Title | : | Why Did The First World War Break Out? (July Crisis 1914 Documentary) |
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Watch 16 Days in Berlin on Nebula: nebulatv/videos/16-days-in-berlin-01-prologue-the-beginning-of-the-end Comment from : @TheGreatWar |
Whats the name of the music at the beginning? Comment from : @jonlorax2090 |
World war I was to reduce the human population It was a cull of the people Comment from : @clancygilgamesh6592 |
It was about the J-people Comment from : @akattom |
It was about oil Germans started building railway in (than) Persia In favour they could get oil from fields 10km around that railway Nobody wanted strong Germany so they found a way to start a war via Serbians back Comment from : @ratkopetrovic4959 |
All the time we’ve spent trying to kill each other could’ve been used to invent so many great things together Comment from : @Straightprimo |
I think it would be great if you did one on what WW1 broke out in Europe Comment from : @russell2910 |
I feel so bad for thepeople that sacrificing there life just for wold wore rest in peace😢 Comment from : @carolinekanene1940 |
Thank you so much for this explainations…i think it’s the best that one can explain how the world war 1 began… if only people nowadays can understand that war can be avoided with much understanding and negotiations with if country have much more less anxiety and insecurity between across nations Comment from : @gray-fox6789 |
If this interested you, I suggest you read "Dreadnought" by Robert K Massie It is an excellent, in-depth look at the deep rooted causes of WWI Comment from : @ericnaughton2348 |
Excellent video! Only point I would have loved to hear you touch more on was Germanys annexation of alsace lorraine at the end of the Franco-Prussian war and the impact it had on French-German relations Comment from : @seminoleseth5718 |
22:05 this part has been one of the most fascinating ones to me since I learned it, it's often called "irreversible military timetables" Once a mobilization order has been delivered - meaning tons of military equipment and million of soldiers, all carefully planned - it cannot be reversed, and if it could, it would leave for days the army/country very vulnerable brThe other fact of the great war that explains the huge tragic human toll, is that defensive systems turned to be more effective than offensive ones Comment from : @alexanderpeca7080 |
Its sad that such matters are left up to conjecture, the British suffered the highest casualties in one 24 hour period of any army in the history of mankind in WW1 with 57,470 casualties and 20,000 dead We owe them gratitude and knowing why exactly such sacrifices were required, and to not repeat it again But yet it was, and it will be again if people are so easily influenced and don't spend the time and effort of researching all sides and making an informed unbiased opinion and enforcing that in mass Unfortunately such things are difficult when the media space is so heavily biased and influenced by the power structures of the world Comment from : @matthewdixon8465 |
0:26 that so called "music" soundtrack is unnecessarily distracting and destroys the desire to stay with the rest of the video Comment from : @VeganWithAraygun |
If men only know how to love and understand each other, wars wouldn’t happen Men love to kill each other I couldn’t understand Comment from : @DontStopHiking |
Narrators get this We DON"T need to SEE YOU AT ALL Comment from : @craigdylan3953 |
Great documentary I will watch your other documentaries on Nebula Good for you, don't let YouTube tell you what can and can not be shown, another form of censorship ❤ Comment from : @AlejandroGarcia-tw9oj |
The citizens of Europe very much wanted a war and welcomed it with a party Comment from : @Conn30Mtenor |
" One of the signs that the second advent of Christ is near is a war that would involve many nations br Isa 34:1-2brThe fulfillment of which is the global war of 1914 brbr And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, see that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yetbrFor nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places All these are beginning of sorrows So you also when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the very doors"br Matt24;6-8, 33, Comment from : @Janchaimo1966 |
How Satan, the deceiver of the whole world br Rev12:9, 20:3, 8, 10 brhas been assaulting and devouring his victims, brApostle Paul explained: br "The spirit of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe, and prevents the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, the image of God, from shining on them "br 2 Cor4:4brbrHe further says that the blinded, instead of believing Christ's teaching of truth, have been taken captives of hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world br Col2:7-8brbr As to how such philosophy has blinded the deceived, the prophet Isaiah wrote: " Look at these people! They say good is bad and bad is good They think light is dark and dark is light They think sour is sweet and sweet is sour They think they are so smart They think they are intelligent" br Isa 5:20-21 brbr Being ungodly, they feel proud that they not only "refused to obey the teachings of the Lord All-Powerful " but also hated His message br Isa5:24 Comment from : @Janchaimo1966 |
