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My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.

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Information My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.

Title :  My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.
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Frames My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.

Description My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.

Comments My Wife Keeps Throwing Divorce On My Face Over Everything I Do. I Just Said "Okay" And Left.

Dont you hate it when you get divorce on your face?
Comment from : @SnerMerNer

She was trying to keep you on the defensive to deflect you from figuring out what she was up to You did exactly the right thing: called her bluff PS: Do NOT go back, no matter what,
Comment from : @lizbyrne7356

I understand she wants to be a better mother to her daughter after being absent from her life for 6 years because of drugs but she could also try doing better by getting a job if she feels envious of her sister that her daughter likes her more
Comment from : @RavenDarkHeart1

Is someone gonna tell OP 2 that she's a mom and not an aunt? 3 things major that make a parent a parentbr1 responsibility ✅️ br2 dedication ✅️ br3 Love ✅️ brbrDoes anyone disagree?
Comment from : @dianeenvy4194

0:06 He's an absolute moron for marrying a modern woman after just a year of dating
Comment from : @boreopithecus

I just discovered my wife is cheating on me but I'm a whiny little b*b*/b and I'm refusing to divorce her at least for now for no reason I can explain and that anyone would understand
Comment from : @lujlp

S1, NTI, fool, keep walking, she is a leech, parasite, female drone and impediment
Comment from : @anthonyburke5656

Story 1 she was definitely cheating the whole marriage
Comment from : @DCD762

I suspect that the parents are looking at some of what they said, and are afraid that they said some things they consider to be unforgivable, so they aren't even trying to work things out If sister and BIL ever get out of jail, OP can expect them to try very hard to get the kids back, because they'll be a source of money to bring into the house
Comment from : @Kinsfire

Comment from : @RedditReads-t6k

Honestly never trust it when they say you cant have a kid or more kids
Comment from : @imweirdfiteme593

"My daughter"brLol Might want to double check!
Comment from : @holeymcsockpuppet

Who plays Minecraft in these videos
Comment from : @Unseen_Fiend

Bei myrenault gibts aktuell auch ohne renault den ionity für 4,99€ / 39ct 🤩 mal schauen obs bis zum nächsten urlaub noch so ist 😂
Comment from : @philipl3067

300lbs heroin addict ? really
Comment from : @DoNMoSs2

I'm pretty sure 300 pounds women are not great mother, they can't keep a Haus clean , take care of 3 kids cook play with the kids take them places etc, if she could she wouldn't be 300 pounds
Comment from : @ileanabica1760

The OP in the second story is crazy
Comment from : @tjmarx

it's better to raise a child in 2 different houses than raise it in 1 dysfunctional house
Comment from : @drifter139

Sad thing is sister will end up getting nocked up again
Comment from : @jayusher576

The story 2 OP is amazing She is their real mom even if she’s not their biological mom
Comment from : @emperorconstantinexipalaio4121

Same Anytime I'm dating someone who gives me the "I don't need no man" speech I leave People need each other
Comment from : @aaavellone

Once I’m done getting Incest stories banned I’m I’m coming for these dumbass Reddit stories
Comment from : @Skilledbruiser-tc3cc

His first mistake was ever getting married
Comment from : @axelmilan4292

that aunt should just go visit emma instead of asking emma to always come over on the weekends and she should have intro herself as her aunt the fact emma called her mom shows she never established that in the first place but knowing the parents was manipulating emma, she defo should get full custody of emma
Comment from : @epiquewenqa

Nice AI generated story
Comment from : @TR1P4RK

I guess majority of time kids that have divorced parents destined to repeat their parents mistakes
Comment from : @anobeus4814

Story 2: Fuk H users, 85 starts using again after rehab
Comment from : @bigdickgott5025

Story 2 : OP is an absolute angel
Comment from : @AskCorey

Story 2: how can they make a 9 year old do the dishes
Comment from : @declanredfern

She's testing OP's patience
Comment from : @momolol3724

Out of experience with my ex, cheaters often pick fights over BS I think its to feel justified in the horrible thing they are doing Before I got married my now wife and I had a long discussion about what we want out of life , how we see our future and set the ground rules for mutual love and respect One thing I told her is I do not react well to being threatened or manipulated if she ever tells me she wants a divorce she will never be able to turn back from those words, the only thing that will happen from there on is to sign the papers, as no one and nothing would be able to convince me to stop
Comment from : @Ch17638

Your sister is USELESS
Comment from : @kscanlan5442

Comment from : @kscanlan5442

Story2: I would have said "no" to bailing out BIL If she'd said "no deal", I'd say "okay, you can get some time to think about it I'll come during visitation hours sometime next week and ask you again Okay, byeee" Pretty sure she'd fold pretty quick
Comment from : @donkeyhigh8420

If you have a stay at home wife you should have to do zero cleaning Period
Comment from : @M1America

