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I Feel Like Renting is Wasting Money

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Title :  I Feel Like Renting is Wasting Money
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Comments I Feel Like Renting is Wasting Money

Work with a trusted real estate agent when you are ready to buy: bitly/3CWZGsS
Comment from : @TheRamseyShow

That's a solid amount to get started with The first thing that comes to mind is either putting it toward a down payment on a rental property or looking into real estate investment trusts A rental property can give you consistent cash flow, but REITs are more hands-off
Comment from : @catrin-e3g

It’s the definition of waste Literally a poor tax
Comment from : @Barf-so3qy

I lost over $80k when everything started to tank Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said I'm still responsible It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly Thanks Suzanne
Comment from : @JakeSullivan-h2i

The key is to not buy your dream home first and it will 100 be better than renting I bought a studio condo and my mortgage payment is easily at least $500-$1000 cheaper than any possible rent I can find and it's going towards building equity while being able to save a lot more per month than if I was renting Once paid off, it will be crazy how cheap I can be living if I stay here but eventually I do want to sell it and buy a modest house once it makes sense financially I'm so grateful I decadent to buy my studio condo instead of renting I'd be struggling if I was renting but I'm not with my mortgage
Comment from : @JustMe-XSE23

Their income, 130000 net used to be the price of a house That is how bad inflation has become
Comment from : @aurorerich

1:19 Stewie ahhh football
Comment from : @OS3Richie

Yeah well Dave not everyone is rich enough to buy a house in this market Or get paid well enough to save alot of money in a short span of time especially if you have parents that want you out the house before you can legally drink or smoke weed
Comment from : @stevenpage8571

We need to feel less and think more
Comment from : @nickabbott2242

On the plus side, you can report your rent to the credit bureaus, or you can get a ledger of payments from the bank for an independent mortgage underwriting company Renting is not that bad because it gives you a representation of how well you pay your bills
Comment from : @BottomLineBassin2

Not to mention, people love to forget about the amount of interest, insurance and property taxes they pay every year on the home they ownbrbrI own multiple rental properties and rent the house I live in well below my means It works great for my wife and I
Comment from : @lukeblankenship8424

The first 20 years of a 30 year mortgage is wasting money, it's all interest
Comment from : @TonyStark-rw7en

this video is really insightful, and I appreciate the perspectives shared! However, I have to say that I don’t completely agree with the idea that renting is a waste of money sometimes, it makes more sense for people to rent due to flexibility or lifestyle choices what do you all think?
Comment from : @bourn-y4v

2000$ to rent a nice place? Canadian here, hold my beer
Comment from : @BobbySickString

I sometimes question the integrity of some of these callers; both are making $130,000 at 23 years old However, she's reaching out for advice on a YouTube channel Hmmm, okay
Comment from : @anthonyparker78

Spoken like a true boomer who hasn’t adjusted their frame of reference to the reality of our world in 2024 🤡
Comment from : @thegc5824

$2000 for rent is not expensive That’s low-average
Comment from : @Dimas5

Im just renting a room so I can crush all my debt first before I take on a home brbrThats smart
Comment from : @CraftyMiscreant

Rent:$1600 Mortgage: $3000
Comment from : @KidCodyful

Ask your grandparents if they rented…
Comment from : @spencerbehler

Lol this guy is really channeling Dave on this call, love it ❤️
Comment from : @TheDJRiffin

Back in the day, when I purchased my first home to live-in; that was Miami in the early 1990s, first mortgages with rates of 8 to 9 and 9 to 10 were typical People will have to accept the possibility that we won't ever return to 3 If sellers must sell, home prices will have to decline, and lower evaluations will follow Pretty sure I'm not alone in my chain of thoughts
Comment from : @sirheisenberg4459

Mine were forgiven for public service after 10 years:)
Comment from : @Trimexsoccer360

what I do is to find empty houses and rent them out to people
Comment from : @tmilholin7552

NO SPEND 2025!!!!
Comment from : @meghancanoler6389

Don’t buy something so young Why not have flexibility to move for work or you to be able expand family
Comment from : @Feyenoord101

