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Why NOT to Major in Civil Structural Engineering

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Title :  Why NOT to Major in Civil Structural Engineering
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Comments Why NOT to Major in Civil Structural Engineering

It’s shame for a person who himself is working in the field nd is telling people to think before comming into this industry and I don’t agree with u Man U r kid it’s ur learning stage give less suggestions brNo work is easy don’t speak negativity shit
Comment from : @waqasahmadsheikh1870

Hi I was wondering can I work as a structural engineer remotely from another country so not doing site inspections?
Comment from : @marleenmikhael4968

Structural engineering is undeniably demanding - high responsibility, long hours, and years of experience before reaching senior roles The stress of ensuring safety is real, and the financial rewards may not always match the effort, especially early on But at the end of the day, it’s one of the most fulfilling careers because it directly impacts people’s lives, creating safe and reliable structures that stand the test of time
Comment from : @istrukturatv2936

All I want is financial stability lmao
Comment from : @Exotixa

I think this guy is just a whiner
Comment from : @starkiller1426

2:55 Good this is just making me feel stressful Lolz
Comment from : @Noodlemonkey7

0:39 subscribed Guess I’m definitely going into Environmental engineering Ha ha! 😅
Comment from : @Noodlemonkey7

Did you just say 40 degree days 😂
Comment from : @juliannavarro7833

Comment from : @alisharif1997

Good man🕌
Comment from : @alisharif1997

Struggle is there during initial phase but experienced structure engineers makes good money
Comment from : @ankave_designs

too late
Comment from : @zacdraws2437

Poor civil engineerservents of Architectsu only get job only for architectsthey manage work for uhahaha
Comment from : @সবুজেরসমারোহ-শ৯ত

Which subject do you think would be more useful for a civil engineer, computer science or chemistry?
Comment from : @aiteginalymzhanov713

As a structural PE I would disagree I think the career is rewarding and you can make really good money after you’re licensed We get to help people and solve problems every day and even get out of the office once in a while
Comment from : @JohnTrava-vg9cs

Are you the not so Civil Engineer?
Comment from : @steveclouds

Thank you for your videos I’m a civil engineering student, and still deciding which path I’m going into I really like structural, the challenging projects and the constant and necessary learning in the industry
Comment from : @nicolasnepo9243

Im currently a computer engineering student i wonder if i would civil im 24 i started in web development but i realized ienjoy working hands on designing things and programming, computer engineering has lots of working hands on and programming but less design and i am misisng the design aspect work theres only PCB design ik there is mechanical has design work but i have no interest in mechanical systems I enjoy work life balance as well
Comment from : @ninjaoftherift1620

aren't 2 and 4 kinda positive though? I heard never bored for nr 2 and slightly lower pay but no crazy hours for nr 4
Comment from : @Crunchy_Brunchy

This dude got his job snatched on Indeed or LinkedIn and decided to make this video to cut off the competition lmao Don't worry I'm going to be the best civil engineer in Arizona and I'm going to create safe and affordable housing for the middle class and create safe, friendly architecture for the houseless No more spiked platforms and arm-bar park benches for Phoenix AZ :D
Comment from : @cometface

I completed my graduation in civil engineeringand I live in Bangladesh Here I don't have any engineering code to design the structure Because my university is new That's why even if I can design, I have no legitimacy in this country I've always wanted to be a designer and since I'm not getting this opportunity I've lost my way Now what can i do, try any other country for masters
Comment from : @modernhomedesignn

What about utility orientated Civil Engineering path does it have as many challenges as Structural Engineering, (you think? )
Comment from : @richardboshielo1948

Structural engineering is by far the most beautiful spec in my opinion Everything you do has practical implications and real world consequences You the same liability for human life as do doctors, and in many cases a strcutral failure is much more catastrophic I am actually proud to bear so much responsibility wtih my designs because that tells me I'm making a positive impact on society Not to mention, the theoretical complexity and elegance of the theory we are taught, how everything ends up fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle from connection design to seismic and gravity just amazes me Our specialisation is as old as time and will continue to be indespinsable to humanity Proud start working soon
Comment from : @svoids

Architects get all perks of dirty works done by civil engineersthey have service brandscan take credit & negotiate well
Comment from : @Adhil_parammel

