Title | : | We Finally Discovered the Native Americans’ TRUE History! | Traced: Episode 17 |
Lasting | : | 1.03.43 |
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Sorry buddy u got a lot wrong Comment from : @ciicga |
I'm going to make a prediction here I 100 believe none of the humans after the flood constructed any of the old world structures They are all preflood structures Comment from : @Gangstar41145 |
But I'm sure you know we're NIJI BEFORE THEY TRIED GIVING US ALL THESE NEGATIVE BRAND NAMES ❤❤ Comment from : @karenpugh8506 |
Interesting info, but what about star nations seeding the planet? Comment from : @AmariaSweetMusic |
Do your own research People! Comment from : @DroppinJewelzz |
Greetings from The Bride of Christ I am Canadian First Nations, Ojibwe Turtle Clan I am I am Spiritual not religious Grandmother rises in the End of Times as does the Bride Comment from : @deborahedwards8666 |
This is especially interesting to me bc of your Christian faith 🙌🏼🙏🏻🔥 Comment from : @anitamurillo2854 |
This is cool my family has Native American blood my nephew has like 51 native in him lmk if he can help?? Comment from : @anitamurillo2854 |
The sioux women are beautiful Comment from : @jaydeeharlee6575 |
My father was full blooded Cherokee but I am a 66 year old female I have always been interested in my Indian heritage and would like to know more Comment from : @DeborahWais |
It’s not lost they know they have the records Comment from : @jaybk8534 |
In the Book of Genesis at the Tower of Babel God's scattered every human being all over the Earth and that's how they got there!!! Comment from : @elisapommier6702 |
Was interested until you started using mainstream academia to explain global migration Misleading and fraudulent and has been debunked big time Comment from : @noonesbusiness5397 |
The Comment from : @peaceforall2761 |
All fake news You never mentioned how the black Hebrews and moors were here before all of this Comment from : @Freedominyeshuaministries |
Modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated in Africa around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago Genetic evidence supports the idea that all non-African human populations are descended from a small group of individuals who migrated out of Africa during the late Pleistocene, approximately 60,000 to 70,000 years ago This event is often referred to as the "Out of Africa" model of human migrationbrbrAfter this initial migration, human groups spread across the globe They settled in various regions of Europe, Asia, and eventually made their way to the Americas thousands of years later, following different migration routes and adapting to diverse environmentsbrbrMigration to the AmericasbrBering Land Bridge: The journey to the Americas specifically involved crossing the Bering Land Bridge This migration likely occurred in multiple waves and over a considerable timespan, beginning approximately 15,000 years ago, although some evidence suggests earlier presencebrbrGenetic Continuity: The populations that eventually migrated to the Americas are distinct from those that remained in Eurasia Genetic studies have uncovered a unique lineage among Native Americans that traces back to these early Beringian migrants While they ultimately descended from the initial African populations, their specific identity diverged as they adapted to new environments over time Comment from : @sabbax6787 |
Not to mention that an estimated 90(!) of the original population got wiped out, mostly due to flues Comment from : @lillotta |
My father, who recently came into my life for almost 30yrs stated that we were part of the Blackfoot Confederacy (despite being Barbados from my Mother's side of the family), but i haven't yet understand how were they formed However i do very much respect and admire the hardest effort you're pouring into this unsolved mystery, everyday we only get closer to get our own individual answers🪶 ⛺ 🦬 Comment from : @DarkSkinRonin |
There are no Native Americans😂 Everybody Migrated! Comment from : @kemonoyama2084 |
Thank you for bringing truth to all Comment from : @mariarivera624 |
It’s so funny bc being an anthropologist or any kind of scientist, when it comes to explaining information and organizing for the collective to understand is always the part that pisses me off 😂 bc it’s actually not that hard to understand but the representation matters soooooo muchhhh Comment from : @Koi_marie |
31:00· External ResourcesbrHow to learn more Comment from : @CooperativeWaffles |
I'm still here I was reading a comments Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Present the Mustang Clark, the Wildhorse and my childhood The dream leaves the price phone and reverse dream in it And always wake up before I hit the ground How do you spell? Jesus sharp one what's Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