Why is this guy the breadwinner and cooks and clean??
Comment from : @Killamofongo

My wife threatened divorce about everything to four weeks She refused to work, didn't even do an equal share of housework, and constantly fought with my daughter Finally I said "OK" About a week, she crawled back, claiming the "I'll do anything" Nope, it was over
Comment from : @azroadie

Definitely a fake story… She claims to be a lawyer that specializes in child law… But asking Reddit for advice… not buying it
Comment from : @chucktaylor4859

That second story is wild LOL, I went from "uh, this person is definitely just mad she can't see a kid that's not technically hers?" to "holy fuck im so thankful they were as persistent as they were" real fast lmfao
Comment from : @D34doneTTV

Story 2 : Man, the OP's sister is really pushing it with her demands I get she wants a cozy spot for her little one, but asking the OP to give up both his gaming room and the master bedroom? That's just not cool Maybe bringing in a mediator or counselor could help em hash out a compromise that works better for both of em
Comment from : @molecule_management

Please can you tell me what is the website you use for the ai voice
Comment from : @ahmadhossam190

When you raise a kid for 6 years of course they're gonna call you mother A druggie thinking she can be a mother while taking drugs pregnant is beyond a joke Those kids deserve better
Comment from : @toxiczombiewolf5692

i have a baby brother named ian
Comment from : @mrkibambe

if any1 deserve to be a mother 2story OP IS
Comment from : @mrg1578

Op's sister in story 2 should be grateful her daughter was safe, I watched a true crime video the other day about a mom that went to jail and signed over temporary custody to a friend til she got out cause she knew this girl from back when they were in school and the woman ran a day care and was well known and popular in the community She ended up killing the little girl, turned out she was abusing all the kids in her home day care, there are signs that she let someone SA the baby girl and there were google searches talking about "Wanting to hurt other people's kids but not her own" She should be glad her sister didn't do anything to her daughter out of frustration of having to so seriously change her life to clean up after her sister
Comment from : @kayne2889

He says that she doesnt do anything around the house or for the family that shes like a stranger to him and his daughter but in the same breath says shes a good momhow? How is she a dead beat and a good mom
Comment from : @krypto1976

1Story one is so sad, she knew she could use and abuse him I bet she thought she could use him as a meal ticket for life and he would never leave That relationship had tonnes of abuse and control and he coulden5 see it, probably because he thought it was normal from growing up with itbrbrStory 2, what a fat smack head Once a liar always a liar
Comment from : @bazzascott8935

The caption was so satisfying
Comment from : @aryianzobde2699

Sorry 1 definitely need to be updated until OP post about divorce
Comment from : @googleslave

Yes, husband is at fault here though most would disagree He did not realize he is,wrong though Like most men, they don't realize when women complain, it means the man is doing something wrong At the time he could have saved the marriage, he chose not to
Comment from : @jaderoselee8554

WaitbrEmma's mother is trying to be the best mother possible, but the house is a disaster area and the 9yo is being ordered to do the dishes?
Comment from : @bforman1300

op2 saved 3 kids from a terrible home situation
Comment from : @gabrielsfilms2086

Story 2: 11:40 just heard they wanted a 9 year old to do the dishes, I got a gut feeling that sister and BIL never actually changedbrbrEdit: Yep
Comment from : @DarkSharkDomilian

Story 2: This just shows that the mother isnt one giving birth but the one raising the child
Comment from : @Crowned_Hearts

Hey, another American woman! This is even better than seeing all the wildlife in the Zoo!
Comment from : @RealCurrencies

All modern women are is a waste of space
Comment from : @guybot360

15:17 LIMBO
Comment from : @badpiggs

Good women don’t threaten you with divorce whenever they don’t get what they want Only a narcissist who loves playing mind games would do that
Comment from : @pavelowpower

Moral of the story - never, ever under any circumstances marry a woman, give her a child or put her name on your stuff Also never er get a woman’s name tattooed on you either That is pure simp behaviour
Comment from : @pavelowpower

Is the background music from cowboy Bebop? Thanks
Comment from : @positiveproductions6699

Story 2 reminds me of this oddly wholesome but realistically sad story of a guy who's dad neglected him and his sister after their mother/his wife died and he had to raise his sister who was over 15 years younger than him At her birthday the sister called OP (her brother) her dad while their bio dad was precent and they had a fight about it and the OP is planning to adopt his sister and keep raising her with his fiancébrIt's a odd story that has me woth mixed feelings and it can be found with searching "My sister called me dad"
Comment from : @ImHomiesexual

Story 2: you're such an angel, bless your soul and your works Some parents just don't deserve kids, but the kids deserve a parent like you I hope the brothers (Ian and the baby) will also triving like their sister
Comment from : @pietacorona

