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California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches

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Information California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches

Title :  California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches
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Frames California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches

Description California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches

Comments California vs Texas for RNs (Salaries Adjusted for Cost of Living) | Nurses to Riches

Join our Nurses to Riches Accelerator here nursestorichescom and learn how to become a millionaire nurse (50 discount before the launch date of June 17, 2024)
Comment from : @NursesToRiches

Texas overtime laws be garbage
Comment from : @shawn1869

Note: California is the only state with the required by law the Nurse to Patient Ratio This is a big deal because this protect the nurse from being "worked to death"
Comment from : @manuelmoraleda9684

Hello, I would like to know, how does salary and jobs in modesto for nurses?
Comment from : @rizaincanada2540

from cali, went to tx for schoolneed to go back to civilization
Comment from : @trungngo7265

Yes! We were going to move tontexas but found out its way too big, traffic is worse, and the state benefits suck! Plus property taxes are higher Ill be losing more money if we moved to texas!
Comment from : @globright9127

Should an international nurse apply directly for the california state to work ? ( As it takes time to adjust for a while from one country to another and to learn the way things work in hospital) ? brWhat would be your wise advice ? I am thinking of starting from texas
Comment from : @redcancerian

You guys are genius!!! Thank you for your videos! Planning to move in Cali soon!
Comment from : @ziahandzariya

Any chance you could publish the full spread sheet? A lot of info was visible about CA, but not TX
Comment from : @mattybrews

Hello can you Dona video of psych NP in Cali?
Comment from : @ronnishawilkinson9166

When i search abt California so many people would say they are leaving it cause it's expensive in simple whenever i search abt any country in usa peoples say they are leaving some say it's affordable i am really confuse
Comment from : @Aesthetic-j8z

Aren't the taxes extremelybrHigh in California thoughcost of living
Comment from : @rhondahayden4957

Texas has a lower cost of living so you get to keep more and Texas is growing faster so real estate opportunity is better and crime rate is lower as well as law and order are better
Comment from : @edgaragtoto2528

Texas has a lower cost of living so you get to keep more and Texas is growing faster so real estate opportunity is better and crime rate is lower as well as law and order are better
Comment from : @edgaragtoto2528

In California hospitals with 12 hour shifts they have alternative work week contracts that you give up getting time and half after working 8 hours
Comment from : @brianismael2816

Wish I wasn't single
Comment from : @squidleyskidley

Jason you’re just the best ❤
Comment from : @NanelleGriselda

My family wants me to move back to Cali after I graduate nursing school
Comment from : @Hairbyamarribatti

Keep in mind, even though many of these benefits aren’t required by law in Texas, many employers still offer them as a way of being competitive
Comment from : @raymondmeyers8983

This video was super informative! Hailing from CT and thinking about moving to TX, but sounds like best plan is to do remote work home based in CT and live in TX!
Comment from : @kelseyreid5793

Gas in California is double of Texas And didn't include sales and property tax Everytime they buy coffee which is more expensive in CA is compounded with CA highest Sale Tax in the country And even though the property tax rate is lower in CA, the house price is more So that is also a higher dollar amount And all that overtime put you in a higher Fed and State income tax bracket too And what about quality of life? Less homeless and thugs on the streets And you can have a weapon in Texas And CA toll roads? They are higher than Texas too All that adds up!
Comment from : @respectamerica2382

Thanks sir very informative brI think nurse earn more but very less saving rate ,
Comment from : @tariqaziz6365

I would like to here analysis between CA and MA
Comment from : @muthoni632

What about California having a State Income Tax vs Texas which does not have, how does that work out What about other cost is living expenses such as gas, food, and other living expenses? Which State is would you be spending more (or losing more) of your income to higher living costs? I didn’t hear anything in the video about that
Comment from : @LordZandersSoapbox4811

