60k a year but i have almost 20 k on credit cards and 2 loans dont own any assets whats my options? Comment from : @josecamano2917 |
Full of shot Comment from : @ruglord69 |
All people should just stop working for IRS and unite to shut down IRS Comment from : @soccersprint |
Nobody owes the IRS anything They are thieves Comment from : @soccersprint |
Does this work for state and local taxes? Comment from : @TOTandMom |
Can I get on a call with you today? Comment from : @Knowledgedad |
My life changed too when I started doing this and putting money in stocks The first few years it as really great, but this year I haven't felt like my portfolio is doing well I have lost more than $40,000 from my portfolio the past four months, and it's now very worrisome Comment from : @AbigailOliviaq4l |
So what do I do if I haven't filed taxes in 7 years because I owned a business, was too busy to sit down and do it, yet never made any money from it Wanted to hand off the responsibility to an accountant, but never had the money to pay one Couldn't pay anyone to assist with filing the taxes Lost an apartment and almost lost a 2nd one due to not being able to pay on time Couldn't even pay the sales tax that I had to collect Lost my store because a new landlord bought the Plaza I was in and wanted to charge me $800 more a month for rent plus area maintenance plus some tax I never had to pay before, which I refused to sign a lease for all that because I couldn't afford it and I was kicked out and threatened with court MA DoR says I owe 30k for sales tax,12k of which is fees and penalties I own nothing I barely have money to survive right now My anxiety is causing me to not want to get anything done I need to call the MA DoR by the 30th (28th today), and I don't know what to do Comment from : @ephgm |
I've been on an installment plan, problem is I'm only able to pay about a Year's worth of back taxes in one year but I owe about 3 years back taxes, so every year I continue to owe about 3 years of back taxes, add all the interest and penalties sure isn't helping One thing I do need to do is to have more taxes held out of my check an order to stop the bleeding Comment from : @youtoo2233 |
What happen if you were incarcerated and not able to file and want to fix the issue Comment from : @mandywilliams5269 |
I asked chat gtp for an abaitment letter for the straw man 😅 Comment from : @acreage |
Can you write of payments to back tax? Generate sells to pay tax? Comment from : @Tonemind |
How difficult is it to renegotiate the installment agreement at the next tax cycle? In my case, it's not that I lack sufficient funds to pay -- and I am unconcerned about paying an 8 yearly interest rate, even if it formulates to 150 of taxes owed in the end -- I am more concerned with retaining use of the owed amount as investment principal for as long as feasible Unless Uncle Sam really needs that 50 "penalty" sooner than the 72 months agreed upon, we should both be coming out ahead in this arrangement Comment from : @GL-GildedLining |
Ever notice how the federal government is more stringent on the people than on politicians? Comment from : @bad_vaporizer |
What if you're retired? Comment from : @warringtonwinston6074 |
They cancelled the installment agreement i had becsuse i paid too early never bothered to send me a letter they cancelled it now put me into collections ARGUED with me and said i better pay 160 from now on plus a fee of 240 even though im under 51k a year She yelled at me and said i have 30 days and i had a severe asthma attack on the phone she kept yelling and didnt care Comment from : @Ilovesharks444 |
You know how devastating it feels to be homeless while working Lose what you work for have life stolen and owe taxes that i cant pay Its a depressing hole that almost renders my brain useless to solve the stress Thank you so much for the information Comment from : @FriendliestCatchCrew |
267 Comment from : @Dana-cp6fm |
267 Comment from : @Dana-cp6fm |
I might need help, how can we talk? Comment from : @RippedRobby |
Is the irs fresh start program a scam or is it a real program? Comment from : @idatarver8675 |
Why doesn't the irs automatically garnish wages? Comment from : @TheGeorgenc40 |
IRS is not part of the governmentIt is not a registered agencyIn the chapter thirty one it is a private collection agency for the private federal reserve Comment from : @doughawk1507 |
Thank you! On hold with IRS Had no idea about financial hardship option Comment from : @bella50008 |
Hello Sir Good day I owe $36K back taxes to IRS and I live with my sister now and currently receiving only $500 respite care check monthly due to her autistic son (my nephew) since July last year and I do Uber gig on the side as part time income Would something like from my situation qualify me as financial hardship option to IRS? Comment from : @leetos4915 |