Contractors immediately want to start work once the deal is made This means producing site stabilization drawings and design right away A clearing and grubbing set of drawings may precede the grading and stabilization I always took a preliminary set of sheets to the city or county for a cursary review This inclusion of the city/county will payoff in getting the permitting for grading and drainage This design activity gets the civil and structural engineers time to begin further design Exciting career although pay is not as good as other disciplines and schedule is tight at the first of the project A good site survey and site borings are needed right away if not already performed Civil engineers have a love/hate relationship with their careers Mine was more love than hate Retired in 2016 as a registered professional engineer doing both civil and structural engineering
Comment from : @ralphbroeils1760

At 4:44: "and the Builders decided to use a different size of timber and grade than the one you've specified"brIsn't the builders held responsible for not following specifications?brI mean, the specifications are made for a reason
Comment from : @DanildFlamme

Its was a very interesting career But i found frustrating to see small changes keep happening and the we have to re submit entire revised calculation even though it may not change any thing structurally brIt wont be accepted even though all of us know there is more than 2 times safety margin is provided in all designsbrThe learning curve takes years But the new professionals tend to over rely on computer model and results forgetting to verify using simple hand calculationsbrbrI am from India
Comment from : @shivamannan

Ask for more money,brStructural Engineers shall be paid more!!!
Comment from : @SO_SELL_ICE

I would love to know how to deal with difficult clients or dodgy tradesmen & builders, how to communicate properly or any tips on it If you haven't made a video on it, I think that might be a good idea Thanks Ben!
Comment from : @coniston3106

I think one thing to note is that you are a structural engineer in a certain industry, seems like residential and commercial building design brbrI've been an engineer for just about 5 years, and I started out in a big corporation like yourself but doing specific structural designs for the government After a few years I decided to get my license and therefore jumped into this industry working to the building codes etc Unfortunately I'm discovering I may not particularly like it, and the idea of being a licensed engineer may not be worth it in my opinion There's a lot of cookie cutting, engineers don't fully understand the equations they're using and they're just looking to hang their hat on something, etc etc I miss the days of truly designing members and connections piece by piece, not using tables and relying almost 100 on software to do literally everything for you It's interesting but I guess we have to do what we like best brbrThanks for video!
Comment from : @FB-bf1ww

This may sound like an odd question But would it be a reasonable goal to Stick with smaller projects like residential and small steel structures and just work for yourself? Like writing up plans for buildersbrbrMy thought is I’d like to keep it a small as I can while being able to make decent money
Comment from : @daxisperry7644

Good to hear the Australian perspective Same as the US
Comment from : @ncascadehiker

It is one of the worst career in INDIA I regret everyday because of this Degree even after graduated from reputed institute
Comment from : @Hemanth9766

I'm a Civil Engineering Student and I really wish to work with you
Comment from : @chedanielmiyanwi6511

Wohooo 4:40 the builder changed something by himself (timber beam) and you are taking responsibility for it by checking it, without getting paid? Does not ring right Great videos in general, keep it up!
Comment from : @josippoznic2362

Too late for me and my degree
Comment from : @BrianTheUnique

I’m 27 should I study civil engineering
Comment from : @timothysamuels8652

That's weired why you are heating your major bro
Comment from : @EMRANKHERALA-cb3ti

Hi bro, which is better career in bim or mtech in structure? Kindly reply, thanks
Comment from : @yadhukrishnan5838

We civil engineers should join together and stop designing/working until we get better salaries The world runs on civil engineers…without us…society wouldn’t be able to continue as is We are way underpaid…
Comment from : @engrxtn

nice try but I've already decided bruv, trying to keep all the opportunity to yourself? jp
Comment from : @adriansanchez4875

I am a Civil Structural Engineer with 24 years of experience Long story short, it does not worth it! Not even close to itbrThe amount of responsibility that you care is huge, and the market does not give the right value for that brUsually a Structural project is around 2 to 3 of the total cost of a construction, and you are responsible for the safety of that construction for the rest of your lifebrRealtors make 6 of the total sales price of a construction ever time they sell it (no matter how many times they sell the same construction), and their responsibility is zero Not even care to know if everything is okbrbrA computer programmer or somebody that works in the high tech industry does not have something even close to our responsibility Even though, they are paid more and have more market valuebrIf you are a young student trying to decide if it worth, don't even bother, learn AI, or work for the high tech industry
Comment from : @leoads

What's the best part of being a consulting engineer? Ans: The clientsbrWhat's the worst part of being a consulting engineer? Ans: The clients
Comment from : @kurtsalm2155

You're a hero, bless you
Comment from : @prantikhuq578

It's too late Am in bro
Comment from : @brahimadam1

Every field has pro and cons But be proud that you are structural engineers 💪
Comment from : @buddhiesharma2843

