Title | : | Mr. Wonderful’s CRAZY Plan to Pay Off the U.S. Debt (Will it work?) |
Lasting | : | 6.28 |
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Views | : | 282 rb |
Term Limits marketing? Comment from : @deathlywraith2282 |
Mr Wonderful didn't think that throughgood catch and commentary Comment from : @AndrewDownie-m8d |
Maybe selling the National Parks would help pay the national debt Disney might buy Yellowstone Comment from : @frankblangeard8865 |
Bitcoin strategy Comment from : @thomasbortolussi2760 |
Cutting spending is exactly what Mr Trump is doing now Cut government corruption, and you will be amazed at what is saved Comment from : @UnKnown-v9m2o |
Don’t bother, we know the solution to the national debt will always come at the public’s expense, with the rich and too big to fail corporations paying/sacrificing nothing! Comment from : @christophorfaust2457 |
Look, I retired when I was 55 and I’ve been retired for 10 yearsbrI draw the interest from my 401k and pay almost no taxbrI live in CA and pay no tax on social security, why would I convert my money and pay taxes on it? Comment from : @allenmadison8775 |
Revalue gold Comment from : @johngenoni1927 |
Oil and National Security 2 favorite lies of Republicans Comment from : @madelinesweetlowis3333 |
Dude comment is right on Comment from : @Cat-bg2ge |
And if we quit giving our enemy's million's and Billion's in aid Comment from : @Cat-bg2ge |
Go Kevin Comment from : @Cat-bg2ge |
He should be next Comment from : @tommeke5761 |
Or, just tax the fk out of any multinational corporation operating in the US Only allowing deductions for wages paid to American woekers Comment from : @IBACb |
Whats to prevent us from doing the same with existing fossil fuel extraction from federal land? Comment from : @IBACb |
Over time it most CERTAINLY would bring down the national debt substantially Comment from : @marktonello3535 |
I have come to the conclusion that I will need to work until I die No retirement benefits will cover the costs which will skyrocket , which will be due to the debt or energy prices Washington overspent way too much money and screwed us Just look at the cost increases which occurred after the pandemic They effectively reduced the value of saved retirement money in half Comment from : @tg_ny |
The US economy relies on ongoing credit and debt generation for sustenance The Federal Reserve is expected to increase the money supply, leading to further debt accumulation for the average American So how exactly can we guard against the coming financial reset Like what are really the best strategies to make our portfolio recession proof against the incoming financial reset? I'm very worried about my $310k stock portfolio Comment from : @Jakepattison42 |
increasing tax rates are the reason I rolled over my 401k to a Roth I don’t want to be 59 paying taxes on current income on withdrawals made from my retirement account Comment from : @JimSanford-g3d |
We may be too far gone but a good start would be to reverse Bush's and Trump's massive tax cuts for the rich and eliminate the taxable limit for social security taxes Comment from : @Ice-forming-in-fire24 |
Ross Perot had an idea much like that with a 25 cent a gallon fuel tax The problem is that congress will always spend way too much UNLESS there is a balanced budget amendment, which unfortunately will never happen Comment from : @votaric |
Let those goofy liberals we just got rid of pay off the debt They made it all without the peoples vote or consentThey can patly it from the profits of all the insider trading of the Obama era,and the biden baloney scam Comment from : @ricklamb772 |
Rich WS guys want a tax cut and float ideas like this They don’t mind bankrupting the country like they did in 2008 Comment from : @raghavgopal4363 |
Or alternatively: stop stealing, stop cheating, start working Comment from : @unclewerner |
Print billions of money, buy a couple of millions of Bitcoin, raise the Bitcoin price and pay all the debt Comment from : @alirahmat4580 |
Why would anyone want to buy USA debt/IOUs , when the very country have no intention of paying off said debt Comment from : @jascam1 |
Wow we have $35T worth of oil out there?! // ah okay $750B Comment from : @steveeuphrates-river7342 |
The ANWR oil field is a pipe dream Comment from : @Δυσνομία |
There is no such thing as a national debt Comment from : @oscarwindham6016 |
The entire monetary system would collapse if it was paid off That is something many people don't know - it is a total fraud that needs to be destroyed and rebuilt to actually be fair and truthful Comment from : @krono32 |
Mr KEVIN O IS AN “SELF PROMOTING IDIOT!”brHe SOUNDS NOT TO BE “IGNORANT” but he is a “WITH-OUT ANY DOUBT AN IDIOT!”brJust a bad choice as a CELEBRITY! Comment from : @roblue2647 |
He's ignoring climate change or the additional cost associated with climate change Thanks Mr wonderful, wrong again Comment from : @rogerhufsmith2841 |
The better option would be to cut spending on entitlements and defense and live within our means, but that would require leadership Comment from : @casienwhey |
