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20 Ways: How To Make Money As An Artist (Ranked from Best to Worst)

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Information 20 Ways: How To Make Money As An Artist (Ranked from Best to Worst)

Title :  20 Ways: How To Make Money As An Artist (Ranked from Best to Worst)
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Description 20 Ways: How To Make Money As An Artist (Ranked from Best to Worst)

Comments 20 Ways: How To Make Money As An Artist (Ranked from Best to Worst)

Hmmmm… It is a strange world when commercial pursuits are frowned upon for artists but not for art merchants…
Comment from : @vglanda

شكرا لك 🙌
Comment from : @basrahg250

This is a very educational explanation, really needed by every new and established artist Thank you for the video, I watched it from start to finish
Comment from : @zulkarnainirustam

Hi thanks for your video , I found it very interesting as it confirms many things I wanted to do in a to do list! I would like to ask you if you know any on line curator course, I couldn't find anything yet Thanks again!
Comment from : @Eliamoreable

What about Patreon?
Comment from : @caro_es

Is it possible to rent your art, like a big 3D piece or sculpture - to galleries that charge fees for their exhibitions?
Comment from : @eoryan

Fantastic advice - most I have discovered by my own trail and error - nice to have my experiences confirmed! Thank you Gill :-)
Comment from : @GillBustamante

I am an artist on disability for schizophrenia Ive been painting for 7 years and have worked up to a painting almost every day Due to how my mind works, i almost always have one sitting to finish the painting, and my style has to change every time I would love to work up to covering walls with my wide assortment of paintings Ive sold art on the sidewalk successfully, and have done dead drops that are pay what you want Just paid for a sales stand and im a bit overwhelmed, but i will get to bring stacks of paintings and charge accessable prices Who knows how it will go? 😅
Comment from : @Gringar-h6m

This guy is a joke Hes basically telling you not to make any money and your not a real artist if you dont rub elbows with gallery owners
Comment from : @Morning_Everlight

very condescending attitude, I'm done
Comment from : @TinaNatonabah

The hard sell, 2 thousand to 20 thousand, i wont listen to such that push the hard sell,
Comment from : @HellRainGod

Very informative video Thank you
Comment from : @songsent

someone saw the ghost open the door at min 27:38
Comment from : @algodao2575

Most of these things are for getting money out of the artist for not much Winnings ant that the truth
Comment from : @MrGoodpairofshoes

So basically shut up and find a gallery!
Comment from : @hadeelazeez7481

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

Thanks for sharing I agree with what you are saying The "art industry" isn't easy to negotiate brAlso, there are many types of art, art markets and artistsbrArt has the power to influence an audiencebrAsk who is your audience? brSome artists are happy at art fairs, some are happy online,brsome prefer established galleries
Comment from : @lisamochinking4461

I’m really enjoying the videos, and am finding them helpful One thing I’m currently considering, is to show/sell through a big auction-house I approached them yesterday and showed some photos of my work and they were very interested, but is it a good strategy?
Comment from : @AshleyMultiAdventures

Great video, and very informative However I think a lot of these mentalities of not being commercial and separating artistic integrity from sales keeps many artists permanently poor and keeps the ‘noble starving artist’ trope alive
Comment from : @verndexter

Wear a black turtle neck The end
Comment from : @edroseptic9442

but, at least you makes money😂
Comment from : @byemyem

2-Thanks to the US American opportunity, I don't make money as a fine art painter Capitalists would not know anything about artbrbrMetaphysicianbr&brPhilosopher
Comment from : @AAA9549-w7w

You forgot the option of money laundering used by the most elite of artistsbrbrEver wonder who's buying those piece of crap works? Like a plain white canvas, or a photo of a dog pooping, or a banana stapled to a wall for big money? if you guessed it can't be real patrons of the arts, YOU ARE CORRECT!
Comment from : @calebplumleeoutdoors

This is interesting in many ways but what I didn't know is certain money funnels are deadly Wow, what eye opener So here is a question if you have done some of these deadly sells funnels How do you recover from them, our do you even have a chance to even be an artist if have done these deadly sells funnels by mistake?
Comment from : @jarretttcamp

Oh God! I wish i could just do art without complex ways to promote it, have people with sophisticated European accents to educate us on the subject, etc, etc
Comment from : @cthymnn2010

Lol so you’re saying be a sellout brIndustry excepted ! What a joke the rich keep all the money and keep the Artist broke
Comment from : @theunwanted6122