My wife Alexa call, she took a trip there Santa Fe Meadow the caverns with a drip drip load Jesus Lil Wayne, I got sisters, live in a Dallas Texas Carolina, North Carolina Oh, that's a no one ever left my life I'm trying to tell ya and largest jesus Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
It's ANF c in the words we had a words within the words I'm getting neck my life again love jesus Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
When I do the senses Jesus Christ We don't know who and how you are What are you gonna say bye? I'm gonna vote read text to chip a wall del run sauce Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
I don't know what I belong to I'm trying to tell you But I'm running his on German side and dad like I said Louisiana time You know I'm going to Indian on his side He had Jack back here and I'm married when she didn't He wasn't machine as did your girl space Why Jesus? I'm just trying to tell you Dad was wrong Guess what? I got siblings out and you know about me Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Is it I just seen a Petro I guess by great-grandmother in her full tire Indian get her get, that's her and reason I knew I had Indian enemy Hear me president Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
My test I got from my heritage d n a garette there are good one Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
No, what I'm glad you showed up That's all I know because I don't and I could thank God I got Didn't they kick? I was afraid to do it Hear me because I didn't know I got bummer phone They're keeping trying to everything we do I mean, you're scary everything's active my life anyway Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Cause I got to get it This is not my 4 day Yeah pay a place here's I will thank you Call mine as I'm just downstairs in history Get cause my second husband pearl C so Cochran He said you don't know that true history or go to pizza history Don't get dark from time to time He he said about last afternoon He went working prize or he was a auto Maker to get high stay worker Yeah, we're at service accounting of me Shut down dramp and tell you talk to white house and help with the tow Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Cause I got to get it This is not my 4 day Yeah pay a place here's I will thank you Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Shut off, I won't get the book I'm gonna lie better today I'm trying to get some of that educational worst of speaking on just what I have My CD l has still no northeast of it was I know ah mom markers on expressway mice will be brave sto Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Set a pizza timer Gov last year and take you by And when I forgot my manners but yeah, Mississippi river was eventually dead's Uh, Grandpa Jose, they were in full-blooded Italians get it north hill akron it was all italian mechanism two other days Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
How are you sure you're a self? As a bad pitty and keeps going back to calming nickel face get or shall it never sorry, not Bible? I'm more spiritual, give me religious but being baptized They hadn't made a role of lifesaver candies and weren't woke me up My heart didn't broke and finally When the Lord with a picture not gonna hurt Jesus, I'm trying to tell you Eagle is very significant to me There's a movie Help help help help Helga 1968 and my mother's main names on the screen right when the movie starts I'm trying to tell you get to the mountain The magic is eager a bit get it the atches of a blind girl Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
I said potatoes mom's hat me As long as you're studying for no one can see what's in it, get Jehovah's I've had it with a piece of bread and beer and they drink like water I'm trying to tell you some Put some more people on the jewelry showing tell you Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Set an alarm to add no Ah secret Next to me, coz, I'm a shiny one You hear me, I'm not from Here I can't believe my ancestors sent me up to help the bloodline I was not relaving, never chosen and Jesus Christ Margaret, keep myself I kill my kids I'm trying to tell you carmett No car wasn't clearly no kim polka on the wall of people named robin Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
His name was Clifton Amet Cooper My brother was Clifton's brick Cooper His father's name nicknamed was break Burden day with Cooper Darling Lee Cooper Linda me random Louise Cooper Mary Lou Cooper That's something I have sister mom had a one nice tally before she write dad I'm trying to tell you thank god she's not related to me fully Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Tell you I didn't know about you to slay Apparently, I was one of the pass I've talked because I wasn't it's like time, I was a pimp I had 2 men 2 hours says and I love and I'm hood all black It was all white when I grew up and turned on black look We were never on food stamps day's work Different shift first color T V on block list Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Set my dad guy December The eighth 