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Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money

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Title :  Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money
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Frames Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money

Description Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money

Comments Your money trauma starts at childhood | Your Brain on Money

My ex-husband grew up in a single mother home because his dad had died in the war My mother-in-law was good with money but 3 of her children, including the ex, were horrible with money It finally became the downfall of our marriage in addition to the fact that he molested my daughter
Comment from : @northshorelight35

I'm In My Late 30's & Just Starting To Have A Better Relationship With Money I'm The Difference Maker & Want To Show My Kids A Better Example Of Using Money As A Tool To Build Wealth Not To Worship Or Lose Relationships Over Get Your Mind Right & Money Can Flow In Abondance For Generations 🤗
Comment from : @Royals_Mindset

Jesus - why the loud music throughout this entire video!?! Painful
Comment from : @DC-vo1pj

How do i chance my money story ??
Comment from : @muzieka

As a child my single mother would parade around the apartment showing me her check stub from work She’d launch into a fit about how little she made etc sbrOn several occasions she’d see a homeless woman pushing a shopping cart down the street and remark that she hoped that would never happen to her I was a 13 years old, maybe less When she bought a new car ( first time in her life she did) she’d show me the coupon book and start to cry and become frantic This was even though she knew what her monthly payment would be when she signed on the dotted line at the dealer brNow, many years later whenever I’m unemployed I get really freaked out Maybe I’ll be the next person pushing a shopping cart or living on the doorstep of a random office building This negative thinking is without any evidence that this could remotely happen The trauma I felt through her is palpable I hate being without a paycheck
Comment from : @andrewsnow1933

are these scientists really trying to justify and normalise class warfare without realising that many people have money trauma because of society, not the other way around? the more I engage with history the more aware I am that sometimes the scientific method can really be quite blind in its obsession with theories - as usual, empiricism and pragmatism will eventually prevail
Comment from : @LokiBeckonswow

My mom never said things like "We can't afford that" Instead, she would lie and shame me into thinking I didn't deserve it She called me vain when I asked for an allowance to go out with my friends when I was 10 She lied that the art class I was interested in didn't want me as a student I still bear a deep shame surrounding asking for anything of anyone
Comment from : @tessacarstairs5998

Wow! Everyone’s experience is so different! That milk situation happened to me and my parents didn’t care about the change at all So I began to think as I did more and more errands lol that I get rewarded when I do things for others and that there’s always more than enough
Comment from : @JustCallMeOlu

No Kathleen, what your mum was trying to teach you is that other people's money isn't yours unless you agree it is
Comment from : @samuelnewitt6978

I first learned about money insecurity when I read an article about food insecurity and realizing hey that sounds like me with money and never realize it until that day that I do indeed have money insecurity I am a millionaire now but I always feel poor, and I hoard money so much I don't spend on anything and I always check on my bank account to keep me calm and reassure myself that I am safe Not sure if I can heal from this but being aware of those irrational thoughts definitely helps in some sort of way
Comment from : @SanlyLiuu

I was brought up by a Narc mother, I am healing shame around money in my 50's, focused on a better life for myself 🙏
Comment from : @hphoenix7974

As for Kathleen, it's a pass and no for taking any financial advice from her It's clear even now she doesn't see that it was wrong to keep the change because it did not belong to her
Comment from : @carolynwhite9975

Only thing my baby boomer parents ever said to me about money was, "that's not your business" Every time I asked about it I was treated like I was trying to steal I've never had any kind of healthy relationship with money
Comment from : @LogosFlow

My mom would just constantly say how we couldn’t afford this, couldn’t afford that… worry worry worry about money, all the time! I have scarcity mindset but I’m mad because I found out my mom had plenty of money all along!😢
Comment from : @bystandersarah

Great info, but very annoying background music very distracting and loud
Comment from : @ssubramanian605

I did not grow up poor I was raised in an upper middle-class home But I have very few memories of my early childhood up to the age of 11 One thing I do remember though was my narcissistic mother constantly telling me how much money I was costing my father every time I needed new clothes, or something got broken and needed replaced How am I supposed to heal mindsets I don't remember even making?
Comment from : @juliemcdonald1245

Knowing the prices of everything and the value of nothing We call that education Financialization is destroying us and we act like it’s a law of nature
Comment from : @bfrancis9898

My money trauma comes from nursing centers payments I don't like it not one bit Its more like a money down fall I can't see how they can pull off getting all except 50dollars of my earned income
Comment from : @JoslynShakur-e3p

the music is too loud
Comment from : @taekwan1

My parents struggled but they did a great job of hiding it They were extremely defensive/private about how much they made and what things cost Now I feel a sense of shame that I’m struggling to make ends meet for my own family
Comment from : @maxroy5246