Since the debt crisis could unleash carnage on the stock market leading to economic downturns We need to be prepared for potential market volatility how can I secure my $80K stock portfolio against declining? Comment from : @hoosier-daddy-wv5gi |
Not one American dare to say cut military budget Comment from : @wengyip2725 |
Best solution is to privatize the entire Infrastructure and plus put a GST Comment from : @daipayanbhowal8914 |
Do it with all oil on all national owned land, not just Anwar Comment from : @davidrounds3245 |
Forget logic Comment from : @GTPInternational |
Nice idea but the reality is, the US will never pay of its debt Comment from : @ryuhadouken1404 |
He could go fetch fiscal paradise founds offshore and collect the trillions of dollars that's right! trillionshard to believe heh? Comment from : @robertenleed-q3r |
BWAHAHA Imagine someone thinking that the govt would ever hold to a restriction they placed on themselves Comment from : @grega2362 |
It won't matter The government will just go deeper into debt to make more wars Comment from : @jamesmccool503 |
Why not just print money and pay all debt? Period Comment from : @ThomasBolleiro |
Let me ask you this when and to whom did it work hiking significantly tax rates brNow the US is a migrant country why do you take it for granted that everybody will just stay put and pay crazy taxes brPerhaps look to California to see what happens if you hike taxes significantlybrAlso if you predict Draconian tax hikes what makes you think that exempt retirement accounts will not lose their exemption or even seized Comment from : @shlomokoehler9295 |
Old people have stolen a generation’s wealth Comment from : @john5712 |
The first thing to do is have Congress pass a balanced budget amendment Comment from : @user-iy6zp1ej6r |
Dolly parton president sylvester stalone vice president the problem with that larry finks and back rock want it Comment from : @terryallen6005 |
Given the persisting global economic crisis, it's essential for individuals to focus on diversifying their income streams independent of governmental reliance This involves exploring options such as stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies Despite the adversity in the economy, now is an opportune moment to contemplate these investment avenues Comment from : @austinbar266 |
This vid started out w an ad fr Oblammy🤑🤮 Comment from : @loraa3873 |
I think we should definitely exploit our natural resources to keep our economy growing Don’t get me wrong But I just googled it and there is at most about 11 billion barrels of oil in ANWAR to be drilled A barrel of oil costs 88 dollars these days That’s about 968 billion dollars in resources Not even one trillion We are in 34 trillion dollars of debt That 968 billion dollars doesn’t account for paying the workers Or any other expenses Or the fact that Kevin implied a mere royalty off the top could pay off the debt In short This isn’t a one stop solution However In TOTAL the US has over a TRILLION barrels in oil as natural exploitable resources As a general strategy YES we could drill our own oil and pay off our debt that way - but not from ANWAR alone Comment from : @styxrakash4639 |
The Donald drill baby drill Comment from : @ggkk6474 |
I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or when ever you can afford to This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income Comment from : @sarawilliam696 |
Raise taxes They will just spend more Comment from : @fliporhold |
That SOUNDS great, but remember what they said in California about the Lottery? If you vote to bring in the Lottery, we'll put all proceeds toward the schoolsbrbrJust what they ALWAYS do--use the kids as props "It's for the CHILDREN! Think of the CHILDREN!" So they did put all of the Lottery proceeds toward schools But they also diverted away every other dollar that WAS going to schools into general fund and social programs that they used to buy votes for themselvesbrbrALWAYS watch what the other hand is doing! Comment from : @dolfinwriter5389 |
You can’t pay off the US debt There isn’t enough real currency in existence because the currency is created out of thin air If the debt is paid off, the entire system collapses In fact, if we don’t continue further into debt, the system collapses Comment from : @FreedomIsAChoice777 |
Biden and the tree hugs don't want that Maybe trump Comment from : @johnbradbury5111 |
We’re boned Comment from : @Deng1neer |
We experienced the pinnacle of our era, but it is now gone Like what happened to Rome, the corrupt administration will bring this nation to an end My condolences go out to anyone who is close to retiring and may be worried about whether their pension will be enough to pay the rising cost of living Insane fiscal policy, poor regulatory policy, poor energy policy, and poor foreign policy Comment from : @dianemoore- |
Jubilee is the solutioninflate til the debt is worthless Comment from : @ralphkoster2687 |
The key words are”by congress “!brGood luck with that!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @RickyGorski-gn9wd |
Paying off the US debt! Wishful thinking! The Rich do not want that to happen Us little folk would be able to have a life Comment from : @weloveups831 |
