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Learn ANY Language Effortlessly with this LAZY Method

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Comments Learn ANY Language Effortlessly with this LAZY Method

StoryLearning's Black Friday Sale is on now - this is the best time of the year to grab a course if you're interested: br🥳 genius/SLBlackfriday2025 👈
Comment from : @matt_brooks-green

Most underrated language channel
Comment from : @Syrox_FX

English is my second language which am fluent enoughin Now am going for french and looking up best ways to learn ut on internet and also watched this video with french subtitles and tried to focus on words i see
Comment from : @violonist-pl4tt

I see that you watch dreaming spanish on yt, they are truly amazing, love them! I just started watching them about 2 months ago, and now I am able to watch their intermediate videos and understand about 80 of the stuff I actually learned some words without ever looking them up in the dictionary, just from the context and purpose of their use brI also unconsciously learned English that way, but still I don't understand everything and need to focus a lot while listening The weird thing is that I can understand the quite advanced physics class on yt in english, but can't watch the tv show without english subtitles
Comment from : @matwyr24

I don't look up Spanish words, and I wouldn't have a clue what they're saying
Comment from : @j2shoes288

I am a native Arabic speaker and I am looking for someone who speaks Spanish so we can learn from each other 💗
Comment from : @HaninefreihFre

I feel the order of acquisition fully applies to mathematics also That's why a lot of children have problems with mathematics
Comment from : @harveyedwards2272

Order of Acquisitionbr- don’t have to force information into our brain
Comment from : @DrDandyyy

Being interested is a must Understanding patterns is how I am absorbing it Watching a show, using an app and if possible talk to someone who knows it I am using a bit of each Remove the fear of making mistakes as well One big help is to learn it while you are doing something you hate to do Get two things done at one time This is how I am getting there
Comment from : @williamramos3350

You know you can also just use captions in spanish
Comment from : @Boxprosyt

You look like thst streamer whose name begins with a J I think from the when the impostor is sus meme
Comment from : @deceasedposter

I'm a very slow learner and I want to learn Turkish I'm more of a reality escapist so it's hard for me to have interest in things what's the best way for someone like me who is way below average levelbrAlso would appreciate if you could let me know the prompt you used to learn the language
Comment from : @keepitshort4208

Let me ask you a quick Matt If I crash your door at 4 am and ask you to sing me Spanish songs for $300 a song how many can you sing??? That's ok if you are off pitch and OK if you don't remember more than half of the song
Comment from : @guitpizz

This is the real method not lazy method
Comment from : @belakeb9953

Yemede yanında yat:)
Comment from : @efebayndr888

Pablo from DS is da goat🐐
Comment from : @u_ok

This may be because I was young but my english is self taught I started consuming english content from a young age and I’m really good at… idk… english in general I guess
Comment from : @Youdontknowme-t1f

So what should I be absorbing as an absolute beginner? I thought maybe nursery rhymes in the language that I'm trying to learn
Comment from : @Carmidian

So if you want to learn a language from scratch, how do you find comprehensible input? brWithout a vocabulary (from study) there is no comprehensible input
Comment from : @randomclick2826

Fair point about time management and language learning This is what holds people back the most in my opinion brI find drilling vocabulary and verbs incredibly effective - also speaking as early as possible This is harder and quicker - but takes up time and mental energy which are not always available brGreat idea about slowly increasing difficulty level to reproduce the process of learning in childhood
Comment from : @WingBroJoseph

The real problem appears when we try to speake or write Can we say that the process is going forward when we understand, but can't create?
Comment from : @matheusmorais8563

I'd like to hear how you speak Spanish
Comment from : @nc7547

A youtuber watched the same animated film 50 times when he was a beginner in a foreign language What do you think of that method? I’m sceptical
Comment from : @PedroMachadoPT

I am not a linguist but having observed toddlers acquiring language, if you really think about it toddlers spend a long time taking in a language before doing much producing of a language As an adult you can probably do it faster but spending a long while absorbing just seems like a very normal part of the process
Comment from : @Tommygrl1327

Comment from : @밀수-i8r

Nowadays I started learning Spanish language, I only study 30 minutes a day and the entire day I listen to a Mexican radio on an app, watch Spanish videos, read some articles in Spanish and listen to some podcast My plan is to reach B2 level before 2025😊
Comment from : @MahmoudElhawary

