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Final Cut Pro in 2025– Is It Time to Switch?

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Comments Final Cut Pro in 2025– Is It Time to Switch?

It is not the tool - it is the content, finally …
Comment from : @christophggcyrus6861

Premiere user and trying to get into the resolveLots of technical parameters for simple issuesSo far I am struggling, premiere definitely has its drawbacks but it is ahead in ease of use while in resolve even adjusting the tracks is a messI will try the fcp for sure
Comment from : @ΓιάννηςΒαρούσης

I literally subscribed the second I heard the puns Also: fantastic video Thanks for your help!
Comment from : @JayAaronNY

Final Cut is great for shorter videos, but once you move into more professional editing, its flaws become apparent The fact that you can’t disable the Magnetic Timeline is really limiting That said, I wouldn’t say it’s worse than Premiere—Premiere is just bad I’m currently using DaVinci, and I’m super happy that they’ve thought about so many things that are important to me in the editing process and working with my editors
Comment from : @bebopd

Hello, For Video Editing Would you Suggest pc or Latest Mac?
Comment from : @nerdworld0721

my wife does photography and I've been getting into the hobby with her as more video side We have a drone and made some cool videos out in Isle of Skye a few months back I've been wanting to learn video editing software to kind of make a home movie from it all I've been debating which software to use, we have adobe because like I said my wife is a photographer, but we're also all in on apple stuff I use Logic Pro for music stuff, and I also do artist stuff in procreate and dreams I have been learning on FCP but 300$ is a little steep
Comment from : @Mossfam86

Use the Cutpage more for the "simple" stuff
Comment from : @ggproductions7078

How well - or not well does FCP interface w After Effects?
Comment from : @saintvitus7775

Hi Tom, can you do an update now please ? with the new final cut pro 11 ? 🎮
Comment from : @Alan-Jones-Creator-Diary

Q: I have over 150 Mini DV tapes, plus Hi-8 and VHS tapes as well - with the updated version of FCP it won’t allow me to capture (my cameras are all in good condition and I have all the proper wire accessories necessary ) It’s as if FCPX has assumed that people aren’t needing to capture from these devices Can you please offer me any advice on how I can resolve this issue? brThank you, JW😊
Comment from : @JMWlcekProds

DaVinci blows Adobe out of the water I’m looking to get an M4 Mac MBP, perhaps I’ll get FCP afterwards
Comment from : @KevPez-IS

FCP is definitely at least ten years behind premier pro Changed to FCP a year ago and will definitely be looking at going back to Premier Pro Gave it a shot anyway
Comment from : @CGZVE-Zolcat

Resolve is much older, than 7-8 years, although the editing features are fairly new
Comment from : @akyhne

After Effects is no reason to switch to Premiere Pro/AE DR does most of what AE can do with motion graphics, and is far more advanced for VFX/composition
Comment from : @akyhne

I currently have FCP, got it with the education bundle when I purchased my 2020 (Intel Based) MacBook Pro I really want to upgrade to a new MacBook since it's annoying to edit with this MacBook and its really laggy and slows down, but unless I really start making and editing lots of videos, I probably shouldn't worry about yet
Comment from : @joseegarzaa

The best are Davinvci resolve studio and Final cut pro Not Premiere pro !
Comment from : @Ringa_fr

Final Cut Pro gets even better when you’re a student or teacher, and can use the educational discount For $19999 you get Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor, Logic Pro, and MainStage That’s $62995 worth of pro software for $19999 with the educational discount For reference, Logic Pro in itself is $19999, Even if you were to only use FCP, the $19999 educational price is still a 3333 discount from from $29999 stand alone price tag (Or a 6825 discount for all included apps)
Comment from : @KevKevAllen

I am very happy with FCPX for my video editsIt's simple to use and yet can be as complex as you need it Though I wish alot of Davinci Resolve and Premiere features could be included in FCPX that would be perfect :)
Comment from : @mezza001

BlackMagic picked up the ball that Apple dropped A few years after the FCPX launch it became a very powerful tool for those who continued to use it and embrace the changes Apple has abandoned their pro users though and BlackMagic is capitalizing
Comment from : @mTechPenn

Its strange Everyone says premiere crashes, but I dont think I have had anything crash in a few years Maybe because I am on a Mac Pro? I edit every day for a living and really cant remember when it last crashed on me
Comment from : @iMagineAS

I enjoy editing in FinalCut Pro a lot, but am stuck 10 hours a day in Premiere due to professional work But when I edit in FCPX, it's wonderful
Comment from : @iMagineAS

Love scrubbing timeline with using trackpad is just fast, been trying resolve still not fully convince to switch
Comment from : @patrickdizonfilms

Hi Tom, really enjoying your videosI have a bit of an off topic questionmaybe it has been asked before (in that case sorry) but what kind of ring are you wearing? Is it some kind of smart ring or a "normal" ring? :)
Comment from : @simonbernlieger

Can i have a coupon code for your full final cut course plz :)
Comment from : @SimonSenez