If I don’t pay my back taxes I owe to the IRS, would they withhold my SS retirement benefits someday when I turn 62 for early retirement? I’m 43 right now Appreciate you and your much educational helpful blog on this tax matters Comment from : @leetos4915 |
Thsnk You Geeat information Comment from : @kelvinjefferson2253 |
Offer in Compromise success rate-have equity in my home and yes have 401k through employer-married with childbrI have more debt than I make?brAs far as first time abatement:I believe I did file an extension 2020/2019 is that still considered filing on time-thanks for the information most well explained video on the subject Comment from : @holyddogg7 |
The IRS is worse than the Mob! Damn I don’t see the light out of the tunnel Comment from : @gilbertllamas8987 |
FACTUALLY, what is taxable income? Comment from : @myd0gr3x |
Income tax is 💯 illegal This is sick On ss and can barely get by They tax my ss to the tune of 3 grand a year How am i suppose to save that much on ss Tell me HOW Comment from : @donnagunnell5455 |
Are you able to do California? Comment from : @frankreyes239 |
They will not give you a PAYMENT PLAN IF YOUR TAX RETURNS ARE NOT CURRENT Comment from : @Leslie-t3e |
Settle in compromise is a lot harder than what he is explaining It’s a big scheme companies claim they can do for you but can’t Comment from : @TonyMac1 |
Wow! Thank you so much! Great information What I heard the loudest DO SOMETHING!! NOW!! Thank you Comment from : @ShanickBartell |
How does that affect the credit report? Comment from : @kathleensmith8859 |
I may need helpAltogether I owe about 10 G's, since 2016 (just looked at IRS transccripts) Ouch I've only had this one intent to levi My employer has made it difficult to change my withholding status for the last 4 years It's though their portal but It has been hard for me to understand Their HR is no help they refer me back to the portal Therefore I owe about every year gfor the last 4 years I recently moved so not sure the total amounts, but now I got a CO504 for 2022 for an approx balance owed of $2800 I am a security guard at a hospoital, aged 65 almost, haven't retired yet, options you suggest lead me to believe I can call them, but I also know they are ruthless Ie I had to repay them years ago and it was a small amount I missed a payment by one day and they wanted to garnish my wages Thanks to gramma it was paid that next day Which of the above options might work for me? I'd rather pay someone like you than them, to resolve these past due amounts I do not owe more tha prolly $7000 total in the last 4 years I've even asked for add'l amount to be withheld for several years, so they can see I'm making an effort I've always filed BTW I am in COlorado Thanks for any attention given here My CP504 notice is dated 12/29/23 Wierd Comment from : @bob51502001 |
How can you be reached Comment from : @mrsuccess336 |
You don' OWE the IRS ANYTHING Taxable years ENDED AUGUST 16 1954 Google 26 CFR 10-1 (d) passed into LAW by the 83rd Congress Any enforcement of the now non-existent tax took place on August 17 1954 but on that day there was NO tax to enforce as the tax died/expired the DAY BEFORE69 YEARS AGO!!!! Comment from : @dennishipsley8703 |
Do the installment payments go on your credit report? Comment from : @et8865 |
Offer in Compromise, yes please Thank you Comment from : @TruthLove333 |
I filed exempt for the past 3 years was meaning to get off of it but as inflation rose I needed the money to support my family I recently switched it back to have my taxes withheld but I know I’m going to owe atleast 30k in back taxes can I get a IA or a OIC still? Or is it too late ? Comment from : @royallegend11 |
Do anyone know how long it would take for irs to reissue u a check if your bank sent it back to the IRS Comment from : @TWilson-ol9wj |
External Theft Cartel Comment from : @booboobrown5634 |
I heard the back taxes are satisfied when filed for the past 6 years Is this is a soft rule? Comment from : @wakeywakey8603 |
Biggest Bullies🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️😵💫😵💫😵💫 Comment from : @Momsolo |
My husband has a deficiency 90 letter We or low income he's working paycheck to paycheck only enough for his bills and i get SSI only enough for my bills not able to pay any money back we live in housing trying to get ahead What can we do about the deficiency 90 day letter? Comment from : @mahoganyshanae6116 |
The irs isn't part of the government Comment from : @Brazil144hopeful |
By the way, do you have an email that I can contact you Thanks Comment from : @tammynguyen6209 |