Comment from : @kitcassim4156

Comment from : @kitcassim4156

I wish my parents scared the shit out of me & told me that money will destroy my life I didn't take money seriously enough when I was younger And school never taught me anything about money School taught me useless shit like how to dissect a frog & useless history that happened thousands of years ago The fuckin adults failed me! Now I'm in financial HELL!
Comment from : @sci-fitsunami

Still vague
Comment from : @ljkoh20052000able

This was a very disappointing video I really hoped that this video was going to have a scientific evidence based feel like many of the other big think videos on this channel However, the examples given were trivial, and it sounded more like pop psychology than science Additionally, the speakers often made comments such “you might think you have a lot of money” which seems quite odd to me, almost like these people only speak to upper middle class people interested in making more money This is really disappointing and unfortunate, especially as how parents model financial affairs can leave children at risk of serious psychological and social problems as adults Not only did we not hear anything about this research, but the examples the speakers gave were trivial, and the causal pathways “brain takes in information” “money story” were patronising and said nothing, and shed no light on issue The phrasing “if you grow up poor” is a patronising phrase, and the assertion that if you “grow up poor” you are “scared of money” suggests this academic in his ivory tower has never actually worked with socially economically deprived communities Perhaps examples of children taken into foster care by child protection services are at risk of financial problems as adults if they had seen their parent spend all the family money of gambling would painted a more serious social problem than the lady who felt guilty because she kept the milk money, and now she has a guilt complex because she is now rich Terrible video It wasn’t intellectual It wasn’t enlightening, and the speakers seem like frauds and scammers who just want to make money Try better please BT
Comment from : @Depressionresearch

I saw my Mother worried out of her mind about money, made me feel like I was in constant danger of being homeless or not having enough to eat Turns out my mother has a bad anxiety disorder, but 10 year old me didn’t understand that
Comment from : @mileab6725

Just a conversation piece, no actual helpful info or new knowledge being passed on here
Comment from : @ivanjivin

Should i really take money advice from a guy wearing Jordans?
Comment from : @hardikgupta9000

Do good parenting is what this video suggested by “Experts” Financial psychologist was real lmao😂
Comment from : @meetadi4u

Family marriage betrothal What if I said that my money is track back to negative? Read 73 is with the donkey dollar that build the United States out of the great depression with my name ruben on it And was passed around and used as currency
Comment from : @rubengmadrigaljr7047

I think money is fun to have, to take a trip or get a sandwich However, I cannot have money I'll be robbed directly or indrectly They also try to kill me for the small sum I have now compared to them Someone will suddenly have a court case against me like koi fish feeding The upper classes just throw me under the bus to save themselves due to the affluence of debt Zheani can lure him in and she can be his trophy wife Enjoy You can blast everyone away with your FOB
Comment from : @LivingDead53

When we were still healthy, we would put all of our money together and use it when needed My parents, especially one, is terrible with money I do grow sick of these lessons from society Bill Gates can go into the flames for giving adults a treat and make them neglect their kids I have to do everything by myself or I'm entitled Neither one of my parents did it on their own Off to the gutter with Kaela because she can't protect herself It was also like, teens will be like, I earned my car Everyong needs a job so that they know how it is in the real world Get a car! First off, they aren't independent and sill use their parents' money while I'm out there pedaling around at 1am It's like, do you want some of my shit? I'm just a loser who doesn't work hard like them I ended up being the loser there because we had some issues in HS, and I helped, no credit, don't care The grandparents gave us money for some clothes, but most of it went to alcohol Why not rehab? It's 3 am and she is too drunk to let me inPlus, we fought
Comment from : @LivingDead53

great video
Comment from : @roei_hayun

Money, is a way to value, your efforts for mine Aristocracy of pull, is using influence with backroom deals One produces and one loots The problem is, they think it's your duty, to produce, and theirs to consume Yet, the consumer doesn't respect, the producer They want what's his and will sell it to the ccp for a temporary eight percent in pensions
Comment from : @troykeeling4490

I'm earning a lot more than I did before but I always have this urge to store most of it in my bank account instead of investing or even buying some essentials like a good pair of shoes that costs more than the three pairs of cheap shoes that I have now that hurt my feet at times I hate having to worry about money up to this extent that I don't feel like enjoying it when I have it
Comment from : @zephfyre5167

I'd say that I grew up privileged compared to other people around me, but I was always taught to be frugal As an adult, I constantly worry about not having enough money even when I'm living in abundance The human brain is very weird
Comment from : @mysoookhee