Mein Vater ist groß
Comment from : @LeFrxgge

Trying to learn Russian and I started watching bojack horseman again with the Russian dub and out of the seven episodes I’ve watched I learned how to say thank you and “suck a dick dumb shits”
Comment from : @JackBlackYakAttack

Good on you for having Lazy Chinese in the video at least in the background, her videos are some of the absolute best for acquiring chinese! I bought her 7$ a month subscription to her website for exclusive videos just to support her and there are some pretty good extra videos on there
Comment from : @jmbarbarossa7920

You have basically said nothing
Comment from : @vertigo2894

This is how i learned english as a kid Mind you, its my 2nd language but i kept getting input becausse it is literally unavoidable Almost everyone speaks (or at least understands) it and youtube was all english This is why i unironically say minecraft youtubers taught me more english than school lol
Comment from : @algirdasltu1389

Actual vid starts at 7:25, before this is all fluf
Comment from : @stevenjenkins4334

No, this is actually true I low-key actually did this and now I am fluent in English, Spanish, German French and Italian Oh also mandarin
Comment from : @superfreddy9873

Honestly this is how Spanish has been for me I’ve stopped being worried about learning a specific thing at a specific time; rather I focus on language learning as a lifelong process
Comment from : @xeno_phobik

Comment from : @elmede2949

Okay, it's been a year since this video do you speak and read Chinese now? I'm willing to bet that you don't
Comment from : @iamprsn9

Top-notch video! Many thanks to the author of the channel for the recommendations! The problem with many people is that they want to take a "magic pill" or get "secret knowledge" and immediately have skills and abilities However, the truth of life is that knowledge, skills, and abilities do not come by themselves You can't learn a foreign language without doing anything, without wasting your time and effort, just like you can't learn to ride a bike lying on a comfy couch, listening to lectures and watching videos about "modern methods of learning" on a bike To really learn something, you have to really practice every day You're going to fall down while you're learning, and you're going to get bumps - that's normal! The ups and downs of learning are an integral part of our lives Motivation from success and depression from failure will always be your study companions However, every student has problems in his or her studies that he or she lacks the knowledge to solve It can be: poor memorization of words; no progress in language learning; the student can speak, but does not understand speech by ear; misunderstanding of grammar; incorrect pronunciation, etc Agree that a problem you don't know how to solve is very demotivating In order to find the answer to our question we have to spend a lot of time to read videos, articles and books by polyglots In today's world, we have to solve problems as quickly as possible I don't have time to study and analyze a huge amount of information My goal is to master the basic knowledge of a foreign language as quickly as possible and already start earning money effectively in the international arena I settled on the practical guide by Yuriy Ivantsiv " Polyglot Notes: practical tips for learning foreign language" This book is always in my bag If I have a problem while learning a language, I quickly find the answer in this book There are many different techniques and tips for learning a foreign language in Polyglot Notes I have made my own individual schedule and plan for language learning Now I know what I am going to study, how I am going to study, when I am going to study and what results I am going to achieve No problem could stop me! With an effective language learning plan my professional skills are more and more in demand internationally every day Friends, don't stop there! Everyone has talents that millions of people around the world need! Learn the language and make your ideas and dreams come true! Thanks to the author of the channel for the informative and useful video! Your videos motivate me
Comment from : @matildawolfram4687

por cierto, veo canales de expertos en castellano enseñando a ingleses a hablar, la verdad q los oigo como nativo y me dan la risa la mayoria, que suena eso que yo no se que parecen la mayoria, mismo caso con los hispano-parlantes que quieren sonar como nativos,un poco de cringe LoL , para mi , la mejor idea es la que dices tu, comprenhensible input, porq si es divertido no te cuesta
Comment from : @MomentViralVideo

ojala hablase yo ingles como hablo castellano, que da gusto verme, sin embargo en la lengua inglesa está el tema complicado Supongo que en castellano será aún más complicado con todos los acentos y eso pero la entonación del inglés es algo complicado de dominar yo llevo tantas horas estudiando que ya tengo la paranoia de si lo que tardo en concatenar palabras en castellano es normal o lo estoy haciendo más lento por tener que buscar las palabras en mi cabeza os lo dejo escrito en castellano asi practicais, un saludo desde España
Comment from : @MomentViralVideo