Andrew Wyeth (via his wife Betsy) and Wolf Kahn both promoted their art (kept their art in the public imagination) by selling prints, having their art on calendars, and in books, etc, and all this before it was cool Turner was as commercial as hell as attested by a modern biography Richard Diebenkorn was a great teacher and is now recognized as a great artist Rembrandt was a teacher! Indeed, Rembrandt packed them in and of course artists of his era routinely taught other artists with the aim of creating studio assistants Numerous highly successful contemporary artists teach and sell art instruction via online classes or streaming services or digital media If you are concerned about your soul -- your artistic soul -- your soul generally -- read deeply in the religion of your choice and form a life-affirming spiritual practice, but to make money, find the path that is natural for you and don't let someone on the internet tell you how to live! Or -- remember (irony alert) you can always start a Youtube channel giving out art advice Evidently, that works too
Comment from : @aletha16

Hello Julien! brWould you consider creating additional format in which your audience could send you examples of their works so you can look at them with your professional eye and share your thoughts in the video? I think there are many of us who really would appreciate possibility like that For me it is hard to asess value of my own works and it would ment a lot to get feedback from person with your knowledge and expierience
Comment from : @filipolszak9666

Thank you for putting this together!
Comment from : @GregorKari

While the information here is interesting and helpful the bias seems to be that until you are a famous artist you can't be a famous artist and until you are a famous artist you can't, and shouldn't really try or focus on, making money If only paint was cheap and edible
Comment from : @ranradd

this is so gay
Comment from : @garliclasagna

This is all over I have produced AI works from my living room chair in seconds that are nothing short of masterpieces When I heard my neighbor yapping about AI missing the emotional engagement of art, I wrote a short story about a boy and his dog and sent it to her My neighbor read it and cried "Who wrote that?"br"A robot wrote that"brLOLbrFine art is overbrPoetry is overbrMovies are overbrHobbiests will persist, as they should, but the commercial enterprise of human-made art is gone
Comment from : @StarDustMoonRocket

Thank you I do like the emphasis on "artistic integrity" being important
Comment from : @kayserlein

I can't resistartists making money is called counterfeitingbrSorry
Comment from : @susanfarley1332

Thank you for this video and putting all the information together I think, times are starting to change - with more and more artists choosing to walk the path as an independent artist - with a smart strategy The traditional system is SO competitive, and it keeps artists stuck in the hamsterweel (and illusion) of needing to proove themselves to who? brbrMany of us find ourselves in the trap of thinking, that we can sell our art only within the traditional art market But according the report of a friend (the husband an manager of a very well established female photographer), the gallery system changed and gets weaker and weaker when it comes to promoting and selling their artists Even though they have a very solid network of international partner galleries, and despite of her impressive artist index, they´re far away from a six figure income And since two years, they´re making more money with direct sales than through their galleries brbrImagine: This female artist has a person who takes care of ALL tasks related with building up your international career as an artist - since ten years and full-time Her art is very "sellable" (meaning pleasing to the majority of people who see her art), she has a perfectly solid reputation, a crazy exhibition history, a good market value that is interesting for investors - and nevertheless, they still need to fight to make sales on a regular basisbrbrAnd on the other hand, there are independent artist with a smart and professional strategy who sell art to people who simply love art without being involved in the traditional art scene at all And they´re generating a six figure incomebrbrIt is simply a fact: The success of an artist highly depends on its individual resources - regarding, time, money, our ability to travel, to network, to exhibit, our personal environment/contacts, our place of residency, and so much more For some of us, it is required that we detach a little bit from the need and want to make it within the traditional market At least for a while We never know what life will bring, but I know one thing for sure: "Making it" in the sense of gaining recognition according to whatever standards of the art system, can have very damaging effects on our mental and emotional health
Comment from : @rebecca_8888

Your critiques are absolute gems i just love to listen i have learned so much about art from them, thanks ❤
Comment from : @donaldshortridge

Thank you 🙏🏿 good sir 😄😊
Comment from : @samulag3074

Apparently appreciateing art is every individuals right it is artists like us who appreciate art sure how many people appreciate our art great advise u have the vibe so we come to ur forum definitely ur wisdom has done wonders to many
Comment from : @BrettHarrison-x6w

if I need to watch a video to know how to make money as a artist I'm hopeless, which I am
Comment from : @specialcorn1312

A black collared sweater and appropriate posture makes anyone look competent This fine gentleman would be able to sell refrigerators to Eskimos
Comment from : @jepcartusch1084

I put commission art before all Its easier for me and many others to find someone with interests similar to mine/theirs and sell them a commission brbrI think this video is ranked this way based on your experience Not everyone is suitable to work with a gallery - your strength
Comment from : @ArtCashBg

The way the lighting flickered and the door opened on its own 😳😨
Comment from : @hlmartin620

I played parts of this a few times and I get the impression that in order to follow the “rules” and maintain “artistic integrity” are so limiting in the ways you’re “allowed” by the secret rules of the gallery system it’s just a way to make you dependent on thembrbrGranted in the larger art world a gallery can do more or promote you in ways you can’t
Comment from : @gwebberarts

