Title | : | My Struggle with Learning Disabilities and How to Deal with Them |
Lasting | : | 10.11 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 178 rb |
I will put everything into finding a cure for learning disorders Comment from : @universale3323 |
You helped me dear Comment from : @universale3323 |
I thank you so much and your not alone Comment from : @MrsHudson |
I have a son with this to and I don’t know how to help him Comment from : @TaniaGuerrero-re6nr |
This video is enlightening and I want to dig a bit deeper into how to live with it and adapt better Comment from : @EddiePirolli |
I have a bunch of learning disabilities It's been a struggle to just get basic things done for everyday life Especially in college, i have been held back twice elementary and I have to wait 2 years to continue my degree because I could not past the prequets classes needed to move on in the degree I'm 26 in a classroom with people who are much younger than me and yet are still more in advance in understanding the material that I ever will be It's really discouraging I just keep telling myself "I can't quit now I can do this" But sadly, i've been struggling with believing that still Thank you for sharing your story it's good to know that there are many of us struggling with these issues Because I want to know what happens to people like me In life as disabilities are not something that can just be fix They are forever with us Until the day we die all we can do is just adapt to everything that happens to us Comment from : @alexislopez2736 |
Sometimes I have to rehearse words in my head and write down on hand if need be before I even start a presentation, testimony and so Sometimes when I speak sometimes I forgot what words to say and fumble a bit I can say it's normal for me Comment from : @vejaybaker2822 |
Thank you so very much I really appreciate and needed to hear this so very much brbr I have learning disabilities to I feel like failure and a mess all the timebrbrYour words mean so much to me thank you so very much Comment from : @thebadgerman1211 |
I hide it that I'm slow because I have some family members that would judge me, and that is why I don't tell anyone Comment from : @ToneyArtAndOtherVideos |
Thank you so much for making this video It's really helped me understand what my son is going through Comment from : @heathergault4122 |
I have a learning disability too, I don’t know what it is but my conditions are, bad grammar and spelling Also things I say don’t make sense, such as, when I speak my words can sometimes be jumbled, so usually I have to think before I speak to make sure I say the words correctly Also I suck at mathbrbrAlso following instructions can be hard for me, I sometimes need basic understanding and need to be shown first, I won’t understand if there isn’t an example for me to follow Comment from : @Mrjedite |
I’m enrolled in Smart Horizon Online High School! I struggle with math! I’m trying to get my first job! I want to go to nursing and medical school! Comment from : @josefholzer2433 |
Have a learning disability and very high dyslexia, very high dyscalculia and mild dyspraxia and also had a very bad at my special needs high school experience with my maths teacher he thought wast doing the maths work and kicked me out of the classroom because he didn’t understand that I find maths really hard because of my cause my dyscalculia and I told my mum watt happened my mum was not happy with that so she right a latter to him explain why I find maths very difficult so once he red and realised why I couldn’t do the maths and he said I’m very sorry and he gave me a 1to 1 support until that I fished school I was very happy that he understood in the end Comment from : @rebeccamccready1135 |
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and motivating others with same problem Comment from : @kshukla6806 |
You don't need to bother about such stupid and mean people, you are the bravest and smartest girl who is able to deal with her own difficulties In my opinion you are a genius ❤❤ Comment from : @Amarajtextiles |
I have a learning disabilitie and still struggle on things that are frustrating, I had it when I was a kid Comment from : @carolbrown5263 |
My dad was dyslexic back in the '50's and '60's, and they tested his IQ He would test genius level, so they assumed that he was so stubborn that he would refuse to learn how to read While dyslexia is pervasive, as she said, it took him until his twenties to actually enjoy reading Comment from : @remdog1138 |
Thank you for sharing! I know this is a 7 year old video, but you mention a book Did you write your book? I'd be interested in reading it Comment from : @ChristianeMarshall |
People who tell you that "you can't" struggle with an understanding of people Everybody struggles with something Well done young lady Comment from : @andymass4599 |
Thank you for your story!!! 🙏 ❤️ You are beautiful on the inside and the outside and I know by watching this video that you have impacted so many people around the world The world needs more people like you You deserve all the happiness in the world God Bless You 🙌 ❤ Thank you 😊 Comment from : @nataliereed1121 |
Thank you for sharing your story! I am an assistant principal, and this video affirms how I need to treat all of my students! Comment from : @zachdavis7536 |