Story two; I hope the kids were all drug tested to Who knows if the kids knew about them growing God only knows if the kids happened to eat any shrooms, or we3d
Comment from : @gachastitchandblair6868

Holy fuck OP2 Single and had no hand in creating any of those children, cleaning up other people's messes professionally, and I do not mean being a defence attorneybrIf any woman in that entire story deserved to be called a mother, I know who it is
Comment from : @ZenoDovahkiin

Story 2: Let's not forget the important factoid that the parents literally told the sister to throw Emma in foster care because they couldn't deal with an infant so they passed it off to an already busy law school student She saved that little girl from a lot of abandoment issues if you ask me
Comment from : @spaRKLES88604

Story 2: op had every right for her sister's daughter to call her mom She will always be a better mother than her actual mother will ever be
Comment from : @thatguyontheinternet_1097

Sorry, did the guy in the first story say he was 70 and his wife was 30?
Comment from : @danidoodles4530

A SAHM that still needs to split household chores is actually useless Why do you even stay at home all day when you cant even manage that Vacuuming, Washing clothes, doing the dishes, and cooking food does not take more than 4hrs even if you take your time doing it
Comment from : @senfnotmayo9004

Story 1) feels like ITS BEING USED AGAIN
Comment from : @tusharkuradiya

Story 2: OP is an absolute angel, can't imagine how rough it is to navigate a situation like that Sounds like she got custody just in time too
Comment from : @MagicalPebble

I find it ridiculous that OP's parents decided to believe their addict daughter who (seemingly openly) smokes weed over their lawyer daughter who has been taking care of her kid while she's been using is ridiculous I'm not saying that being an addict hurts her credibility or that smoking weed hurts her credibility on their own but together that's a bad picture and any recovering addict will tell you that's a bad idea As soon as I heard she was smoking weed while recovering from addiction (recovery is an ongoing process, three years if it even was that long would certainly not be long enough if there was a "long enough") it was not at all surprising to hear everything that came after, maybe bar the mushroom grow The idea that they were growing weed is also not surprising since there was no way they were affording a regular supply on the money they were making while supporting kids (barring any sort of financial assistance from family) It only takes a sip for an alcoholic to relapse and for a drug addict weed will, 999 of the time, be a gateway to old learned behaviours and any other instance is an exception to the rule All of this combined makes OP's very irresponsible and untrustworthy when it comes to their daughter's addiction and recovery obviously OP didn't know how deep it went but it's her responsibility as her niece's guardian to know how deep it goes Thankfully things worked out and hopefully there is no contact in the future as they are no longer entitled to any but my prediction is the next time OP's sister comes around peeking her head in saying she's clean her parents will start spinning the yarn because from their reaction the heads are buried firmly up their arses with arses in the sand Horrific story with a lighter ending
Comment from : @dominonine

The first one was just sad
Comment from : @tahmeedmazumder6877

Story 2: So "the right thing to do" is you spending your life raising an obese drug using assholes 3 kids?brThey are shit people, while you seem like a decent person, that means that YOU should be the one populating the world, not them
Comment from : @masterost1994

Him getting away from her is sunshine and rainbowsbr----brThe druggie doesn't deserve to be around her daughter Her dumbass sob story is irrelevant
Comment from : @nicknitro86

"Great mothers" don't end up with 30 custody Just saying "Great mothers" also don't ditch plans with their kids for plans made after the fact with friends 9/10 chance that the "plans with friends" is her having and affair
Comment from : @kbforme

how can someone be an ex H user and be 300lb? you have to actively TRY to be a shit person to do that
Comment from : @brokencreationlordmegatrol3037

Happy thanksgiving 🦃🍁🍽 everyone!
Comment from : @bearsong8486

Splitting housework with a jobless SAHM is already pretty generous A shame how his past trauma is hampering his sense of self worth
Comment from : @zacharyrollick6169

OP in 2nd story is unhinged She took care of the child when her sister need it, now it's time to give her her child back The child still can pass some time with her aunt, but OP seems having a hard time acknowledging that she's not her mom, and that she was doing her sister an act of service by taking care of the child
Comment from : @chadiab_

That ex-wife basically said, "you can't do better than me"brOP retorted, "anyone is better than you"
Comment from : @stopcensoringmen5044

Op needs to understand that he didn't end up like his parents He did better He broke the cycle His child is safe
Comment from : @rasheedabasheer4046

Comment from : @shajahmendonca1321

Story 1: she was cheating whole timeOP, DNA and STD test please, she was picking fights intentionallyquite literally classic cheater tactics If your in at-fault state, file it based on her infidelity
Comment from : @scaredpaul540

Did they transition slowly tho?
Comment from : @slayingduck

The first story is so fucking depressing
Comment from : @yaxxydesu5776

Bro really called her bluff 💀💀💀
Comment from : @exemplary12

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