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Dyslexia and ADHD: Which Is It or Is It Both?

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Title :  Dyslexia and ADHD: Which Is It or Is It Both?
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Description Dyslexia and ADHD: Which Is It or Is It Both?

Comments Dyslexia and ADHD: Which Is It or Is It Both?

Hi was recently diagnose with both ADHD and DYslexia as an adult and it is affecting my Job performance dramatically How can i get Help for work and daily life i'm really in a dark place right now because it is affecting me at work and home, and home, and I feel like no one can relate to my condition
Comment from : @amparnold

Would TBI be an issue that could mimic these issues
Comment from : @Spectre2434

I have dyslexia and adhd combined type
Comment from : @sarahmcarthur8749

I was diagnosed with having dyslexia as a very young child The teacher told me I’m very smart but I’m not paying attention She took me to the hallway in the school and had a next door teacher witness the whipping of my ass with a paddle I was mortified as I get that at home for no real reason My little self went on a journey of ocd and it stayed with me
Comment from : @kellypatterson9456

The answer to the first question is “huh”
Comment from : @wali6707

My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in first grade Before he started first grade, I told his teacher that he struggles to read She told me she was a reading specialist in another school During the year, I contacted her and told her he is still struggling to read She insisted that he was reading on target When he was in second grade, the school reluctantly tested him and said he had a non-specified learning disorder I kept arguing with them and asking what kind of learning disorder We brought in an educational lawyer and the tested him again in fifth grade Finally: dyslexia At that time, I stumbled on the book The Dyslexic Advantage by Drs Brock and Fernette Eide (which his special ed teachers and administrators never even heard of!) They wrote that ADHD and dyslexia are often co-morbidities, but not often diagnosed together Oh, and that delayed speech (which my son also had, and about which I was also gaslighted), could be an early indicator of dyslexia After fighting with the school for six years, they finally agreed to have him tutored by an Orton Gillingham certified tutor He is reading fluently for the first time in his life
Comment from : @sherrycohen1824

You have no idea how much you are helpingbrbrThank you
Comment from : @tb8827

Comment from : @tb8827

Arije, have you watched the following video about Peter Hitchens and how he doesn't believe ADHD exists objectively Interested to know your thoughts on his argument? The YouTube video is called: ADHD – a product of Big Pharma? Peter Hitchens and Kat Brown
Comment from : @RomanAugustus

I have been asked If I have dyslexia a couple of times in my life, I am leaning more towards ADHD for sure, However never had a problem with forgetfulness, I have a fantastic memory, Sometimes throughout my life I have purposefully gotten answers wrong in tests so that my marks were just above average just to fit in and not be targeted by my peers, Which I have discovered in very typical ADHD behaviour, I am curious as to why so many ADHDers and Dyslexics are forgetful, Am I an acception to the behavavior or am I imagining all of the other symptoms? and just don't have ADHD,
Comment from : @Modemorph

I got both but I’m 16
Comment from : @rubendeboer339

I have both brBeen diagnosed as by dyslexia in the 70s and in my 40s diagnosed with ADHD!brThey say is severely disability in both now I'm screwed need some help I been to school many times for different things I can always get the job I just can't keep it I've been asked ahead head injury for my writing What can I do to be successful please help!!!
Comment from : @studio1231art

Is it my Adhd that looks like dyslexia or is it both?
Comment from : @sarahdowney6697

Lol wasn’t over looked just so obvious that we just delt with it
Comment from : @planitmc1204

The best video ever described two factors I am not the lucky one whose digitised way too late Almost at the age of 40 I strongly advise parents to take this serious because when it's late the impact is huge Don't listen to the people who tell you don't lable your child with these factors Instead, find out the factor and search for a good coach if you want to have a bright future foe your children
Comment from : @vahid_rajaei

I'm pretty sure I have both, that would explain a lot
Comment from : @loboilustrado

מי עוד שם לב שזה בעברית ?
Comment from : @איתיברנס-צ2ב

Comment from : @DreamaBradly

I have so much trouble paying attention to your videos but I keep coming back :) Thankyou
Comment from : @ErnestPiffel

Yeah, I’m 29 years old now and just got diagnosed with ADHD I thought I had dyslexia—that’s why I began my testing My neuropsychologists didn’t throughly test my reading skills—as a test, I read a list of difficult words—all of which I already knew Afterwards, when I spoke to my psychiatrist for ADHD medication, he asked how he could help me and why I was there I told him I thought I had dyslexia, but got diagnosed with ADHD I told him I thought I was dyslexic because of my habit of mixing my lowercase Bs and Ds for one another He, without a breath, said, “that’s classic dyslexia” I thought to myself, “cool, wow, at least I know now and I can work on it” And we commenced with our appointment to other things
Comment from : @michaelalvarez7016