Blood y'all are insufferable I grew up in Sacramento and Texas and was homeless, worked my way back up and people like you made me sick and still do You flaunt your income making $350k a year publicly on YouTube How naieve can you be? That shit is dangerous in Sac to say so y'all should really be more careful It ain't right to take your money but you sure do invite that energy just flaunting itbrbrEven your title is Nurses to RICHES It says everything about what you stand for and the only thing you care about Y'all are about nothing but money, soul sucking shytt you're so detached from people and the intricacies of life itself that you view everything as a commoditizable itembrbrGo back to New York bruh Texas housing prices got fqd over after everyone moved there Now it's unaffordable for my family just like Cali All because of people like you, economic tourists You do not have any attachment to a community, helping people, nothing And being a nurse is in many capacities NOT helping people Only helping people with money, only helping when you're not pushing some big pharma bullshit down their throats Nurses practice allopathic medicine, "lop" it off, rather than focusing on vitamins, minerals, biology that makes sense You push drugs for big pharma brbrThere's a lot more intelligence and heart that comes out of what you call "the homeless" than you could ever comprehend You probably had your car and garage broken into on some karmic shytt You clearly both worship money and are so far detached from real humanity it's completely foreign and incomprehensible to you
Comment from : @NorCalGlobal

So it sounds like California is better
Comment from : @jeffreyblaise3198

What do you advise a single mum of 5 from AfricaWhich state would be best to move in as a new diploma grad nurse?
Comment from : @lyricguy4109

I’m so anxious moving to Florida as I’m from New York I wish there’s a comparison between this two state
Comment from : @allansamonte45393

Although cities in Cali may enter the Top 10 and may pay higher, the cost of living and taxes there would also devour many of your incomebrbrTexas has no state tax, and with lower cost of living :) Port Arthur is still practically the winner :)
Comment from : @Edmaration

Can you separate out the property taxes and the mortgage insurance from the mortgage payment ?
Comment from : @patrickmorrissey9146

Can you compare CA to Nevada for all of these same exact categories?
Comment from : @balla2828

I so need this Thank you! I'm a Filipino Torn between CA and WA My family is in WA But I want to work and live in CA specifically SF or Sacramento ❤❤
Comment from : @richjaneRN

A few months later, I think this is my second comment on this vid Non nurse friend mentioned moving to Sacramento and I remembered you had talked about it Came here and verified That might be last straw since I'm just about to graduate RN school and looking for job Maybe you can put in a glowing recommendation for me at your hospital 🥹😅
Comment from : @rocketjua

As a brand new nurse out of school, what pay should I realistically expect when looking for a job?
Comment from : @ron78yaj

Our employer paid my wife all 12 weeks for both kids using EIB hours Methodist Dallas, TX $54/hr as a float nurse
Comment from : @everss02

Make 1 for NYC
Comment from : @eghfff7369

SMHare nurses really chasing money on this career? You will burn out quickly if your heart and soul isnt into it no matter how much you are paid
Comment from : @jesuslovesyou7565

Thanks! Very informative vid!
Comment from : @cheriepitchford8082

I worked in Texas (San Antonio) for 6 months Glad im back in the Bay Area Texas is a dump for nurses
Comment from : @chrissaulog6306

Would maxing out 401k and or Roth ira off set the amount of taxes being taken out ?
Comment from : @MrMarco7ify

This is great thanks I am an international student studying Nursing here in a community college Although, I am still taking my pre-requisites Will you advise I complete my ADN or transfer to university for BSN Also, I am in Texas Will I be able to get a job as a fresh grad brThanks
Comment from : @adepojuflora5711

I am currently work in Los Angeles as a nurse I work 10 hours a day, but I don't see overtime pay for 2 hours I get paid for straight 10 hours, no overtime pay
Comment from : @hurjihye80

Is this spreadsheet accounting property tax too? We have crazy property taxes here in Houston Area
Comment from : @jborginfantern

no OT unless you work over 40hrs no matter what dam texas sure is a red state loland republicans wonder why people call them/consider them heartless/compassionless
Comment from : @fallback8314

Left Texas for California and make more money here, even with the cost of living being higher
Comment from : @Monica-hr1qx

How much the Psych NPs earn in California? And what company you recommend to work for? TIA for your reply
Comment from : @RJ-ez4ne

Hi, will you do comparison of California vs Washington DC? I’m torn between two states which one will I consider to move Thanks in advance
Comment from : @jimersonbacay1166

I am a bit confused when all vloggers making videos of RN salaries, are these stats including APRN salaries as well? Or just BSN? And what about 2 yrs diploma with RN? Do BSN RN nd diploma RN get same salaries ?
Comment from : @raghuveerkamalakar7836