I’ve never asked my family or friends what they think about their relationship with money brbrWould people say they have a good relationship with money…even if they actually thought it was a disaster?
Comment from : @hklinker

busy and unnecessary music
Comment from : @relaxingnaturesounds2339

The story about the grandfather and the mother remains prominent and true to this day!
Comment from : @mikmillerrealtor

bWhen trees are cut down and water is poisoned, just remember: You can't eat money!/b
Comment from : @bitshtannicajohnson6957

i was just unpacking to my spouse how (perhaps coupled with other things) my family being affluent but very stingy on me and using money to leverage what they want out of me might have influenced how i consider myself “worthy” of money—i get very anxious when getting paid or submitting my invoice, believing despite having done my work, i don’t “deserve” to get paid, and i tend to be stingy on myself as well still working through it
Comment from : @putrijd5173

Please I need help, I’m tired of scammers online
Comment from : @judithhenry4567

I used to believe in saving up, until I encountered inflation lol
Comment from : @yuukata1698

Why doesn't everyone just look at this as "these are all symptoms of a problem, and that problem is the existence of money itself?" All of this is just a way to cope with a failed and failing system
Comment from : @AdamFoster

also, im pretty sure 1 of people have more money than 50 soyeahmoney sucks and there isn't much left for the rest of us!
Comment from : @nickel0eye

Anyone know the name of this music? Or music like it?
Comment from : @SynthAir

man Americans are really weak minded being scared, ashamed, anxious about money? what to they teach you at home?
Comment from : @vladdefence1447

My sister and I grew up very poor As an adult I have always lived beneath my means and followed a budget My sister on the other hand bought everything she could because “ you only live once”
Comment from : @joycewright5386

I'm currently 15, and I understand now why I'm always anxious whenever I have money, like I would starve myself at school just to save some Some days,, I would miss lunch and I would often walk home from school despite my parents giving me the right amount of money to just get on a tricycle to go homebrbrUnlike in countries like the US, there's no jobs that hire us 15 year olds since its kind of considered child labor and obviously there's also no jobs such as babysitting or petsitting, mowing a lawn(lawns are quite the rarity)brbrSo my only option is saving
Comment from : @florecoessens4001

Isn't math racist?
Comment from : @PowderMonkey4Life

Kathleen was stealing and now she has a complex around money stop lmaooooooooooo
Comment from : @sandralindor

I was always told we can't afford "that" to the point I never asked for help or anything I was told to never ask and the only person that will get me xyz is me So I knew not to eat so much or ask for anything because we never had enough, especially when I had 6 younger siblings I still believe I never have enough and can't shake that Not enough food, not enough money, ect
Comment from : @SweetlyDarkArt

I wouldn't know
Comment from : @Zarkmoneybags

Comment from : @dabizzard

my parents always says kids should not worry or think about moneybrbruntil suddenly they bombshelled me with "we are not rich"brbrthanks for the explanation
Comment from : @artaizen1613

any trauma can be traced to something, most probably can be in childhood, cause let's be honest many of boomers does not know, heck not many knows what is the correct , perfect way of parenting
Comment from : @artaizen1613

Comment from : @weerobot

Money is issued by employers Every employer I have had tried to keep people from discussing pay with them or among other employees Money is dishonest by nature
Comment from : @itsirrelevant4565

My grandparents were farmers with no significant school education My parents are working-class employees I am the first person in my family to go to university (I studied chemistry), I have earned a little bit of money by now, and I have absolutely no fucking clue whatsoever what to do with it Like, should I invest it? In what?? How should I prepare for retirement???? Nobody in my family / friend circle knows anything about that It gives me so much anxiety and I hate it
Comment from : @Symaethis

I am also not putting money in bank (preferably to gold and bitcoin) because I a hate the endless stealing done by state, banksters, officers and other frauds who love the printer
Comment from : @LiborTinka

Parents traumatized by the Depression, continued to be traumatized by it no matter how much money they saved or made The subject was totally toxic, a secret mystery never discussed and a giant "NO" Effects of this were multi-generational Merely asking to go to college was offensive They did ok with some HS, why won't you? 3 intelligent kids, no savings, no planning for college, no encouragement, not even ever an inquiry as to how one might ever study or work for any kind of scholarship Taking an unpaid internship for a career was considered absolute crazy talk Can't own rental property because all tenants are bad people Win the lottery? Well, managing that money would be a burden because it would never occur to anyone to trust or ask for financial advice and on and on
Comment from : @dylanakent

