Title | : | Vlog #49 - Should You Give Money To Panhandlers? |
Lasting | : | 5.19 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 82 rb |
I ask them for money before they do Comment from : @David-cm4ok |
❤ Comment from : @jenn288 |
You should givebrDoesn't matter if it's little or they'll come again, it's good to help a fellow human and most don't like to beg themselves but they're forced to do it, to surviveit also remind me of how much privilege I have and make me realize my problems are nothing compared to them & Make me feel little bit compassionate Comment from : @Sirrajj |
The video felt a bit incomplete Comment from : @cognitio278 |
My church is involved with urban poor charities so that's how I donate Comment from : @anthonyvillanueva5226 |
In Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell argues for always giving money to beggars His reasoning, 'whoever would debase themselves is desperate enough to deserve a few pennies' Comment from : @orangewarm1 |
One of my favorite songs and the song of the year of 2015 according t president Obama is a song called "How Much A Dolla Cost" by Kendrick Lamar which discusses this very dilemma, it goes into how he as a rich a successful musician ran into a homeless person begging and his conflicting with refusal And him later discovering that man he refused was god And the price of a dollar, the title of the song was his place in heaven It was a deep song Comment from : @StephySon |
You're wearing a shirt that says "DON'T" Ugh Comment from : @khadijaahmed3045 |
I give something everytime and I don't care what they buy, because that could be me Comment from : @reducecotwo |
Giving to the homeless subverts the welfare systems that are in place, so in doing so you're actually hurting more than helping Comment from : @FFGG22E |
I live in a small city with quite a lot of beggars and I often work a late shift so on my way home (I walk) I will be approached by at least 2 or 3 of thembrAt first I gave them change, but 2/3rds of them do not say thank you or they will ask you for more They will actually ask you to go to the cash machine and take out a £10 or £20 all whilst snapping at you in the most entitled way possible They absolutely make you feel bad for giving them anything in the first place So I simply say no every time Plus at the rate of encounters I have I would basically be giving my hours of work away Comment from : @shinjite06 |
{ ولا أقسم بالنفس اللوامة } 75:2 Comment from : @SaraFruhling |
I forgot to grab money for the homeless guy in my rush because I was busy putting on a work uniform so I can support them and me and my kids and probably their kids and their homeless dog Fuck that People with IQ levels under 100 that have Down Syndrome have full-time jobs get a shower get a shave go to McDonald's really quick you can probably do it in two days Comment from : @matthewhowell1389 |
Ily nerdwriter Comment from : @marialuzmarcolini4858 |
The last time i remember we walked out of a fast-food with my friend and someone was begging for money My friend gave him a tiny amount, really not much I decided to do that too at the exact moment i saw that person throwing the money back at his head and saying "Keep this shit to you" From that moment on, i never give It's really much easier to pass and let them fix their lives by themselves, than to make both of your lives harder Because in a scale of two individuals, it's a good act, but for the society - your actions make some people dependant on othersbrRemember, nobody is on the streets for no reason If someone was hit hard by the life, it's the best thing to let them toughen up enough to be able to continue without other people's help Even though i understand that most of us had never been in a situation like that and don't know what it's like Still, if we have enough money to make our living, some can because of luck, but most of us are earning that wealth hard Comment from : @almarc |
I’m really glad I found this channel Keep up the good work Comment from : @jamesdeininger3759 |
Your work is amazing! Thank you for making us question our own inner tendencies and encouraging us to face social problems and be more active Comment from : @ioannaprasopoulou6583 |
The moralizing gets a bit boring after a while It's a sign that your philosophy is aimed at approval How about a video about why you've got that pot on top of the radiator? Is that some way to create some humidity in the apartment against the cold winter outside? How about a video about things people do to withstand the elements? No more morality! Oh, no! Here comes Vlog 50 Comment from : @zenmanyo35 |
I used to give money to homeless people all of the time, but I've had so many bad experiences A woman once followed me for over 10 blocks harassing me for the other 10 she saw in my wallet A man I had given money to countless times told me that he only uses it for cigarettes Now I only give money to homeless people who are doing something - anything - to give back to the community I saw an armless man in the subway playing the drums A man in Ashland was making dream catchers and asking for work A musician playing a beautiful instrument or a guy doing contortion tricks in the trainbrbrThere are enough food programs in the US to keep you from starving, even if you made no money at all So it's not just an excuse, homeless people will rarely use your money for food But even if they do, they will probably use it to buy a pizza slice or a donut or some other simple pre-made item they can get on the street That is an extremely ineffective way to feed the poor Donating to programs which feed the homeless are so much more efficient Comment from : @morganjones4281 |
