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How much money is NASA wasting getting back to the moon?


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Title :  How much money is NASA wasting getting back to the moon?
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Comments How much money is NASA wasting getting back to the moon?

Nonsuch thing as wasting money when it comes to space programs
Comment from : @SacredOwl

First of all let’s get the facts straight, we have never been to the moon That was the propaganda of the space race Humanity cannot leave low earth orbit due to the Van Allen belt Look it up and stop being so gullible
Comment from : @turyjordan3827

Get rid of SLS its pointless and unsustainable
Comment from : @marsspacex6065

Yet another government agency that needs to be completely eliminated
Comment from : @TickedOffPriest

The first time the President announced sending people back to the moon after Nixon canceled Apollo was G H W Bush in a speech in '89 I think SLS will be canceled before people get to the moon
Comment from : @whatthef911

Lost me to the blatant misinformation within the first 30 seconds Come on Reason, you guys of all people know that the government doesn't have money WE have money and the government takes it from us
Comment from : @carlthecaveman

NASA has already given travel to LEO to private industry Bravo ARTEMIS needs to be a) successful and b) the final technology demonstration of going to the moon Private industry is ready for the moon TODAY including manned missions SLS/ARTEMIS should be the last time government wastes money developing space transport Let SpaceX et al take over the cislunar transport business and let NASA put taxpayer dollars toward the next next frontier
Comment from : @adamdejesus4017

Meanwhile a blind eye is turned to the 21 TRILLION thrown into the military budget from 02'-22'
Comment from : @wildtwindad

It's a complete waste of our money!!!!!
Comment from : @Userhfdryjjgddf

Nasa is money laundering program
Comment from : @4mp3d

the biggest expanse and space is between their ears, wasting trillions of $ on a pipe dream instead of fixing problems on the ground, all those WASTED tax dollars could have gone to something beneficial on the ground
Comment from : @jimwilson4043

The money that NASA has spent on the SLS in the last 10 years would keep the US Defence Industry afloat for about 14 days The Artemis Budget is about 1 of the Defence spending Think about that before you try to assess the cost of returning to the moon compared to building machines to kill people in a war that doesn't exist
Comment from : @tedsmith6137

If china would do this project going to the moon the true cost would be vague They have dirt cheap peasant labor 😏 Today going to the moon is a money road compared to the 1960s
Comment from : @qzorn4440

I like you guys but this total misrepresentation and if you were informed on this it info you’d know the deadlines aren’t hard dates and safety much more important
Comment from : @coolranch7537

SLS is a joke It is literally assembled in a parking lot in New Orleans East
Comment from : @Sunset4Semaphores

Artemis program is built around the SLS The SLS cannot carry a lander but is expected to “land” us back on the moon
Comment from : @thomasnelson5010

It take the government to screw everything up as horrific as possible
Comment from : @johnmicheal3547

Comment from : @christopherreed2694

Comment from : @christopherreed2694

Evil thy name is nasa 🙏
Comment from : @christopherreed2694

They can't the government uses nasa to control the stolen tax payers money and slow down humanity we can't afford to eat in this world why are we talking about the moon this is evil
Comment from : @christopherreed2694

This is just Muskrat Propaganda
Comment from : @keeganyocum3300

2:33 Spot a nazi
Comment from : @tiagoaazilva

The military budget is $773 billion yet you are whining about $24 billion used to explore the cosmos
Comment from : @infinitemonkey917

They never went and will never go
Comment from : @yeshuathechrist5213

$41 Billion per launch So ten launches per Ukraine aid package?
Comment from : @bill3143

This figures and comparisons in this vid are dubious The Nasa SLS-Block1 costs between $2B and $4B per launch according to various sources The $41B requires evidence The Falcon Heavy costs $97mill reusable, $150mill expendable bBUT/b these vehicles are not comparable in lift capacity Falcon Heavy IS NOT capable of carrying "80 of Artemis' load" - maybe 65 They should compare Artemis' SLS with SpaceX Starhip instead
Comment from : @stevealexander8010

NASA was effectively gutted by Obama They became relegated to putzing with climate change data, which as an enterprise, has so many overlaps in so many agencies, calling it the Department of Redundancy Department likely falls short in its description But when a politician needs to mangle and distort, severe compartmentalization becomes the order of the day - cherry picking becomes so much easier, andLysenko finds some new historical companions that reliably put politics over science
Comment from : @flinch622

Non sense
Comment from : @luketorres1408

Back to the moon implies that we’ve already went there 😂
Comment from : @jdk370

NASA is a Fraud !!!
Comment from : @raypennington5012

What a fucking joke! MASA needs to stop stealing our tax money
Comment from : @KnightRiderWRX

I am sure it is less waste than the just passed omnibus spending bill
Comment from : @carlwegener7544

