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How much do carpenters charge?? YOUR FEEDBACK! (part 2)

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Description How much do carpenters charge?? YOUR FEEDBACK! (part 2)

Comments How much do carpenters charge?? YOUR FEEDBACK! (part 2)

Another industry which is often maligned when you try to charge a reasonable wage for your time and money let alone the very large investment is photography Everyone thinks they are a photographer and so called paparazzi photography earns thousands I totally agree with you
Comment from : @kevinronald4137

Makes my blood boil that as a site joiner I have a van with about 5 or 6 grand in tool kit to buy and maintain yet a bricklayer can earn the same money as me with a £100 toolkit carried around in a bucket!
Comment from : @stevehallam6495

Great points and agree, if you provide an hourly rate people compare that to their own pay Not a business They don’t have a clue how much a business cost to run , just know they get £9 hour and anything above is outrageous! The word handyman causes difficulties in the uk, people think Bob a job !
Comment from : @kenwarner61

I'm working my way through your back catalogue Initially I focussed on the vids around building stuff but I can honestly say the content you produce from a self employed business perspective is absolutely spot on I can't argue against anything you say It's informative, well balanced, and is grounded in knowledge and experience I've just increased my rates after listening to what you have to say Keep doing what you're doing
Comment from : @andrewrobinson7797

stopped for a slash mate? lol
Comment from : @davescorpion

but on the hole, haemorrhoid cream works wonders
Comment from : @davescorpion

Try the surveying business You're gear is cheap as chips in compassion
Comment from : @Chris_Willows

Domino monkeys brilliant lol what do we call the lemello zeta crew
Comment from : @thomashawkins2395

Still loads of dodgy tradesmen about wanting cash in hand without offering a discount I had one quote the other day and got given a price, when I mentioned will bank transfer be OK once job is done, he back tracked and said it would be more as he'll have to pay VAT There was no cheap price for cash agreed beforehand and he just assumed I'd be paying by cash Needless to say I didn't get him to do they job as I'm not being part of someone's tax fiddle I doubt he was even VAT registered to start with
Comment from : @ThatLeeNoble

I think one major issue here is how the market adjusts to customer experience and expectation What I mean is: we all know that a lot of trade work is done to a low standard by cowboys (it's just a sad fact of life -- and I have to say that, although I've never lived outside of the UK, I do wonder whether this is particularly a UK problem) Therefore, it's inevitable that, when considering costs, people will, consciously or unconsciously, factor in some estimate of the probability that the guy doing their work is not as good as he is supposed to be This means that they are afraid to pay a decent going rate for work of a quality that they are not sure they are going to get YouTube is brimming with videos from really excellent tradesmen showing how they've had to fix other people's cock-ups, so I don't think I'm far wrong herebrIf I could be confident from the outset that I was getting the Gosforth Handyman, I would be jumping for fucking joy, and the money would flow effortlessly out of my bank account and into his No questions asked But I have rarely been that confidentbrHow do we fix this? (serious question)
Comment from : @mijorchard6206

Why make the switch from IT to Handyman? I work in IT and its up and down, but I'm really enjoying renovating my house Just wondering what it was that triggered you to make the jump to another career path?
Comment from : @MrLamrod174

Its a market economy out there£1250 an hour is very good money £30 an hour and more is simply being greedyyou risk pricing yourself out of the market, and being uncompetitive in a global market
Comment from : @darrenf2763

Interesting video, thankyoubrTo put things into perspective I'm a field service engineer, emplpyed full timebrI earn £20 an hour and I have zero overheads or other costs That is only a basic living wage nowadaysbrSo a skilled guy with overheads and other costs needs to think very carefully
Comment from : @HantsLeo

Brilliant, eyes opening video
Comment from : @piomo63

Well a thoroughly bloody enjoyed that
Comment from : @checkshirtjoinery5372

I'm 24 and currently starting my own joinery business, only in the first 6 months or sobrI charge £150 a day at the moment with little overheads as I'm working out of gazebo in my garden with limited tools etc brbrThe rate that works coming is good with social media and word of mouth helping alot from job to jobbrbrI know everyone situation is different but I'm trying to get the balance of charging enough as a day rate but also for a star up keeping the work coming in Especially as for myself any money earned is better than nothing brbrAny advise welcome Cheers
Comment from : @tompickering8364