I love how detailed you are with the breakdown between these two states It's perfect for those of us who like to compare quantitatively! This content is very high quality and I see it growing quickly--you've certainly earned my sub! One question re: the TX overtime laws though If you've worked the 7th consecutive day in a workweek, isn't it pretty much guaranteed that the 7th day will be over 40 hours? (ie if assuming 8 hour shifts, the 7th work day would be hours 49-56 of the workweek which means overtime, right?)
Comment from : @jameslin5678

Having lived in both states, your data can be somewhat misleading It would be better to compare cities like San Diego vs DFW, Houston area vs LA area, Austin vs SF I do agree the working conditions are better in CA, but the quality of living is really a toss up based on your preference No state income taxes and lower housing cost in Tx will offset some of the wage disparity Example; You can buy a nice home in TX with great schools and amenities for around 400k, a similar home/neighborhood in San Diego will put you over 1 million easily
Comment from : @Mr619usc

I am an RN in Marin County and have been thinking about leaving to Texas for cost of living reasons Trying to raise a family on one income and save for a house has been difficult even for me making over $70/hour That being said, I am dreading working in TX as a nurse… your video is making me want to stick it out even longer here in Cali!!
Comment from : @MrPhipper

Have you check the nurses salary in Houston working at the Medical Center area? I currently earn 116;000 annually and will have insurance coverage after (aside from Medicare )working in my current hospital for more than 10 yearsI live 3 miles away from the Med Center with a mortgage payment of 1800 My subdivision never got flooded This is is a regular 40 hours per weekCurrently the houses here are getting expensive Got lucky to get this house 12 years agoSome of my friends who like to work OT earn way higher than me I can’t think of a hospital in port Arthur that can pay this much unless you are in managerial position or a Nurse practitioner
Comment from : @gracyd326

Can you make a video about Florida too
Comment from : @yoanalvarez6128

This video should have 1 million views
Comment from : @yoanalvarez6128

Comment from : @honestlyonnie

I work in Port Arthur, tx as a pct finishing my nursing degree I'm so glad I watched this video I was debating whether I want to stay or go to CA once I graduate CA overtime rates are so tempting Decisions decisions lol
Comment from : @brittanydoffoney5147

very informative! Thank you for doing this!
Comment from : @miich7145

Good information, but after a while it was hard listening to the monotonous voice
Comment from : @richmond1666

Hi,can you make a video about how foreign trained nursing graduates or nurses can work in the US?
Comment from : @intellectualnerd4544

Hello, do operating room nurses and Pacu nurses get as much overtime opportunity or near as much overtime opportunity as a floor or ED nurse?
Comment from : @tylera1352

How doin find you on Discord?
Comment from : @elizabethvda805

Hi!! i just watched all of your videos They're great!! just got you a new subscriber due to the high value content you provide! Is there anyway we can connect over zoom or via messaging I just have a couple questions Again, I love the content and please dont stop :)
Comment from : @xTreFballstarx

Thank you for all the work you dobrbrCan you make a video on your FIRE and retirement goals? Will you be expatriating with your family? I’d love to hear your plan and goals as someone who hopes to FIRE and probably become an expat
Comment from : @BigTroubleD

As you’re a past New Yorker, can you please do one comparing NY vs Cali (although alot of nurses in NY, buy their houses in Connecticut or NJ)
Comment from : @NURSESTEPHANIE09

Awesome video!! As a California native, I never knew that other states such as Texas did not have all the benefits such as parent leave and overtime!
Comment from : @sbdrummer909

Hello from Palo Alto, CAbrbrI have been waiting for you to make a video comparison between MA and CAbrbrBut right now theres no need to since its been more than 6months already since I move here in the Bay Area from BostonbrbrI still miss Boston but i shifted my mindset this way to be thankful for living and working here in California
Comment from : @d3r3kyasmar

Your awesome 😎 Great information I’m working in Folsom at a LTACH as a new grad They had us sign an agreement were we don’t get double time unless we go past 80 hours in a 2 week period 😠
Comment from : @mikeg5365

Always enjoy your content!
Comment from : @unicornhorse1632

Hello from Hayward CA…
Comment from : @wdeemarwdeemar8739

Well done bro please do for Arizona
Comment from : @timewithmabel2752

Love it Jason! As a Houstonian, I couldn't wait to share this with my family!😁
Comment from : @SamianHQuazi

You have a Golden Heart Mr Jayson & Monica
Comment from : @perezkashekyebwa7643

I enjoyed your vid thank you So glad you back
Comment from : @rjsmusicstudio4716

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