Title | : | How to Retire As Early As Possible (Starting from $0) |
Lasting | : | 12.43 |
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Views | : | 253 rb |
Thanks Comment from : @SulemanHamadMuhammed-of9mg |
Already savings rate 100 but still unsure Comment from : @RichLifeMY |
Already savings rate 100 but still unsure Comment from : @RichLifeMY |
That calculator is awesome I can retire in 61 years Comment from : @ChitChatBFF |
I'm proud of my work but I hope to work part time one day and have enough to be happy Comment from : @roupenohanian5652 |
I was reading this article that said Americans in their 40s are the least prepared for retirement It makes sense when you think about it Most people are busy with mortgages, kids, or paying off debt, so retirement planning takes a back seat Comment from : @SvetlanaLana-y2g |
Interesting, now we need find what Water stands for 🤔 Comment from : @kingofthegod8983 |
Avoiding lifestyle creep is really the ticket I save about 70-80 at this point just throwing what I’m not spending into investments Comment from : @canorth |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @OnkelFrauenknecht |
If only investing were taught in schools, it would give people such an advantage My biggest regret is not starting earlier I just turned 54 with not enough set aside for retirement and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k I have always been curious about the market and have witnessed people who played the game right and retired early I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I'm getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire before 60 How best do I maximize my savings of over $120k? Comment from : @Vanessa5054-s7r |
I want to retire in 10 years 😭and move back to the Philippines currently making 75k as a truck driver here in America I'm 22 so hopefully soon this helps a lot on setting a base plan thank you Comment from : @Myesctacy |
Need a big bucket, earn as much as you can, keep fixed costs tight Comment from : @AG-so4gl |
I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either Comment from : @AnnieHolsen |
So in what type of account can i place that kind of money each year in savings each year at an 8 return? If a Roth IRA only allows 7k contributions? Taxable brokerage account? 401k? Across each one? Comment from : @ronldmaurice |
Please use actuarial tables for life expectancy - - at 64 - you are projected to live until 84, not 77 Comment from : @rafal2959 |
It's recommended to save at least 20 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 20 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time Comment from : @JoeWilmoth-k2w |
I just turned 44 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I'm getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire atbr55 How best do I maximize my savings of over $220k Comment from : @mariadrukker2557 |
I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $450k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point Comment from : @Hannahbenowitz |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @MathewOliver486 |
Crunching the numbers on the nerdwallet calculator vs networthify produce vastly different outcomes Perhaps I’m doing something wrong? Comment from : @michaeldefelice6198 |
Thanks for keeping us informed I feel for our country, low income people are now suffering to survive yet inflation and recession keep increasing daily, many families can't even enhance the good cost of living anymore You've helped me a lot Ms RACHAEL CAMPBELL! Imagine I invested $5,500 and received $22,200 after some days Comment from : @EricWhite-j7i |
Love the content but the background music is distracting and does not go well with this Comment from : @Lifeisgoodonearth |
The 4 rule is NOT safe The real safe withdrawal rate is a bit lower than that Comment from : @first7589 |
I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 85K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30 per year in dividend returns Any advice? Comment from : @Soniajohn4 |
Due to spinal cord injury my life expectancy is 60, I’m 21 now no way am I working my entire life Comment from : @brentdude2100 |
It takes a dedicated person to put your money into retirement and trusting it will grow into a large nest egg Comment from : @solaydbak |
Americans complaining about housing cost Come to Canada and you 'll see how expensive living can get Comment from : @jon8than |
It's funny how how much money you spend is dependent on what you think your friends/family want you to have Comment from : @JamesKarrie |
Biggest lesson i learnt in 2023 in the stock market is that nobody knows what is going to happen next, so practice some humility and low a strategy with a long term edge Comment from : @Bismarkdee-b9n |
I think it should be said that the "4" is conceptually correct, but numerically wrong It was based on partial data, so a more reasonable number is 2,5 not 4, and it is bound to vary or fluctuate depending on market conditions My main source for this is Ben Felix (youtuber explaining this concept in detail) Comment from : @evandroitaly |
I’m 55 from Sri Lanka but worked overseas in USA all my life I have savings of $1,000,000 and I'm ready for retirement, only concerned about the soaring inflation Is this enough to retire comfortably, or do I need some sort of money management?? Comment from : @TylerofSc004 |
I just turned 41 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I’m getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 65 atleast, so how best do I maximize my savings of over $500k Comment from : @Mitch10bands |
Apparently Youtube thinks that forcing me to sit through commercials with no option to close them out will make me buy the things being advertised Jokes on them Comment from : @russbilderback |