My daughtee has a learning disability shes 17 also she feels ashamed of herself because some kids askes her why she goes to a dumb student classroom , kids are rude as hell and they hurt the other kid feelings with the words they choose to say and it realy make me angry Comment from : @marcelavillalobostorres5046 |
Thank you! Comment from : @jessicalcampbell7378 |
How to get tested for a learning disability?? My partner needs to be diagnosed We are trying to find resources, in virginia My partner has this and was abused by his former spouse Resources for testing? He does not make much money He is an adult and his former spouse would mock him daily and shame him Comment from : @kyrareneeLOA |
You are great ❤ Comment from : @lhakpatsamchoe1565 |
Thank you for your story it is 2023 and so you are aware that your video and story is still helping others that struggle Comment from : @rosiecampos5186 |
❤ Comment from : @davidblank9043 |
My son is ADHD and SLD He is kind, charismatic, funny, loving, charming and so cute He is also resilient and has perseverance I will take him as he is over being book smart or an academic any day I love every bit of him ❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @mmp495 |
We need more Kyles in this world ❤❤❤ Comment from : @mmp495 |
I'm 52 and I'm still dealing with this I failed high school because I was "stupid" brbrI've been in school since 2016 studying herbal medicine which I've had a passion for and I learned today that I failed to earn my diplomabrbrLast week, I failed my nutrition classes too I feel like I'm in high school all over again Comment from : @myufostory689 |
Oh this broke my heart I was in a similar situation as a child my mother was told I would never succeed in life but my personality would get me through life I struggled and I was never helped in school I hate every minute in school the humiliation and trauma has stayed with me for life I went to university aged 41 and was finally diagnosed with dyslexia in the final year, and graduated in an honours degree without any assistance I now know that it doesn’t reflect our intelligence others make us feel stupid which we aren’t 😘 Comment from : @fionarichards9550 |
People talk about school struggle but there is a big challenge at work setting Some Bosses can be understanding or fire you Comment from : @majestic6303 |
I have learning disability &epilepsy too but Comment from : @andrewsaunderson6129 |
Katherine, when teachers blame the child, it means it's very bad teaching Teachers should realise that there are many different ways of teaching Comment from : @pookab5905 |
thank you, this helped me to understand my kid better and to keep encouraging them for literally a million hours they have been putting into their studies with just a 'normal' results, at least they know that their hard work I have always appreciate it, and not just focusing on the remarkable score itself Comment from : @rusmanhl56 |
Thank you for this! I am sharing it with my students that I work with who have learning disabilities :) Comment from : @aubynbaker7807 |
I agree Comment from : @StacyLD |
I, too, have a learning disability, ADHD and dysgraphia I was told I would not account for anything I always said I will prove you wrong Comment from : @ronjohnson7699 |
We all learn in different ways and sometimes it takes longer to pick things up be proud of who you are and be the best you can be Comment from : @henrymiddendorf8849 |
I’m a middle-age man I have learned disability since childhood learning reading, and writing and depression, anxiety Comment from : @ernestadames |
Great experiance catherine, you r wndrfll Comment from : @Saralarajan |
I learned by virtual seeing it done, not being told how to accomplish it Words mean nothing to me I'm seeking for people who are in this disorder Ty for this video/ struggle Comment from : @heidirichardson3622 |
You are amazing 🎉 Comment from : @chanellehoride8373 |
😥😣 Comment from : @kalvinbaatjies2678 |
When I was in the 4th grade I was put in a special Ed class due to a comprehension disability People don’t understand the mental health struggles that came with feeling isolated and separated at a young age Every morning I had to walk to the other side of the school ALONE while my cousins and friends all went to the regular Ed hallways But I got back into regular Ed in 9th grade🎉! I changed my IEP to IGP, I increased my Lexile score, I took honors classes and graduated HS class of 2021 Comment from : @tyrellefrazier16 |
Thanks for the video,u are amazing, u have just help me ,ooh I forget u beautiful Comment from : @amadeusjean4019 |
🥰🥰 Comment from : @Keana43 |
I also have a learning disability I'm worried that i won't be good for working Comment from : @ginamidnightthefoxcat |
You are beautiful great story never give up on yourself you can do anything you put your mind to Comment from : @James-ut2ez |
I can't read either and I'm so ashamed Comment from : @bobfrisbee6132 |
Katherine you are beautiful and smart we just speak a different language than regular people Comment from : @jeremycarpenter5550 |
this is me!!!! omg thank you for your vulnerability i experienced the same thing i struggled in silence Comment from : @leeevesheher358 |
