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How to do ACTIVE RECALL Effectively? (4 Techniques worked for me)

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Description How to do ACTIVE RECALL Effectively? (4 Techniques worked for me)

Comments How to do ACTIVE RECALL Effectively? (4 Techniques worked for me)

Instagram se kon kon hai 😂
Comment from : @TrishanthKumar-b2e

Instagram se YouTube ana padta hai kya din ho gaye hai
Comment from : @gamingglumps7747

This is how I was studying usually without watching this video 😂brTime wasted
Comment from : @BIRDEYE69

Kon kon instagram pe dekhker aya hai😂😂
Comment from : @Evan0001-r7h

Came from insta 😂😂😂😂😅😅
Comment from : @hamid5701

Wow, i really appreciate your information
Comment from : @amanchandra6936

جاي من الانستا
Comment from : @aliraad9596

Irony, every single person is doing this process already no need to follow this this is the basic of learning 😂
Comment from : @ayushrana8436

Comment from : @gulden4271

HippocampusbrActive recall
Comment from : @IftikharAliKhan-fi7vo

1 Hippocampusbr2 Passive recalling doesn't get the information through hippocampus, you don't remember, but active learning gets whatever you remember through hippocampus, increasing your memory of the topicbr3 Flashcards and active recalling br4 Auditory, speech, vision
Comment from : @Krishna-f4b

Thanks ❤❤❤
Comment from : @Buzz_with_me

Um what's a space repetition??
Comment from : @ArunLimbu-mc5io

I use when I was an kid
Comment from : @StarMatra

Who is here from Instagram 😅
Comment from : @Devilrd-xx01

1 am so grateful for coming across Dr irabor herbal7 on YouTube, for completely cured my Hs totally and herpes I'm in good health now thanks to doctor obulor for his good work and I recommend himbr❤😊
Comment from : @personalfinanceclubInvestment

If you haven't checked out Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest, you're missing out The techniques are so effective, and I’ve seen improvements in my studying habits already It’s amazing how small changes can lead to big results!
Comment from : @user-fk2fn7dz9m

Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest has been a revelation for me I’ve struggled with memorization for years, but the strategies in this book made a real difference It’s like a cheat code for learning I can’t recommend it enough!
Comment from : @yuliiaklymenko4390

Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest deserves way more attention The detail and practicality in the techniques are impressive I applied a few of them, and my learning curve has never been sharper This is essential reading for anyone wanting to level up!
Comment from : @ТатьянаЛарина-ф6н

I can’t stop raving about Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest It’s filled with knowledge that can seriously enhance your learning process I’ve started using the methods, and the results have been phenomenal Highly recommend it to anyone eager to learn more efficiently!
Comment from : @ВладимирКлименко-ы5я

I was searching for ways to improve my learning, and Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest was the answer The book is packed with useful tips and insights that have transformed my study routine I encourage everyone to give it a try!
Comment from : @MohiraYusupova-i2q

I never hear anyone talk about Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest, but it’s a treasure trove of information The way it breaks down complex concepts into digestible chunks really helped me If you’re looking to boost your learning speed, this is the resource to check out!
Comment from : @ТетянаСосновська-й6ъ

Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest is a game-changer I was skeptical at first, but once I tried the methods outlined in the book, my memory improved dramatically I feel like I can learn anything now This is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their cognitive skills
Comment from : @АленаЩегленко

I just finished reading Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest, and I can't believe how powerful those strategies are It's like a whole new world of learning opened up for me I’ve been applying the techniques, and my ability to retain information has skyrocketed I highly recommend checking it out if you want to take your learning to the next level
Comment from : @IymonaGuli

I stumbled upon Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest and it completely changed my approach to studying The insights are incredible, and I've noticed a huge difference in how quickly I absorb information It's definitely worth exploring if you're serious about mastering new subjects!
Comment from : @НатальяКузьмина-ы2л

Comment from : @pinkyrathore7216

I wont fail a test again 😂
Comment from : @PendapalaHamukwaya-s2r

Comment from : @eszu_0

Thank you so much my sister is studying medicine i ll show her this
Comment from : @yecine238

Reading out loud helped me too
Comment from : @funsizecandyy

Brahmi capsules by Planet Ayurveda are known for their memory-boosting properties Perfect for enhancing brain function and clarity
Comment from : @KeshavKataria-j7d

Comment from : @drjayShah

Oh hi Mark
Comment from : @LeLG1

Thank you very much, and thanks tio the youtube for recommending it to me
Comment from : @saigouthampasunuri9290

good video
Comment from : @RaziyaSultana-f5j

Why is practicing under stress beneficial for memory recall, especially when preparing for exams?
Comment from : @WsdomCapsuleUS

I used active recall to learn active recall
Comment from : @waliullahmazumder

Effective tips
Comment from : @Motivationstation_official-p3s

Important to note you still need to passively read to actively recall
Comment from : @roro2140

