Title | : | Cost Of Iraq u0026 Afghanistan Wars Is Absolutely Staggering |
Lasting | : | 5.52 |
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Views | : | 72 rb |
Shocker They gotta keep the war machine going, with the Federal Reserve printing presses filling the rest of the gap when national tax revenues aren't enough The more trillions spent, the more money they make, and they don't care about the cost to society and to your fellow plebs out there because they see you peasants as mere write-offs and commodity to be exploited as they see fit Comment from : @henryford2950 |
who does the us owe the federal reserve just prints money right Comment from : @thethinkingbox1497 |
Wow he was right the afagaistsn war is coming 6 trillion when you add all the interest ?brBut we do not have money for student debt or medicare for all or anything but to give huge tax cuts the the very few wealthiest while we pay for everything that goes to the pocket of those same people? Comment from : @J1Power4928 |
bush had make the bank happy Comment from : @mohdazizmohdsaad2864 |
23 Trillion Afghan War only and it will balloned to 65 in 2050😂😂😂 Comment from : @Billy_Almighty |
Excellent work Comment from : @facundorutherford9114 |
$4 Trillion,,,objective still not met Just breed them out and problem solve forever All the US has to pay for is baby supplies delivery Comment from : @keepthefaith9805 |
The US spent $6 trillion to put Iraq and the middle East in trouble Comment from : @warhelmedia |
Fun fact USA spent $4-6trillion dollars to create ISIS Comment from : @warhelmedia |
Every time I see the war in Afghanistan its 2 Afghans in a Shed shooting at 25 USSA troops 25 years on 2 guys in a shed shooting at 25 USSA troops Comment from : @shadowbanned4149 |
Cost to you the Taxpayer But now that those Pumps are going Right into the Rothschild Pockets Guess it was worth the ((( Sacrifice ))) I picked that word very carefully / Comment from : @shadowbanned4149 |
Afghanistan the graveyard of empires China and Russia are well pleased with Americas misadventures Comment from : @DC-wp6oj |
The debt America owes to humanity can never be repaid in this lifetime Comment from : @nizal9388 |
I hope they have insuranceDo the right thing never crossed and step that land this is businessApologies to any Sons and dont forget to bring your old man with you Comment from : @jaydelrosario7765 |
LMAO Comment from : @b6makavelithugz |
Young Turds formula for "faking to be shocking" never fails, Find an exaggerated, left wing gossip , study or interview , one easy to take out of context or exagerate beyond recog, make it fact for show to "shock" the sheep, & hopefully get more viewers But you don't get shit , makes me happy to see liars fail 4-6 trillion my ass you fat ass MOre like 1 trillion at most Comment from : @vv3829 |
The opportunity costs are staggering - postponed and canceled infrastructure, missing education investments, no high-speed railways, potholed highways, and yet a few benefit - those connected to Raytheon, Pratt-Whitney, MCD, Abrams tank makers, Boeing, weapons makers, Halliburton, etc, but that probably only benefits a very small percentage of Americans (2?) The whole thing is disgusting and criminal negligence by power-holders, Dems and GOP ideological asses Comment from : @Tsnore |
Pause at 2:02 Yeah, I know I am childish Comment from : @thelordmemnoch |
heybut it made the military industrial complex rich, right? and we did give ISIS 2,000 military vehicles with keys in the ignition, right? so that the endless war on terror can keep the Continuity of Government in place etc, etc, and the debt can balloon out of proportion and the country can fall apart and they can roll it into the nworight? Comment from : @PaulAdams-nq2qg |
Actually USA cooked the cake and give it to Russia, Iran and China on a golden plate Nice job Bush Comment from : @Z15TEENG |
do you know what i could do with 15 billion dollars a motherfucking week? I would built a house full of weed and hire mr bentley as my waitor and uncle ben as my second chef and cheney as my dartboard Comment from : @itsolivier |
the least thing the americans can do is to go to the streets and demonstrate against these senseless wars and against these senseless spending of money Comment from : @AfghanHearts |
