Title | : | How The US Should Have Spent The Afghanistan War Budget |
Lasting | : | 17.38 |
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Views | : | 466 rb |
7:53 it's 46000 now Comment from : @SavioShajahan |
政府每一个部门,每一个环节都在贪污腐败!毫无疑问 Comment from : @Black-w5 |
The US government is still waiting to sell fentanyl to them! Prisons and vagrants are the government‘s money-making toolsEvery prisoner in prison is their money tree! Government subsidies! Comment from : @Black-w5 |
The war created mega rich companies like "Lockheed Martin", "Blackwater" aka "Constellis" and many others Comment from : @jc6812 |
They made trillions more in the opium trade 👁️🔱 Comment from : @Lordmurugan |
The united states is an evil country We can fix that Comment from : @Jeff_D421 |
This video made a difference you should be proud Comment from : @KamvelihleJoeDobre-r2k |
Wast trillion for nothing Comment from : @Nameless-tp8np |
70000 deaths 25000 kids in 14 years 😅 Israel beaten it under a year Comment from : @sasanr1 |
I'll never forget how jarring it was when I heard my co-workers around 2010 saying that it was President Clinton's housing plan that crashed our economy Smart intellectual people, yet they can't see what a doofus could tell you right out the gate Trillions of our dollars was wasted on a meaningless war YEAH OF COURSE THERE'S A RECESSION Comment from : @raheem4real |
ALL those soldiers the US trained have been drafted by the Taliban So basically the United States has trained & we know ARMED Tailban forces mission accomplished, But keep believing this country & it's propaganda is righteous Comment from : @randymiller6665 |
2:42 brWe shouldn’t be discounting them though, they’re humans too Comment from : @Thewarden2070 |
im just imagining 6:42brelder scrolls type soldiers guarding flowers "who goes there must have been the wind", meanwhile the poppy growers crouching and harvesting poppies Comment from : @svansy |
Everyone involved should be in a PRISON for the BULLSHIT they put are soldiers through Comment from : @robertsaylor7380 |
Another awesome video More people need to see this to open their minds to the positive possibilities Comment from : @cmdrkillaham8545 |
Not to mention that if Canada invaded the us, we would have to evacuate to Mexico, and Mexico 100 would not take us And I can 100 not blame them In fact, Mexico would help Canada Comment from : @Willows_Wings |
2 trillion dollars could have built the US metro system, universal health care, and ended homelessness with money to spare13 trillion dollars Comment from : @briancordero7674 |
We should have listened to Washington in his final speech We were doing so well until we got into WW1 Comment from : @MasonMasedaZombieMoshPit1643 |
So I’m 100 in favor of spending whatever it took to end homelessness, but I don’t see how a one time payment of $20B would end homelessness for good There’s roughly 1mil people in the US who suffer from homelessness (the 600k estimate is woefully low) This comes out to $20k per person How would that be sufficient? Does it include job training programs and rehabilitation for homeless people as well? I just think this would realistically cost more than $20B But even if it was $500B I still think it’s what should be done Comment from : @childofgod2471 |
Soldiers are workers, very similar to the rest of us, but more alike to those that stand opposite them in the war zone Comment from : @KaDaJxClonE |
thank u for speaking reason into this messed up world Comment from : @dontnukeluke |
It’s not imperialism when we were attacked by terrorists! Comment from : @matthewayers293 |
We literally guarded drug fields…our soldiers and police are no more than thugs Comment from : @HTBP1888 |
so you're saying that if the US didn't invade afghanistan all those years ago they could have handed all 340 million of us a $20,000 check rn? Comment from : @oneofthesapiens |
The homelessness one is the most telling by far The cost is negligible compared to what it spends on its military budget every year Heck it comparable to what they spent on building a single one of their latest aircraft carriers!brIt would even pay for itself and massively benefit the American peoplebrbrOnly conclusion to draw is that they simply don't want to solve the homelessness problem Comment from : @LarsaXL |
War is a racket Comment from : @jakz51 |
The US should have to give even more as restitution to the Afghan people for attacking them without cause Comment from : @malcolmdrake6137 |
Americans need a revolution A jihad or struggle towards better justice and new america Comment from : @sallehandrews6976 |