Comment from : @long9353

Yo guys I just wanted to let you know that God loves you! He sent his son to die on the cross so that everyone who believes in Him could be saved The truth is that we all have sinned in one way or another, and we all deserve eternal punishment However, through the grace and mercy of God he gave us a way to avoid it Romans 10:9 states that "If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved!" I invite all of you to make Christ ruler of your lives, and develop a relationship with him He came so that he could give you life and life more abundantly (John 10:10) May the Lord bless all of you in Jesus' Name!
Comment from : @Khannonical

Comment from : @Podcasts_for_Lifecoaching

great tips! thank you! I'd like to introduce myself: I'm special ed teacher working on executive function skills improvement brbr youtube/mg6EEMyherg
Comment from : @Brain_builders_for_all

Why do I have headache while practicing active recall
Comment from : @MrFact-mz2nw

1hippocampus br2 Active recall ( space repetition )br Passive recall ( direct repetition)br3 flash cards eg anki app br4 Read it out , teaching , pratice
Comment from : @jesseameh1875

Comment from : @AwakeningPotential1

Is the method number 3 supported by research? May I have some papers to read?
Comment from : @proma1949

Thanks so much ❤❤❤❤ Jesus Christ
Comment from : @yamanpepsygreatness7847

Tomorrow is my sst paper and instead of studying i am seeing to this video😅
Comment from : @HemlataBhatt-dm6mh

For me active recalling is the most annoying and is the Major problem
Comment from : @adityakashyap7-n4j

1 hippocampusbr 2 main difference between active and passive is that active takes the concept and the idea from the brain while passive recall is through reading it, doing notes, highlightingbr3 Space repetition and Active recallbr4 by using the anki app, by Doing practice questions, by creating your own questions
Comment from : @cale181

1 Hippocampus 2 Active recall is more of practice while passive reading is about reading from books 3 Anki app is about repeating question on daily basis which is active recall and spaced repetition 4 Magic of anki, practice questions, test memory
Comment from : @PreciousSenaKusife

1) Recall questionsbr2) repetition and imagination br3) anki appbr4) teach itbr5) make it simplebr6) write it without seeing and if you can't read and write againbr7) practice questionsbr8) read it aloud

Active recall effective:br1• Create a list of questionsbr2• Ankibr3• pretend teaching or speak out loudbr4• practice questionsbrbrStimulate hippocampus
Comment from : @uniquegamers2555

1 Hippocampus is responsible for memorybr2 Active recall from recalling it from it mind and passive recalling it from notes like just rereading it from notes and not trying test it from mind nextbr3 The anki technique is flashcard technique and spaced repetitionbr4 Recalling from mind, speaking out lout, writing it down on whiteboard/paper, try to teach the concept to group of imaginary student, practice questione moreeee
Comment from : @muhammadrafly6164

2:47 81 11 12
Comment from : @Letslearntogetheruzh7

close the book and try to recall, create a list of questions from your notes , flashcards, spaced repetition tool like anki, multiple modes- writing on a white board, or speaking out load, teach to imaginary students, do practise questions,
Comment from : @balpreetkaur4288

Comment from : @Ocean5-6

To be honest, I hate making notes while I can easily just cover more of my course at the later time
Comment from : @KrishAgrawa

Good video❤
Comment from : @pavithrang3697

Omggg I thought I was the only one who taught the stuff to imaginary students that j needed to learn, genuinely helped
Comment from : @JamesBond-jp6dp

Wenn ich darf, würde ich gerne eine interessante Frage stellen: Sind alle Menschen wirklich gleich? Heutzutage wird überall über den Kampf um Gleichheit gesprochen, wie ein weiser Mann einmal sagte: Der Himmel stellt keine Person über oder unter eine andere Die Leute schmeißen gerne mit seinen Worten um sich Das ist nicht das ganze Zitat, er fährt fort: Obwohl wir bei der Geburt alle gleich sind, beginnen sich die Dinge schon bald zu ändern, ist es die akademische Leistung, die manche Menschen auszeichnet und sie über die anderen erhebt Jedenfalls verändern sich Menschen im Laufe der Zeit aufgrund ihrer Handlungen, um ehrlich zu sein, ist Gleichheit am Ende des Tages nur eine Fantasie, und die meisten von uns gehen durchs Leben und leugnen die Tatsache, dass wir in einer Leistungsgesellschaft leben
Comment from : @DontLookUnderUrBed

I hope you remove the music from your videos ❤
Comment from : @MahmoudiHiba-l9o

Comment from : @recipelog2797

Thankyou very much iam trying this today🙎‍♀️🤷‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Comment from : @CJ-qn8rb

Which anki app
Comment from : @ArikLisa

I found that Practice question can be double edge sword Some test have maybe 300-400 possible questions and student would opt for just remember the question and the answer without understanding the section that contain the question In highschool this work well because it usually same set of questions and answers repeatedly from teacher to help student score well brAs you move out from that shell into college or life level of learning, test questions become harder and they get tweak or change all the time so unless you understand the material, u can’t answer probably
Comment from : @tiendoan6417