Hi Lawyer, I am preparing form 433-F, and I have a couple questions for you as follows:brbr1) For section F related to Employment information or gross wage, does the IRS count voluntary contribution to retirement account such as 401K and add it into my net income?brbr2) For expenses does the IRS take into account of my 401K loan and personal loan as my expenses?brbr3) For first time abbaitment, do I need to either pay my tax in full or have an installment payment agreement setup first? brbrThanksbrbrTammy Comment from : @tammynguyen6209 |
Thanku! Comment from : @MadamT_ |
I must be missing something How can I be current and compliant yet delinquent at the same time?! Comment from : @TheAstralNomad |
I lost everything due to illness (Leukemia), and haven't worked for two years and was already behind before I got sick So what do I do? Comment from : @markgarduno4597 |
Take all the money that we all pay for taxes And give all the money back to the people that was taken from we the people who pay there taxes Comment from : @LoveGspot69 |
Thank you SO much for this information So happy to have come across this video Comment from : @kitkatkels86 |
Can i contact you ? I need help Comment from : @proceonproceon6233 |
Can you do an offer and compromise if it’s for back gross receipts tax due from a failed business? Comment from : @shygirl1321 |
I am so happy about all the well explained information I scheduled an appoitment with you Thank you so much Comment from : @adrianarodrigues7608 |
Thank you sir gave me some hope 😵💫🥶😮💨👊 Comment from : @robertnoriega1388 |
Folks, file your own offer in compromise These places will take your money and do nothing for you Comment from : @smalltalk3284 |
Is social security considered income? I have health concerns and may need to retire before my installment agreement is finished Comment from : @cobaltbroker |
I am not sure if I qualify for any other program Comment from : @rhbarbs |
I owe 16,000 but I course I do not qualify because i have assetsalready paid 60,000 for last 3 properties I sold Comment from : @rhbarbs |
Will an OIC affect a credit score? Comment from : @stopidwater7731 |
Like others have commented on here, I was intimidated and procrastinating while looking for new career opportunities I didn't handle filing and paying correctly I have had bank accts garnished, my paychecks garnished in past My wife is being garnished even today by the State But now I am also being even more aggressively pursued by the State of Alabama I believe I have been told they don't do settlements Any advice on how to handle the State of Alabama? I'm unemployed and wife makes around $30k, with 2 kids in the home Comment from : @hutchrt0596 |
So if I qualify for hardship which I know I do I barley make it I’m having always get help from family single mom with kids my debts are more than I make I owe from 2019 less 10k do I call for that or write letter ? And do I need make sure all my taxes are filed before I do this Thank you Comment from : @connor3565 |
Can you email me Comment from : @TheMovieRecap216 |
How does one contact you for help? Comment from : @DanJn |
What if I’m already in agreement installments but can’t keep up with the payment anymore can I still submit to the “ offer and compromise “ there after ? Comment from : @dangerousmelody3 |
I owe almost 90k and need help I pay money every month was on a payment plan but they stopped it I Only make about 65k a year have been 1099 because of covid and cost of living just to get by I don't know if I should stay that way save u and send in more money or let them start taking the taxes out but im worried they will drain my account or garnish wages and I wont have enough to provide for my family Please any advice would help Comment from : @JosephGenaldi |
How do you find the form to write readonable cause abatement? Or how to write up this letter? Comment from : @joeverlinde8981 |
I have an installment agreement to pay down about 11k worth of 2021 taxes, just filed 2022 and I owe about the same, is this gonna affect the first payment plan? Can I have two payment plans? Idk what to do Comment from : @waterboy417 |
This my first year owing taxes and I'm so clueless to what this means And I'm kinda scared like how do I owe the govt I been working Comment from : @dark12ain |
My father and my mother both passed away in 2019 and 2020 my father left behind some taxes that weren't paid and some income tax years that he never Filed he left behind no assets and the estate account was pretty bare at $2000 which it still remains today 3 years later the IRS just recently sent me a mail coming to me For his backtaxes not sure what to do or if I should get a lawyer Comment from : @ericsRANDOMclips |
Thanks you great advice as I need this know due to financial circumstances Comment from : @pinaclemente8957 |
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