I also have a learning disability but I also have ADHD anxiety depression and PTSD so it was really hard for me to to learn in school I would always lose track in school so they had to put me in a special ed class and I hated it so much I would get bullied people would laugh and say haha your special Ed why are you stupid why do you forgot things so quickly why are you so slow just hurtful mean things the teacher had 0 faith in me that I would graduate fifth grade because I was behind my reading and I would get things slower than the other students so I would compare myself to the other students and I would say why is this person getting so I felt like no one got me I felt alone sad and afraid to tell people that I am special Ed and why it takes me longer to learn I still haven't told anyone this so this so this is my first time saying this in public Comment from : @catherinemanning8220 |
I love you keep up the good work we need you Comment from : @peacehells4297 |
They stuck you special education, and you stay in those classes until you graduate high school That they did to me Comment from : @donnapoolejackofalltrades7827 |
Thanks for this I don't feel left out I have struggled alot with studies etc and I feel like your video has made me feel better about myself Comment from : @User2100 |
Hey there my name is jarred I am from Melbourne, Australia I have got a learning disability as well I seen your video u should be proud of yourself to share this with other people and worldwide I also got bullied and hated reading in front of people and till this day i still struggle to read in front of people but I am starting to get abit better at it I struggle at school I had a lot of people told I won’t do well in life I should be a waiter Now I am fully qualify cabinet maker married with 2 kids I would not tell many people about my disability because I felt people would look at the wrong way now I have started to be more comfortable of my disability i have no reason to hide it anymore seeing this video and listening to your story is really good to hear and it’s good to hear other people like u doing good thank u for sharing your story Comment from : @jarredreaby7435 |
Tbh i am 13 and i got held back i 1rst grade bc of my reading level bc of my learning disabilities no one wanted to help me but yesterday i was doing my school work it was writing i forgot what this one word was or what it meant so i went to my mom but instead of asking her i started to cry bc i really was nervous and my learning disabilities was my biggest i insecurities and i still struggle Comment from : @eliza_gameing6911 |
Katherine Chloe Cahoon I have a learning disability too in high school and most defently ll graduate next year and they keep me in small class i also sometimes wonder why I can t comeprihand things like a regular person I have an Intellectual Disability and metal retardation and some times that makes me feel like an outsider I don t make friends in school but some times I blame myself or some times I even say why I;M like this why was i brought like this why i deserv this and i know many people say too me you should be thankful that you walk you talk you think and you run and sit many people can t do that m like sure M thankful but you gotta understand I fear for my adult life and 20 years old m not thinking negetive but it hurts that people have to repeat things too you I feel your pain Comment from : @nelsondelarosaacosta7249 |
Powerful! Thank you for sharing! It was really difficult to share but how beautiful! All the negative untrue comments you received were all about the person making the comment and not about you I appreciate the tips you shared Life is too short to care about what other people think; In the end, what they think or say really won't matter, for you Love what you said about using criticism to motivate you to be the best you can be I may have an undiagnosed disability Thanks again! Comment from : @elmaterial8670 |
I’m 17 and in 10th Been held back before I have dislexia, ADHD and dysgraphia I couldn’t even read a book until 3rd grade What I want people to know is that having a learning disability is not a bad thing, it just means you have to try harder People that have learning disabilities are warriors I never give up on myself and nor should you You just have to say it in your mind that I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to While you might be hating school you have an entire beautiful life ahead of you NEVER GIVE UP you can be anything you want in this world Comment from : @mileseddy56 |
Im 18 and I got diagnosed with dyslexia few weeks before turning 17 And I really just didn't understand that I've always struggled in school I've was told to just fucus harder and more Seeing other students getting the best grades and them getting a results they like, while I'm here I have to put more effort to just get a bad results made me frustrated I now have anxiety and depression because if it brbrThe teachers always ask why don't I ask when I need help I like can't do because it's embarrassing for being the the only one struggling and asking for help in class And feeling a lot of shame I do care what other people think about me, and I don't was them to know that I'm that what I'm slow learner brbrIt gets exhausting working hard and not getting the results I want, feeling like dumb and stupid, failing things, not feeling like you belong there and to know that I'm gonna make even more mistakes than people without LD Comment from : @pinkclouds2946 |
