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Recycling Cans And Bottles For Money? Bottle Picking Explained

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Title :  Recycling Cans And Bottles For Money? Bottle Picking Explained
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Frames Recycling Cans And Bottles For Money? Bottle Picking Explained

Description Recycling Cans And Bottles For Money? Bottle Picking Explained

Comments Recycling Cans And Bottles For Money? Bottle Picking Explained

Thank for your informative video I just watched a video about CA CRV which led me to your channel Your comments re: people in need I agree with along with the caveat of the need for people to have transport to recycle stations ( if they exist outside of walking distance or at all) Best wishes from StL, MO 😊
Comment from : @ByHis3Grace

Ohio-USA wish we had this My husband and i save our cans for cash Wish we coukd also do bottles
Comment from : @brendawick

As an Ontarian, it's embarrassing how far behind we are in recycling 🤦‍♂brbrAlso, "compound interest" on those cans and bottles found on the streets
Comment from : @288theabe

We have here in Germany a Slogan called "Pfand gehört daneben" means Deposit belongs next to the Trash Bins, to avoid it for People to put their Hands in the trash :) Not everyone follow this Slogan but its getting more and more popular And i think this is beautiful :)
Comment from : @vatarion2683

I am one who quite IT to collect batt;lest That's me and the video is for me :) Over $2 / our !!! This is Romania, baby! Living even in the monst expensive cities, without a worry
Comment from : @mihaip1179

I’m in Nashville Tn It’s by the pound for aluminum cans Honestly I don’t know how I would feel if they put a deposit on cans here There’s no market for plastic bottles Steel cans I clean them out as much as possible and I put them with my scrap steel I was introduced into recycling when I got a job at a Reynolds Recycling shop in February of 97 But I didn’t really do it like I do now until 2013 due to some major financial issues brought about by a drawn out nasty divorce and custody situation among other things It has become a bit therapeutic for me Now I think that I’m addicted to it
Comment from : @MrRoscojones1

So does this mean i cant just import bottles from africa?Lets say water bottles and coke cans to sale in Canada?I mean they are all plastic and aluminum isnt it?
Comment from : @musicgrynd

You explained this 100 times better than i could
Comment from : @therecyclingguy256

You own a shirt and jumper wow I'm stunned
Comment from : @Richardstevens1234

The deposit is $05 in NY and from what I heard there's supposed to be legislation to bump the deposit up to $10
Comment from : @gregelliott5016

Which cpuntry ?
Comment from : @himuhimel02

What about states on cans It makes no sense to me like I have a coke and Pepsi can that say all states on the can but brisk says only Californiabrbr Why, it's the same thing why does it matter it's just a different label
Comment from : @TheFTeam

I wish I lived in Canada instead of Ohio here in the US , I just turned in roughly 12,300 beer and pop cans and only made $186 because they are 47 cents a poundbut I still gather them all the time anyways because money is money
Comment from : @MissAmazanda

Here in Maine we have a pretty decent 05 per bottle/can, 15 large glass bottles redemption Either take them to a redemption center and receive cash, or some grocery stores let you return bottles and cans and use it towards your grocery bill We are able to return everything be sides Milk, dairy-derived products, Maine-produced apple cider and blueberry juice, Seafood, meat or vegetable broths or soups, Instant drink powdersbrProducts designed to be consumed in a frozen state, Liquid syrups, concentrates or extracts
Comment from : @mountdesertrock

Comment from : @victoriageczi1806

Down here in Phoenix I'm lucky to have a scrapyard nearby that recycles aluminum cans and plastic bottles Thanks to this place, they've saved so much plastic from ending up in the landfill They have mountains and mountains of plastic bottles piled up in their yard The only downer is that they're only about 20 cents a pound We don't have a bottle deposit, though
Comment from : @kave9482

I would like it if you made videos of dumpster diving at record stores or dumpster diving at thrift stores to find vinyl records
Comment from : @justinmelanson5843

I live in Romania and got paid 50 usd for 880 pounds of plastic bottles , not a great deal :(
Comment from : @dragosgabriel802

Yeah Wish we had that here in sc I used to carry tons of bottles and cans when I knew I had runs up north Paid for my groceries while I was up there But I remember collecting coke bottles in the 70s and buying my first bicycle from them My parents would take me to the bottling plant to sell them
Comment from : @MrChunkydunk

Hopefully you will see this But when recycling plastic water bottles (the small ones) how many cents would i receive if i'm from Georgia I'm guessing it would be 10 cents
Comment from : @kNeXuS_

Why does Realemon bottle say return for refund, yet bottle depot won't accept it? (I'm in Alberta, Canada)
Comment from : @DavidGS66