It is technically impossible to pay off all the debt because if you did there wouldn’t be any money in existence because the money to pay off all the interest doesn’t exist…never has, never will…when the government gets it’s money from the federal reserve and the federal reserve doesn’t just give the government money it loans it to them with interest attached to the money which means the federal reserve is only creating the principal, say for example the government borrowed 1 trillion dollars at 3 interest the federal reserve is only creating the trillion dollars So if you go all the way back to the first time the government borrowed money from the federal reserve that is how it’s been Comment from : @pez334 |
Mr Wonderful is a typical Republican looking to drill, drill and drill He’s wrong It won’t work Comment from : @johnmca5643 |
Because the government is to dumb and they will blow the money Comment from : @Daddio69er4p |
At most this would have a temporary effect Congress has always been able to come up with political justification for increasing spending without increasing taxation A good economy is an excuse for less responsible spending and a bad economy is an expense for bailouts Norway was able to make their plan work because their country is organized as a socialist economy Comment from : @psdaengr911 |
Nobody including Kevin O’Leary and Jake Tapper are not pointing out the all USD are lent into existence and have been since August 15,1971 Comment from : @fmagalhaes1521 |
DC will raise taxes, but take that "new found" money and spend even more There isn't any mechanism in place to make our leaders be responsible Also, you can forget about Roth IRAs Once congress sees how much money is in those, they will change laws because "everyone needs to help the country" Roth's will get taxed again Never mind that is double taxing "desperate times" will demand desperate measures Zero accountability, zero policing of fraud We just hand them loads of cash every tax season So long America Comment from : @yawningdoodle |
Reduce the debt Spend less than you brining in We don’t have a taxing problem, we have a spending problem Comment from : @traderj5595 |
I’ve spent nearly a quarter of my life in northern Alaska and can tell you that there is enough to dwarf Saudi Arabia’s reserves It is no secret to us in the industry 10 billion is a conservative estimate and ANWR is only a minor portion of Alaska’s vast oil reserves Comment from : @asgardequitytrading |
The problem is our politicians will find some way to get their grubby paws on it (Remember the untouchable social security trust fund?) and use it to buy votes with! Comment from : @wilsonle61 |
Thank you Mr O’Leary Comment from : @daverogers5609 |
How about the " penny plan " Comment from : @Heawa1 |
We have to write it off and slash government spending so it never happens again Comment from : @nathanshearer30 |
The problem boils down to corruption Corruption of politics, business and the financial system Most people don't know that our financial system is a debt based fiat monetary system Money is created by debt So the government needs to float bonds in order to supply money in the system So paying off the debt is pure fantasy The system was created to implode Now do we go back to a sound financial system or end up in CBDC hell is the question Comment from : @Frank-sh4xw |
You do have 2 pay the people who get the oil out of the ground refine it and deliver is 2 consumers but selling oil is a great way 2 reduce debt also using it helps just as much Comment from : @Savior-q7w |
Did he give himself that name? Comment from : @ruckboger |
Our system is called "FRACTIONAL RESERVE" and is fiat paper based on ENDLESS DEBT to survive Mr Wonderful, better be holding some gold The West is "brain dead" and the Empire is imploding Comment from : @kevinw9073 |
Oil? Eww, gross Comment from : @ct00001 |
One problem with that Daddy government would see all that cash coming in and spend it faster than they could get it Comment from : @todd1701 |
Wont work because money is not real to the liberal so it's a means to achieve spendingthey don't really care if the dollar collapse they only care they don't suffer today Comment from : @jimmynolet3752 |
Peg gold at $200,000 per oz That fixes the debt! Comment from : @Satnam58 |
Has anybody thought about holding the banks and institutions accountable and the defense industry of the US 😂 Comment from : @yadnyeshpandit9448 |
Kevin OLeary for VP 🎉 Comment from : @rosekrynzel6424 |
Mr Wonderful is very smart We should use the oil to pay off the national dept and pass a law that any politician who serves two years without a balenced budget can not run for relection Comment from : @normanfox4916 |
What a clever plan to invade the last wilderness "Promise" to pay peoples taxes Comment from : @kurtisengle6256 |
Grow America Turn all the power back on America first policy only Comment from : @AmericanPat |
That’s not a bad idea to payout down our debt The issue is to stop the government from the crazy spending Smh Comment from : @DS-mr7gr |
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