I’ll make it easy, the jesuits funded the war and instigated it Comment from : @GreenKid1988 |
3:56 bThe man predicted HOI4 game play/b Comment from : @prickly10000 |
What rubbish! Everybody knows that WWI was started because some bloke named Archie Duke shot and Ostrich because he was hungry! Comment from : @Peter007666 |
Umm…didn’t the Russians cause WW1 by declaring war on the Austrian-Hungarian empire which caused all the other countries to initiate hostilities Comment from : @MyDogmatix |
Jewish fault Comment from : @hr5546 |
European History is a BIG LIE! What caused WW1??? The colonization of Africa and European's greed and barbarism Thank you Comment from : @thato4639 |
i do love watching history, being interrupted by "App Ads" involving mindless clownisms Comment from : @Zeahappy |
Leffties are outraged about this, but celebrate the castration of thousands of children 😂 Comment from : @karloz500 |
Horrible war Comment from : @audreydaleski1067 |
Russia was always the superpower over Germany Germany assumed otherwise Comment from : @audreydaleski1067 |
Germany got slapped into place in WW1, helped lead to Ww11 Comment from : @audreydaleski1067 |
European terror rist, that was Comment from : @izzfp9802 |
Nobody forces people to join the military They do it at their own will Comment from : @captainobvious1252 |
studied this in class Comment from : @leratjoueaujeuxvideo |
Who benefited the most? The central banking system benefited the most… Comment from : @Vjl5280 |
The assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife only served as the match to ignite the already primed tensions Comment from : @seanbrowning616 |
As advisors to Woodrow Wilson who was president in the US said Europe was a barrel of gun powder ready to explode Comment from : @seanbrowning616 |
This is a superb summary of the many-threaded situation leading to World War I Thank you for creating and sharing it How I wish this had been available when I studied WWI in high school long ago Comment from : @TheJojo01902 |
World War One is the war of "Isms," ie militarism, colonialism, nationalism, industrialism, imperialism, and jingoism Comment from : @PaulChristianJenkinsJD |
Fascinating Comment from : @stephaniehuthmacher4214 |
Excellent work 👏 Comment from : @almcl9391 |
anubis Comment from : @asengeorgiev5834 |
Why can't you post a video about war on YouTube We come here to learn Comment from : @badyoutuber1986 |
Same reason all the wars happen, Zionists are trying to have complete control of people and resources Comment from : @Gee2b_civic |
Because the European monarchs have been dickheads since time immemorial Comment from : @captgundam00 |
WWI ended in 1918 And Russa had their own type of war going on inside their own country, which ended up with Tsar Nicholas' abdication & death 😢 Comment from : @syrsknight |
Perpetrators knew that by assassinating Comment from : @SuperEagle421 |
Same things that starts every other war: bull$hit Comment from : @anoldranger1033 |
Pike letter to Mazzini Comment from : @arodriguez5222 |
Same reason will cause ww3 Europeans were, are and will be Europeans Comment from : @P_Apegaon |
WeirdI thought America was in that war too Comment from : @danensor2762 |
Every time I hear an explanation for why WWI started I’m still like…”but why though?” Comment from : @lundgrenbronzestudios |
So mind-blowing how these "rulers" are deciding on what size war to fight based off of hurt feelings and not feeling resoected enough by basically their own cousins Who cares about all the imnocent people who will die! 11 million people, omg, 100 years ago Basically, several generations wiped out and/or radically diminished bc the PM of Serbia didnt say sorry enough? No womder they kept so many people poor - so that enlisting as a soldier seemed like an opportunity for food, shelter, and income Instead, it was just being part of someone's ego trip brThe Kings Man movie was really great at explaining a lot of this Comment from : @abc123-t7o |
If you really go down the rabbit hole, you’ll know that it’s the ones who claim “6 МіІІіоn” Comment from : @VT_Blite |
The Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused WW1, yes But historians all believed that that was just a “trigger event” brbrThe situation in Europe was so thick that if it wasn’t the Archdukes assassination, WW1 would’ve started nonetheless by another trigger event regardless Comment from : @Yimmy-i3t |
Great video Thanks Comment from : @naturalselfyoga1617 |
What I get from this explanation is that everything that was going on that ultimately started WW1 was about an elite ruling class across Europe advancing its own interests and ambitions The ordinary people were manipulated into supporting (and ultimately dying in the millions for) causes about which they should have cared nothing Comment from : @latheofheaven1017 |