This is how I felt my whole life Comment from : @auntigingy8666 |
You right baby Comment from : @mikiamartin1270 |
It was sad when she could not think of what to say and you are not stupid and that teacher That teacher doesn't know what she is talking about I have a mild learning disability Comment from : @mikiamartin1270 |
Needed to hear this so much, thank you for sharing 🙏🏼 Comment from : @et9093 |
My mother just to smoke during pregnancy of me and I know I am not normal in many small things Comment from : @Ktrcho-j7m |
me suffering too how can i improve reading and memory Comment from : @nisarali9086 |
Yeaa I still struggle with my learning disability and was honestly embarrassed by it🤦♀️😭I'm still learning how to cope with with it because I get emotional fusterated alot Comment from : @marisaramirez575 |
Omg you gonna make me cry! I have learning disabilities Comment from : @zoegyal |
This was powerful Thanks for not editing out your doubts in the middle Comment from : @i7want7some7one |
I have a learning disability to and I love it and I don’t care what people think about me I have difficulty of learning different things like math or paying attention or maybe just speaking up for myself 💯😔 Comment from : @tymirdumas4678 |
To all of you, keep hope alive , I learned a long time ago , we just a learning difference and we can add apt, but it's important that the people around us know what we have and learn how to support us Blessings to all of us we are all gifted in some way Take that and run with it Comment from : @atonsol7514 |
Thank you I am a retired teacher and counselor with a learning challenge in reading and math, I have a master's in educational counseling and have begun writing two books , yet I still struggle with a world , a society that has little tolerance for my blunders in every day things I reached out for this video in a moment if sadness cause I get so frustrated with myself cause I can't relax or I will make a mistake that will upset others in particular my wife who is a genius in many areas But has her own emotional issues that impact her tolerance level Thanks for sharing, I know we are not alone ever Comment from : @atonsol7514 |
I have a learning disability and this made me emotional Comment from : @matthewmccorkle3074 |
Thank you for sharing your story🙏🏾❤️ Comment from : @myeshadapisces |
I feel your struggle and send you much love and kudos for putting yourself out there You are brilliant! As someone who was shouted at Infront of my whole class and told by my teacher that another teacher I had retired because I couldn't do maths I totally understand your angst Comment from : @froggy8030 |
Damn she spoke well Comment from : @trillionaire2478 |
Thank you for sharing your story with us , I am crying as you are telling your story as it is a reflection of my life Comment from : @everythingwithalexkay |
So inspiring! I’m 30 yrs old and just found out last year I’m dyslexic Grew up my whole life thinking I was stupid I listened to what teachers said about me and just decided not to bother trying I did go to college but it took me 7 years to get a bachelors degree at Mizzou So I can’t tell you how much this means to mean to hear your story Comment from : @MuckFen |
I can somewhat relate as have the same problem with speech I know what i want to say but it doesnt come out how i intended I forget words and wonder if people think i am stupid I am fine with reading and writing though Interviews are absolute hell so I have been doing the same kind of work for the whole of my life never growing Socialising just doesnt happen Up until recently i preferred not to speak at all in meetings or contribute to discussions, now I am somewhat 'out' I do sometimes contribute Comment from : @maiaautumne2167 |
I had a learning disability when I was born with it, yes I do drive and have my own car I will always remember when I was in school and I was being bullying Lots more I love people who's being close with it and lot more Comment from : @marissanaumchick8409 |
I have a learning disability Comment from : @michaeltackwood9570 |
This is amazing young lady thank you for your story I can identify with you I have dyslexia Comment from : @michaeltackwood9570 |
This was church thank you Comment from : @giqnlucq |
You are amazing Thank you so much Comment from : @enjoylife4life |
There’s far more help now than ever in our schools but it’s still difficult for children because of how different they feel Good luck to you in whatever you do in your life Life is hard no matter what It’s how you approach it and the encouragement others give to people that struggle to give them the confidence to achieve things in their own lives Comment from : @anthonycraddock6739 |
I grew up with learning disability and petrified of reading out loud and have to do you like current there’s presentations are in grade school after high school petrified and I suck at test… But I can read really well now and spell pretty good a lot better than I did before Comment from : @gaylecheung3087 |
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