I would like to add that artists can get known through the film and music industries, the theater, or other collaborations
Comment from : @andrewbarker9447

Are all Galleries that are represented on Artsy "good"?
Comment from : @klassicart777

My brother is artist
Comment from : @nailaqureshi5956

Produce ugly crap, kitsch, etc And idiots buy it With blabla of you accompanied With that crap
Comment from : @dl7399

I am painting now and will sell when dead
Comment from : @MarinelaM

I was homeless during covid and learned a lot So i learned to draw and paint at 63 Now i just sell my art to the poor for inexpensive cost t that's how the poor get to enjoy art at home too I'll never make a lot of money but the money isn't all my world But my art brings to the world ;) I'm happy
Comment from : @maryjanethompsonthefirst

I'm interested in becoming a professional artist, but I don't own even a single turtleneck Do you think I still have a chance, or will I be forever doomed to obscurity?
Comment from : @lrgstmrg

Question: If it takes 20-30 years to grow a successful career as an artist, how does anyone over say, 40, even have any hope of being successful?
Comment from : @observer7418

Thanks for this information
Comment from : @alfredgifford2977

I talk to local restaurants and coffee shops about displaying my work for short periods of time and most are happy to do so for a small percentage off the price of the pieces Ive sold more than a few pieces like this
Comment from : @sinclaire5479

I am a video/animation designer artist living in France For me, even though I create videos and animations for companies, they have to agree that I will have complete creative control They hire me to create video ads because they saw my personal work and trust in my choices and judgment
Comment from : @trique9776

Thanks for the video -great advice -
Comment from : @FrankForteArt

well i make my money by time
Comment from : @JOSEPHCHARLESCOLIN2025

Let ask you as an artist, what is your name,, to see how successful you are , and feel confident !
Comment from : @rodrigoaguilera5467

Minute 16’ you mention Art Galleries,, ha ha, sorry and with respect, noting personal, it is true the line on artist waiting for an art galley representation is big yes, but not because I come and I paint as Dali, the new genius , they will give a show, no way,, all is about connections, influencies, relations, some influyente able to speak on your favor !
Comment from : @rodrigoaguilera5467

Thank You 🙏 For this Video!
Comment from : @HappyValleyGuy

Speak up please I literally can’t hear you over the AC
Comment from : @PetkesPaintings

Any tik tok channel???
Comment from : @GitanoTarot

Well stated, thank you ❤
Comment from : @Freefolkcreate

32:30 print on demand is an Artist death warrant hehehe I love that 😂👍🏾
Comment from : @TTAG01

artists make money if they have money!
Comment from : @Antonio-j1g

May I mention how impressed I am at your command of English, probably your second (or third) language
Comment from : @deetessmann2510

How to make money? Print it 😂
Comment from : @jeffschroeder8294

23:43 Almost any type of book can be published on a print-to-order basis these days, including coffee table art books, meaning the financial investment is in creating the content, not printing it
Comment from : @ZadenZane

thank you
Comment from : @jedrickthorassie7309

This video is an asset ✨
Comment from : @inesart6776

Hello, I'm glad to find this channel,, it really makes my day It's a pleasure to hear someone speaking about " artistic integrity " because that's really means a lot for artistic community The integrity is our vision , if we loose that there's no fun at all, an artist go blind without it You put that concept in the spot and thanks for thatbr About rhe subject Sell or not sell ,, that's the question? Sometimes the less you sell the more you get into your own way,,, if you're desperate for money try get money from trading,,
Comment from : @Aldo-l3e

I would like to know how to make it into a great galleries even if I make an actual living from illustration and graphic design My work might be present across posters, tshirts, booklets, because it is my job Still, I have some amazing paintings and will continue creating more Are the best art galleries willing to accept me?
Comment from : @LanaPajdasArt

This is the most realistic video on the matter i see in years
Comment from : @vice857

Your insights are appreciated !
Comment from : @georgescanvas

Wait wait! don't forget about good terms of use for website , privacy policy and licensing because basically in US, everyone who bought something have a right to RESELL it If you don't have money for a consultant you can start with pre-made forms I take mine on etsy in CortadoWitch shop (commission form, orivacy policy, terms and licensing )
Comment from : @nicolaslospetros

Great! Just what I was looking for Thank you!
Comment from : @brandogallo3466

I watch a sculptor on twitch who does live streams of commissions he accepts All his work os custom That’s kind of the way I want to go with, except the streaming part
Comment from : @RobbW-ay

Thank You
Comment from : @wahidnazari3678

Very informative video, I´m taking very seriously your advices and content Which other store apart from Artsy is held in high esteem and recognition?, You mentioned other but I didn´t understand the name as english is not my native language Thanks for your insight
Comment from : @EsquivelArt

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