I think a lot of this applies to more commodity type engineering services Ie: Basic structural engineering of standard buildings You can make more money if you work for a more specialized company I work for a company that designs and builds custom marine heavy lift equipment We get payed a lot more than what a conventional engineering company would offer It's also a lot more interesting because every project is different brHonestly, as an engineer, I wouldn't recommend working for an engineering firm
Comment from : @industrialarts3921

Engineering and Architecture are now one of the worst fields end of the day you have no life and no money
Comment from : @alsimeone9688

Can you please tell about the scope for fresher structure engineer jobs in Australia for foreign students
Comment from : @_aloki_

Not much paid, lost of responsibility I cursed myself every morning
Comment from : @akainu9598

Mechanical Engineers design weapons Civil Engineers design targets
Comment from : @picklerix6162

sounds fun
Comment from : @EmmadCheema-gv6iu

Well, in my country Algeria, civil engineer is the best domain someone can engage to make a career, a good payment, a lot of projects
Comment from : @AHisham86

I have a BEng Civil Structural Engineering brbrToo bad I am not yet employed 😅
Comment from : @thornmtsetfwa1155

You would have saved my life if you posted this like a 4 years back Now I just graduated in civil eng and my whole life has become a mess!
Comment from : @MrNoBrainsYT

Doesn't the fact that you need to redesign things again and again make you feel bored because of the monotonous work? I feel like saying, "Ah! I'm so sick of it I don't want to do all of it again!"
Comment from : @omersahin5256

Amazing I am recently graduated as a civil Engineer and now working as site/QSEngineer for a high rise buildings for about 6 months and wanted to switch to structural side, what are your suggestions to me?brAnd thank you for these amazing videos
Comment from : @ammarsheikh7753

Which software is good for plans am a student civil engineering I really need to learn all this
Comment from : @husseindasilvamajid

very well put together video mate Keep going
Comment from : @DeepakKrishna11

greetings from India BEn what is the scenario like for structural engineers in australia ?? In terms of type of projects pay and work satisfaction ?? Im planning to study my masters in structural engineering in Australia from a good university Or is a better idea to master in construction management rather than structures ?? would love to hear ur response on this Btw great video
Comment from : @idrisahmed2659

why don't civil engineers charge a fee every time time a change is made by the builder whether it is a minor change or major change I mean if your doing extra work might as well charge for it
Comment from : @recker5180

My wife’s a registered architect and every item that you pointed out applies to her field as welll: deadlines, constant problem solving, endless liaising with builders and low pay compared to effort A lot of her peers simply go to project management to earn double the pay for a fraction of the accountability that architects and engineers deal with Cruel world out there…
Comment from : @JanIncognito

Great video As someone in consulting within the Civil Engineering realm - I agree with all your points Have to have a genuine passion for it in order to succeed long term Certainly in consulting time management is the biggest skill that is utilised Have to be a pro at managing multiple projects whilst being technically competent and efficient Could be very challenging for a grad in the beginning but very rewarding once you get used to it Although the learning never stops and there would be always new challenges, you just get more comfortable dealing with it and working under pressure as you get more experienced
Comment from : @ammarwaraich3356

you are lucky to be Australian, in Turkey we have so many civil engineers so the wages are pretty low, no jobs, and they make you work like slaves, if you have 5 years experience as a Civil Engineer in Turkey best case scenario you would be earning 1k usd which is nothing, unless your company make you travel abroad for a project, in Turkey you gonna have a hard time as a Civil Engineer, and working hours are extreme, not less than 10 hours a day
Comment from : @ibrahimalbaz2595

What a useful video It really help other people those who are studying Engineer 😀😀😀
Comment from : @veena777

Awesome video 😘
Comment from : @veena777

The 4th reason hits home 😭
Comment from : @yajjs_06

great video
Comment from : @whssavy

As a 2nd year I am just praying for myself
Comment from : @anubhavthakur2030

great MY brother
Comment from : @Civil6D

Me as a current 4th year Structural Civil Engineering student, I say I agree with everything engineer Hielscher mentioned hahahahhaa
Comment from : @miggygaluza9234

Very interesting nice what a detailed information superb 😘😘😘
Comment from : @veena777

Awww what a wonderful information loved it so sweet of you😃😃😃😘
Comment from : @veena777

Feels like I am kinda late to know this
Comment from : @amazingchittesh

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