Americans are fooled many times over and still willing to be fooled many more times over Comment from : @sallehandrews6976 |
Wait governments dont lie How would communism work if its just government taking ovet business? brNah They dont lie Comment from : @davidconway6344 |
Sad to say there would be no profit in that for the warmongering Neocon who run US Comment from : @miker3298 |
USA going down the MAGA slippery slopebrPeace of Earth and e rest of e World Comment from : @martinz9 |
You have a nice channel but you really need to learn MMT Federal taxes do not fund Federal Spending Read The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton Comment from : @tomcop668 |
Sure, there are some good Americans who volunteered to be brutal murderers, just like there were some good-hearted innocent people in Germany who joined the SS Comment from : @sovietcupcakes328 |
They sacrificed the people who died on 9/11 and all the people who died in Afghanistan and Iraq on the altar of their greed Comment from : @NeilEvans-xq8ik |
Healthcare? Shelter for homeless? Better education? Better public transportation? Hell naw that's socialist brotha 🦅🏈🗽brbrInvasion of Iraq and Afghanistan?? Yeeeeeehaaaaaw that's so American and cool! Lezzz gooo😎🤠 Comment from : @aryatalebniahir3843 |
Oopsies republicans, I thought you wanted a ((Small government)) Instead, what you got was a Mega militarical system which didn't do anything internally and invaded two countries in the other side of the world Comment from : @aryatalebniahir3843 |
You figured it out! Our elected officials are bought and paid for Their job is to make Public money available for the Rich and Big Corps We could take care of Our own but the Rich must get Richer A lot of People got Rich off of that war, and it was not the American Citizen Comment from : @ivangreen3995 |
I thought the US involvement in Iraq was because of the threat of nuclear weapons? Comment from : @trevorhoener8388 |
How have you not been Epstiened 😮 Glad I found your channel Comment from : @courtneycraft6342 |
I know this video is a little bit old like a year however I am a bit disappointed that you didn't touch on the education system Especially higher education and it's absurd funding through loans and putting people who have no idea about how the world operates in charge of paying back thousands of dollars rather than spending it all on shifting it to Public funding It was a Miss point the roughs to the points are true but you went into a whole bunch of environmental justice without even talking about shifting education and not even homelessness but the housing market right now as it is is not conducive to new buyers or renters simply as it's too expensive Comment from : @harth3432 |
Smh but they say protect our children while funding a war that killed almost 26,000 kids in another country Comment from : @BePatientSeeLove |
But hey, we got $1 gas didn't we all guys AMIRITE? Comment from : @sprockkets |
Pretty much covers it Comment from : @toddbridges7430 |
The United States is a kleptocracy Comment from : @abberss |
The end result was entirely predictable Comment from : @jasontroy3911 |
Why do Americans continue to send their sons and daughters to secure territories, commodities and obscene wealth for individuals who are already wealthy? Comment from : @gray_foxx583 |
I was really hoping we were gonna spend that last 14t Comment from : @HashFace253 |
We don’t have universal medical coverage because that’s the only thing we produce brbrWhen a country has little protection brThe only jobs to be made are in screwing are fellow people Comment from : @Rwmd953 |
Wish they said on the news "Okay but to make this right I need $10,000 from every man, woman, and child before we start the war" Comment from : @jiggerypokery2962 |
"We cannot fund universal healthcare"brbrOh really, did you see the eviden-brbr"Stop!"br"this is settled, stop trying to change things, you live in an unrealistic world!" Comment from : @RSAgility |
why this video has not translation to Spanish ? Comment from : @koi479 |