Tha lightning of this video is horrendous, and I loved it brBTW, I want to watch Ricky and Morthy in greek
Comment from : @andre_santos2181

This is the method i use As lazy and fun as possible I can always pull out a youtube video or textbook if i am curious about learning something more complicated But, if i just study, it would be unpleasant and i would learn very little I just do input, in context, at my level or just above
Comment from : @tempestrimuru846

I think it should be 50/50
Comment from : @martingamez2488

I only use duolingo to learn the symbols and get a solid basic understanding Afterwards watching YouTube helps a bit But I am not in a rush I just want to learn 5 languages :D
Comment from : @TDK-Ouros

I have so much trouble trying to find things I'm interested in that are not in my native language
Comment from : @coasternut3091

Any good sources to learn Egyptian arabic?
Comment from : @brianrasmussen2956

Good points Thanks
Comment from : @LindaLF2582

Please, what is the learning method mentioned in the video?
Comment from : @SamA-xu9gy

Very very concise You talk about very complex things in simple terms That shows immense experience and thought before writing this video Well done Matt The point I resonate most is: follow the routine that you can stick to My chalenge is I always want to "do more" to "get there faster" but that leads to weeks and months of no effort because I've developed some sort of resentment towards it I ahd to realise this after 10 years of dedication to French and stop/start of other languagesbrbrHow many takes did you do for this video? :)
Comment from : @CauterizeKing

I've watched a few of your videos and really like the content But I can't find the answer to this question: If you are an absolute beginner in the language, especially if it does not use the same alphabetical system as you, how much learning do you need to do before being able to do language acquisition? If I don't know Arabic, I cannot read a basic story So don't we need to do some studying to get started? and if so, how much?
Comment from : @jojobrauer

I just watched english YouTube Videos and BAM, Here we are
Comment from : @quersis2121

is there somenody who needs a german speaking partner? really could use one
Comment from : @veramatysova6047

Hi, could you recommend any of the channels you started watching in Spanish to help me understand the type of content you were watching and how you found them? Cheers!
Comment from : @petergoodwin7038

Comment from : @mustafachandajunior643

Please trim that gross tuft of hair
Comment from : @tomravenscraft3582

his pointer is a spatula?????
Comment from : @dn-anonymous

This is just spot on! Sometimes the most effective method is the one that requires less effort Take me for instance, when I was avidly learning French attending classes and all that I understood but couldn't do much outside the classroom but by binging Kdramas, listening to Kpop, snooping around K news with Immersive Translate and watching subbed shows I can even speak I thought it was crazy but it probably is how the brain works when it feels relaxed it's easier to capture
Comment from : @NgocKhueSonCa

Siapa nama kamu
Comment from : @mustafachandajunior643

Uh,,,,,, Spanish is sooooo easy for Eng speaker a 1 out of 10 Cognates Same WRITTEN alphabet Try Thai It is 50X harder So, your advice is not helpful for the difficult languages your way, and I could learn Mandarin or Thai, in 20 years
Comment from : @fugguhber4699

It would be important to point out that there is a huge difference between acquiring that language enough to understand something and acquiring it to the point of carrying a well thought out conversation Yes, comprehensible input is great, and yes, we do need to expose ourselves to a huge amount of stimuli, but having a conversation in a foreign language and dealing with every day situations is not something every self proclaimed language learner/polyglot can do So, an advice for anyone here reading and/or feeling like it's not going as it should, most of the people who claim they know a language and put '0' effort into understanding it, make a tremendous amount of mistakes, a lot of which would be easily corrected if they just stopped trying to prove their point so hard We all make mistakes, both people who enjoy studying and those who don't, there are different ways of learning something, and as long as you have a varied amount of stimuli (video/audio/sound/interaction) you'll do just fine :)
Comment from : @andrestrigo4618

Podcasts are great you can play them over and over also songs are great to learn singing along is both fun and you practising pronunciation without realising it And I found that listening to interviews on YT gives helpful insights into the everyday language
Comment from : @jonwatwood