Inflation is making saving so hard brLet alone retire Comment from : @Adnanhasb1 |
More and more people might face a tough time in retirement Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire Comment from : @Riggsnic_co |
Too many hand gestures Seems weird and forced Comment from : @steelmantv |
The thought of retirement makes me cry My apologies to everyone who have retired and filing social security during this time after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you weren't to blame forit's especially difficult for people who are retired Comment from : @nicolasbenson009 |
I am 6ft9in and judging by the stats I am predicting that I clock out around 60-70 years of age I am 23 right now, fresh MBA grad working accounting I plan to super save for 15 years, getting a home and paying it off in the process, and simply chilling at my house for the remainder of my life I really enjoy gardening for instance or music Comment from : @BigRobChicagoPL |
I mean you can die at any moment but it's sad to think that on average you get to live your life on your terms only for 13 years Comment from : @JC-od3tg |
I've come up with a good balance of enjoying life now while saving for retirement Comment from : @NomadicLifer |
Another boring video that says same thing all financial guru and magazines say No creative thinking Comment from : @gettingslim186 |
Looks like I’m not going to be able to retire Comment from : @trialsrob214 |
If you make it to 64, you'll probably live well into your 80's Comment from : @noreenn6976 |
Also teachers working for public schools are government employees so they will receive pension benefits after 5 years and increases with 10 and 20 year longevity of careers Add this to SSA, and other savings… Comment from : @blueupgreendown6402 |
Avoid debt at all costs no mortgage no car payments no credit cards and don't believe the lies of the mainstream live within your means and live very small only the rich get to live the dream the rest of us slaves have to work until we're dead unless you avoid debt like the plague Comment from : @stevestephens1673 |
If you move to Massachusetts you pay more taxes State taxes are real We call it taxachussetts for a reason Comment from : @richardrobinson6211 |
Humphreigh Comment from : @brennancarr2611 |
0:06 Avg Retirement Starting at 64 yo but the Avg lifespan is only 77 yo brbr I see far too many sources pushing people to have 30, 40, or more years built into their retirement brSpend your whole life eating antacids to prepare for something that will most likely not happen? Thank you for mentioning the real numbers and not going with the usual figures that are skewed based upon a pool of people that have already reached 65 years of age! Comment from : @ron9665 |
I'm about to turn 50 this year and your calculator says I should have retired alreadyover 5 years ago to be exact LOL Comment from : @jpollar |
Why in the world would I need $40,000 a year in retirement? Comment from : @ingababy5196 |
This calculator is pointless because your expenses now are much more than they will be in retirement when you no longer have a mortgage Comment from : @TheseEndlessNights |
i looked up all the retirement plans and one of them is an index fund and it gives 20 back yearly so i could basically take out 100k when i have 500k Comment from : @Meek2001 |
Wrong 4 withdrawal rate was computed for 30 year retirement, not "indefinitely" The idea is that in a large percentage of outcomes, you completely run out of funds after 30 years (your potrfolio hits zero)brFor the portfolio to be safe indefinitely, you have to decrease the withdrawal rate to just 3 Comment from : @rokkralj9786 |
I’m 28 and have 400,000 in invested savings Usually spend is 15k a year When can I retire? Comment from : @LonghairedJizzExpert |
My savings rate is about 22 Comment from : @1974dodgecharger |
Many don’t retire at 64 Comment from : @TerryCollinsP31Lifestyle |
We moved from Colorado Springs to a small town in the PNW My pay as a nurse went up $15/hr, and housing is a little cheaper So we can now save so much more Comment from : @beatlesgirl1981 |
9:20 You could move to MA from TN and that 10 would grow; however, so would your cost of living Per Nerdwallet a move from Nashville to Boston would likely increase your cost of living by 49 (A gross income of $70,000 in Nashville - To maintain your standard of living in Boston, MA, you'll need a household income of: $104,016 The cost of living is 49 higher in Boston, MA) This may prevent a person from being able to afford to save that 10 The housing cost is also about 240 of the TN cost (Median home price (3BR, 2BA) TN $528,868 MA $1,001,917) Comment from : @ron9665 |
But if you are young and have been outside the housing market you will be hopelessly left behind no matter what you do Comment from : @frstchan |
Retiring with over 20 years left to live or at the wrong market cycles the 4 withdrawal will destroy your portfolio Comment from : @ForwardThinkingIncome |
How to retire early: make a video titled "how to retire early" talk about random shit for over 10 minutes to ensure that the video is monetized and wait until as many people as possible watch your video and the money pours in 2ez Comment from : @An_Obese_Beaver |
Why are financial advisors so terrified of the "B" word? They will use any other word or phrase, like "spend" or "lifestyle choices", instead of just calling it what it isa BUDGET! The biggest reason Baby Boomers are retiring with so little saved is because they never followed a budget, but I promise you once they're on a very limited, and very fixed income, a budget is the only chance they have of making it! The formulas shown in this video are complete crap because they ignore the realities of how most Americans spend, primarily due to the fact that they don't have a budget and don't know how to spend within that budget Comment from : @jasonbroom7147 |