If you're an audio professional, or even a hobbiest take note - FCP takes hours to load all audio plugins and has NO option to turn off scanning the audio plugins SO every time you launch it, if you have a lot of audio plugins like I do, it will take hours before you can use it There are tons of people telling Apple about this on the forums, but they don't care Every single time This single factor made me switch to Premiere Pro, which has a simple option to uncheck "scan audio plugins" Amazing that such a big company as apple can't deal with basic stuff
Comment from : @davetatemusic

There is a button to turn magnetic on and off, we use it all the time Hit 'p' while editing and your mouse becomes a positioning tool and magnetic is off while in position mode Hit 'a' again when you're done positioning and you're back into magnetic mode
Comment from : @oasisrevivalministrypta

resolve no good transitions only premiere best
Comment from : @karalreddy

fcp 7 is my besty after fcp 7 its my enemy its dead
Comment from : @karalreddy

How can I manage the larger file sizes of Final Cut Pro on my 256GB Mac, especially compared to CapCut, which has smaller files? Are there any methods to overcome this issue? And what’s the reason
Comment from : @boxmybrain

Thank for this great video! ASFIK, motion has to trial 90 days without it is not very equal to other trials
Comment from : @yonishperling1531

Apple seems leave their software and not really updating Logic x aswell, rarely updating
Comment from : @GermoStaalfeldt

Thanks for this Tom I am a small solo creator, looking a step up from iMovie! It's either FCP or Capcut for me I think i'll go for FCP in the hope @Apple does big upgrades with Apple Intelligence integration
Comment from : @Alan-Jones-Creator-Diary

You checkout capcut! I use it on my m2 pro
Comment from : @kevinpitts3548

Fcpx rocks
Comment from : @psysword

If you like apple computers final cut pro is smoothly integrated into the OS structure
Comment from : @pf4773

Adobe is terrible and grossly overpriced! I used it for years to edit my videos
Comment from : @ultrarunnagaming

This video is a breath of Fresh air Cuz i'm one of those who has been hooked with the adobe subscriptions and coming from Filmora, Prremier pro felt great!Until it's not definitely gonna get the FCP trial and see how it goes
Comment from : @medialinx767

been cutting since before nle - can cut 2-3x faster on FCPX vs the clunkier track based systems
Comment from : @tonypfau1855

Sick of adobe subs models Now using final cut for video and pixelmator pro graphics Best combo ever and no subs
Comment from : @tb3511

Oh yes! I’m always trying to convince people to come back to FCP, and you make the case well I only started playing with resolve but their interface is beautiful I wish from your lips to the editing world at large, everyone would leave Premiere and come to these two apps ❤
Comment from : @gregory7927

nice explanation and example
Comment from : @CC-062

Yep Davinci resolve u use in combination with final cut
Comment from : @pkerry12

I am a hobbyist with a small YouTube channel who maybe does 1 video a month brWhen trying to put arrows on a plan I’d videod for my latest video, and having to do this in motion, I thought I’ve had enough of this and paid for CapCut for a year for £75brIt makes doing things like that a breeze, just put stickers on it CapCut is very easy to use and you can do all sorts which takes forever on Final Cut It also has all the AI I had a hair or something on my sensor and I used the AI to remove it The translations, captions, masses of great transitions, titles etc It’s also very fast It’s fantastic albeit the “Pro’s” will claim it’s not good enough
Comment from : @wakeywarrior

How is the warp stabilization?? Compared to PPRO
Comment from : @alansarpy

Premeire Pro is very stable I edit daily with PP, AE, ME, PS always open and working but have rarely had Premeire or AE crash Your claim may have been true a few years ago, but not today However, I would love it if the Adobe Suite subscription was a bit more reasonably priced I get that's why people are here but you shouldn't bash Adobe for instability at the time you posted this
Comment from : @pmpzen

Hopefully you will never switch
Comment from : @mirrorlessthesis3599

Even though I don't create a ton of videos, I have FCPX and I have always liked it Admittedly, I don't have much to compare it to except iMovie (which is totally useable, btw) I purchased FCPX because there are a couple of things I wanted to do that iMovie could not do at the time Strangely, I find FCPX to be simpler to use -- maybe it's just me, but I totally get the gist of it and how to do the basics that I need to do If I was starting out now I'd at least take a look at Davinci Resolve
Comment from : @danieli9252

I love cap cut, it's always getting better, too and it's idiot-proof Have tried to use Resolve and premier before, and they were far too complicated for my needs
Comment from : @Premier_lawns_official

To me the only reason I stay with Adobe is because Premiere Pro can seamlessly integrate After Effects compositions without exporting the composition and importing it into Premiere Pro
Comment from : @Bonnie39

I can't get on board with Resolves way of project management in a database I want to have every project and it's associated files within a folder so I can transport, copy and back it all up I don't want projects reliant on a database
Comment from : @skymakai