Thank you brMessage received and understood!brHoweverbrIn any market, you can only charge what the market will pay If you think joinery is a race to the bottom, try painting and decorating, everyone thinks they can do it, so the perceived added value is very low brBeing self employed is a perpetual dilemma between getting the business at the rate you want/need and not getting the business at allbrSo, do you accept the price you can get or sit twiddling your thumbs? brEvery tradesperson who provides a personal service (compared to a company) will have a group of customers they get on with You buy from people like you I know that there are groups of people (demographics) who will never buy from me because I don't talk like them I know that my customer base is mainly white collar professionals (I was in IT/web tech also Happy to have a geek-out anytime) So I don't get into the Facebook 'need a plasterer tomorrow, must be cheap' thing, ever brConclusion You're bang on with your approach and it requires confidence to say £40/hour etc
Comment from : @andrewclarkehomeimprovement

Hi Andy, I'd be interested to know what you think an experienced and fully equipped subcontractor should be charging
Comment from : @jrsuk1170

I've got around £10,000 pounds worth of woodworking tools and still don't have everything yet people want you to work for fuck all, get to fuck 🤣🙂
Comment from : @garethheathcote4988

Another great video in this labour price debatebrbrIm not a joiner, but I the same premise is applicable to all types of self-employed workers regardless of their type of work The overheads will clearly vary dramatically, but the basic calculations are the samebrbrI'm a hot tub technician, I don't charge enough at the moment and I'm slowly creeping my rate upwards over the period of a few years I have low overheads, so I don't expect to charge as much as others, but I think that an increase is in orderbrbrThe issue that I have is my location, most people are very low earners and unfortunately for me they don't like to pay what I consider to be a fair price for my chosen professionbrbrThank you for making these informative videos and please keep this type of content coming
Comment from : @roverboy01

People saying they “Can’t,” charge £30/hour are actually just trying to justify their fear of trying Nobody who’s SERIOUSLY wanting a service carried out aren’t willing to pay a sensible rate People who aren’t are not worth doing business for anyway They’re the type to stiff you on the bill
Comment from : @chrisryan3770

Excellent advice , running a small business in the construction field is tough and we forget all the real costs and never charge enough!
Comment from : @trevorlong5618

Just done a check on my late fathers figures, he was a self Employed skilled, time served (7 years) tradesman (carpenter & Joiner) - his day rate in '75 was £30 per day and his mate was £25 - in todays figures thats £250 and £208 respectively (rounded up) He had reduced his rates at that time 'cause work was very scarce I guess he was lucky in that his own overheads were low in comparison to others around But there are greater overhead costs today I'm sure brbrDo agree with you that you price the job(s) and stick to it And charge more for 'little' (less than a day) jobs
Comment from : @fordp5573

Maybe you should become a painter & decorator My son asked a guy for a quote this week to gloss and emulsion 2 rooms in a small terrace Quote£1800 Cheeky bleeder!
Comment from : @adgeebike9173

Well this video was just brilliant
Comment from : @SerPounce23

Hi Andy you're first opening comments are so true!brbrbrSteve
Comment from : @bigmonkey999888

My comnent !!! brJust What to comment man !!brActually you (the Europeans) live in anather world brMe as a Syrian carpenter Have been worked In Syria for 15 years and now in Lebanon yeah we are talking about the same amout of income But with a little deference brU talk about amount for an hour we talk the same amount for a weekbrYou talk about a day income we talk the same about month brLucky you brothers brI wish you the best ❤
Comment from : @hasanmediterraneo5050

We've had the same joiner for the past 20 years, he's done everything from build custom kitchen units to built in bookshelves, custom sleigh bed etc He charges £400 a day, which for the quality of his work is a bargain He's retiring soon which is such a shame because its hard to find someone that'll put a similar level of effort and pride into the fit and finish that he is obsessed with
Comment from : @oliverlind6596

Hi there I'm hoping to go to college to do a joinery and carpentry course do you think it is the best option or bricklaying just need a opinion thanks
Comment from : @suzzysheep9779

I'm in CanadaI was fascinated by how nice it seems to drive around in an urban centre there Our traffic and roads are an absolute shitshow
Comment from : @cgindustrial1859

Obviously if you don't charge a lot of money for your work you don't have time to drive around making YouTube videos and posting stuff on Instagram etc which a "normal" joiner would not be doing I think that Aidy and some of the others might have a point Maybe there are different challenges in different parts of the country and without knowing what these are it is wrong to criticise them
Comment from : @Lyndalewinder

