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How Much $ Do You Need to Retire? The 4% Rule for 2023

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Title :  How Much $ Do You Need to Retire? The 4% Rule for 2023
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Comments How Much $ Do You Need to Retire? The 4% Rule for 2023

I began my investment journey at the age of 27, primarily through hard work and dedication I'm to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier it is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity
Comment from : @MargaretGeoffrey

Ah the Vanguard paper link doesn't work anymore - anyone have a copy?
Comment from : @HankChang

10:10 gardening you say?
Comment from : @rujainem

thank you for explaining this with so much context!
Comment from : @kaodimcgaw8844

While it’s a widely referenced guideline, its reliability in 2025 depends on several factors, including inflation, market conditions, and your individual financial situation
Comment from : @Vstones

I transfered my community college credits to Harvard (through their Extension School, but it's still Harvard), so in retirement, I'd like to side hustle as an education consultant, walking parents and high school seniors through the process I figured that when it comes to higher ed, people like taking advice from an old lady 😅
Comment from : @MsClaudiaDuran

Really helpful and easy to follow!!
Comment from : @AsifDewji

My advice to new investors: Buy good companies stocks and hold them as long as they are good companies Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless
Comment from : @AnshMeta-j7r

I plan to retire at 62 after 36 years in Telecom as a sales engineer My wife will retire in May 2026 and she's loving life! But walking away from a good income stream and building the nest egg to living from the nest egg is a scary proposition couple with the alarming recession and CPI report
Comment from : @AnnieHolsen

You're glossing over inflationbr2M in 2024 is not the same as 2M in 2044
Comment from : @hippadactyl25

i'm 44 right now and want to spend my retirement living in a house in the mountains with a huge library, making art and raising chickens So far, I have the house, the mountain and a healthy 401K working on saving up for that library addition and other updates My plan is to set myself up for remote work, rental income and retire as soon as i can
Comment from : @ArtArcanus

I’d be retiring or working less in 8 years, and considering this financial recession, I’m deciding to begin taking up skilled trades I’m curious to know best how people spilt their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn about $140k per year but nothing to show for it yet
Comment from : @RoseBalerus

I just turned 44 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I'm getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 48 How best do I maximize my savings of over $50k
Comment from : @Tbry1

Non senseAll my money is in cash and I will have enough for 25 years if I withdraw 4 every year My social and pension covered all my expenses
Comment from : @rampar77

They never take into account the taxes you pay on the 4 you take out every year So if you withdraw $40,000 and paying 25 tax rate you only really have $30,000 to spend
Comment from : @yankeefan2119

So far I'm doing good, approaching retirement with about 800k in savings Transitioning from building wealth to spending can be scary, especially with soaring inflation My question is, after maxing out my tax-advantaged retirement accounts, what next?
Comment from : @NicholasBall130

I came across your channel through this video—case studies are incredibly valuable, and I'm eager to see more in the future! Building wealth involves establishing routines, like consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for smart investments
Comment from : @AlbrechtChristoph016

Nobody should plan for 50 years of retirement unless they retire at 50 Living past 90 is pretty far and few Average is between 70 and 80 And the most common death age is 87 Which if you retire at 55 you would only need to have 32 years worth of saving The other thing nobody talks about is that as you advance in years your expenses go down You’re traveling less, home mortgage is paid off, you downsize your house, you don’t eat out as much Grocery bills go down, etc the only thing that goes up is medical and a lot of that is covered under Medicaid
Comment from : @edavis5451

Humphrey that name is great bro lmaooo!!
Comment from : @maximejanvier2336

You'll need way more than 80 of your current expenses For only inflation alone
Comment from : @brightlight6113

The vanguard link isn't working Thanks for all your help
Comment from : @WatchmenOnTheWall777

This is my fifth year after retirement I’ve been following the 4 rule thing I saw on a YouTube channel, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be After I cashed out a lump sum, I still have about $760k left, but at this rate, and with how the market is (we were putting money away in an index fund), I’m starting to get worried
Comment from : @JacobReynolds-t7v

How does the 4 rule apply to 401k and Roth IRA accounts In terms of retiring early? Or does this all assume the money is in a traditional IRA that doesn't penalize you for early withdrawals?
Comment from : @taylorvice1610

What is the starting balance for the success percentage chart? They have to have based it on something right?
Comment from : @hombretropical3028

Can someone explain how 100 stocks over 70yrs has a lower probably of success than 50/50 stocks/bonds?brbrThe stock market has never underperformed the bond market over such a long period in human history
Comment from : @TheHarshTruths