Yep diagnosed with dyslexia at 40 and ADHD at 55
Comment from : @alistairnewsham8063

Hi, thanks for your video I just got diagnosed with ADHD a week ago, and because of your video, now I know I have dyslexia too And that's when it all starts to make sense—the difficulties I've had, such as struggling to remember numbers, locations, months, etc
Comment from : @stevenwijaya4457

Both were overlooked when I was younger and my childhood was very difficult I was diagnosed with both very late in life and many things have been a struggle I graduated university summa, and I am a successful professional
Comment from : @printface4935

At the moment I’m researching a lot and I think that maybe dyslexia and adhd might have been overlooking
Comment from : @rosen2020

I was born in 1975, my parents always told me that I was lazy and got frustrated with me at work, I never progressed in my field I tried my best and I have tried hard However, you always notice there is a limit to what you can do with yourself in terms of performance and a limit on communicating this to the people around you
Comment from : @EricaMeriggi

I was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age although I wasn’t told I was dyslexic until high school ( I simply knew that I had many learning disabilities) despite years of various testing I was never diagnosed with ADHD, which I most certainly am I attribute this to being a woman, knowing that it’s harder to recognize the symptoms in girls and women / there has been less testing done in ADHD girls
Comment from : @juliacalabrese6539

I have always struggled with school and many parts of adulting To the point I gave up on college twice! It wasn’t until my ADHD diagnosis, at age 32, and medication that I finally started to feel like I wasn’t a completely failurebrbrAfter going down a rabbit hole learning about dislexia I found your videos Now at the “ripe old” age of 43 I’m going to be looking into testing for dislexia and the math thing I checked off most of your mini test questions Since I’ve just started college again it’s worth the time and cost to get a diagnosisbrbrIf I do have one or both, with the proper supports, maybe this time I’ll succeed
Comment from : @mariaklein2482

Both… I have both 😑
Comment from : @Alice-nn3oo

I'm 42 I've recently started using Grammarly; it's been a game-changer 15 is when I found out I had ADHD, but I knew nothing about dyslexia, and now everything is making sense, so I'm possible on day one with that I just wanted to say thank you Your videos have been eye-opening for me, and I'm looking into getting tested for dyslexia so I can better understand myself
Comment from : @thedevildontgivehugs

I wasn't diagnosed until 3rd grade which blows my mind since I was writing in mirror image since kindergarten and couldn't understand reading comprehension exercises At the time they missed my ADHD diagnosis because they thought only boys got ADHD There's definitely a lot of overlap between the two, working memory issues especially
Comment from : @Boobookittyfluff

I was actually working, trying to find videos for my child's English class, when I found you and got pulled in I took a screening for dyslexia when I was 36 and it helped explain a lot I did well in school and in college, and it makes me wonder how much better I would have done had I been diagnosed as child Now I am finding I have so many symptoms of ADHD that I wonder if that might explain other problems I had growing up This has been so enlightening and really worth getting enthralled by during my work Also, how inspiring to know that you accomplished so much even with dyslexia!
Comment from : @ladyblackbeard418

I got adhd, asd and dyslexia and it was so hard to differentiate between them and to diagnose them individually
Comment from : @marcomrxi

Can dyslexia develop over time? I was tested as a child and it was negative, but the older i got the more problems i had with certain tasks which makes me think maybe the doctor missed something or it wasn't "bad enough" when i was younger I'm currently 26, was tested when i was 9 but the problems began becoming begger once i hit 11/12
Comment from : @19Rena96

I literally lost my attention and now i gotta rewatch it :')
Comment from : @livinghomosapien123

2:50 i was feeling really called out for dyslexia UNTIL THIS CAME UP… it’s literally me to a T almost spooky how accurate it is😭 brbrMy sister and mum have Dyslexia so its likely i have this too (based iff of other symptoms too!)
Comment from : @edene8863

My ADD was overlooked when I was young they thought that I was in my own world It was tough for my family and myself to realize that I apparently had another condition (I was diagnosed with dyslexia at a very young age) and ADD being another thing to deal with really hit me hard emotionally…
Comment from : @mj02luna26

I am in my 50's and not long ago was diagnosed with both :(
Comment from : @thehighpriestess8431

Any advice for forgetfulness, it's my worse issue I struggle remembering words and loose my things 5 or more times a day
Comment from : @crystalbuttersworth4166