A critical insight successful retirees often don't openly share is the realization that building wealth hinges on making prudent investments I began by acquiring my first home at 21 for $87k, eventually selling it for $197,000 Subsequently, my second property, purchased for $170,000, fetched $320,000 upon sale The third property, initially bought at $300k, yielded $589,000, with buyers covering closing costs While the goal of reaching a million before retirement may feel unfulfilled, staying motivated is key and all thanks to David Marvin Willis my advisor Comment from : @DanielAdolf |
Retirement becomes truly fulfilling when you possess two essential elements: ample financial resources and a meaningful purpose in life Make prudent investment choices to secure good returns and ensure a comfortable retirement Comment from : @Casey-summer |
Another variable to throw in would be social security When you start recieving SS that can also help offset some of these numbers, in a positive way Comment from : @AccordingtoWarren |
Just sold some properties with my family and looking into stocks to buy this should be exciting Comment from : @DavisCooper-ws6su |
Great video 😀 Comment from : @DionTalkFinancialFreedom |
I have not worked last 3 years and my money is grovingbrHe dont talk abaot the heritagebrMy bank do Comment from : @tommyfranzen5500 |
I don't plan to retire I do plan to gear down in my late 40's Instead consult, advise and teach what I have learned in energy and construction Kids will be grown, home will be owned and my wife's pension will kick in on top of my investments This doesn't include any inheritance Comment from : @cmdr1911 |
Lifestyle creep is such a big reason I won't be able to retire as soon as I wanted Comment from : @bellmattwebb |
Currently at 30 going into both traditional and roth 401k Just opened a Roth IRA with Schwab Going to try to max it all out so I can retire at 50 Comment from : @USMC978 |
Thank you! Your videos are always very helpful Could you please do a video like this with someone who makes around $34500 pretax? Comment from : @aiden1270 |
Successful investing is hard work because it means disciplining your mind to do the opposite of human nature Buying during a panic, selling during euphoria, and holding on when you are bored and just craving a little action Investing is 5 intellect and 95 temperament Comment from : @collinsnorman473 |
I understood most of this, but the portfolios and withdrawal rates lost me Could you kinda break that down a little more? Comment from : @kasiemccurdy4111 |
I have been retired for five years now Although I've been adhering to the 4 rule, things are challenging as I did not anticipate 30 of the $600K I invested in st0cks is lost to the market How can I diversify my portfolio for retirement Comment from : @PatrickLloyd- |
Investing in the stock market has HISTORICALLY provided higher returns than other forms of investment According to Morningstar, the average annual return for the S&P 500 index, which measures the performance of 500 large-cap stocks, was approximately 10 from 1926 to 2022 Comment from : @Farmwald853 |
I think it is worth it to go on vacation even if you end up retiring later Why save all the fun for when you're old and can't do as much? Comment from : @gh3meister |
What exactly is the big deal with retiring early??? My true net worth is well into 8 (eight) figures I am 75 and still work full time! Comment from : @frankalexander5401 |
Can’t thank you enough Humphrey 😊 learnt so much from your videos! Comment from : @karenawong8985 |
Interesting video; I wish I had more time for experimentation, but I'll be 50 by June, and I'm looking for ideas and suggestions on what investments to acquire to set myself up for retirement, especially with the looming inflation; my goal is to have at least $5 million by the age of 65 Comment from : @helenrhettgordon696 |
Well Im out on this idea Im 40 don't have enough to save that much annual Plus my kids are going to college,one in 5 years the other in 10 years I live in California even the hood is expensive to live in So affordable rent in California isn't a option Comment from : @msdiamondpiggy |
I vehemently despise the 4 rule Comment from : @SOAP-jf7ue |
Is there such a thing as an addiction to reading posting by scammers? I’m just fascinated by their stories Comment from : @shailee9762 |
NGL, I'm scared Comment from : @int_pro |
I live in South Carolina, the median income as of the 2020 census is only $28,569 [household median is $54,864] Nobody here can afford to live on just 50 of our income no matter how frugal we are Comment from : @robins3206 |
Good luck figuring all this out during an inflationary decade Comment from : @tredegar4163 |
Sure but the cost of living when living in MA is going to be higher so you might not be able to save 10 oercent Comment from : @DarthVader1899 |
I lived like I was on a camping trip for 20 years at my home and saved 80 of my paycheck from my factory job I retired five years ago at the age of 57 My only regret is that I wish I would have retired sooner Comment from : @SteveV1960 |
You dont have to retire in usa lol Comment from : @victoriancu7358 |
Going to have to push back on the "average" savings under 35 Averages are horribly scued in America when it comes to money, as the top 5 make a majority of the income You'll want to use median figures for a more accurate picture Comment from : @elijahlunt276 |
I see why income taxes are so high Otherwise, we will not have people working 😤 😅 Comment from : @morealtyteam |
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