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Trading 101: How a Stock Can Lose You Money.

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Information Trading 101: How a Stock Can Lose You Money.

Title :  Trading 101: How a Stock Can Lose You Money.
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Description Trading 101: How a Stock Can Lose You Money.

Comments Trading 101: How a Stock Can Lose You Money.

How does the market decide what # they want to pay for it ? What are they looking at /to for direction ?
Comment from : @kissme4492

I know this video is five years old but this help me so much l am new to stocks and trading and sometimes l just have basic questions your tutorial was so easy to follow and l understood You got a new subscriber😊😊
Comment from : @agelessbeauty968

Say i buy a stock for $5 but 1 month in its now worth $250 that's a loss of $250 but all of a sudden it booms to $20 can i sell that stock for $20 or does the previous loss affect the personal value, hope im wording it right
Comment from : @neverstoprunning9527

Great explanation on how one looses money trading How about showing it on a real trading platform so we can better understand the dynamics Thanks for sharing
Comment from : @joserivera7349

This 5yr video is exactly what I’m looking for Thanks
Comment from : @Samstezy

If the stock is now $0 and therefore worthless, can it at a later stage, be worth something and go up in value and therefore you will regain your at least some of your money?
Comment from : @ChessInsanity-kl4xs

What happened when you don't sell
Comment from : @sheikhsaleh7061

But high, sell low!
Comment from : @flyback_driver

So is there any harm in keeping hold of the stock for when it eventually comes up to a suitable position?
Comment from : @russellduggan4494

You insulted my intelligence, I want to speak to your manager young man bmakes karen's gestures/b
Comment from : @undesconocido7

What happens if u keep the stock long term like thru recession Do u began to regain your lost or was 0 a total bust?
Comment from : @NinjaBald-lz3bw

This might be a stupid question, but with your scenario for example, is it possible to lose more than the $25 you have put in?
Comment from : @Mr_Ducking_Duck

Actually if market went down or up if you didn’t sell you just lose or win number to lose or win you have to sell brIf market went down just down sell will go up but it’s depends on days to go up
Comment from : @yacinekabyl5720

Question 🙋‍♂️ if i buy a stock for 20$ and it fall to 15 or even 0 I still have that stock right it may increase in the future Right?
Comment from : @technilvlogs7506

Only way is you loose money is by having a plan become useless from wrong assumptions or some risk factor applying resulting in change otherwise idk how money is loss other than theft or ppl in company not working
Comment from : @kentheengineer592

What if you just leave your money there and dont buy any shares?
Comment from : @davidvue6956

Wouldn't I still own the stock?
Comment from : @delilahschons9449

Who gets the money?
Comment from : @delilahschons9449

What if the value of the stock goes down but I don't want to sell it because I feel like it might eventually go back up? Am I obligated to sell or do I lose the stock somehow? Sorry I am EXTREMELY new at this Today is actually my first day doing research on the stock market
Comment from : @dreamwrldstudios2790

You lose only what you give you can’t lose more
Comment from : @AhmadEdinHodzic

The most popular way people lose money on stocks or cryptocurrency is to sell for less than what you paid for it If you pay $100 for a share and the next day it drops to 1 penny and stays at 1 penny for a year…you didn’t lose 99 cents 😐brSay after that year, the price of that stock went to $1000 and you’re still holding😃…it may be time to take the profit brThe chances of a stock going to 0 are less than the chances of it going higher than what you paid for it 💁‍♂️
Comment from : @donutviper1

This is such a dumb question but basically I can't lose more than I put in?
Comment from : @lna3108

don't worry Clay, you're not insulting me D:
Comment from : @alanboy5532

Can you owe -25 $ I heard a 20 year old kid bought 15,000 $ and he woke up one day and it was -20,000 he did something to himself
Comment from : @JustMikeA

Great vid bro
Comment from : @jgoat4250

In Stock market there always a buyer and a seller just not at the price you might like
Comment from : @shynepo5867

So, if I buy a stock for 25$ like the example, can I ever lose more than 25$?
Comment from : @olderthought9436

I’m 15 gonna buy a stock can it take money away from me or do I just lose that money I put in
Comment from : @rafaellopez9976

