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How much music theory did The Beatles know?

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Title :  How much music theory did The Beatles know?
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Comments How much music theory did The Beatles know?

They had their own…
Comment from : @DeekJohnson

While Music Theory does help with learning music But music is an art Not a science You feel the music and play what feels right to you
Comment from : @JamesPlaysGames95

The less music theory you know, the better song writer you'll be
Comment from : @E-BikingAdventures

A very interesting video but to cite quotes many years after they wrote the songs does not necessarily correlate to what they knew when they wrote the songs
Comment from : @lusmas99

You think they could have written so many unique, complex and sophisticated chord progressions if they didn't? They learned by doing
Comment from : @sowhat1431

If theory was neceessary for art most of critics would be great artist
Comment from : @alokvarma1978

that blooper was so funny brb*does a crazy anachronistic family guy skit*/bbrb*busts out some of the best harmony on planet earth*/bbrthis is why i love lennon and mccartney so much
Comment from : @caseyhamm4292

You are one of the few teachers who has taught me to use theory constructively in terms of composition
Comment from : @eyetalic

If the Beatles didn't do it it's not good music theory!😂🔥
Comment from : @BibleTruthForCambodia

a totally moot point
Comment from : @craigoog

All four of them were really intelligent That's the most important thing
Comment from : @wmarkdyer

You could probably say the same thing about many other pop/rock/blues/metal/country/folk/hip-hop/rap/and so on musicians They may have some basic understanding of music theory, but they don't know much about music theory because they never went to a music school, never majored in music in a college or university, or never studied music in any depth They just pick up an instrument, learn how to play it, and become very adept at playing it Or they just think of a melody/tune/jingle/song/whatever you call it in their mind, start singing it, and set it to instrumental accompaniment Therein lies the beauty of creativity in music You don't need in-depth knowledge of music theory to come up with a song In the case of the Beatles, it helped them a great deal to have someone like George Martin who is well grounded in music theory to refine their music Without George Martin, the Beatles would not have had as much depth, innovation, and variety in their music George Martin in reality was the fifth Beatle in the studio However, George Martin with all this music theory knowledge never came up with any hits like Lennon, McCartney, Harrison, or Starr, did he? 'Just wondering
Comment from : @tubx3805

You notice how there isn’t any evidence of classic live performances That musicians are in awe of
Comment from : @reggielewis4196

if you have a high IQ and a good ear you dont need theory you will be able to things without i have maybe an average both so theory helped a lot
Comment from : @thedude-jb7wx

I saw on get back one of them wrote the chord symbol for G# as Gs
Comment from : @goc1842

The Beatles didn't Not on the page anyway But they had George for that Martin He was brilliant at it, and the boys ate his knowledge up The beats and bars are all in the hearing They had brilliant musical ears Which is what music is all about
Comment from : @junehanzawa5165

When you write songs and you can't read music and don't know theory [as I don't and have'nt] You can't help but learn some along the way, either through trial and error or by people either showing you stuff or collaborating Sometimes if you play long enough you can gather a natural intuition by feeling the notes rather than thinking about the rules This can lead to not sounding "mechanical"
Comment from : @stevegraham-s9l

"The Beetooz!" I've never heard it pronounced that way Must be a regional English accent
Comment from : @FilipSwoboda

I can see a Jack Black movie set in the 60s about a quest to find the mythical B7 chord
Comment from : @NavajoNinja

To shorty answer this question "Not much but George Martin did"
Comment from : @larrycarls7221

Really interesting If only you could pronounce 'Beatles' correctly
Comment from : @keithmerrick

It's like analyzing the beauty of a Jackson Pollock painting It ads nothing to the piece itself But it can add a lot to the interpretation of the piece by you
Comment from : @artisans8521

And here we are talking about western music theory Guess what There is more music than that
Comment from : @akeleven

Comment from : @consequenceable

Initially none, by the end The Beatles learned a few basics, and mostly from George Martin's exposition, but none of them was interested in fully learning music theory, especially Paul as he thinks not knowing too much about it helped them develop the unique Beatles sound
Comment from : @schris3

A lot of bluegrass and country musicians didnt know music theory either Miraculously, many just picked up an instrument and played it intuitively
Comment from : @clydekimsey7503

They could read music so how could they know music theory? Had they known it, they wouldn't had tried mixing rock with the classics
Comment from : @MelissaR784

Yes but they didn’t know that they knew
Comment from : @rollingtigercommander

Music theory is merely reflection on the greats I'll die on that hill
Comment from : @TacticsTechniquesandProcedures

he counts 1,2,3,4,1,2 close your…1 ( eyes band starts)
Comment from : @sega62s

The quality of your thoughts is tied to the quality of your language… Michel Foucault … you could say the same thing for music and music theory(language)
Comment from : @RegiiPad

Riassumendo erano 4 ignorantoni che hanno fatto successo e soldi a palate!! Un classico nella storia del mondo!! E noi poveri fessi che ci ostiniamo a studiare
Comment from : @mevanonintaxer

