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How To Get A Kid With ADHD To Focus

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Title :  How To Get A Kid With ADHD To Focus
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Comments How To Get A Kid With ADHD To Focus

i coach football teams, and some of them have a backpack well alot of thembrand honestly this is eye openingbrbrthey could be silent and focus for a ps5brthank you
Comment from : @-o-8862

Why do Adhd kids get really angry with thing and have a meltdown and bsng their head on wall as tgd hhinj if is there faultbrAny sdvode, please brThanks ✨️ I will 💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Comment from : @mdow1716

There is plenty of other ways without medication
Comment from : @wayneallen1400

My child with adhd seems to have a very very high pain threshold……
Comment from : @jerrysmith715

What’s an example of an appropriate consequence?
Comment from : @WTF-sh4is

This is a redo of Love and Logic parenting Almost word for word…
Comment from : @Nogreaterjoy1

We better not be learning anything
Comment from : @NickLuRodriguez-1998

Wached this at ×2 speed, because I have adhd, to help with a student I'm tutoring who also has adhd 😂
Comment from : @essdee980

You are amazing, Dr Paul
Comment from : @mamasala5760

I really benefitted from your amiable and thoughtful presentation I have great respect, so thank you!
Comment from : @davidstewart9982

Can children with adhd go to normal school
Comment from : @SadiaAli-t9j

Beautiful ❤
Comment from : @Tariqkhan1967

Look into peter breggin & Moncrief brbrYoull find this person is a sham
Comment from : @reyrey8562

My son can't literally take instructionshe'll just stare
Comment from : @susanodhiambo2143

i feel like this is great parenting advice but not specific to helping ADHD kids The issue is not about avoiding consequences, it's the brain's inability to accomplish the goal
Comment from : @loudogg73

does ADHD stand for kids not being told no by bad parents ?
Comment from : @russtill403

Adults have ADHD as wellbrbrContrary to belief we do not outgrow it
Comment from : @jamesjdm

⁠omg I feel the same but is my 3 year old nephew I feel so bad cause he is very hyper and unfortunately my sister and my mom that care for him don’t understand a lot about this and on top of that my sister has cancer which makes it harder for her and my mom is older and is hard for her to deal with him I am taking the time to spend with him as much as I can cause he is adorable and he is really nice boy but I’m worry about him 😔 I understand him cause I’m ADHD since little Please help me
Comment from : @clauarden7512

Look in to lions mane xx
Comment from : @lisaadcock6636

thanks so much for this!
Comment from : @p_touch6403

Hi, sir! Hope you can make a video (if you don't have one yet) for Teachers and for Mass You knows kids that are just so distracted that makes us also distracted during the mass cuz we keep on telling them to keep quiet, listen
Comment from : @JayTamayo-k3s

Adhd is more about your inability to parent than it is about the child's behavior
Comment from : @daronpetit6759

woow thank you im so tired my son is 2 years old its so hard im glued with him because i can not leave him a minut alone because he goes angry and pushes his head to the wal to the ground doesnt care that he is hurting his self get bored easy from everything he whants to change games toys activities all the time i need to be there because he gets so angry because sometimes he is lost and doesnt know what to do and also bored is just like rollercoster im soooo extreemly tired
Comment from : @va8530

As an ADHD adult, I had to put this guy on 1,5 speed 😂
Comment from : @Nono22801

Don't talk about things you have no idea We people with ADHD don't do things because we believe there are no consequences We even really want to do them because we understand it is the right thing to do Some of us just can't without medication brAnd no ADHD not a child thing As adults we can manage the hyperactivity maybe better but lack of focus and time blindness has even worse effects brSo please leave advises on ADHD to people who study in this field
Comment from : @pb78pb

I struggle with my 10 year lovely son brHe has been diagnosed with:brImpulse control issuesbrADHD brSensory Disorder Issues brOCD brTicks brFor some reasons he pees into clothing, etc and hides it We found it It's been years now He'll even just take the consequences He also uses so much hand sanitizer and now rubbing alcohol We hid it, he finds it, hides the evidence He won't just use water and soap brPrayfully he can be helped and healed in Yeshua Jesus name Thank you for any advice brbrWe have told him to 'focus' millions of times, I'd bet
Comment from : @JesusIsLord1976

I have twin boys that are 11 Need to focus in school
Comment from : @RubyHernandez-iu1dx

The problem is my sin doesn't seem to really care about most consequences In the past two week he has lost homework book, lost his laptop bag and school shorts 😢 He doesn't seem fazed at all
Comment from : @Lucstar1116

It's not clear to me whether you're saying that for each task there should be a big reward? do you have an example ?
Comment from : @djnima

This was so hard to watch 😂 he took forever to get to the point 😂 (is my adhd showing?)
Comment from : @CindyChambers-qb8vq