Your a smart guy
Comment from : @scottmclean4237

Sounds like a guy stuck in the dark ages
Comment from : @pauldavison7105

I love the relaxed atmosphere of this video and hearing everyone's input Thanks Andy Im right on target
Comment from : @marrazzowoodworkingdiy8118

this shows off the uk's biggest problem, a race to the bottom wanting to bring others down, rather than the attitude of people doing well in business being seen as something to aspire to, like for example in the States
Comment from : @jamesbailand4311

@ 18:41, Thought you were gonna get out and have a waz
Comment from : @Yahatacooky

I'm a kitchen fitter charge 250 pounds a day
Comment from : @mezzygohil

My dad always said "Do good work and the business will come" and he was right
Comment from : @Just-ot4vy

I know that this is not the same industry but the mind and skill required is similar but we charge for our elevator mechanics 205/Hour and we are low compared to other companies
Comment from : @DillysADV

John Ruskin: 'The labour of two days is that for which you ask two hundred guineas?'brJames Whistler: 'No I ask it for the knowledge I have gained in the work of a lifetime'
Comment from : @lewicron

Hi Andy Interesting video I think that there is one other angle to take this from quality of work and speed For example 2 different tradesmen could both be charging £30 per hour and produce the exact same quality of workmanship and end result But one of them might do the same job as the other in half of the time Therefore, an 8 hour job for one man might be a 4 hour job for another same quality work and end result Over the years I have done a lot of site 'price work' , and it's amazing the speed that some carpenters can do things with years of practice
Comment from : @spotoncarpentry

Wow it's so good to see something like this, its such valuable information for us sell employed carpenters like us, I have seen such bad work all the time, were the customers have paid such high rates for the work, I have always done top quality work my self and find all the time people don't want to pay the going rates, I don't understand why the people who do such poor quality work and change top rates get the work all the time, yet when I change the going rates For quality work, people don't want to pay,
Comment from : @roybailey1170

I'm a plumber (also retrained from IT) but this is very useful for me too I always agonise about putting my rate up, but your videos definitely give me extra resolve (I charge £30 per hour at the moment, but perhaps I should increase a little) brThanks Andy! 🙂
Comment from : @petemesley8989

Great video thanks for your time and information, well done 👍🏻
Comment from : @jimmurphy4083

I thinking of going into business fitting basic (mostly Ikea) kitchens Does anyone have any views on what I ought to charge per hour?
Comment from : @hgodfrey

Comment from : @litlehack1

Seems that pay might cover a drive around town doing some filming
Comment from : @derekt7606

I find this very interesting I'm in Durham and mainly do bathrooms and kitchens but also most things property related I've never worked out my hourly rate as I usually work on monthly figures I'm booked up usually 4 to 5 months ahead and have been for the last 4 years Running the numbers I'm around £33 per hour I've been thinking of putting my rates up for a while now and I've even ran it buy a few of my good customers and they all say the same they'll pay more no questions It's just selling yourself and being able to backup your value I guess But I must say I usually work 6 days and 9 to 10 hour days that I do need to change as my body is starting to protest Great video 👍
Comment from : @garyhall4449

Fantastic and facinating video - best business advice I've heard [ and I've been through the govt startup courses!]
Comment from : @negotiableaffections

Great Video!
Comment from : @oknave327

Great video again mate and lovely to see you’re little bit of Newcastle 👍 Each video on this subject is enhancing my knowledge base on the woodworking business and want thank you dearly This is putting my business plan into a good place and moving myself into reality Cheers mate 👍
Comment from : @shakermker7014

Good to know if i ever want to quit IT I can go into a trade! haaha! what age did you leave working in IT?
Comment from : @tparker18

6:05 I love the dog walking across the water
Comment from : @kitchenengineer1731

I once quoted a job for a guy that owned a suite company, he asked me to split my bill down so he could see how much was labour, materials and profits as it seemed high, I refused and told him that was the price, he didn't use me Some months later when I was shopping round for a sofa I went in to this shop and asked the member of staff if they could justify the cost of the suite, how much did it cost them etc out comes the manager, "sir how can I help? I hear you are making some odd requests" to which I turned round and his face dropped, so how can you justify the price of the sofa, what are your costs etc? I was asked to leave the shop with minimal fuss! one rule for one and not for the other
Comment from : @camperbuildsolutions1691

Great video mate Really educational and certainly something any self employed tradespeople should watch and anyone who wants to hire tradespeople actually The first comment was a bit harsh, about the use of Dominos and Biscuits It's like saying CNC work isn't woodworking It's just an evolution of the craft
Comment from : @khussain360