I was diagnose when I was 6 or 7 which dislexia and some HDHD, this was in Mexico But now I have a lot of trouble with English Trying to get a lot of information And how to retain everything Can you give someone advice for those that English are a second language’s Thank you
Comment from : @albanydiabhattacharya3479

I was just diagnosed last year at 28 years old with ADHD and have never been diagnosed with dyslexia but I constantly struggle to read and write because I confuse vowels and letters that sound similar which makes comprehension very difficult
Comment from : @crazylilrocker7076

English is not my firat language, so beare with me I Will become 33 this year and have allways found spelling och numbers hard I don't have a diagnos and my schools didn't see my struggels I have thought that I had ADHD because I am verry simular to my friend Who has it But not everything lines up But after talking to my partner and watching your videos about dyslexia and numbers I am rethinking Maby thats it I chekt 9 or 11 of your tasks/questionsbrThanks for the videos!brbrAny tips on other videos of yours I schoud check out?
Comment from : @erikaehnebom4396

overlooked; 70 yo female, I've gone back and forth thru vids, I am both, Trouble my whole life They didn't test back 60's-70's You were stupid, they made two levels by splitting classes, ex 2 different tracks, one for the smart kids and other for the dumb kids I have difficulty with that stupid b/p just now, Trouble w/it all
Comment from : @goldielocks4442

I do both of all the questions, I’ve been diagnosed with adhd and I’m 15 so idk how to bring dyslexia up to my mum
Comment from : @sniffisbug

Dyslexia was noticed at the age of 8 years old but for a lot of reasons i got my diagnosis at the age of 28 I'm not really suspected to have ADHD but I am in the waiting line for an ASD assessment, that was not suspended at all until I had my dyslexic diagnosis, and was a few years more before it was seriously suggested and suspected I also has a history of anxiety, that has been known since my teens, and depression has recently been taken seriously brMath and history was my favourite subject at a young age I scramble the symbols order letters and numbers and the multiplication tables was the first math concept I really had to work with I still have some issues with complex math but mostly it's related to my spatial awareness left, right, up and down I prefer to write out all calculations to make sure I don't scramble it, double check with calculator but I do not think I have dyscalculia in any way or form Statistics and when I'm not recently worked with I have some issues with calculus or even advanced algebra but just the fact that I like these subjects and finding math relaxing even if I'm not as fluent in the mathematical language and have some work to do with practical math some times say clearly I don't have dyscalculia I generally test high on ADHD checklists but ASD Dyslexia anxiety and stress explains the symptoms much better so thank you for mentioning that in your video on ADHD it calmed me down a lot brbrAnd sorry for long text, and over sharing info dump A classic don't ask someone with ASD traits a question you don't want to hear the answer to We can avoid answering but it's more likely you get the extended answer
Comment from : @rebeckajarl3934

The worst thing about whatever I have or don't have is having to rewatch videos like this a billion times or reread article about it before I actually have the information it's giving me 😭
Comment from : @EffyShaw

I was diagnosed by by school psychologist for mild dyslexia I have had symptoms sense I was little, my mom even saw this and took me to classes that would help me learn to read better When I found out in high school I was kind of releaved to find out because I had be wondering for so long and I felt stupid I’m mean it sucks but just knowing that I wasn’t stupid just made me feel happy :)
Comment from : @ruin2813

I was diagnosed ADD in the 7th grade… but after watching your videos I may have dyslexia also I am managing as an adult but I struggle time to time
Comment from : @holheb1

Comment from : @sophiabarbosa3522

Comment from : @sophiabarbosa3522

I literally have all of this, from both sides Have I been completing the education system on the extreme difficulty all this time
Comment from : @nonamesorry7135

I have dyslexia and I also think may get ADHD TOO
Comment from : @phyllis5985

This was very helpful for me I suspect that I suffer from these conditions but it hasn't been detected yet
Comment from : @guillermohernandez9911

It was discovered that I am Dyslexic when I was in the 3rd grade It was 1979 and as far as I know, Dyslexia was not well known Unfortunately knowing that I was dyslexic didn't make much difference in the education that I received brMy daughter, who is 22 and a senior in collage, is also dyslexic She was tested in the 1st grade and we were told that she was not dyslexic She was tested again her Jr or Sr year in high school and they said the test was inconclusive So she has not officially been "diagnosed" but there is no doubt that she is, for me anyway I feel that the reason her tests were negative and inconclusive is because the tests that they gave her were for general learning disabilities, and not specifically designed for dyslexia; and possibly incompetency and/or ignorance on the part of the test proctor Regardless, she is doing well and has a very positive attitude towards education, she just has to work a bit harder that she would otherwisebrThank you for your efforts in educating people about dyslexia
Comment from : @aarongwynn7959