So sad Think what all that money could have been spend on,,, Less money to oil subsidaries, better schools, better teachers, better healthcare,, (make that universal healthcare) which can press down the cost on medicin and medical devices Better infracstructure, (rail and roads),, Technology investements etc brUSA will end its days like the roman empire,,, Crumble from within Comment from : @MrAnders1976 |
What????? 4 to 6 Trillion dollars, not including interest for Iraq and Afghanistan If you listen to Hannity president Obama is spending more money than any president in the history of this country, What a lying ass hole Throw in Viet Nam and thats another 2 trillion dollars If you listen to the Republicans Obamacare is the worse thing that this country has ever undertaken Many of the new enrolees are victims of all three of those costy wars, and these turds want to repeal it? You will do it over my dead body Comment from : @Tomedural |
Cost to kill Saddam 2 trillionbrCost to kill Bin Laden 2 trillionbrGood job Bush you Fucktard Comment from : @Nebrox |
Add in 1-2 trillion for reparations to Iraq Comment from : @analyticalace6138 |
I say we stop paying taxes until our gov't stops wasting our money in pointless wars Comment from : @neckarsulme |
I wonder what kind of return the tax payers get for our" investment" in Iraq and Afghanistan? Comment from : @neckarsulme |
Only two things are infinite, -- the universe -- and human stupidity Albert EinesteinbrbrA month b-4 this war ever began, 3 Mideast-studies university profs discussed all the drawbacks of invading Iraq - on a CSPAN broadcast All three agreed it would be a very bad choice, they articulately and knowledgeably explained all the reasons All I can say is - they proved to be 99 accurate about every reason for not doing it Comment from : @chiparoo222 |
I am from Iraq and united state attacked iraq beacuse they want to get oil and to invade this country to take everything Saddam hussien was a good prisedent They put democracy in iraq and they choose the government to fucked up the country And our country became the worst country in the world booming,murdering and more Thank you America Comment from : @DrBraveAccount97 |
I don't think that United state have a president that say what he wants I think the congress choose what the president say and do I think that the different between Obama and bush are The same thing but different shape and color Comment from : @DrBraveAccount97 |
Is this the same for Britain aswell? Comment from : @lukewest1173 |
And people still believing the USA government can pay their deb HA! Talking about delusions XDbr·brUSA already belong to bankers Comment from : @EliosMoonElios |
Stop blaming just one side it's all sides Comment from : @FRAMERvet91 |
Yup war is for weapon makers weapons that will never see day light Because of these to wars we can't defend are selfs or are allies good job bush Comment from : @krogan101 |
Terrorism is, when the USA goes around the world droning women and children, using airplanes bombing cities of innocent people, using helicopters to kill unarmed people on the street, leting the CIA torture anyone they please, putting aircraft battle group off the shores of sovereign countries But when someone drops a small pressure cooker on USA, we call that terrorism and cry like big ass babies that we are When USA bomb them they bomb us fair is fair Comment from : @KYKIN44 |
Do they subtract the cost of paying all of these people's salaries at home on bases? Do the subtract the cost of all the weapons and target drones they would use at home on bases? Do they subtract all the repairs and maintenance costs that they would do at home on bases? I always ask this, and never get answers I always look at footnotes for links to how it is calculated, and seem to always hit a dead end Any help with this would be greatly appreciated Comment from : @geuwglesuxballz6074 |
Wow!!! Comment from : @dsan5825 |
The Crusades! Europe has been there and we are sick of it I guess our buddies in The States have to learn that nothing good comes out of a war (unless you are defending your self) Comment from : @ivanantonov399 |
JENK JENK JANK Comment from : @McSwigg |
First i would like to apologize for my anger One: i don't trust the government i know i'm being taken advantage of Im sure you know that half of all the moneys that are taken for SS go into the general fund What bothers me I that they have us pointing the finger at each other when they (oligarchy) with the immense influence they have, control and shape our destiny This Left and right , Dem and Republican black and white and latin paradigm has to be shed Understand that wear being played How much coincidence and how much incompetence are we going to accept before we realise that its done deliberately ( In response to Mr robert Johnson) Comment from : @Bobbyj438 |