Awesome, super informative Mr Thubprint
Comment from : @TheTorkerman

Here in Finland we have quite high recycling rate for bottles and cans, almost 93 of them is recycled Our recycle system is also quite large (all the bottles and cans must be made in Finland):br brGlass bottles: br0,10€ 0,3-0,75 litre refillabe alcoholbottles br0,10€ 0,15-2,0 litre recycled bottles br0,40€ over 1 litre refreshment bottlesbr brPlastic bottles: br0,10€ max 0,35 litre recycle bottles br0,20€ 0,5 and 0,75 litre refillable alcohol and refreshment bottles br0,20€ over 0,35 but less than 1,0 litre recycle bottles br0,40€ 1,0 and 1,5 litre refillable alcohol and refreshment bottles br0,40€ at least 1,5 litre recycle bottlesbr brCans: br0,15€
Comment from : @finestblu

In Queensland, Australia we get 10c since 2018 I managed to save up for tattoos and a mining course
Comment from : @stache297

Comment from : @monnysillva7038

New Jersey - USA
Comment from : @tomfedarick7042

Amazing runthrough of bottle recycling worldwide! Thanks for mentioning Norway specifically too! We really do a lot of bottle recycling here, and ALL shops that sell bottles/cans have to accept them in return for cash or as store credit Small bottles are now NOK 2,- (0,28 CAD cents) and large ones at NOK 3,- (0,42 CAD cents), so it REALLY makes sense to recycle Families usually save up in shopping bags here and bring them with them every time they go shopping, and there's machines in every shop that will accept your bottles and give you a receipt Take the recept to the cashier and get the money in cash, or simply deduct it from your grocery shopping Still, Norwegians have a lot of money, so a lot of people will still leave their bottles and not care about bringing them to the shop, so we have some bottle pickers here too, but not like in other countries I've been to for sure Anyhow, this is my first comment on any of your videos! Shout out from Norway! Keep on scrapping! :D
Comment from : @ChineseDetective

Theres no deposit refund for bottles and cans in washington state if you try to take them to oregon for a refund you will get a $250 fine for cashing them in illegally
Comment from : @jesusmylordsaviorking3726

In Nova Scotia it's: all ready-to-drink beverages (excluding milk) are 005$ while liquor bottles over 500mL and domestic beer bottles are 010$brbrAlso it's NEWF-in-LAND not new-FOUND-lind
Comment from : @ImranZakhaev9

The Swedish system works well until there are foreign cans, they are just to drive to the scrap yard or as many do throws in nature, and unfortunately I must say, aluminum cans you need some for it to be worthwhile to go to the scrap yard
Comment from : @Swescrapman

Check out I took this 28 oZ side Powerade to my recycle place And they rejected They say they are no recycle that type of bottles Well if I pay 5 cents for a babble Should I get back that Money?
Comment from : @byronvillatoro7111

Some reason knows bye bottles and aluminum cans you return it the refund back it don't accept it here in America !!!
Comment from : @mattmccarthy6686

Great video 2021
Comment from : @isaiaflores6848

Cheers from Lithuania! The deposit is 01€ per can/plastic/glass bottle here No milk cartons, wine, or champagne, though, I still wonder why, as it uses so much glass By the way it's crazy to see you dumpster dive so efficiently, it seems people don't really like to recycle :) You wouldn't find as many bottles it the trash in LT as the return rate is 92
Comment from : @maxsaslt

kinda bummed that texas doesn’t do it
Comment from : @kiaraa8515

Alcoholics love depots,it gets them their next drink
Comment from : @gregjohnson298

Now I understandbrThanks brYeah Ontario is very weird with a lot of things and ideasbrProbably because of all the fancy and spoiled people in GTA brand funny enough I got into scrapping and beverage container collecting because of a Newfie friend of mine
Comment from : @andrebrasil5523

awesome information thub thank you
Comment from : @jorojinnomad549

🚨You did a good job on this video 👍
Comment from : @sticksandstones1885

Bro you got the lighting on this one superb
Comment from : @ThaWhiteKnight777

in most of the states its only 5 cents :(
Comment from : @SaulGoodman926

My son's boy scout throop does most of their fundraising via bottle returns Lots of not for profit organizations do that here in US
Comment from : @jenmayl1613

10¢ in Oregon baby!
Comment from : @jaxonryder

How the hell did I miss this video? And who's the well dressed looking and highly educated sounding dude with the glasses? 🤣
Comment from : @Vandal-Vlogs

The depot is paid a handling fee for sorting and cleaning the empties
Comment from : @CameronInVancouver

here on Vancouver we have a Food Bank and they have recyling containers, FOOD 4U, I can return my bags of returnables and they get the profit towards the food bank I enjoy this method
Comment from : @donnaleecriss5023

Awesome video Didn't know about Iceland doing a scheme in the UK Will look into it Brilliant info, thanks 🐼
Comment from : @ecoscrapper3501

Pepsi cans from Ontario are excepted in can Machine in Quebec 240 cans at 5 cents give you 12 dollars
Comment from : @teresawoodard2938

Michigan is also 10 cents each
Comment from : @dafterdick

I am looking in to starting up again used to do it a few years ago but in UK there is one place near me an you get 50p per kg an the small ist they will take is 10kg its not to bad but could be better
Comment from : @aaronstead2606