I grew up largely in impoverished areas in the US South Louisiana, rust belt Upstate New York, etc There was always a recruiter in the schools The asvab was mandatory for us to take Recruiters regularly interrupted class to pitch the military to a bunch of impressionable 15, 16 and 17 year olds My parents heavily encouraged me to enlist, to the point of kicking me out at 18 if I didn't join, after a few months of being homeless, I did Why did they push it so hard? Because they saw it as the only way to escape the poverty cycle A real chance to give me a life they couldn't Most of the men in my graduating class joined some branch of the military A lot of us are fucked up now because of it I was one of the lucky ones, I joined the National Guard, being in Louisiana, we were too busy handling natural disasters to blow up brown people in the desert Some of my friends, they didn't get so lucky Some didn't come back home, some did but came back change, etc brbrI see a lot of hatred for the military on the left, and it's not unjustified, but I'd like to remind everyone that the system we live in is designed to shuffle young men and women into the military The few times I was able to go to a well off public school (Dad moved for work a lot), they didn't have recruiters, they didn't interrupt class to let a recruiter for the marines speak for an hour We don't we have healthcare? Well you can get incredible healthcare in the military Why is college unaffordable for all but the uber rich? Well you can get the GI Bill Why is travelling the world so impossible between cost and lack of vacation time? Well you can travel in the military It's not reasonable to blame the individual person for enlisting (officers are a different discussion) because ultimately like how our system is designed to lock people up for their labor, it's also designed to shuffle the poor into dying for wars for the rich Why do you think the DoD funds Marvel movies? Football? Call of Duty? I was a 15 year old kid who grew up in a trailer park, spending my weekends playing call of duty with my friends, hyped for the next Iron Man movie, and a recruiter comes into my school and offers me a life I have only seen in the movies? Tells me I can get my teeth fixed in the army? That I can go to college? With parents who have been sold the same narrative and think it's a good choice to push me into it? When the alternative is to stay in a small town, hollowed out by late stage capitalism, working at the local Dollar General? It's wild how stacked the odds arebrbrAll of this isn't to detract of the senseless slaughter, the countless war crimes and the needless atrocities the empire has committed, nor do I want to say that veterans are even inherently deserving of respect, but I just want to point out that this is a systemic issue Like System of a Down said "Why do they always send the poor?" Comment from : @whyishoudini |
‘Ron DeSantis bans this video from broadcast in Florida’s schools and universities…’😢😂😂😂 Comment from : @olanrewajuihenacho178 |
Afghanistan started in the 60s when the US government supported anti occupation movements when Russia occupied Afghanistan Comment from : @CC-iq2pe |
The next objective: MexicobrMy country was targeted recently by some texan politician and now more than ever we should remember the origins of the word "gringo", which is the pronunciation of "green, go" refering to the people screaming to the US military by it's iconic chlothes to leave, to go away Comment from : @KozelPraiseGOELRO |
usa is the greatest country on earth Comment from : @traudlgoring |
it is important to fund the military and send your troops abroad, they have many advantages:br1 The troops are better trainedbr2 Other countries respect USA, because their army is goodbr3 USA can exert influence on other countriesbr4 Influencing other countries makes them prioritize USA to do business withbr5 USA companies get richer, if countries decides not buy iphone and block facebook for example, USA will become a lot poorerbr6 The weapons used is the 226 trillion cost, these weapons would be outdated in 5 years and you would need to throw them in the garbage anywaybr7 The war kept continuous production of weaponsbr8 Continuous production keeps the new generation educated on how to make weaponsbr9 New generation knowing drives innovationbr10 Innovation makes USA safer as nobody will date to mess with thembr11 Innovated weapons are sold in the international market bringing billions to USAbrbrSo many advantages at the cost of some Afghan lives, they chose to blow up the towers, it is not that they are super innocent usa loving community And do not try to win sympathy by showing death toll of women and children All lives are equal Men's lives are more important as they are the ones who produce goods and services necessary to keep humanity alive and improve lives of others Comment from : @traudlgoring |
15:59 you forgot, one more thing If we didn’t do this whole thing, we would still have the towers and all those people that died Comment from : @MultitaskingGuy |
Today I found a new favorite YouTube channel Comment from : @MultitaskingGuy |
The path to hell is paved with good intentions Comment from : @quakslikeaduck |
Interesting discussion! Comment from : @SnakeAndTurtleQigong |