The 4 rule doesn't work because as you age the RMD far exceeds 4 I will turn 75 this year and mt RMD is app 45
Comment from : @williammoore-r1d

Seems like you’d need to take inflation into account if you plan retiring in 20 years or so Your monthly spending needs will likely look much higher
Comment from : @makestuffdostuff

It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time I retired with about $650k in my 401k
Comment from : @biankabrodeur01

Lower your risk before retirement by paying off all debts, including the house
Comment from : @PurpleRose8725

4:52 - If you withdraw less, you need a higher balance to begin with? My morning coffee has not kicked in because that made NO sense
Comment from : @mluirph

Cool video🔥
Comment from : @Chaneldelarosaa

Comment from : @stevemiller3700

Comment from : @johnfowlerjr4442

I’m gonna have to work right up until lunch on the day of my own funeral
Comment from : @JLKeener77

Am I the only one wondering what happens to the principal? Will you still have the million dollar after 30 years? I don’t understand why doesn’t anyone talk about that?? If we are withdrawing 4 percent and the s and p averages 8 percent, wouldn’t the million dollar still be there after 30 years?
Comment from : @tinachxx110

I feel like dying with millions is probably, objectively, worse than going broke brbrI say this because the end years are usually not great Having millions in a retirement account when you're stuck in a bed is useless brbrIs there a method that allows for higher withdrawals that taper down? At 60 I'll probably be up for a European vacation At 80 maybe not
Comment from : @coreyburke3493

Humphrey Yang the kind of guy to knock out Jake Paul
Comment from : @DBoone123

Ugh! Those numbers make me sad I wanted a 70 year retirement
Comment from : @najiboutros

One thing these numbers do not take into account is that as we live, we can adjust our spending, there is not chance you will be that stupid and keep spending 4 if the market is doing terribly and inflation is 10brbrThere is a reason why in real life the 4 rule is too conservativebrbrYou need it to be more, and adjust as you see fit throughout retirement
Comment from : @User12345fan

that 4 withdrawal each year may not be spent completely, thus building up further reserve for a rainy day
Comment from : @Woodland26

investing requires good experience and knowledge to carry out a good and successful trade, I have lost a lot trying to trade all by myself May I ask which investments are good?>>>>
Comment from : @Rubie-q4s

how does inflation play into all this? 4 rule on $75K is $18mill of todays money - not the money when I would want to retire 25 years from now
Comment from : @immrans

I genuinely mean it when I express my stress and concern regarding the market crash and high inflation, particularly in relation to my retirement I have been experiencing losses for quite some time, and while some may argue that crises can present opportunities
Comment from : @Kaisa-kp3nc677

Why with a lower withdraw rate eg 3 we even need more money to retire? It seems to me I withdraw/spend yearly less money, theoretically it also leads to less amount of money needed?
Comment from : @yunlin9706

Thanks for sharing
Comment from : @shirleyjgarland3576

not a single comment thread in your videos isn't bots promoting some sketchy advisor
Comment from : @InfinityDz

Step one Vote Trump back into office
Comment from : @atom4871

I wouldn’t take out more than 4 just to be on the safe time in retirement
Comment from : @ingababy5196

It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time
Comment from : @BrianHarris-d8t

I have a question for you I am currently 26 I’ve been investing in a Roth Ira since I was 18 Maxing out every year and I now have a company provided 401(k) I would like to retire around 40 or up to 50 What steps should I take to do that? And would it be better to pull early out of my 401(k) or out of the Roth IRA?
Comment from : @biroabbuilditrightonabudge776

2 million dollars,sweet spot!
Comment from : @fitta74

Healthcare is definitely going to be a big hit for everyone if you're living in the US
Comment from : @oriondragos5876

The one thing your not acounting for here is inflation has not been 2 the last couple years it's been higher
Comment from : @herbsabeast1

Watched Humphrey gobrFrom 15k subs to 12m People eventually realize how good u are at what u do Thanks for educating us Humphrey!
Comment from : @GOATED1973

Just take your core money from boring Mutual funds and put them into TSLY, QQQY, JEPY and IWMY Around 40 to 60 percent div each month and you never touch the principle Problem with the 4 percent method is that you could run out of money some day, this would last you forever These funds are legit!
Comment from : @robertsmith6408

Do you have to withdraw by a certain timeframe I thought I heard you couldn’t just leave the money in your 401k for entire retirement Is this true? If so, don’t you take tax penalty if a lot of your retirement is not in a Roth
Comment from : @rodrigok1220