I view money as an artificial form of energy transfer
Comment from : @HAWXLEADER

I think the issue is entitlement is passed through generations in the form of inheritance Could you imagine if legally you weren't allowed to do this And everyone had the same starting point
Comment from : @inejunta6569

this video cuts are bad, stupid fast, disgustingly, video editor and animations is man of lowest quality 😢
Comment from : @Umiliani

Kathleen is definitely greedy
Comment from : @TacosGaming

How about we end this disgusting system of resource control and domination by financial elites?
Comment from : @JohnDoe-do8fh

What an absolutely useless video Money is like a liquid, it takes the shape of its container Money itself is not at the root of any of the problems mentioned in the video Most people’s traumatic experiences with money stem from no other reason than poverty Poverty (alongside extreme wealth and income inequalities) — topics glaringly absent from the video — are why people are so stressed out about money all the time, which from childhood can cause psychological trauma that impact behaviors as an adult This video puts sole responsibility on individuals and the parents of individuals, without mentioning oppressive systems outside an individual’s or a family’s control even once brSo The next time some poor kid’s sitting hungry at the dinner table, while mom says « I’m so sorry honey, Ramen noodles are all we can eat again because mommy and daddy had to use all our money to keep us inside a home for another month, please make sure to eat all your fruit and vegetables at school lunch tomorrow because that’s the only place you can get them»… I would say that’s absolutely not a potential learning moment on ‘budgeting’ but rather a crude one on the cruelty of systemic povertybrI’d rather teach my kids to question and challenge bad systems and institutions, teach them that the economic system and status they were born into doesn’t have to be the same one they die in, teach them to know their human rights, as well as respect the human rights of others, about solidarity with their classmates and community, and above all teach them to value human life and wellbeing above money and profits
Comment from : @KrystalLyne

This isn’t a topic that should be 6 minutesI imagined explaining some of the things I “learned” to my friends and I couldn’t even answer the question:”How do we start perceiving money as 3 year old” I feel like I mainly just listened to words rather than learned from themI really wanna know if it’s just me or do others think the samePls comment if u think that you do/don’t agree with me or like the comment if you agree with me
Comment from : @Keep_Intentions_Pure

So what lessons are good and which are bad? Oh yes, if you don't do whatever the big economists want you to do, you have money trauma If you come to the conclusion that money is socially problematic, you got an ideology problem based in trauma The only non-traumatic and non-ideological way to think is to act in such a way that consumption is maximizedbrbrThis is how neoliberalism indoctrinates people: by selling their ideology as non-ideological mental health
Comment from : @ElectricityTaster

Abolish Money
Comment from : @anarchynow3185

She had to work trough her love with money? Maybe it's time to work on developing a greater degree of self-reflection 😆
Comment from : @marcovangelder1937

How does this video have zero likes 😂
Comment from : @anna-lg8gp

This is some serious BS right here
Comment from : @bramsanjanssan4908

After hearing how Kathleen didn't and clearly still don't understand that stealing was the problem I would not take ANY financial advice from her
Comment from : @christinapomponio6452

Comment from : @johnsmith-rd3zx

Theres something missing, why do people from poor upbringing who become rich spend it in the most ostentatious ways (not all but many), which is known as the rapper syndrome, it’s not only about showing off, there’s some reverse psychology to that
Comment from : @Jay_Bee1

I feel very fortunate to have stumbled into a career of personal banking at 18 that required me to have money conversations for 8 hours a day with strangers I learned a great deal about personal finances and it was very natural to translate to my personal life again this is all for the spreading of knowledge on banking and finance with friends and family to clarify how to succeed brbrGreat video!
Comment from : @camman408

Id love to know the effect of constant deflation of our currency (USA, thanks federal reserve and private banks) on mental health over timebrbrLol and a lot of rich people bARE/b greedy and money bDOES/b demonstratively corrupt
Comment from : @suntzu6122

The narrator in the beginning sounds like Mikhaila Peterson 0:51
Comment from : @answerth

Comment from : @TheHobbyExpert

If only we were not capitalists, and communist/socialist insteadnone of our children would need to learn this complex, meaningful, and mind expanding stuff! We could all just relax, and rot into our adulthoods!
Comment from : @gregmoore167

hahhahhaha, maybe this whole system was designed incorrectly Those that came before us saw fit to create a familiar system That system destroyed the original intent of this country, chiefly the ability to pursue happiness Now the american citizen is nothing more than a money machine
Comment from : @DRAMericA1

"yeah mom they have words for that" 😭🤣
Comment from : @Yesihaveideas

3:30 I think she is crazy or something, she stole money from her mother and instead of feeling bed for stealing she felt bed for loving coins or what ever X'D
Comment from : @BL00DeMoN

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