FCP is the perfect example of, “if it ain’t broke”
Comment from : @robmccune7949

Don't waste your time or money with Adobe anything Just say no
Comment from : @rpc2112

I do all my coloring and editing in Final Cut Heck last year I made a 60 minute documentary on it with no problems It’s just a faster work flow for me anyway
Comment from : @samvargasimages7905

Hey, amazing video I have a question, besides the fact the Premiere crashes all the time, the work that it does is it a lot better than what FCP can do? I really like the Premiere timeline, and I need to focus in just one video editing software, so I am not sure if I should get back to FCP or to Premiere brThanks
Comment from : @wastedtalentusa

I’m experiencing the headphone issues now
Comment from : @shootwithray

Merci bro 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @DJMOLEMAofficiel

FCP is still Apple platform only It really does limit its user base
Comment from : @Realist-m9c

excellent reasoning, I agree with many things But there is one irrefutable fact for today - the developers of final cut have completely hammered a huge bolt on this program When the whole world keeps up with the times and adds more and more AI functions, final cut looks flawed Absolutely nothing new in at least 4 years Minor updates only And I'm saying this as an active user
Comment from : @CultRustle

Went from Premiere to FCP to back to Premiere!
Comment from : @derrickdmv

Hi I saw the link to your Final Cut course Looks great but a little expensive for me Is there a discount code I can use to lower the price?
Comment from : @misterknocker123

Resolve has so much jank though… basic functionality that you have to use a workaround to access Just off the top of my head, there is no setting to left align text, you have to use a -1 value in tab spacing to get it brbrThis is Davinci in a nutshell, it’s always something like that, a setting in a completely bonkers place that you have to set to a specific value so you get something every other app has a button for It’s not WYSIWYG, it’s IYKYK, or google
Comment from : @stickgarrote8582

Can u please inform me which latest versions of Fcpx support to mac os monterey 1276 because it’s my last os update mac mini 2014
Comment from : @mastermindproductions4719

I had so many problem with resolve on mac and final cut pro, imovie and filmora are my options
Comment from : @theoutsiderjess1869

I wish i had a computer teacher teaching me editing I did have a class on photoshop in middle school but I had problems learning it cause i missed the beginning portion of that class
Comment from : @theoutsiderjess1869

APPsolutely not 😂😂
Comment from : @DoronBond

I’ve tried resolve and well…it’s just too complicated for me and I’m someone who is in IT FC is just intuitive and easy for me to navigate for the small projects that I make
Comment from : @williamwillis1309

I like Final Cut Pro and it's so fast, but honestly as time passes I'm kinda losing my hopes for FCP; 108 wasn't enough of a bump for me tbh
Comment from : @martinowong

I've been using FCPX for the last 15 years or so, and the only feature that made me use a different software, was the magnificent job done by CapCut: Automatic Captions It's really amazing with almost zero errors That's the only reason I use that app, when I get my captions, I keep on using FCPX Apple, what are you waiting for to include something like that?
Comment from : @StuartRochabrunt

Only downside with Final Cut is that Mac’s are so damn expensive
Comment from : @Kainthemain

I agree that FCP was a bit grubby on the M silicone at the start, but after a few updates, it is rock solid again, and it is so fast and efficient
Comment from : @maxone007

Just switch to DaVinci Resolve It's the best of all worlds
Comment from : @angelicaamora11

Just switch over from Vegas pro, used for 20 years It is very very stable, no issues so far Happy I jumped over to a Mac, not an easy decision Vegas is however, much more flexible with ingesting files For crying out loud, I dragged a dvd disc file right onto the Vegas timeline
Comment from : @xilrowemedia

Yep yep yep!!! People look at me with disgust when I say that I use Final Cut… so many “premier snobs” out there… but most are using it because they have adobe suites… the time it takes to render is INSANE!
Comment from : @MarcLewis2023

If you car about any shred of privacy, do yourself a favour and stop using CapCut Its collecting a ton of data from your computer
Comment from : @PaulCarmona

Forever AVID💪
Comment from : @juanlagos2125

shocking how difficult apple made it to use 360 cameras in FCP Watched days of videos on importing and editing and it still sux
Comment from : @Voo_on_Two

Nothing easier and fasterI guess he never used Cap Cut
Comment from : @iceprada2

I'm so glad I switched from Adobe to Davinci resolve In my opinion, great company, great software, great customer relationship Also, it's just fun! Seriously a joy to edit in 🤷‍♂ 2 centsbrbrI jumped off at FCP 7, but people I know who use FCPX for solo work swear by it I respect it for being so stable And I'm ecstatic people are jumping off the Adobe band wagon Their software is legacy at this point, crashes all the time, is incredibly frustrating to use, and they are an abysmal company for so so many reasons
Comment from : @Shutterlab-Creative

Very well presented and informative and a very fair account Thank you
Comment from : @tomcourtney3153

I'd like to move to FCP but I need ai subtitles rnnnnn so much like Premiere pro
Comment from : @MarcosToscanoo

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