Don't give them money, give them food Comment from : @ON-YT |
xcept for a phase were i was really depressed i usually give, i just avoid making a big moral question out of it, just think that he there right in this moment he is prolly happier about that money than i ambrbrbut on the other hand i found out that homeless people are actually quite well supported in my city and so it makes me a bit angry, because that person steps on the train and basically forces everyone into a moral conundrum, plus he makes a lot of people guilty or bad about their even just low level living, it is in any case an emotional attack, it is well beyond just breaking the agreement not to interact! Comment from : @yggysquirrel2446 |
Fuck that Sympathy makes society weak Comment from : @intravena |
ill keep water in my car and give them a bottle of water and a few dollars or 20-100 if im leaving the casino up big Comment from : @mydogsbestfren7490 |
i just give i'm not impoverished myself the way i see it when someone is at a point so low they need to ask a stranger for money, i don't need to ask why if they buy cigarettes, that's no less valid than food i've had many friends in my life who are smokers smoking can even be therapeutic for certain mental illnesses "there is no friend like generosity" Comment from : @hipsabad |
I remember seeing a panhandler stand up from their wheel chair after leaving the subway Comment from : @outsidetesseract6389 |
wow v dramaticx much morals Comment from : @imagedezach |
"Try not to let the perfect get in the way of the good"brThat's going to stick with me :P Comment from : @B4K4157 |
I give money that I can part with to people on the streets If I could have easily purchased a coffee instead, I give when confronted with the choice The choice presents itself when I see the person in my path If I don't have money on me or money is tight, I don't give The moral ambiguity of not being able to actually help doesn't bother me, and I don't feel like I have done my part by giving a little change It's just a small gesture Comment from : @kristavaillancourt6313 |
I'll buy them a hamburger sometimes If I give a dollar, they might spend that on drugs, but if I give them a burger, they might spend the money they save on drugs, but at least I know they're fed Comment from : @andretsang7337 |
i really love your videos but the music u play in the background is very distracting, difficult to concentrate on what you are saying maybe its bcs the notes played are very individual and spaced referring to the music played in the beginning Comment from : @parulbedhotiya3500 |
My biggest fear is that, not in the US so much but in other countries, many of the "homeless beggers" are essentially pimped out to the streets to make money I don't even mind if the beggers themselves are scammers so much - what's two dollars to me versus them? - but I hate the idea of benefitting some guy who's taking advantage of the beggers in uniforms going around collecting money for them Comment from : @mystereoheart2579 |
Panhandling must be hard nowadays; I hardly ever carry cash with me, and I never have loose change Comment from : @jholmes45 |
Pretty good, but your bias shines through The decision to give the money is equally a rationalization 'Maybe this person isn't a loser drunk Maybe they are just down on their luck and this will make the difference I'm a better person for doing this' Comment from : @AjaxNixon |
I only have debit, never carry cash whether those leeches believe it or not no fuckin need to carry cash in this day and age Comment from : @rustcohle3803 |
Dont overthink it Give it if you got it You pay $8 for a movie to make you feel better, and this does that but moreso Comment from : @ratfacekick |
This video is pretty old and I don't think anyone will see this comment but it seems that this needs to be said? I live in Canada and travel to the US all the time (only major cities though) but I'm originally from Pakistan Cities like Karachi (which has a pop of 25M) have a huge homelessness problem and slums If you step out of gated communities it won't take long before you see someone begging, usually children I want to remind everyone in a position to give (although I think most people don't do this anymore) that we are not in a position to judge a homeless person They are not once-millionaires who squandered their good fortune No one goes homeless or starts begging if they have obviously better options Homelessness is not their fault, it comes from a variety of variables that we (who are in a position to give) have not experienced or not experienced to the extent at which they have Give openly, give without expectations and without an agenda Whether that money is for drugs or to feed their children, it makes no difference because homelessness is not something you can judge from the outside Comment from : @katkhan6049 |
so yes or no Comment from : @gotpuntedagain |
Pay attention to how you feel doing it If it makes you feel good, go ahead If it evokes a feeling of guilt and/or being depleted within you, don't Do what makes you feel good Comment from : @livingeachbreath8439 |