Hi Thubyou look cute with glasses 😊😊
Comment from : @Nativity1225

Always informative, like your Videos, great job !!!! I wish we had it here in OH
Comment from : @dovem9601

Hey thub do u crush cans?
Comment from : @alexpanagiotidis1811

Nice video
Comment from : @ariesmariano4592

Here in the US most states don't have a recycling program I however do save up my empties and return them to be recycled for cash I live in New Jersey and bring them to New York state My wife and I get to take a road trip and with the cash we have lunch
Comment from : @grandpakevin3354

In Finland we get all glass bottles 010€, small plastic bottles (under 0,5l) 010€, 0,5-1,25l plastic bottles 020€, 1,5 and up 0,40€ and cans 0,15€ If i remember righ our recycling is about 92?
Comment from : @maickledeon

Some extra info, for you Professor Thub! Belgium and Luxemburg also have a deposite systembrbrThe Netherlands will have a deposit on small plastic bottles by July 2021 If trash in the streets isn't reduced by 2022, there will be a deposit on cans as wellbrNot all glass beer bottles have a depositbrThe crates also have a depositbrbrSome beer bottles bought in Germany for 8 cents deposit can be returned in the Netherlands for 10 cents deposit (I like to try every beer once, so I shop a lot on holidays and bring beers home)
Comment from : @VelserHerrie

i looove your mentality (how you think) hello from Quebec
Comment from : @vaginnoir

4:00 we have it same (i live in czechia the 2 Most corona state in europe) and that is the reason why i just scrap e waste btw We have better prices for copper but worse for aluminium they are very bad (like 050 / kilo)
Comment from : @Penguinek

In Slovakia we ar Recykling plastic metal glass but we don't get the money 🙂😄 hello from Slovakia 🇸🇰
Comment from : @Slovakia-collecting

i save mine for a friend
Comment from : @raymondfrazier2436

Pretty sure quebec's 20c for larger containers only applies to beer containers When I turn in a ton of 2L pop bottles I get almost nothing not really worth bothering for anything except large beer cans here
Comment from : @Arthixful

Great information I wish Ontario recycled more
Comment from : @marilynward7681

great research love it keep doing the thing
Comment from : @jackpotdigger834

Very interesting, i always wondered what stopped people just crossing the border and selling in a state that payed more
Comment from : @helfarkmar5043

quebec beer glass bottle 10cents
Comment from : @jackpotdigger834

Is scrapping your full time job? If so that’s awesome, there is something new everyday!
Comment from : @chandlerd9219

Hi thub, in the Netherlands you hardly get any money for cans The aluminum cans can be handed in to a limited number of scrap iron traders! You don't get anything for drink bottles except beer bottles only the soft drink bottles live up to 025 cents and the beer bottles 010 cents Keep it up! super cool channel Greetings Wilco
Comment from : @wilcovanderben1236

You are a professsional Thank you for your content!
Comment from : @bobert4966

Similarly a snow slowing me collecting bottles and cans, bad for oldies
Comment from : @arseniojrmauricio5794

Great video! PS - You might've mispronounced Newfoundland?
Comment from : @SM-SM-SM-SM

Wonder why more US states aren’t participating in the bottle deposit return system
Comment from : @CrossOdyssey

Interesting stuff Canada definitely is on to it Here in MA at 5 cents a bottle it is just not worth it except for your own consumption bottles Which makes me wonder what is the critical deposit refund to make it worthwhile picking? Maybe 15c on average? Thanks Thub
Comment from : @geofft3214

in Ontario you can take aluminum cans to the scrap yard the one I've been to was 46 cents per pound
Comment from : @Ghostinthedark100

i knewand i still watched lol !! in New York i remember when they started the 5cent depositits only on carbonated and water bottlesand there are people that have routes on recycling day to collect before the trucks comemy dad used to save his for a lady every weekleaving it better than he found it !!
Comment from : @beanz199

What's up thub? I live in the Netherlands and we indeed have the reverse vending machine for plastic bottles, but that's basically it Trash picking or street scrapping is not allowed, and unfortunately we've got nothing for cans, just for beer bottles (regular pilsener only) and soda bottlesbrThe vending machines we have are only taking in proper bottles, so nothing crushed like I see you're doing in your videos Is there no regulation for "full size" cans or can you crush everything regardless to save space?
Comment from : @imAlico64

Good video!! I hope PA starts the bottle trend!!
Comment from : @DumpsterMarcus

In Norway you can get 025-035$ per bottle
Comment from : @andreasnguyen2540

I live in Newbury, England, our local Sainsbury’s has a bottle and can machine on trial - they pay 5 pence per item (which they must sell in store, if not they reject it) and they pay in vouchers which you can use in store!
Comment from : @stevehitchman1846

So sad to watch this down here in the lower 48 Attitudes on trash, recycling and cradle to grave responsibility for manufacturers might be summed up as: you bought it, it's yours, you deal with it Love your work, vids and 'Leave it Better than you found it - Keep doing the thing!'
Comment from : @alanpranke3299

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