This is the best ad I've seen in ages
Comment from : @CosmicTourist

I love that you said, am I going to sit around all day study in Spanish! Because there’s so many videos online that says you can learn Spanish in 60 days and become fully conversational and one of the Youtubers said he study Spanish for up to eight hours a day for 44 days realistically, no adult have time to do that!
Comment from : @Countrygirl8019

The LHS of your face in the thumbnail is exactly how I look like, studying German for 10 hours for an exam 😂😂
Comment from : @mayasharma5598

With the comprehensible input (for example i also solely watch Dreaming Spanish), do you recommend watching with the spanish subtitles or none at all? Many thanks, this vlog has reassured me 😀 great content!
Comment from : @nickjones6186

To be fair, it has taken me like, 13 years since the beggining of my life, but i am basically fluent in english without studying
Comment from : @Think_mate_lol

I have tried many options for many years in Spanish There are still even now, times when a native speaker and it is still difficult to understand I can converse well, but often have to hear things repeatedly
Comment from : @cad4060

Comment from : @ginabisaillon2894

cool video)
Comment from : @марьямВасильева-в7у

When I was 13 I started to watch yt videos in English with a very bad level, stuck with it and without any studying I'm the bilingual and the best in English class
Comment from : @tomthb8439

Im just starting to learn russian as a native bilingual person and i find that being a native english and french speaker helps lots, cause i have 2 whole vocabularies to use to make links with russian
Comment from : @sachiekat1238

For me, speaking my target language is very important because I feel like it cements in my mind the things I've learned I learn by doing, and I consider speaking one of those things I do to get better at learning the language brbrI also completely agree that the thing you'll actually do is the most effective way to learn Very good advice
Comment from : @vtv5558

OK, how do you determine what is 'comprehensible', and how do you actually come to comprehend it while just listening? Aren't you having to look stuff up?
Comment from : @MatthewMcVeagh

Im watching a video on how to learn languages in a language that is not my native language
Comment from : @MaximAndrianov-f6g

This video is very helpful😊
Comment from : @justinwhaley1288

Why don't they teach second languages like how children learn their first?
Comment from : @kevinkall8547

Hola me encanto tu video estoy en super estancada en mi nivel soy intermedio en ingles asi que mirare tu video varias veces ya que me gusta y asi preaticare mi input,gracias
Comment from : @yudylenis6048

Your final bit about how you're 900 hours in and you're understanding but not speaking honestly makes a ton of sense I've tried learning languages in the past and they all emphasized speaking WHILE learning to understand But as a person, I definitely listened and understood English being spoken to me for a long time before really being able to formulate my own thoughts into a sentence that made any sense beyond "See Jane run This is Jane's ball The ball is round"
Comment from : @SophiaLamont-b5t

Thank you for this informative video Your advice makes a lot of sense The only problem is that for some languages (including several I'm learning) materials like podcasts and graded readers simply don't exist thus I'll have a very hard time learning them in a lazy way
Comment from : @turulszervac1714

Right on You convinced me Efficiency and best use of time should matter more to me And I see I aint never gonna learn no Chinese in any fullness by nose-grinding
Comment from : @ranhat2

All lazy people are here😂
Comment from : @musafir123

Peppa Pig enters the chat
Comment from : @jaypence332

How do you learn british language?
Comment from : @Alex100TV

Try learning hindi effortlessly 😭
Comment from : @Javier-vi6db

What you are describing is the experience of many many second language english speaker that became nearly bilingual simply by being exposed to an astronomical quantity of cultural content in english since the internet, and were able to massively apply the limited knowledge aquired in school All this language input makes you proficient in "sensing" if a sentence is correct or not simply by comparing with what your brain is used to hear or read, you aquire the language "blueprint" and you stop any king of translating to understand and speak Sometimes, those speaker even write and speak more "correct" english than those who have it as a first language, because they've been exposed to more variations of the language than what is directly and habitually accessible to a native speaker
Comment from : @ouicertes9764

thanks from NASA
Comment from : @sabreenahalalldeen6428

I speak American, British, Australian, Canadian, and Antarctican
Comment from : @blixx8931

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