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Pet insurance 101: What you should consider before buying

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Description Pet insurance 101: What you should consider before buying

Comments Pet insurance 101: What you should consider before buying

No sound throughout the whole video what the crap!??
Comment from : @dirkbeasley2852

I didn’t get pet insurance for my dog until he got older Since June, I spent over $20,000 due to cancer and several health scare and the insurance reimbursed me on average 75 of all the cost
Comment from : @christopherchi9230

It’s not worth it until you need it
Comment from : @73richg

Tops at 1600… My last ER vet cost me over $6000😊
Comment from : @gopibble

just use your bank, put $50 into a pet account per month, its probably more value than pet insurance, and you always have access to it
Comment from : @HardMode

I'm not sure how I feel, but for now, I'm just going to pay into a pet fund and save the money up myself $150 a month savings for my pets
Comment from : @noelmilleryoga5993

Whatever you do, do not, NOT get Met Life!! Had my one year old neutered and they refused to cover it When I asked why I was told it was a pre existing condition! Canceled it that day Now that money goes into a emergency fund for when he needs it
Comment from : @tomyunker3368

It's a bit of a gamble and luck You might have a really healthy dog or you can have a dog with reoccuring illness and multiple trips to the ER In that case you'll be glad to have insurance I only had my dog for 2 years and it saved me at least $8,000 There is no one answer fits all
Comment from : @PokemanOkie

Thank you for this video! Essentially, pet insurance a rip off that Insurance companies realized they could make tons of money of people who see their pets as “members of the family”
Comment from : @AnotherMartinez

“It’s very disappointing that people feel that way…” people don’t just FEEL that way exec lady It actually is expensive brbrAlso…Today news…cancer and major surgeries are $12,000
Comment from : @francosalinas4459

This dude shoulda just changed insurance
Comment from : @dolce1248

No one should pay for pet insurance It's driving up the costs of medical care for pets
Comment from : @willieverusethis

I’m with embrace for my Border collie Got her at 8 weeks and started $25 a month Now she’s 4 it just jumped up to $73 a month from $42 last year I guess pet insurance is for the Rich I never used it and this a bait and switch Here’s part of the email Your Embrace Pet Insurance policy will automatically renew on 7/21/2024 Your monthly premium for the new policy term will be $7316 Please take a moment to review the attached summary of your coverage
Comment from : @bobsmith1405

Facts Pet Insurance is a waste of money
Comment from : @captalex1

Pet insurance is a scam its ok until u file a claim very rarely is anything covered
Comment from : @patrckdinn7265

There should be lawsuits for false advertisment imagine lying about their polocies! Until there are laws against this I insurance will continue to steal from their victims!
Comment from : @cosmeticsandpurseswithevelyn

Dog has no medicare so yeah i wont risk it It is considered as “health cost” and u know right how expensive it is
Comment from : @linalie3224

is no one gonna talk about 0:15? How everyone except the talking lady adjusted their position on the couch, at bexactly/b the same time?!!!
Comment from : @Big_Impact_Historics

GLAD I watched this I have been strongly considering getting some insurance on my 8 year old dog Maybe I better stash 50 or so dollars a month
Comment from : @ericdean4397

Yeah trupanion is horrible They are 3x as other insurance and it does not justify the high price
Comment from : @ien2023

Ya that's great until you spend $8000 out of pocket because your dog ate a piece of a toy get pet insurance
Comment from : @badgerkingtv3809

I just cannot decide if I should get pet insurance Half the people say it's worth it and half the people say it's a waste of money Half the people who regret getting it haven't had any real issues with their dogs and half the people who regret NOT getting it have had major issues with their dogs
Comment from : @RotGodKing

My new idea is to offer pet insurance for not only dogs and cats but birds, reptiles
Comment from : @chriswalls5831

There's also Care Credit, which let's you pay in installments I'll be using that and canceling my pet insurance this year For emergencies, I'm just going to open a credit card and set it aside for that purpose only Just in case, God forbid
Comment from : @FloppityFlopFlop777

I called the other day and the rep said there price DOES NOT CHANGE DISAPPOINTED TRUPANION
Comment from : @Lina-y4j8f

One of my friends dog spent 2 days ,cost 10,000 for 2days,never found out what was wrong with dog ,and paid 1000 $ deductible
Comment from : @williamchandler2558

I was hoping this segment had even a brief mentioning about pet insurance for small or exotic pets Oh well
Comment from : @jerseycaptive

Woooow Margie Tooth is one of those crazy out of touch “Let’s blame the consumer for not being rich ie not wanting to buy our crazy expensive products” corporate duds Have you ever been middle class or poorer Margie dear? We have pet insurance (Nationwide) for our little ones, but we didn’t go with Trupanion because they were so expensive and actually offered less coverage A friend of ours had Trupanion but canceled last year because they kept raising her rates even though she hardly ever used her coverage!! It’s like they just don’t understand that it will always come down to cost for 99 of people They don’t really give you any options or flexibility from what we saw anyway You can’t get just accident-only or wellness for example They charge more because they can pay vets directly I guess but who really cares about that?? I’d rather just pay less and file a claim like normal
Comment from : @Avarcirith

This advertisement is misleading in that pet the pet insurance business is NOT booming During the past two years, the percentage of insured pets in the US has not budged In fact, never in the 41 years of existence has the pet insurance industry "boomed" The reason is simpleunlike any other kind of property insurance, the pet owner must pay the entire veterinary bill before submitting a claim Unless the pet owner can afford that, the insurance is useless Further, only one of thirty-three pet insurance companies provides 24/7 emergency claims pre-authorization services All emergency veterinary hospitals will require the pet owner to pay 50 of the estimated bill before treatment can begin If a pet owner's insurance company doesn't answer the phone, economic euthanasia often results
Comment from : @kentkruse8806

The victim is our pet and underpaid hospital staff when the resources aren’t availablebrbrI have read thousands of testimonials from pet parents raving about “great service and efficient claim processing”, “insurance saved my cat”, etc And read negative reviews (approx 1-2 are negative)- “misleading”, “denied my claim”, etc What I’ve learned from the negative reviews is the majority derive from the consumer not understanding what they were buying I’ve also read, “I spent $600 a year on pet insurance and never used it, what a waste” This makes me laugh because now I feel I should tell my son to go break his arm so I can get a return on our medical insurance It’s not a financial instrument with an expected return! It’s insurance!!! brbr If we continue leaning on regulators to enact bills providing consumers the transparency & protection before binding an insurance policy, pet insurance will continue to be a great solution I’ve seen many insurance providers begin taking on these responsibilities by being more explicit in areas that cause consumer concern brbrAnyway, after thousands of conversations with veterinary staff, I haven’t met one that isn’t asked about pet insurance or some financial solution daily In the end, it’s the consumer’s choice and providing access to clear information on options is the best we can provide
Comment from : @PetInsuranceReview

Word of advice find a good vet that will let you make payments if you can
Comment from : @amberstephens6167

People can get a medical credit card that also covers vet bills Check with your provider to see if they take it To get one you must apply through a provider who takes the card This type of card allows you to pay off your bill in monthly installments with no interest payments if the entire balance is paid off within the promotional period If that doesn't happen, the interest rate is rather high and you will owe all of it, including the promotional part But I've always managed to pay off my bill within the promotional period so it works well for me
Comment from : @lannebromwell

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