One could consider what I do to be mean and cruel, but I think it's fun to do it I love the subway because of all the weird and wonderful people you cross on it; the student who's clearly wasted on some unknown drug, swaying back and forth at the end of the subway car, the old Asian woman who coughs way too much, the kid who mysteriously travels alone, and, of course, the panhandler It's like a spectacle to me, a carnival with new people every time I know some of them are fake and I know some of them really need the money, so I give money to the ones who entertain me and who make a clear effort If the person asking is in very obvious need, I give They might be faking it, but that's not the point They LOOKED real And everyone who IS real looks real Giving money to fakers doesn't bother me if they put up such a fantastic and tear-jerking show that it becomes an entertainement, like the dancing clown at the station or the violinist near the escalator Man walks in with clean shoes and a new mc donalds cup, not getting my money Old woman walks in, do, missing teeth, she starts by yelling in pain as if she lost her child and she begins her story her parents died in a horrible car crash, she was left alone in the streets, the government denied her a home and now all she has left is this scrawny old dog and a crying child she brings in the car its like watching a movie Sometimes its so dramatic that i KNOW it's fake, But I have to give It's a form of art of its own and if that old woman manages to make me ALMOST believe it, if she delivers such an extraordinary spectacle, comparable to Greek tragedies, of course i'll give her some money Maybe she'll spend the 5$ on drugs, or on alcohol, or on food, or for her children or her dog, I don't care I give her the money for entertaining me, for making that subway ride that much more unique It's people like that that make e love the subway so much They have 2 minutes, from station A to station B, to but up a show and amaze me They're timed, people could walk out of the car any second now It makes them unique, it makes their performance unique And i believe the best should be rewarded Always go with your gut feeling Comment from : @bluuberries6740 |
Though I confess with shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which by and by I shall have the manhood to withhold Comment from : @maycatyuiop |
i never hesitate to give money to poor people but i just worry that maybe that one guy i decided to help is some basterd who only pretends to be poor or to have some kind of disability to get money from people so when i look at itbetween all the people i've helped in the streets or the subwaymaybe 1 in 5 of those people are that person but at least i helped the other 4 which is to me worth it Comment from : @mido5219 |
Hey, any of you every seen a panhandling kid?brbrYeah No easy answer indeed Comment from : @psychowordsmith |
That could be our little ones in the future that's what I place myself into giving but my kids are older and doing alright Comment from : @lisatillman4730 |
I'm rarely subjected to panhandlers, so when I do come across one on the street, I give them whatever I can afford to let go of This is an interesting moral dilemma though Comment from : @nutmaster652 |
I work full-time with the homeless Some use the money they get for food, etc and some use for drugs/alcohol Most are happy for a smile or hello (some would love a conversation), to hold the door open for them or small gifts of food, water, sunscreen, $5 to McDonalds, gloves, etc if you don't want to give money Or don't give anything Just don't be rude and judgemental, if begging or being homeless bothers you, you don't need to yell and demean them, you can always walk away Comment from : @Rissy617 |
I work full-time with the homeless Some use the money they get for food, etc and some use for drugs/alcohol Most are happy for a smile or hello (some would love a conversation), to hold the door open for them or small gifts of food, water, sunscreen, $5 to McDonalds, gloves, etc if you don't want to give money Or don't give anything Just don't be rude and judgemental, if begging or being homeless bothers you, you don't need to yell and demean them, you can always walk away Comment from : @Rissy617 |
Give money to homeless charities, not the homeless Comment from : @RomanNardone |
I work for a shelter and here's the key concept: infantilisationbrThese panhandlers are a minority of homeless people and what most homeless people are trying to do is to become mentally/physically healthy enough to find employment How they find employment is going to homeless shelters which feed them, give them hygiene facilities and have services such as computers or mental health nursesbrSo if they don't use money to feed themselves, what do they spend it on? Mostly fast food, cigarettes, alcohol and travel fare: by giving a panhandler money you give them the ability to be comfortable with being homelessbrbrGive money to homeless charities, not the homeless brYou might feel guilty, but these are grown adults with the ability to stand up for themselves through the use of charity services Comment from : @MrSlyRacoon |
I'm skeptical of their homelessness in general I think most of them are scam artists They're probably just going to use the money you give them to buy a second BMW Comment from : @KidEatingClown |
The solution I've found is, have a piece of bread or other kind of basic food at hand If they give a speech based on food, give them the food If they give some sort of service (I really support people playing an instrument or performing in a commute), you give them actual money Comment from : @andresarancio6696 |