I have son diagnosis adhd😭
Comment from : @michellejayme4887

But, what is the consequence?! 😅
Comment from : @fleur6398

My son who suffers from adhd is having a really hard time with the transitioning of teachers in his preschool I've tried many different strategies to prepare him for this day & now that the day has finally come it seems like everything went out the window 🙁 the day started out with him crying & not wanting to go to school He knew he finally got his new teacher today Well I prayed for the best but got called 3 times from the school He had been screaming, crying & disrupting the class all day I had to talk to him to try and calm him & when that didn't work I felt so lost And started watching YouTube videos to help me find new strategies on how I can help him & not finding much info I haven't already tried Maybe someone can give me some ideas PLEASE I don't know what I'm doing wrong 😔 our health care system really sucks iv asked for help & all they can do is put us on a waiting list for a aba center God knows how long that will take
Comment from : @UNIQLUVIN

Caffeine helps the same way
Comment from : @lenorbradley8549

My son was diagnosed w ADHD when he was a child I put him on psychotropic drugs believing it was necessary and doctors advice I am writing this to beg and plead w any parent faced w this decision My son is messed up today and can’t work Those drugs did something to his brain He is 37 youtube/XfThKVNl0Oc
Comment from : @Apsladye

Money making snakes
Comment from : @jenniferklekamp677

Change there diet That’s it
Comment from : @jenniferklekamp677

Thank you i like how you put it
Comment from : @samrawitbereke6896

It's terribly sad that you're promoting drugs I don't believe in drugging children so that you can have a convenient life It's not that child with ADD or ADHD has the problem maybe we need to have a different system Geez what a novel idea Not expecting them to go to regular schools and sit in chairs like other "normal kids" whatever that means They have their own gifts their own talents stop forcing them to be like other children Get them off wheat, dairy and all the other horrible preservatives that are in so many processed foods Healing ADHD add one day at a time
Comment from : @dianeibsen5994

Can you please add some example for kids 4 year old? Maybe in the description section hard to search in the comment
Comment from : @ashishtawari4176

Thank you 🙃💖
Comment from : @Miros90

What if it changes how I am? If I take these meds, am I the same person my parents see every day?
Comment from : @anthonykrikonis4568

You don’t outgrow it I’m 41
Comment from : @Sunny-kl8wy

Stimulat medication , non stimulating medication what is the difference between the 2??
Comment from : @lisa83

Thank you so much
Comment from : @sofienemathlouthi7614

Wow, this is so powerful! Thank you for including both perspectives in these interactions! Sometimes it's hard to remember that they're not adults and are still working on life-ing Definitely will check out the other vids!
Comment from : @Namri

Just what my household needs right now thanks SO much 🙏
Comment from : @cyntaxlyrical

Shove meth into them right? Kidding, really pissed off at the drug dealers
Comment from : @mountainseeker2844

Thank you Sometimes I feel like I'm loosing my mind
Comment from : @chisomonthinda

I spent 5 days asking my ADHD daughter to tidy her room
Comment from : @nathanhorne2208

I did a little experiment this last week with my son, when he had some coins to fight with in one hand he was able to concentrate on his German grammatical, later that week we were concentrating on his English, without something to keep his other hand busy He was all over the place and it was so hard to get him to sit still and concentrate He needs something physical in the opposite hand to sort of quiet the noise in his brain so he can concentrate,
Comment from : @gemmaluescher-verseckas1243

Brilliant love it To
Comment from : @jasonroman3639

I've had ADHD my whole life (Focus Factor) cure all Try it
Comment from : @jasonroman3639

I have ADHD- I had to rewind at 2min because I realized I didn’t digest any information yet 😵‍💫 it’s really exhausting honestly sometimes
Comment from : @ccrock5810

Nordic natural omega 3 oils can help somuch Has helped me and I just started my kids on it
Comment from : @UnboxGeniusFinds

I have ADHD and my kid also has it, it's funny how i naturally am doing what you just explained as if i knew he needs this
Comment from : @omgg4031

Thanks for the video, make things clear and as a mother I know my mistake But yes needs a lot of patience
Comment from : @bukabu1234

Very nicely explained, thanks
Comment from : @Vinod_Kumar827

My son is 25yrs old He has suddenly become fussy from last one month He keeps on fidgeting and squirming He talks properly and plays with everyone But from last one month he gets frustrated with almost anything and everything And he starts shouting at the highest pitch of his voice He was not like this before and was an always smiling boyhe reads his books and is quite intelligent at his age But in certain things he just loses his cool and this makes his behaviour out of control I really not sure if he has ADHD or not M just super worried about how he is gonna behave when he goes to school
Comment from : @lipsan6041