That Ozark lady was a little opium farmer??????🤔🤔 Comment from : @kalapipo7495 |
Just wanted to throw this out there but literally every country fears the US No really, your militarism is terrifying and it's even more terrifying to see your population supporting it I'm from Australia for crying out loud, we have been extremely close military allies for well over half a century I'm scared because I know what your government does to socialist countries, and I know what it would do if we were ever to become one Now while in Australia my sentiment of being afraid isn't all that common, it is the poorer a country is, the more common that way of thinking is America isn't recognised because it's great, it's recognised because it's terrifying Comment from : @jazzthedinosaur2183 |
People say war is hell but it is not War is far worse In hell, bad people are getting punished In war, innocent children are Comment from : @jazzthedinosaur2183 |
10:27 i have heard the next 2 minutes before Comment from : @aaronyc2011 |
America's number one enemy is itself Comment from : @traegermethod3802 |
Keep it coming JT Keep on lifting the veil of capitalism and fighting the good fight ❤ Comment from : @chubbyninja975 |
Great video indeed, this is directed at you personally but definitely a message to the masses Umm 🤔 knowing amerikkka is full of shit and has always been a cesspool of entitled European rapists and weak pathetic individuals! The numbers on what was wasted is a lie!!! They'll always fabricate the number in their favor and never tell the truth nor have they held themselves accountable for killing foreign leaders and domestic African Americans leaders so when we do decide to choose revenge and unleash hell on those who oppressed us and those who stood by continuing the miss information and propaganda Teachers/lawyers/judges/doctors/CEOs etc Are all going to suffer and burn for the sin's of their forefathers and their present day atrocities committed Comment from : @pyromaximus8890 |
This is legitimately one of the most heart wrenching videos I’ve ever watched We could’ve had all that Comment from : @yummydirtproductions |
Engaging on your comment section cause this video needs to be seen by more people in the US!! Comment from : @vtndzn |
$200 Billion wasted on Ukraine Comment from : @jeffs4483 |
Your comparison of China's infrastructure investment and ours is a good one, and I for one would love to see us work together, avoiding potential military misadventures and aiding other nations to bootbrAnd since you mentioned the Ukraine, couldn't we do the same with Russia, that is find peaceful progress together rather than feed the ever-ravenous war machine?brGreat video, thank you kindly Comment from : @stevengill1736 |
Its a nice way to defend lowering taxes and less government ;) Comment from : @rave1704 |
they could had given 500000 dollars to each afghan family Comment from : @alienbacterium8518 |
you know wile you were talking of the human death you should have taken advantage to talk about the cultural death, many historical sites as well as beautiful architectures and histories in many cities were also lost by cowardly US bombardment of Afgan cities Comment from : @MrAGNTJ |
One sides waste is another sides profitduh Comment from : @claudenobles779 |
As a latin american, hearing an american talk about the reality we perceive about the US from our countries, gives a little hope that things could change in the future For if you, the most advanced and rich nation on earth can't address the issues that plague all of us as a planet, we are certainly doomed Comment from : @santiagofernandezfregni5552 |
Military are the worlds disgrace Comment from : @SupremeAtheist |
I used to admire US, now, sorry dude! Comment from : @SupremeAtheist |
George Bush I & II, sent American troops to The Middle East looking for phantom mushroom cloudsbrNow the US owes trillion$$$ The Military Industrial Complex wins again Comment from : @robertlee4172 |
House all homeless American children and homeless veterans Comment from : @sivartb7273 |
Only the people who've suffered under US imperialism and their killing machines truly know the horrors Comment from : @dearrationals |
Love your videos Comment from : @THEE_Kisywisy |
Wow, they could solve thousands of social problems only with money they wast on wars Comment from : @gabrielinacio6331 |
Ok now I’m just disappointed in the us Comment from : @nerdwisdomyo9563 |
Definitely should have paid reparations to defendants of slaves who built america , instead of killing 1000s like sociopathic idiots Comment from : @dope03pope |
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