i always give i have to if it were me, i would hope to find someone that would see how much i needed it Comment from : @intrntgrl |
I don't give Handing money everyday to every beggar I come across will only put me in their position Comment from : @BenjerminGaye |
This is an incredible vlog, and you said all the thoughts I myself have when I am asked for money And the general psychology of using transportation and suddenly hearing a beggar Comment from : @CherryBombBuzz |
You diden't consider those Who are crazy and dose it fore the uman connexion more than the money(at list here in France) Comment from : @nicolasjan1584 |
Don't make a rule, make the decision in that moment based on how you feel about it, that time Comment from : @sbo54 |
You didn't answer the question Comment from : @Iosepalias |
Apropos nothing at all, good to see the greatest album of all time gracing your windowsill Comment from : @bloodspatteredguitar |
this is an interesting subject and i hope you do another video expanding on it Comment from : @DonyCaspion |
If you feel the need to give, donate to charities for homeless people That way you know it will be used well Comment from : @MontanaBrock |
I HEAR YOU CHRISTMAS SUFJAN STEVENS! Thank You Evan Comment from : @and14ara56 |
THEY HAVE BEGGERS ON THE SUBWAY?!?!?!? Well im never going to New York! Comment from : @finleycastello6512 |
As an American traveling in less-developed parts of the world, this is a tough problem I have the power to give someone a day's salary at no cost to myself, when they clearly need it But this "selfless" giving creates a mentality that seems to hurt, not help people approach you with open hands, expecting to take and give nothing in return While this is fine on a personal level, on a societal level it becomes toxic Relying on outside help for socioeconomic problems is a relic from the colonial period that many countries in Africa and beyond have worked very hard to move pastbrbrI'm not trying to say you shouldn't help someone dying on the street in front of you, or that you shouldn't give to reputable charities (which do a lot of good) And I know this is a very different issue than giving to homeless in New York City but I just have to say itbrbrThe worst product of a rich tourists' generosity is this: parents who put their kids on the street to beg instead of sending them to school If the kid can generate a good income begging, many families feel they have no choice I hate seeing children begging on the street, they often put on a really pathetic show but I never, ever give them money Maybe candy or food, but not money, because that ensures they'll stay therebrbr/rant Sorry for being preachy, but I've been confronted with this issue many times and have had a lot of time to think about it Comment from : @Meraxes6 |
ending a very thought provoking video with such a cute face is unfair ur such a kitten Comment from : @TheSyborgue |
hahaha I was like 'huh, this sounds a lot like Sufjan Stevens' on the outro What sufj track is it? Comment from : @lepistanuda |
Offer them food instead of money If they take you up on it, take the time out of your busy life to get them food They probably needed it Comment from : @davepubliday6410 |
If I have money, and feel like a prolonged conversation with them, I will give Comment from : @crater7 |
Hey man, congrats on the channel, youtube has been a huge portal for childs and minor info consumers, this is what I wanted been I stop using my tv 5 years ago brKeep up the good work, good content, hope you can capitalice this idea and get an office soon brCheers Comment from : @stephanodepetroarcella278 |
I always carry a water bottle with me for this reason I don't give money because my father instilled in me an inherent distrust for humanity, but I still believe in helping others Comment from : @m82m107barrett |
Ive been there and actually, the public perception of beggars is often skewed by travellers and hippiesbrbrI didnt have a choice for a while but as soon as i did i got a job and got outbrLots of people choose welfare ie begging because its straight up easierbrbrIts always dépendent at the end of the day Comment from : @teggerzz |
I decided for myself that I would not give A) when directly solicited, or B) when it requires removing my wallet from my pocket This is because of an instance when we were followed and harassed after contributing to a panhandler when I was on a date The ethical arguments completely stopped firing back and forth as soon as the issue of my personal safety, and that of anyone with me, became involved Comment from : @flcon16 |
We love people at their most naked Comment from : @ShadaOfAllThings |
So You ask for donations but turn down begged? What a piece of shit! Of course you should give Next time, instead of thinking about your bitcass dollar Think about what it takes to beg a fuck'n stranger For anything I can't bring myself to ask my brother for help Let alone a stranger Comment from : @1refcortez |
I think "fuck off" is pretty Easy way to Deal with it Comment from : @honklerfinkelstein2113 |
I think "fuck off" is pretty Easy way to Deal with it Comment from : @honklerfinkelstein2113 |
I came across your work and I want to thank you for making these amazing videos and vlogs Comment from : @aayushsatyam9737 |
I think people in your contemporary position need to read up on their Nietzche Comment from : @AirCanMaster |
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