Comment from : @virajpatil1017

Is it true
Comment from : @RinaBG999

Comment from : @Bitezyyy

My brain just stop working using it 💀
Comment from : @real_tune

My brain just stop working using it 💀
Comment from : @real_tune

Hello, very good video Could you please make a video on how to apply active recall and spaced repetition in mathematics and engineering? There are many videos that explain these techniques for theoretical careers such as philosophy and psychology, but not for engineering and similar areas Please do it Greetings!"
Comment from : @franjervijr

It's a good suggestion ,thank you
Comment from : @FyRandrianatenaina

i'm going to do this for work i really don't know certain aspects of my job
Comment from : @bluebellbeatnik4945

I know for a fact, the technique is very beneficial But what I don't get is that if we keep recalling the same things over and over again when will we learn new things 😂😅
Comment from : @tanmayk0

1 forgotbr2 active recall is remembering from memory passive is recalling from the physical source of the infobr3 spaced repetition and flashcardsbr4 flashcards, teaching imaginary class, using questions based on notes
Comment from : @MonkeyDh5d

hi i dont know if anyone have this problem or not but i understand what i learnt and i remember that but i am not able to write a detailed explanation about itbr can you make a video please
Comment from : @doraemonlover3179

DONT PRIORITIZE THIS AS YOUR MAIN STUDY HABITS (Passive recall processes): 1) Rereading notes br2) Highlighting - nowadays we dont really have to highlight notes in a physical book because we have the feature or option to filter search documents and other related textbooksbrbrInstead try prioritizing active recall strategies such as: br1) Past paper/Textbook/AI generated questionsbrbr2) if you have online classes try looking at saved class recordings and evaluate your lecturer's teachingsbrbr3) Summarize - At the end of every study session try to summarize all the material you've learnt and studied rather than abruptly finishing your study session Summarizing helps to cement the content and store it easier in your long term memory by proving to yourself that you understand the workbrbr4) Discuss the topic - doing this with a friend or family member or even a classmate can really help your practice both practical and theoretical frameworks Its essentially a win-win Also,, it incorporates a bit of fun, ultimately, making the moment if studying more memorable and significantbrbr5) Create flashcards - physical ones are typically better because they require effort (the effort rule states that the more effort youout into something the more you're likely to remember it and the longer)brbr6) Track progress - color code every day on your calendar to show the days you've studied in green and the days you havent in red This is less debilitating than seeing your counter go to zero brbr7) Have an accountability partner - it doesnt matter if its a friend, family membef or classmate This person helps you avoid procrastinationbrbr8) Create group chats for each class or just with academically inclined studentsbrbr9) Prioritize time and energy management outside of school (These are lagging measures, be proactive)brbr10) Understand that it all boils down to your attitude and perspective - perspective drives purpose, purpose drives goals, goals create motivation, motivation leads to action, actions become daily habits, habits become systems, systems become second nature and before you know it you're living your best life "The same boiling water that makes an egg hard is the same boiling water that makes and egg soft"brbr11) Become comfortable with the uncomfortable - this requires self control, understanding, patience and humility Being able to endure boredom and failure breeds successbrbr12) Be able Sacrifice - learn to sacrifice for the given occassion Sometines you're just gonna have to make that decision for your future self's benefit (This should not be often as it can become unhealthy)brbr13) Lead a balanced well-being and lifestyle outside of education and academics brbr14) Be grateful and make the most of the resources that you have Time is your most precious resource Once its gone its gonebrbr15) Dont overwork yourself on planning - analysis paralysis is really detrimental to taking action!brbr16) Focus on consistency and progress not perfection - create a strong foundation for your progress Days that you only have 25brand you gave 25 you still gave it 100 Learn to tolerate failure, this creates resilience in your overall character Perfection is a disease of a nation
Comment from : @jovanobates3835

I got 90 right
Comment from : @anamseraj8189

Trying to recall those other two parts of the brain, closest I could come with was "Angular Gears" and "The Fuselage" - Actually "Angular Gyrus" and "Fusiform Area" I'm actually pretty pleased with that for a first pass, haha
Comment from : @JamesMathison

Active recall close the notes and remember what you read spaced repetition develop questions and flashcards ans arlt back do them today 3 days 7days so on without looking at notes use mutliple sense with aftuve recall imagine teaching to no of srudents or write on white board practice questions at the end also form of active recall also to check your concepts
Comment from : @AlishahAkbarali

Comment from : @thatomofolo452

so some part of this technique is also feynman technique? (please give your perspective)
Comment from : @khami17

1hippocampus 2active recall and spaced repetition 3flash card repetition
Comment from : @Yugal2007-br2wg

Comment from : @Yugal2007-br2wg

Usually at the end there are lots of questions and I give up solving all of them
Comment from : @opop180


Comment from : @elisabethangeleokobeleme

i cant recall the name of the memory herbs i ate
Comment from : @OneRuthless

The thumbnail 💀💀💀
Comment from : @aero3606

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