Dave the dinosaur needs to work on his delivery Info good delivery terrible
Comment from : @omegaplumbing

I want an update on this lady
Comment from : @enydreaddy6622

Dave needs to update his rental price spreadsheet
Comment from : @BlazerLz

I don't think the math adds up in this example at all! Buy the house, I bet the mortgage will be significantly lower than rent College debt isn't credit card debt It's cheap debt I think the savings from a lower mortgage payment vs rent would actually save them loads of money and they would actually pay off their loans quicker once moving into a house I'm all for being frugal and paying off debt quickly
Comment from : @AgainsaidBen

They absolutely ripped her apart But she was lucky to hear it
Comment from : @FromTheMosh

Theres no way you’re aggressively paying off 80k debt in 15y with a 130k salary Had to turn off this video after that one
Comment from : @airysm

Dave missed a good opportunity with this conversation "can i have extra cheese with that margarita" 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @dlbia9569

Student loans forgiven for 53million borrowers brDollar inflated by 20 from when this video was posted until now brThe interest rate was below 5 at the timebrImagine if they actually paid off their loan instead of buying a house brThey now have to buy a more expensive house, with a lower relative salary at a higher interest rate with a deposit they don't have because they spent it on a debt that they didn't need to pay back
Comment from : @Shenyslap

No its not You pay for the convenience of not having to deal with anything
Comment from : @Ihopeitsnottoobig

not any more its not
Comment from : @RickGrimes-tr3ug

I cant decide whats more insane how high the student credit is or that they are unironically thinking about buying a house and think renting is wasting money
Comment from : @KingofSchubi

It’s not if you have a LLC or an established business But Dave won’t talk about that
Comment from : @Digitalbandz888

I don't see the logic, it seems sound to postpone paying student debts, just like one would postpone credit payments instead of paying straight away
Comment from : @ConnorGaughan-n2u

With the housing prices nowadays It might be difficult to purchase a home With renting, it might be beneficial if you’re using Chexy to pay for rent using your credit card and earn points from it It’s a win win if you know how to utilize your credit card and have the right card for it Pay it off every month, repeat

I'm sorry Dave is not giving good advice 2000 a month in arlington is not a super nice place It's probably a 600 sq foot apartment with no amentities Stay there You are making 260,000 a year household income at 23 There's no need to live on rice and beans in a crummy apartment 80k debt for a household making that amount so early is gonna be trivial
Comment from : @greencovers33

$2000/month gets you nothing in my area right now
Comment from : @cupbowlspoonforkknif

Buy a house cash or mortgage for 8 years Anymore than 8 years and the bank cons-tinues to get rich and Taxes will continue to skyrocket You lose money either way You cannot take $ it with you No one has ever seen a uhaul behind a hearse
Comment from : @coachjavierchavez8098

In atlanta it's 3000 a month 2000 is nothing
Comment from : @fruitypebblez4309

how do you make $130,000 net and only rent and not own a house?
Comment from : @itsthemuscledad38

And people often look at their rent and think “I’m paying $2000 rent so I can afford bra $2000 mortgage” They’re has to calling the landlord every time a lightbulb goes out The first time they have to pay major appliance repair/replacement, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and they will have a heart attack!! And like Dave said, no one wants to live in a dumpy little newlywed apartment anymore, just lien that first “starter” house doesn’t exist anymore Everyone at 25 thinks they “deserve” their “dream home” People making their own messes
Comment from : @alliesmom2946

Didn’t she say they make 130k each? Like, 260k in total
Comment from : @Steph1

so true been telling people this for years and used to work as a mortgage broker people dont understand the value you create of owning a house owning a house is like owning a castle no one will evict you its yours your castle renting on the other hand, if your landlord decided to evict you, you will be homeless also mortgage is static and only goes up n down depending on your rates rent? rent price only goes upbrbronly idiiots like kiyosaki, graham stephan and etc who would advocating renting over owning one thing that gives you advantage when you own your place is you build equity
Comment from : @waterboi4846

"What're you, congress?" is such a good roast
Comment from : @weeeee33

"YOLO is the new way of saying" Meanwhile in reality, nobody has unironically used "YOLO" since 2013😂
Comment from : @BOYHUNF