I’d rather spend $93 billion over 10 years on a boondoggle space program than $80 billion per year on a corrupt “ally” in Ukraine
Comment from : @JayVal90

Cost effective, and Tasks with Purpose/Intentions which have payback to citizens taxpayers, investors, and in general humanity? No longer a dominance, or political issue?
Comment from : @stevenmaclellan3791

I don't think any of the private companies have accomplished trans lunar injection yet, Artemis has
Comment from : @jov7733

Take $100b from Ukraine's 2023 budget and fund the space program Problem solved
Comment from : @jov7733

It pays the mortgage ?
Comment from : @petermclelland278

"getting back" 👀lol
Comment from : @overtblowfish4439

NASA is just a way to tax the public to fund oligarchs They don't build or develope much considering their budget
Comment from : @hud86

I'd rather spend $100 billion on NASA than on more military spending NASA is 05 of annual budget
Comment from : @haydenbrophy9460

Trickle down…these guys will invent the next tang
Comment from : @schlempfunkle

Can't be more than we're giving Ukraine and other countries for border security
Comment from : @RezaQin

'Wasting'?!?brbrTell me that you're daft without telling me that you're daft
Comment from : @balvsmalvs5425

5:02 “Private companies have proven themselves to be more competent”brbrShows a picture of Boeing
Comment from : @startek119

I hate SLS so much
Comment from : @startek119

Nasa who do better managing programs and collaboration in helping making things better!
Comment from : @patrickday4206

SLS is from private contractors, it's just the MIC Divorcing space travel from the MIC will get us back on track
Comment from : @britefeather

We are going back because we need helium 3 and some other reasons it is actually important for national security the sad part is for national security reasons we are still using military contractors instead of private companies we are still doing things we don't trust private contractors to be involved in which cost us insanity more!
Comment from : @patrickday4206

None really Money doesn’t go to the moon It goes back into the economy…just saying Though the sls is not all that great
Comment from : @Chris-cv1ll

There might be Ukranians on the moon that need "protecting"
Comment from : @EricSmith9000

Try and see but like I've said there are others who might won't like it, because of humans militaristic behavior
Comment from : @alteans

We never went Lost the telemetry data (the most significant achievement in human history) Whoopsi, multiple diverging shadows indicating multiple light sources, rocks with prop letters on them, back drop staying consistent when in different locations miles apart, astronauts body language off when returned home, video of astronauts faking being half way to the moon when clearly in low earth orbit, official nasa photos showing moon rover without tire tracks in front or behind wheels after being driving as if it was placed with a crane (astronauts left clean prints with boots), we’re told to believe the LEM made it through space and radiation with walls as thin as 2 sheets of aluminum wrap (nasa employees admit that if pressed hard enough, a thumb would tear right through), wrinkles in and baggy space suits indicating they're not pressurized to combat vacuum of space (wouldn't be able to bend arms or legs so easily and have dramatic creases), no moon dust or debris in lander feet despite 10,000lb thrust engine, multiple passes through van Allen radiation belts even though nasa today claims they cannot go through it Shall I continue?
Comment from : @zacharymaes9404

SpaceX should quit NASA and just go without government money
Comment from : @wegder

The Space X boosters landing for the first time was the most amazing engineering feet humankind has ever achieved brWatching it for the first time, the feeling it gave, words couldn't even describe!
Comment from : @AxelWinterOutlaw

Can SpaceX provide rockets to other countries since they've received government funding?
Comment from : @butter_nut1817

Take a look at Thunderf00t YouTube channel Your picture of Elon might change a bit
Comment from : @fredrik3685

First of all, there is very little reason to send anyone to the moon or Mars, I struggle to understand the point As far as private companies are concerned let us not forget that these companies are piggybacking off of the expertise, tools, materials, and technologies that NASA pioneered over decades The are standing on the shoulders of NASA and trying to claim they did it all themselves I also think that Musks inane rantings on twitter show that he is certainly not the brains behind anything that happens at space x again, he's standing on the shoulders of his engineers and claiming it was all him
Comment from : @Argyuile3

Create an "X Prize" for a Mars landing Startup funding for each serious entry, and a huge reward for the winner
Comment from : @societyofrobots

👏👏 good video!
Comment from : @ramshambo2001

I for one look forward to these prequel seasons of "The Expanse"!
Comment from : @Brownyman

Does anyone really this this NASA lady wants to personally live in "deep space"? Doubtful Chances are, her expensive rockets are designed to neatly "dispose" and purge the Earth of the many all too many
Comment from : @matthewjames1172

Space Force!! 😮
Comment from : @lowbudgetmic

When did we get the super humans that will fly this Mars Mission??
Comment from : @DarrenGenge