I have both
Comment from : @brianzawadzki7625

Dyslexia runs in my family What genetic information have you found about DNA predispostion for offspring?
Comment from : @susanboyd8171

Thank you for the video I was diagnosed with both this year in my 40’s I struggle to understand what diagnosis to blame when having a tough time !
Comment from : @aliasel7928

Hi I found your video on my childs dyslexia school forum and it explains things so simple to me I was always told at school I lacked concentration failed exams etc spent years hating school but because I can read and write no problem couldn't figure out why I struggle with organising I'm now a teacher doing home economics in a very good school but lately I find the pressure to organise classes hard and I'm doing a masters in food science so this has made me aware that I should get tested If I do will there be a positive step by step process to help me My daughter and my sister are registered dyslexia and I can see how all the help and support has helped them Instead when I get overwhelming it makes me feel useless and like nothing I do is good enough Anyway it was a great video thank you
Comment from : @creonaoconnor6799

I enjoyed your videos It is nice to find some videos on both ADHD and Dyslexia I was diagnosed in the spring of this year at age 36 with both I really never knew anything about ADHD or dyslexia It was never talked about in my circle of family or friends I went through life Just living and surviving I graduated college, Held a number of different Jobs, always active in school I will never forget the first time I heard the Word dyslexia to my knowledge I was in my mid 20 still in college and my Husband told me he was Dyslexic, so I googled it and I was Like this is Me all the way I always had so many work arounds to make it through life it was always so hard, but I just pushed though best I could I really forgot about it and continued to live life In 2020 I was on a zoom call with some ladies in a financial group and one of the ladies mentioned she had ADHD so Agin I went down the rabbit whole and researched it I was in tears this explained so much I am a mom of 3 and have been transitioning to homeschooling my kids but have struggled for year worrying if I was good enough or capable enough to teach my kids It was one thing to deal with me when it was just me but putting 3 kids in the mix that a different constant change all the time every couple of years its different I have a college degree, but there was so much I did not learn growing up I really did a lot of fake it till you make it So I finally went through the process of getting tested for Dsylexia and ADHD I really thought that it would be validating to have the diagnosis, but it didn't change life for me in the way I was hoping Now I'm in the process of navigating finding the help I need in this stage of being a wife, mom, teacher, and all the other things life brings my way I am trying to get better at connecting with people asking and finding the help I need I love teaching my kids Its been a fun experience to actually learn and understand things I didn't have a clue about In elementary school I live in the North Dallas area not sure if anyone knows of good support from people who specialize in both Some good audio books recommendations would be great too Thanks for letting me share and thanks for the recourse
Comment from : @amandabergeron395

i was diagnosed at the age of 12 I used to live in greece and my teachers there just thought i was dumb lol When i moved to belgium i was diagnosed in the first couple months of school Now im 26 and wondering if I also have adhd, but diagnostic centers cost so much lol, these vids are helpful tho!
Comment from : @belovedsummerdays

Hello, can I ask what do you use for PKM and how do you manage your projects/intentions and tasks? brThank you for your content and have a nice future 🙂brPeter
Comment from : @petrkrnavek2420

I was diagnosed by the BDA with dyslexia at age 42 after my therapist had noticed that I struggled with my speech and writing It never occurred to me that I’m neurodivergent I had always just thought I was stupid and useless so I struggle with low self esteem and depression hence therapist brAlthough not officially diagnosed my research would indicate that I am also ADHDbrbrYou mentioned that you do coaching is this something that you do in person or through zoom?brI find your videos to be very helpful thank you🙏 brbrSimon
Comment from : @sukhikrsna

Very overlooked!!!!
Comment from : @thomasrourke1690

My 11 yr old daughter had ADHD, Dyslexia and Dysgraphia The specialized instructions and amount of it she needs is extraordinarily expensive, Out of our realm of possibility She is on a wait list for an OT therapist and has been for several years There is a lack of them wanting to work with children in my area I worry about her a lot I appreciate your video but wanted to ask if you were familiar with dyscalcula? My daughter's challenges together are making end roads on any one of them difficult I tried her on about 5 different meds but the side effects were scary to me and so we stopped them I guess she was too sensitive to them One thing I do is go over and over and over with her extremely important information she has to remember especially for safety Since early age I did this such as our address She has average intelligence yet to this day depending on the day she is likely not going to be able to tell me what it is What I have noticed is she runs the street numbers with the zip code numbers Numbers she rights backwards more than letters too Is this issue with numbers possibly another additional challenge?
Comment from : @KB-tu4zw

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