Who is being paid all this money? Comment from : @hermenutic |
why don't usa end the warbrno one knows whom they are fighting they are not sure if all these will actually help stopping any terrorist or not Comment from : @viktik100 |
So much for getting out by 2014; say's the typical Washington hypocritical commander-in-chief Let's be honest these stupid fucks are never getting out, look at Korea as a good example We're nation building regardless whether a Republican, Democrat, or idiotic 'Progressive' (Liberal) gets in office I suggest people serious stop voting for these two idiotic parties Enough is enough Comment from : @juleswashington2802 |
America is a crime Comment from : @darthorpheus |
Sorry in advance for the profanity We have been fucked in the ass without lube Comment from : @3fingervic1 |
Welcome too the ROMAN empire Comment from : @airgunnersavant1053 |
Let's see that big smile ! You know you love it, dumb asses Comment from : @ShadovvV |
This can only mean one thing Either the Harvard researchers are lying pieces of scum Or the Bush administration were lying pieces of scum Comment from : @grisflyt |
Bush and Obama are both war criminals and need to be in prison Comment from : @Jakewolf69 |
Whoever is doing the CC on this video is doing a piss poor job Iraq didn't attack us but the CC typed Iraq did attack us Comment from : @TheSuperPsychoKiller |
Usa: It's all about the money it dont matter how you get it as long as you become rich! Comment from : @Jesusswe91 |
Imagine what we COULD have done with all that money instead--br-universal health carebr-solar panels on every roof top and move toward green alternative energybr-rebuild shoddy roads and improve our infrastructurebrthe list goes onbrARGHthe priorities of our "representatives"brThey are obviously not OUR representativesthey are the CORPORATIONS representatives, changing laws to make money for multi national corporations and shut We The People out completelybrSMH in despair Comment from : @kmeccat |
90 of that cost on the people went straight to the mates of the bush administration and his own family estate Comment from : @faafafineartist |
This is just a blown up version of how most gangs work, except worse! Comment from : @malsprower |
Imagine how much more in debt the US would be if it was forced to pay reparation damage to Iraq for the illegal war of aggression the US started Comment from : @chrisp187 |
I'm sure the Republicans will make it right by cutting PBS funding Comment from : @rpsefax |
There is another cost you forgot; lives And even still another cost that is almost as precious as human life Your self respect, and dignity, in front of the international audience of global citizens Comment from : @bashkillszombies |
"Oil? You cooking something bitch?" Comment from : @gabeasher187 |
so in essence Cenk is saying we borrow money from the Chinese to invade other countries, now they hate us and would not even sell us their natural resources which we tried to steal the interest we pay the Chinese on our loans alone would have paid for those resources which they were willing to sell to us in the first place funny world this Comment from : @homan2329 |
Fuck George Bush and fuck the GOD damn motherfuckin republican party to hell for wasting the blood of american service men and women, innocent Iraqi and Afghan civilians plus all the Trillions of dollars you fuckin conservatives flushed down the fuckin toilet for these stupid and pointless fuckin wars and for what? What the fuck did we as a country accomplish in Iraq and are are we as a country accomplishing in Afghanistan? Not a fuckin God damn thing!! Comment from : @cobraracer46 |
I was actually really impressed with this piece The way Cenk portrayed military personnel as unwitting victims of political bullshit is so true, and that goes for all countries Comment from : @mrbouncelol |
4-6 Trillion dollars? We could have built a North American high speed railway network between every major city AND a Tesla S for every family WTF Comment from : @MikeBourdages |
Jesus FUCKING christ!br2 Trillion dollars!brIt says so much If they pulled out, you Americans would have recovered economically years ago Comment from : @Domzdream |
Disgusting Comment from : @FilmEastCoast |
have to protect pfizers opium fields Comment from : @deannasmith4443 |