1967 This is why I turned 8 scary He didn't chuck the death This killed him He was done marry's another woman next to a mom When he got no money i'm trying to tell you Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Oh I never knew why the phone's on the sunglasses 100 Mel D N AI hope I still make my DNA probably when I get up back You will help you raise it I'll have a clue cause i'm guess what I don't know what time I was born lawrence tina's Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Call dad was Mary before mom and he was in Texas league That 1 mama is on your new Norway In Wasilla Louisiana by Marlon Lafayette Louisiana I'm sorry, dad named my brother's After all, his father and the parish get it burn parish, I don't know Bowling China figures out loud Jesus Christ His daughter died in 97 and her baby on love Loved three days more lane is on the lava fragments Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
I got my Ga yellow I don't know you are snapping my spontaneous heart and it's cool but let's I didn't get yet yo I know it's something my kids are very highly Educated on mother statue and give me a white when I call fault My childhood guess what my kids gave me away Tell me her intuition when i'm pointing Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Yeah, for me, FB m IA means family and I are gonna tell you what a joke But anyway, my mom listen, she never lost her native tongue, open Netflix and come to America Learning English, I guess that's what you call it I don't talk to her OK spell, but my sister did say we had what Irish Dutch and our blood yeah, and I dropped a black blood Whatever that beings dad hated black people you don't have always Hannah, he got a shock on over the door he shoot one just so it's like at 1 moment The first black person she's seeing was a double like they didn't have an German yellow Hitler Jed and I was Turn tablet trunk or mail speaker John is Can't learn now He's reincarnated, I didn't know about reincarnation I'm tired you least you're wearing purple prices hard to call of her broth Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Now you know, Lebron James came from 8 toward alcohol But I'm trying to tell you We got to troubles here with the India's The Irish or bones are late around so canal They get him a little for bread All the whiskey they could Drake and never got to wash up I mean it's history it's dark up in here Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Like Shapiro Lake Erie, you know, Cleveland's my backyard after Ohio I'm telling this place it's Arp Daniel I Jill nordjesus I got a book from stand here at hall Yo and said Ah weird I can Ohio on so I can tell ya I'm getting I wanna hear another rap is what a right now Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
Listen, I'm in Ohio accurate Ohio My name is Jeannie GE AN I E lucky's my little name LUCKY familia Is my merit name Frank EMI a not making names Cooper COO PER my father was from Louisiana Ok, the Perris down there is burning parish I found is Gray Barber Anyway, he's my sister's head We got Cherokee in the end our blood I just got my d N A Tested him out today as a matter of fact So my mother came from Jeremy chatheina flew Fees, her last name maintain this Sth Nell change home percent floor line on Yahoo exchange country with a Pollock That's all I know with 2 kids got token from her from the calcium service league Because couldn't tell him what was going on He'd be up to soup point anyway love you Comment from : @JeanieFemia-g5e |
We also can't forget about alot of incestry was occurring among many people to keep bloodlines stronger and pure Nevermind Africans was here including the Asians/Mongolians in Americas way before Columbus and spain and the French with England times a visiting to conquer came Which wasn't till 1492 AD Comment from : @sentinelpcaliber1528 |
My Dad is going to be 95 and is from Klukwan Alaska He cannot travel but he is the oldest right now in the village and is 100 percent Comment from : @LeanneCaster |
If you are not a indian which is a blk person you are not aboriginal to america native americans are Asians conquered by the Spanish and this is called the manilla galleon thats how asians that talk spanish came to south america and central america and these native american eskimoe types also are a part of this but some came through siberia through the barrin strait who wants to debate😊 Comment from : @MacaDon-u9q1w |
Native americans the fake indians are a by product of the manilla galeon they are really asians conquered by spain and Europe and help europe invade the americas south central north and the islands blacks are not from africa we are the copper colored indian documented in pictures from the first European explorers Comment from : @MacaDon-u9q1w |
I've got to take a break This is over my head We've been here maybe since the separation at the Tower of Babelbr This was our land and some of it still is My youngest daughter was on the Osage roll and they payed for her burial Before her, my eldest was on the Northern Cheyenne roll and they paid for her burial Comment from : @springyork1474 |