I know nothing about stocks and finance First in my family born in North America and I studied psychology and architecture Thankful for this info!! 🙏
Comment from : @rawkrXbabee

Just another game of chance
Comment from : @justthebeginning1448

Hey I know this is really late but I have a question If I invest money in a stock and I lose money and it keeps going down, will I eventually own the company money after the amount hits $0
Comment from : @wrldofjoel18

Thank you for the information But what if we jeep the stock till its price rises I mean you will only lose money if you agree to sell it for a lesser price but what if I keep the stock till its more than what i paid for it
Comment from : @kanishkparmar6682

Pick good fundamentally sound stocks , be very cautious on speculative stocks and crypto and most importantly take emotional out of the equation You will lose money if you don’t
Comment from : @bitofwizdomb7266

Can someone tell me if you can lose more money than you invest? And if you have invested into a stock and they was no buyers, is they a time limit as to when you have to sell or can you just leave it invested and hope maybe it will go up eventually? Literally only just contemplated trading this morning but with no knowledge whatsoever I thought I would just watch some vids and ask some questions Any help would be appreciated thanks 🙏🏼
Comment from : @jorrdzz_x4645

Does this mean the value increases depends on how much people buy stocks more than the value you bought first? Sorry, i am very new to trading😁😁😁
Comment from : @blanchemaeorge6484

How does number of shares increase in our profile on one time investmentcan u plz explain??
Comment from : @shivangisingh7819

Simple and worth watching👍👍👍👍👍
Comment from : @SpaceXtudio

sorry to to ask stupid question but im very new to this and want to learn more and start investing brwhen i but $50 in with my debit card on a stock is that the most i will lose or can you lose more they wont take more out of my card when i have only put in $50 (ie $50 in Means $50 will be max that i will lose) sorry about the dumb question i just want to be sure before i start lol
Comment from : @travelchasing9658

Hi Clay, thanks for this I'm just getting started and wanting to be clear as to how you lose money on a stock Could you please clarify for me if it's only when you sell? Ie if you bought it at $30 and it went down to $5, would you have to pay anything if you chose not to sell and instead waited for the value to come back up?
Comment from : @Cody1

What if for x months years stock you buy raises, could you sell it or the stock is lost?
Comment from : @nwaicecube5713

Well I'm kinda new to investing and I do get the basics, the only reason I ended up here is because of a question that was on my mind that I still do not have a answer for, let's say I bought a stock at 15$ it goes all the way down to 5$ Now I'm going to hold ofc because that's my only hope because selling will make me lose more money, but do I lose my because of holding? And no I'm no talking about stock value I'm talking about if my broker account should have money to cover up my losses like fund them thx
Comment from : @Momo-xh8np

See I’m a visual learner thanks lol
Comment from : @ronrowefc

I just started investing in voo and vti a week ago with 2500 ive only lost money will my money even grow? If so when will it start growing?
Comment from : @arturom9145

So I’m new to stock trading, say I invest $100 into a stock the most I can lose is $100 right? And if the stock goes down and I lose $3000 do I owe whatever app Iam using $3000 or no
Comment from : @andrewjr3705

cant you just wait until it goes up again and sell it at 26
Comment from : @calebkan7350

Here is a obvious question Can you ever lose more than you put in? Let’s say I have 862 bucks invested Can I’d ever have a negative balance more than what I initially put in?
Comment from : @marbarosi

Let's say I bought a stock and it goes all the way down Do I still have the stock? And hope that it goes up? Or I lose the money completely
Comment from : @ClassysWorld

So am I stupid or can I just wait until the price raises again and everything is fine?!
Comment from : @christophschade9452

Thank you for this video
Comment from : @remyramos3162

GameStop stonks brought me here
Comment from : @jakubgrzybek6181

so i can’t owe anyone money? i think i’m going to deposit 40 and i don’t mind losing it but i don’t want to lose any more so am i ok?
Comment from : @beauv8206

What happens if you lose all your money? Debt?
Comment from : @jrico153

This was so hopeful, I’m a senior taking economics and this really helped me understand how the stock market works Thank you
Comment from : @Liz-fx4kr

Can you hold it though You already put the 25 into it how long can you wait on that number on the value of a stock and definitely and at any point would you ever pay more than the $25 I'm just regular stocks no splits or anything like that
Comment from : @yegersr4844