The government should play a role in Breaking new ground, they have deeper pockets to dig into, but once it's figured out it should rely on hopefully some new business instead of just giving the contracts to the same companies that have had all the other contracts that have had cost overruns and time delays especially At the same time NASA also needs to get out of the control business They don't have to be Mama to every company that wants to launch a rocket as long as it meets the fact that it won't land on people
Comment from : @kalrandom7387

the thing with gov is that anything it does can be backed by violence, without practical or economical constrains all you get is stupid shit, ideally a gov's only task is to prevent all others from using violence, but once it can do that, who can tell it to stop there? so this is the end result, what you see as "waste" is just a convoluted way for the lucky few steering the leviathan against you to siphon your money into their pockets, once enough people catch on thats all they'll aim for until the state is employing half the population doing counterproductive crap like the SLS
Comment from : @EspHack

I would agree that NASA's role is best served in supporting research that has future importance but might lack a short term financial incentive needed for private funding along with guiding policy and regulations needed to ensure safe, cooperative use of space What i cant get behind is wastefully spending money on things that other can already do better, faster, cheaper while laying down heavy handed regulations designed more to support preferred vendors than to promote the use of space
Comment from : @willstikken5619

It ain't gonna be Musk who figures it out He's a Thomas Edison - it's other people who figure things out for him, so he can take the credit
Comment from : @bsmithhammer

Exploring outer space is a valid use of public funds because we're resource limited on Earth? I wonder if that NASA engineer understands the "space" part of outer space How far do you have go to find as many resources as we have right here? I suppose if she were a European ship builder in a bygone era she would have said that exploring the seas was imperative to the survival of the human race because they were resource limited in Europe
Comment from : @michaelfielding7723

A man who can't successfully build a Hyperloop can't successfully get us to MarsbrTraining wheels are fine, but you have to succeed at those If you can't, you don't get to move onto a motorcycle
Comment from : @RobBates

Until humanity can prove it is capable of responsibly and sustainably stewarding our own planet, we have no right to colonize other planets Earth's resources are in fact infinite if we use and care for them properly
Comment from : @normaspringsteentransforma8074

Strange sycophantic thumbnail of Elon Musk which actually had little to do with the video itself Maybe provacative click-bait thumbnails are all the rage these days, still surprising even Reason is jumping on the bandwagon
Comment from : @zinxin

You didn't mention that SpaceX would not even exist if not for receiving many billions from government
Comment from : @homewall744

If people think one week to delivery a letter via the USPS is good, no wonder we suffer nationalism rather than enjoy individual liberty
Comment from : @homewall744

I hope this is sarcasm because Musk is the biggest fraud in history
Comment from : @ChainsGoldMask

NASA is a government bureaucracy If it throws enough money at a project, as was done with Apollo, it might get the job done but it will cost and cost and cost This is even without considering the dishonest and secretive nature that NASA has displayed It is a tough call to assess which of the CIA and NASA is more drenched in slime per dollar spent
Comment from : @somewhere6

Spit-take on Trump reading, “This makes sure America’s space program leads and inspires all of humanity” Inspires??? ALL of humanity??? What a tool brbrIf corporations want to make the moon a tourist trap for billionaires, have at it Government should stay the hell out But they won’t Their corporate overlords don’t want to pay for any of it themselves: “More contracts, please!”
Comment from : @carlodave9

Musk will send nobody to Mars
Comment from : @ludwigvanzappa9548

Our technology to get into space is still so "primitive" in the safety sense Looking forward to a technological breakthrough that could lead to material/structure that could hold up and help develop a space elevator or something even better But there will likely be a movement against progress and journalists will write "here are 7 reasons why space elevators are racist" and government withholding mining permits for materials needed
Comment from : @MrGiggitygoo31

Still better spending than our outrageous military budget, prison industrial complex, and paying politicians and lobbyists If we're going to be a space faring civilization, we're going to have to come together on this There's some bull hockey that goes with it, and red tape, but this is for the greater good
Comment from : @Suicidekings_

Hell naw not dickriding Elon musk lmao
Comment from : @emmanuelchavez7748

We're going to Mars to make Mars Great Again 🤓👍
Comment from : @HarHah

We never have or never will get to "space" because it does not exist how we've been taught Look up " Operation Fishbowl" and You'll see that we cannot penetrate the firmament ie "low earth orbit"
Comment from : @moneybags7064

Oy vey This is a really good channel for libertarians it's a great channel very good quality if only the libertarian party worked Such a shame
Comment from : @jaimecostello1767

Everything we want to do in space can be done with unmanned spacecraft, for less cost After the ISS, we should terminate manned spaceflight The huge costs, which are not honestly disclosed by NASA, will not justify sending humans back to the moon or to Mars
Comment from : @michaelmcfeely6588

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