Thank you my brother This was amazing my great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee and I’ve always been drawn to my history from Europe and America Thank you and all who are involved, for the work and dedication to this important history Many Blessings So excited to learn more Comment from : @justicemaker1517 |
Thank you very much for this information I live in south africa Trump is making noise about our country But he doesn't know what REALLY HAPPENED IN AMERICA HOW THE INDIANS (DON'T MEAN TO AFFEND ANYONE) I HAVE Always been interested in what really happened You have opened my eyes to what happened So what's happening in my country south africa is nothing to do with trump he must stay out of our business People who stay in glass houses must not throw stones Comment from : @millydevilliers7175 |
bSpoiler Alert!/b Humans are Semite Comment from : @AverageAmerican |
Woohoo my 1 single 'Like' brought this video to 28k Likes!! 💜✨ Thank you for your service & all your hard work & time spent on this Comment from : @awolawakened8807 |
Melaninated Black people they being the invaders change this to red skin and wrote His Story Comment from : @gsjohnsonsr |
Fascinating Comment from : @illegaltendencies7803 |
We were already here when the colonizers arrived In the negro laws of South Carolina section 4 states that the term, not an identity or a Nationality, the term negro is confined to slaved Africans and their ancient Berbers descendants which means we have a Nationality but people are confused about is they assume that all Berbers arrived on slave ships and that's not what it states and my position is we were enslaved when they arrived meaning we were here before the Atlantic slave trade The negro laws didn't state that people brought to the Americas on slave ships the term negro would apply to them, they are talking about the people who traversed the river before it became an Ocean we were here since time immemorial and there is no birthdate on when we were on this planet called Earth They don't call people in Africa Negroes they have a Nationality and so do we here in the Al Maghrib Al Aqsa, Turtle Island, Northwest Amexem which is the Moroccan Empire We are Al Moroccans Al Maurikanos the nationals of the land and we can't be deported either, they just incarcerate us or kill us in the streets! Comment from : @Wayne-qn6zo |
Negroes are Moors, misclassified as indians and later black, who refused to go on reservations, so they denationalized us and made us adjectives just to circumvent the Constitution and the Treaty, they know that but refused to recognize who we are to take control of our ancestoral land, period! Comment from : @Wayne-qn6zo |
Negro means black in Moorish latin, now called Spanish and there are no such people as black or white people, those are fake legal statuses You must have a Nationality which connects you to the family of nations! Comment from : @Wayne-qn6zo |
Chilcotin roamed here in interior of British Columbia Canada for 10000 years or more Comment from : @ronaldsetah |
No wonder college graduates are in debt, worthless, useless to society, angry and frustrated Comment from : @kathymchenry2208 |
He's saying a whole buncha buncha words, without saying anything factual or informative Comment from : @kathymchenry2208 |
This day and agewhy don't you reference some DNA evidence? Comment from : @kathymchenry2208 |
Hope we can all remember the seventies when everyone claimed " Indian" heritage Comment from : @kathymchenry2208 |
The paintings are misleading brYou named my family brNow im waiting to see if you truly EXPOSE THE TRUTH Comment from : @Diligently2U |
Unmitigated gall and greed of Managua people who think they OWN people or others personal property I will make that statement Comment from : @garnerjoyce606 |
When did whaling begin northern shores??? Comment from : @garnerjoyce606 |
I hope this isn’t how all scholars conduct “science” This is all highly suspect Comment from : @rogerwelsh2335 |
Dude once you brought up Noah, you really lost me No serious scholar can start bringing the Bible into a serious conversation brI’m out of here Comment from : @rogerwelsh2335 |
Atlantes which are around Hidalgo Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
Navajo are central Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
With Russia Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
All are register Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
Mexico put the Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
In Canada Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
Was GLOBAL THE AUTRO EMPIRE Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
German at the time of Carlos fifth Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
No they are from Canada Comment from : @GracielaTisnado |
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