Cenk, this is fucking ridiculous I'm against all of the wars but it's clear that you're slanting EVERYTHING! So much drama over military spending Social services and things of that nature still dwarf our military spending brbrCalm down Cenk and prioritize! If you're not willing to criticize the (D) policies, just say so Comment from : @garys1415 |
Sounds like Anti-Flag needs to do a part two to their song "One Trillion Dollars" That song has been out for quite a while Comment from : @bouncingsoul818 |
I personally think that very few wars were worth fighting, and that if both sides would have just sat down, and negotiated a mutually beneficial agreement, most wars would have been avoided Hell, I'd say the only two wars the US was in worth fighting was WW2, and the revolutionary war Comment from : @blackspidyg6883 |
America Comment from : @107Kawal |
And they say that Obama made the lie of the year Bush and his cronies made made the lie of the decade Comment from : @AlexBradleyPopovich |
I know there was a moment in a smoky back room of DC around 2006, a gray haired white guy takes a deep breath and goes, "We're takin it all, They won't even get the oil money, Yep, We're takin it all" Comment from : @Cherisen007 |
America sacrifices its self for oil companies to benfit by going to war in Iraq Further more the debt is being paid directly back to those dirty rich bankers by you! Their the real ones in charge Their stealing you taxpayers money right out of your pocket and you dont realise it The governments fake Its a ploy Their is no real democracy, just a trick to give you the idea that you have power but BAM theyve got you by the balls Comment from : @Smugz123 |
Could someone please run the numbers on how many students we could send to college with 4-6 trillion dollars? Comment from : @Rabidchu |
Talk about fucked up priorities Cutting off unemployment benifits, constantly cutting welfare payments & food stamp money Let's not forget a bitter fight to get the weak ass Obamacare when it should have been a single payer government system But money for the military, no problem Comment from : @robinbat4447 |
maybe if the Americans cant tell the victims of the wars, just how much they spent and are spending to kill millions of people in the middle east and Africa for decades, maybe these people might feel a bit better about their circumstances Comment from : @nuhalao |
Imagine the paradise America would be today if all that money spent on wars in the past decade-plus was spent on paying for Americans to get college degrees, modernizing infrastructure all across the country, investing in green tech and medical research and helping Americans find work That's the real cost of these wars It's the difference between solving all of America's problems and causing a whole bunch of new ones Comment from : @honestchrismcg |
Let alone the human cost, with that we could power all transportation, freight, business, homes dozens of times over with roof top PVs (conservatively by my calculations) and never have to worry about petroleum as a fuel again This strain on extremist financing would have done more than any military action Comment from : @zhubajie6940 |
Imagine how that could of helped your country or even third world countries? All that money wow Comment from : @fredguy2 |
What's war good for? Profits!! War is now essential to the US economy If we quit fighting wars it would cause a collapse The US has been at war - with a wartime economy - for 75 years Comment from : @Ansonidak |
I don't know how this can be done, but I would really like to see this topic be propagated to the American people without stopping until the Government admits it's mistake and nothing like this never happens again Comment from : @e8iMm7KE999 |
In one minute Cenk says its perfectly fine to spend money becuase its boosts the economybrbrIn the next video he says "OMG THE WARS HAVE COSTED SO MUCH!!! WHOS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS? OUR GRANDKIDS? FUD :DDDD"brbrFuck this gay channel Comment from : @TheMango121 |
This is so senseless I'm so sorry Our countries economy highjacked, for this It's beyond criminal Oh that's right, it's government, remember we are a democratic republic It's kind of like "King of the Mountain", and the mountain is perpeptual debt and toxic waste Comment from : @Sparklfoot |
2 trilion $ of democracy, human right, and liberty yiihaa! Comment from : @1nadjmi1 |
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