Just sold a property in San Antonio and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying it’s ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains within months, I'm really just confused at this point
Comment from : @stanleyfujiwara1394

Who the fuck is "Sally May"
Comment from : @johnmayor5121

I hate this argument I hate the fact that people say you are wasting your money renting Why should I race out and buy a home and put myself in debt when I can rent and not have to worry about any of the other costs that come with a home Some people have no choice but to rent Most people also sell there home off before it’s even paid off so technically they rented the whole time
Comment from : @ryans413

pay rent or have an asset increasing in value Terrible advice
Comment from : @dantae666

2:01 he’s talking about 2k for a couple being too much for rent!!??
Comment from : @justinchamberlain3443

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @JonathanBram

If I bought a house now, my interest payments would start out higher than what I'm currently paying in rent Food for thought
Comment from : @kalebbruwer

2k is like baseline rent in DC theyre doin fine
Comment from : @arrtwo1375

My wife and I have no debt and double their household income but house prices are too damn crazy Just gonna keep investing our extra income for now
Comment from : @ElloAsty

i just love seeing this young black guy and this old white dude talk finances 🙏🏽
Comment from : @neezuss

5:10 whoops
Comment from : @mattbowden1981

I’m glad I found you and your teachings brThanks a lot for all you do
Comment from : @fahada1921

$130k each or together??
Comment from : @dohnjoe735

Lmao 2k a month in Arlington is not a nice place in Arlington I live in a one bedroom that’s 530sq feet and it’s 1950, not even in downtown Arlington, it’s off Columbia heights People have no idea what they’re talking about
Comment from : @trevorhsu6357

Talk to anyone that bought 5, 10, 20 years ago Their mortgage is a fraction of what rent is
Comment from : @Ryan125y

Bought first appartement at 31 but With the company I cofounded, was a job perk instead of paying ourselves better (and getting taxed) and we had 7 years of strong finances to show Bought my first home alone personally at 35
Comment from : @thomascuvillier7250

Buying a house while in debt is like wiping your crevasse while in the violent throws of explosive diarrhea
Comment from : @TheAlmightyRuler1

2k in rent is insane, that’s how much some houses are a month
Comment from : @Icookadapizza

I feel like the banks not giving me a morgage for a place i can afford to rent is fucked
Comment from : @lootangshellhouse2506

Assets Are Key sure they can slow you down and even make you poor the next 20 Years because Interest of the Bank Loan but once you did most if not all the Contracts and Pay you earn More Cash Each Month you get 100 pay 30 Repair Tax and Hidden Cost and get 70 for Yourself
Comment from : @Jakkaribik1

you know what keeps your for usury
Comment from : @dariusdreams8480

I live in a 3rd world country (South Africa) cannot believe how instantly rich😳💰💰 you'll become until you start living in your car (renovate /buy a panel vehicle put a bed n stove cupboards and live in it)
Comment from : @mpumelelobeyers957

They are getting a divorce
Comment from : @joeburch9220

Looks like all the anti rent comments have been purged but I will give it a shot brRenting is dead money It is a waste of money and lifebrI hate renting I hate landlordsbrNobody rents out of choicebrUniversities groom people into a life of rentalbrHousing prices and sky high deposits trap people into this destructive life cycle brNo wonder people are on anti-depressantsbrSlavery wasn't abolished It was reinventedbrIf your renting you are an exploited homeless person
Comment from : @paulgibbons2320

Comment from : @gonzalorocha

Rent, save up when you're renting and put a huge down payment when you're ready
Comment from : @benjaminkelley

Do they have a specific reason for living in Arlington? Probably not, move further out
Comment from : @imetaboyiusedtoknow8308

Not really, when renting will help save me some money For example, i can afford a $3000 a month home but opted to rent for $1100, now I'm able to put that 2kish per month into an index fund that yieldson average13 per yr, just imagine 15 yrs from now what the returns will be vs if i had gone for the house Also people having to sell because of rising rates pricing them out of their own homes
Comment from : @modernsoccer1860

video importee dans ma tete trilingue
Comment from : @cloverlengocphuong2197

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