Is there a time limit thoe??? Like can you sell it in like 3-5 years??? Anyone?
Comment from : @simplex1

This happens to 90 percent of traders and lose So the rule of thumbs is when you wanna buy just short the stock because when it falls you make money
Comment from : @MaxiiProduction

Wouldn’t you not lose money if you just held on to the stock, and decide to sell it once it’s over 25$?
Comment from : @2380knight

Can you lose more money than you actually put into a stock?
Comment from : @O-Brien98

Yes, but technically couldn't I just hold my stock until it goes back up, just never sell my stock when it is lower than the price i bought it for Thank you for all your help
Comment from : @liamclayton8181

Wait How do people go into debt from the stock market? Do they borrow the money that they put inside the stock market
Comment from : @Umbooms

Hi Clay, is it possible to lose lose money even if your stocks are going up? I had a well diversified portfolio and my stocks were going up I looked at my overall money and the account kept going down I had to sell everything just to stop this It’s being investigated on my app but can this happen?
Comment from : @Joethebro101

Is it possible in any situation to go into a debt from trading stocks? Probably a stupid question
Comment from : @bubba_swag5258

Him saying "if you understand I get it, its basic but some people don't know, thats why its 101" thank you lol
Comment from : @tony-me6uo

What would happen if you keep the stock until the price rises?
Comment from : @lasandunimjaya6206

This is great and clear but I'm a bit confused re how superannuation works If I have a lump in my super do they invest all of it or parts and what happens if there are crashes like March 2020? Do I just lose part of my investment? Could I feasibly end up with less super if shares are sold low to cut losses? Also, don't most companies pay out dividends end of financial year? Do you have to be holding shares at dividend pay out time to get that dividend? If you buy and sell all the time I guess that's how you're getting return not waiting for dividends
Comment from : @classicalchemist

Wow this is a good explanation 👏 I get now Thank you so much I was scared that losing money means that they take more money from your bank account to sustain it
Comment from : @shironjoroge2763

But clay, I don't care if my stock went to $20 or $1, I am still getting paid dividends, so I will never sell, the only time I will lose if stock goes to $0 and completely bust, am i correct?
Comment from : @deanadam8948

Comment from : @TheArris1

Can we connect? I can share my plan with you and ask few doubts too It's quite confusing right now I am struggling with stuff
Comment from : @JayTheMachine

Is this strategy fine? As I am kind of thinking of doing mix of day trading and long term, I will chose companies after my brief research and analysis, and will make sure they are huge So that I know they won't close it's door just like that
Comment from : @JayTheMachine

Hey buddy I have few questions I am getting started and planing my game to earn my first million from stocks, so I am being extra careful with everything, and I for love of my life I can't understand how we lose money in stock Read next comment
Comment from : @JayTheMachine

say i buy stock for 25, i get that i can lose that 25 but can i lose more than that? if so please explain
Comment from : @braxdenkrause6577

Will you ever owe money when buying or selling stocks?
Comment from : @loganbrower3445

so you dont go into dept if the market makes the money go down but its more like you missed out on making more money cuz no one is increasing the amount past 25?
Comment from : @shadowcery_edits4134

But I may get divided right!!
Comment from : @MrGowthamsreenivas

I've been looking for something at this level for quite a while Thank you so much!!!
Comment from : @brendajones8961

What about if you don't wanna sell right now? And wait till the price goes up again??
Comment from : @mustafaalmayyah9637

Wow This was very helpful thank you
Comment from : @tomasdzvonik4998

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler You did insult my intelligence and I am glad you did You just taught me how to ride a bike without stablizer Thank you ( PS I just wrote in because I saw you actually answer still with all of this great substential number of subs) I was skeptical about it because the thumbnail is so not well thought out But I am glad I wasn't dumb enough to skip the video because of the thumbnail Love from Italy Greatest thing I learned today! Thank You!
Comment from : @realpasqualecioffi

What if we KEEP the share for long time till i get some profit?brIs this possible?
Comment from : @aniketghatage4926

So if I put $100 into a stock, I can't lose more than $100 correct?
Comment from : @24melvinkyle

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