Snowball reallybrThe real problem is the new accuracy upgrades of engfield and mauser rifles High capacity clip/magazines Fields of death provided by the high rate of fire of open bolt machine guns and the power and accuracy of modern artillery Comment from : @thepopeofkeke |
Why are all of our salad dressings named after war countries? Comment from : @ViraL_FootprinTexe |
"Franz Turdinand" & "Otto von Jizzmark" are just classic iArcherf/i jokesbrbrI really hate that I like such sophomoric things 😮💨 Comment from : @ViraL_FootprinTexe |
Well the Americans selling all the equipment to the Germans didn't help before they changed sides and sold to the allies Comment from : @Jumbo-k4t |
Leaders just follow bad people Look at facist maga today Comment from : @benpham8268 |
No end to human stupidity Comment from : @Zonydeep |
It was started when one man shot and killed another man brBecause the deceased was an elite class member, the ordinary people had to pay for their crime and audacity So millions of ordinary people were forced to kill each other as a lesson Comment from : |
The same thing that starts most wars, idiot politicians, there wouldn't be wars if these idiots and the offspring of said idiots had to go and fight Comment from : @keithrepton2937 |
All big wars was cause by the only thing `` Jerusalem`` Comment from : @rpgforfuneduardohethanhunt3742 |
Austria-Hungary is to blame for WWI because of their annexation of Bosnia That was tantamount to stealing land They invaded another sovereign country and just took it over! That's why that Serbian dude assassinated archduke Ferdinand I don't know why anyone doubts that's what set the dominos falling in the July crisis They may not have desired to start a general conflagration that became WWI, but so what They drew "first blood" by their annexation of Bosnia That was the first act of WWI Comment from : @We_All_Seek_Truth |
I've read it was the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand Comment from : @stevenhall9009 |
One thing is for sure They had some amazing mustaches back in the day Comment from : @brads0107able |
Germany oh Germany 😂 Comment from : @itssmritidwivedi |
Mankind does not seem to learn from its history and continues to conduct itself in the same horrific, greedy, arrogant and meanspirited way Testosterone appears to evolve very slowly Comment from : @GingerCC-he8be |
Main cause: European countries expansionism Comment from : @kingarchnyc |
Not a mention of Americans 🤔 Comment from : @freedom4639 |
The causes of the outbreak of this war can still be found in the eighteenth century and were named in his time by the Austrian emperor Joseph II: the appalling behavior of a part of the nobility towards the people He also warned his sister, in addition to the outburst of popular discontent, he warned the whole of Europe He alone in Austria prevented what happened in France: the rule of the Lodge However, he could not prevent the rise of nationalism, an intolerable hydra, as he somehow died in 1790 of overworkbrbrThe cause of the Great War was already a lie, no powerful In Serbia, the worst scum of society who murdered the only person in Europe who kept the peace and protected the Serbs In Austria, the jubilant crowd at the announcement of the campaign against the Serbs, screaming the slogan of the idiot Potiorek: we will beat the Serbs with our hats Not to mention Germany, the Russian man also went to the slaughterhouse cheerfully when the slaughterhouse itself happened, the lot suddenly turned, she nothing, all that powerful, and she blamed the nobility and specifically the Habsburgs for everything Comment from : @NekorektniPochybovac-or8bi |
how can you say such a stupid thing, you say, when the Austrians annexed Bosnia, it angered the nationalists in Serbia!! how are you bullshitting_ it made all the Serbs on the planet angry and of course the Serbs are to blame for everything Why don't you publish what order was issued by the Austrian commander to the Balkan army before the attack on Serbia??? Comment from : @slobov333 |
Seriously? One of the most to the point videos I've ever seen That's probably one of the greatest questions in modern history : when you think of it, there is no simple explanation as to what caused WWI ; the murder of a crown-prince and a game of alliances aren't a reason for a whole continent to wage a mutually destructive war against each other leading to a collapse in civilisation The answers can only be conjectural There is no simple explanation They're rooted in time depth and ideology Comment from : @brunothuin8586 |
Chronic Internal Crisis of Imperialism Not assassination Nor any reason Thanks Comment from : @BobbyBobMinsk |
I love how Belgium responds to a 'Yes or No' question with a paragraph Comment from : @theHardyMonster1984 |
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