I would love to send you a hypothetical scenario, that likely other millennials in my situation might be wondering about Not sure I want to share all of the nitty-gritty details here, but if that’s the sort of video you’d consider, I think it would be entertaining and helpful to your audience! Or, I could just hire you as my financial advisor?😂
Comment from : @natimarivelez

guys, dividend ETFs or stocks vs 4 of growth stocks or ETFs???
Comment from : @thesheepthemightythecrazy

It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time
Comment from : @JosephineGaule

Most Americans find it hard to retire comfortably amid economy downtrend Some have close to nothing going into retirement, my question is, will you pay off mortgage as a near-retiree, or spread money for cashflow, to afford lifestyle after retirement?
Comment from : @PatrickLloyd-

Does this calculation include assets like a house when calculating net worth?
Comment from : @nicks6813

This is a very good video, explains the retirement world very well If we only knew how long we will live, these calculations would be a lot easier!😢
Comment from : @samg2620

My goal is to die with way more money than I ever need
Comment from : @jacobside2656

An often ignored way to reduce your odds of outliving your savings is to drink, smoke and eat unhealthy foods
Comment from : @Lew114

Great video
Comment from : @gogotraveler

what happens if you run out of money at 90?
Comment from : @isaacyoung1868

How long we want to retire? Till I'm dead?
Comment from : @Ry-nx3fh

10 percent for me
Comment from : @michaelhaney3388

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @dorenestewart5084

With new funds like JEPI and JEPQ is the 4 rule obsolete?
Comment from : @unorthodocs1

I’m heading into the first year (2024) I’m going to have to start pulling money out of my various accounts to make ends meet It’s what I saved and invested for but still kind of feel defeated that I have to start digging into it 🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @MrDboydeluxe

Yes, go happy Gilmore ⛳️ 🏌️‍♀️
Comment from : @grcerosa

It is not always fear Sometimes realistic factors discourage people from reaching their goals in life For instance, I've tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value
Comment from : @IrenaDolinsek

This added real value, thank you
Comment from : @doingthingsdifferently

I’m 25, and I’m on track to be a millionaire by age 40 I’m saving as much as I can right now I fully believe the market will crash and burn at the beginning of next year That’s when I’ll make my move
Comment from : @justgivenofox9543

Is the 4 rule assuming that by the end of 30 years, all the money is exactly used up and balance is 0?
Comment from : @RRANBB

My retirement plan is to put MY brain in a robot body as well, Humphrey Vive immortality! lol
Comment from : @brookenigh

Im 59 retired and get 3000 from a pension after taxes and healthcare I have 2hundred thousand in savings with no debt including my house I have 412 thousand in a deferred comp in a fixed account at 35 interest rateHow much can i get from that account can i get to last me 20 years? Thank you
Comment from : @jorgerojas1576

Thanks for the info
Comment from : @CosasCotidianas

You misspoke in the chart explanation You have a 5054 chance of NOT running out of money at the 70 year mark, given the chart shows how likely you are to "succeed" or reach that target date
Comment from : @schmonday

So, you are expecting to spend the same amount of money at 65 vs 99? At 99 I just want to die already
Comment from : @xungngo

Does majority of americans live until 85-90? does that mean you need to work until 60 at any point?
Comment from : @happygilmor1

It breaks me when i see 65-70 year olds working construction, fast food, warehouse etc, that can barely walk but they have to work, just to not starve Im getting serious at 25, yeah im late I should’ve been investing since 18 but im willing to take the hit and start now!!!!
Comment from : @markcannon8522

When you are retiring you are never making 8 return you are in safer investments that are maybe 1-3
Comment from : @gigilaroux762

I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Maria Reyes
Comment from : @PatrickVelazco

My man, get in the gym if your back is hurting you at your age Focus on core strength exercisesbrbrI had back problems from being inactive and over weight Sitting the wrong way would cripple me Now I have zero pain and enjoy my life
Comment from : @krunk485

Retirees who struggle to meet their basic needs are the ones who could not accumulate enough money during their active years to meet their needs Retirement choices determine a lot of things My parents both spent same number of years in the civil service, but my mom was investing through a wealth manager, and my dad through the 401k
Comment from : @darnellcapriccioso

4 is sol low, its around 5-6, because inflation is avg 45 already
Comment from : @joeymanny

I’ve trained myself to feel the same kind of joy I get from spending money to saving/investing money Not instant But it’s possible
Comment from : @UmarKhaleeq

The only safe withdrawal rate is zerobrIt's disingenuous to expect to be retired for 50 years, unless you plan to retire before age 40brThe 4 rule is a starting point Sequence of returns is a thingbrRetirement is guesswork You don't know when you'll die, what inflation will be, or what the markets will do
Comment from : @jdollar5852

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