This is true for all the children!!
Comment from : @SergioBlackDolphin

I have a 4 year old son who has ADHD but my doctor won't actually diagnose him until he's 7 Everyone I talk to has to tell me "is your son ADHD?" " Your son should go see this therapist and try that play therapistand try karateetc People I'm his MOTHER!! I've tried everything I struggle everyday He's been kicked out of school Currently playing T-ball but 45 min in he'll throw his glove down and just start running around the field or try taking the ball out of the pitchers hand The parents stare and make conversation when I'm correcting him but it is EXHAUSTING!!!! Sometimes I want to scream at people I let him deal with the consequences and other people try helping It's hard If you see someone's kid struggling don't think misbehaving and don't tell the parent you need to discipline them more Spanking does not work for a child with ADHD Sorry, rant over
Comment from : @bigbear2227

This is good advice for parents of children with ADHD, as well for children who don’t have a diagnosis
Comment from : @teriw56

Wow, I wish i had seen this video 2 years ago Ive screamed until my throat hurts Im exhausted and almost want to cry when its time to sit down for homework Im implementing this immediately
Comment from : @shelleylyle3702

You are so goofy in this, and it is so appropriate
Comment from : @mantaship

I have ADHD and I get mad at school so I get punished when I can’t help myself I am 10 what do they expect when a 10 year old has ADHD
Comment from : @dougalandhamish4737

Very good video , thanks , God bless you
Comment from : @sukikaur4658

as someone with adhd who tutors an adhd child, this was hard for me to pay attention to 🤣
Comment from : @aaliyahbarker7225

It's a struggle I have at least 3 kids with ADHD myself
Comment from : @krystalgarcia3476

I am the one who is frustrated Kid doesnt think anything is wrong
Comment from : @1970FLcrkr

Paul, thanks again for being YOU and sharing with us :) Happy New Year to all!
Comment from : @Stephen_Strange

If child start laughing and dose not control his laugh, lose attention and does not understand he can be hurt during unconditional laugh I try to distract attention but I couldnot do so It frustrate me Please make a video on it or show me the way what can I do to make him normal during this
Comment from : @FAFashionwithstyle

Lol my teacher had me and my sis for 5th grade and she just can’t support us because we have adhd I have no clue what her problem is
Comment from : @idontthinkineedmyneckanymo4472

Thank you so much for this video! I'm dealing with a 3 year old who doesn't have ADHD, but he gets overexcited in group activities This advice really connected for me You have literally given me peace! Now, I have tools to manage this
Comment from : @HeatherSky1

I can tell you right now that the very least effective thing is to resort to nagging lol
Comment from : @Investigativebean

Stimulant medication has been a literal life saver for me, but i didn’t get to try it until adulthood I would not give it to my son unless as a last resort At least not before high school
Comment from : @Investigativebean

Comment from : @taurinice

Iv taken your advice and it worked 💯💯👌👌💖
Comment from : @yamunajolicoeur2807

I don't really see how this is different for an ADHD child Or how it will get them to focus better An example with all the steps put together would be helpful
Comment from : @grovkitty

I was an ADHD kid in the 80's and was on Ritalin It was awful and made me a zombie I say stop medicating kids and get those kids in a separate class situation that is engaging Also, letting them grow out of it helps I learned better as a young adult when I was able to focus Why do kids need to be on a time table to learn? I have a great love of history now as an adult, but history and the way it was taught in school was boring to me I really wonder if people like the guy in this video even bother to talk to people that grew up with ADHD I don't think they do, because if they did, they would stop trying to use pharmaceuticals to treat it Also ADHD kids need to be OFF THE SUGAR diet is a big part of it
Comment from : @oldmanfunky4909

Love the advice
Comment from : @marciarussell787

Thank you for these ADHD videos
Comment from : @marciarussell787

He starts at 4:15
Comment from : @karinejdwards

Thanks for the video!!
Comment from : @Ruiawalker

But my child is 2 years old How can I help him when he doesn't really understand me? He has all the signs, he cant keep calm, he wont listen even if he does understand, he does everything ive taught him not to do several times, hes dangerous for himself, because he does things without thinking even if he knows he might fall He has fallen so many times, he sometimes hits himself, might he have autism? i know its early to say cause he's so little But I want to be able to help him as soon as possible and I know there is something not right
Comment from : @lalalajuice

Brilliant once again Dr Paul! Thank you🌸
Comment from : @TheThora17

You should make a video on parents with adhd raising kids with adhd
Comment from : @mistydenslow846

Why didn't they have these when I was diagnosed when I was 5 lol I have it and my child has it and this helps a lot!
Comment from : @mistydenslow846

Sir thank sir my son he is now 5 years old but he is not focus on evry thing plz help me
Comment from : @abyanali4814

Because that child does not feel secure
Comment from : @0judi0bartel74

Thank you once again I always feel empowered after your vids
Comment from : @monimagic1981

I keeps watching these over and over to remind me what I should be doing Thanks for making these vids They are a great help!!
Comment from : @EricaD61

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