Perhaps Aidy's difficulty to charge any more than £30ph is due to his attitude rather than the market?
Comment from : @jeromescottpaul5204

I didn’t realise how tight my margins were until my planer broke and replacing it was exactly what I’d earned that day!
Comment from : @johnreed3576

Comment from : @bobdunn1777

Domino/MDF/biscuits isn't traditional joinery but it most certainly is joinery No doubt traditional joinery is nicer, some would say more meaningful, but i'll just say this there is no value in being at odds with your environment - adapt or fuck off
Comment from : @whirled_peas

Is this interesting, what you are all telling??? YES IT IS In so many ways If you ever, for one reason or another, stop doing your one-man-band (PM's words) woodworkingbrbusiness, you can become an psychologist (and earn 300 GBP per hour) Great demonstration and explanation how (some) people think and others not brbrBy the way I stopped the video at 10:26 to watch the picture there One of the most beautiful non-nature pictures I have ever seen because of the reflectionbrIf you did it on purpose, you're a genius (instead of becoming a psychologist you also can become an (art)photographer, if it happened only by coincidence you maybrconfess :-) )
Comment from : @hansdegroot8549

Have you finished yet Hehehehe Thanks for the vid
Comment from : @petercurtis9297

Hi Andy, excellent responses! The fact that many customers don't recognise/care about quality, is what leads to much of the poor quality that you see If some of the more questionable "tradesman" can get away with it, they certainly willbrbrbrI considered making children's toys some while ago, and came to the conclusion that without clients prepared to pay the real cost, I was into batch production That would have been like factory work, plus lots of aggravation
Comment from : @stevebosun7410

Why would anyone want dovetails if you want it painted? Joints sufficiently strong for the job Bespoke is not cheap
Comment from : @taylo256

Gonna love the racism, xenophobia and misinformation in his comment 10/10 Adie
Comment from : @timh5529

I need to up my prices I'm only part time, so have convinced my stupid self that what I earn from woodworking is pocket money Setting myself up for a a big problem, if I do go full time one day, I'll have created a market place that I can't afford to live in
Comment from : @garethsharp4039

loved your film and the setting for it that you decided on, Very entertaining and an interesting subject I started doing home hobby wood work for the past five years making things for around the house I will soon be making small things and selling them on e-bay, bit most of all, it is a hobby which I love doing and if I make some money out of it to help the costs of running my work shop all the better Kindest regards, Bill from Australia
Comment from : @williambuckley1185

Here's a tricky one As someone hiring a trades person it is seriously difficult to work out how to find someone who charges more because they are better Ie they offer a better quality of job, spend more time and just generally give a s#@t! I'm no millionaire but appreciate a good job and am happy to pay for it But when I'm given a few quotes that vary a lot, it's a lottery as to whether the costs correlate with quality finish Of course occasionally I can get a hold of a good recommendation but it isn't always possible I'm not sure there is an answer but it just means it must be a lot harder for someone pricing themselves above the average because "they're worth it" 🤷‍♂️
Comment from : @chrisjames3831

I can identify with the "people don't pay want to pay for quality work" bit I am currently on an extended "holiday" due to Companies not caring if their IT is fixed in a timely manner, and only being interested in the costbrEastern Europeans will "happily" allow themselves to be exploited for little reward, and they (like everyone) vary in quality on an individual basis
Comment from : @kevinshort3943

Everything you say is completely correct but unless you’re working on a house half million plus or a successful business with high margins that amount of money cannot be justified if you’re working on a house with a value of £75,000 in the north-east of England how was it to pay these rates that would put the value of the house at three or four times when you’ve paid the plasterer the brickies the joiners electricians roofers window fitters etc at £40 an hour The work cannot be done not everybody can earn those rates of pay because there isn’t enough High end work out there for everybody some people have to do practical work at modest wages otherwise the work cannot be justified ?
Comment from : @tooladdict7463

Prices of houses are going up extremely but prices of builders are going down because of costumers don't like to pay
Comment from : @kernelenchte4088

26:59 You don't care about the quality of the work of your window cleaner, but earlier in the video you made disparaging remarks about customers not caring (or even noticing) bad workmanship
Comment from : @Bob_Burton

Totally agree with polish people They just destroy markets in all countries they go They need keep market prices acording to country they go
Comment from : @kernelenchte4088

Just to add paying with a card is way better than having to go to the bank to withdraw cash
Comment from : @TimBox

Ok now I want a dovetail MDF built in wardrobe
Comment from : @TimBox

The wood whisperer uses a domino regularly
Comment from : @benchippy8039

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