This was really was interesting to me Educational and entertaining Thank you so much for all of your workI love She's Leaving Home for ALL the beauty in that melody It's so old and beautiful ❤ That was some incredible talent😊❤😊
Comment from : @barbarahallowell2613

But it's "Beatles", not "be toos"
Comment from : @soldierswriter

Lennon's impersonation of George Martin 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @ingenieriaavanzada3391

What I noticed is on sheet music of the Beatles you see lots and lots of fancy chords So perhaps they played these chords on the piano or guitar by ear without knowing the names of the chords?
Comment from : @richardsullivan2537

This doesn't look real
Comment from : @Light-y7z

The Beatles can make music and they are great ❤ From singing to guitars to drums They are great 👍 ❤❤❤
Comment from : @makinisify

How did 4 young men without advanced education know about these complex chord changes? I think George Martin was more involved in the song writing
Comment from : @Starsk25

Children in British schools in the 1950s, at the time the Beetles were at school, were taught a whole lot about music I'm pretty sure these guys used what they had learned there to write their first songs
Comment from : @mikethespike7579

It sounds like they knew enough music theory to play guitar, which is a decent amount if you want to write songs that go beyond blues They clearly knew a fair amount, more than most rock bands out there
Comment from : @andrewnicon

I wanted to take a music theory class in college, but a prerequisite was being able to play a simple song on piano which I couldn't do Now I'm beginning to learn, not piano but theory I have a better idea of counterpoint but I'm still a bit fuzzy on a fugue Thanks
Comment from : @Pafusion

Music theory is only a way of interpreting music It is not a key to being able to compose music
Comment from : @johnmc3862

Comment from : @enveryum7586

You dont need to know music theory to be creative have ear have musical intelligence Being exposed to it young might be enough to develop thr live snd the rhythm
Comment from : @PortofinoArts

F(add9) brBeatles Mu chord
Comment from : @Phillip-y6d

great vid, dude💕
Comment from : @Phillip-y6d

RIngo 🤣👍
Comment from : @Phillip-y6d

People, musicians, artists, etc talk about, disect, comment about Beatles songs THESE JUST SHOWS HOW GOOD THE BEATLES AREbrIs there any other group or band, singers, composers being accorded this kind of interestbrThe Beatles produced some of the greatest songs we had
Comment from : @gerryvargas9259

Why not just ask him🤓💀😎?
Comment from : @jameshuang8390

genius - exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability
Comment from : @MMaxKolbe

You don't have to know music theory to make music It's just how the human brain works
Comment from : @CYLITM

“‘Member once hearing about a bloke who knew B7”brbrWow!
Comment from : @yommish

Theory is for academicss to use science to create a song
Comment from : @caseyjones9359

Ha,ha So true😄
Comment from : @robert9407

Many comments say they were just naturally talented These boys surely practiced A LOT, otherwise explain the B7 quest brbrbrAmazing video!
Comment from : @pawytunes2925

So you're telling me I know music theory more than the whole legendary beatles, yet I can't even compose twinkles twinkles little star alike song
Comment from : @ghadykhalil1262

"Knows theory", that's a very subjective description They certainly knew some theory
Comment from : @supernoobsmith5718

I don't see how this can be fully fleshed out without an analysis of what the Beatles picked up in the studio - not just from George Martin, but also Geoff Emerick, as well as all of the other musicians that were brought into the studio to assist in recording their songs - and that's not to mention all of their peers that they met, casually and otherwise, and jammed with and traded ideasbrbrThe Beatles didn't develop their skills and knowledge in a vacuum So approaching it with an overriding notion that whatever they developed occurred strictly within their own realm seems rather simplistic if not completely unrealistic
Comment from : @chuckschillingvideos

Music is a universal language but learning the theory allows us to share and makes it much more useful when you don't know what you are doing even when you are really talented
Comment from : @ashleighmckenzie9557

Wake up The Beatles didn't write much if any of 'their' music They had ghost writers
Comment from : @vagabondvibes2578

Wow best teacher for me thank you Also the beatles were a scam Tbe producer wrote the music, the beatles did not know Italian opera, Billy did know theory Paul died in the 60s If you want real detailed proof hit me up
Comment from : @CthtoNicfly5

Sometimes Knowledge Boxes in Creativity Sometimes the less rules u know, the more can bend
Comment from : @Niam_Human

So, music theory is the language we use to describe the language of music? Cute eh? A bit like solicitors who use legal jargon to describe common sense and charge a fortune for doing it!😊
Comment from : @Raelscage

Great analysis! Really interesting
Comment from : @reeeeeeeam511

I too play guitar and ukulele, but I do not know how to read sheet music I just know the rhythm and fastness and slowness of a song If one sings a song that I know, more or less I can play that on guitar and ukulele LOL
Comment from : @PapaOsmubalOscarBalajadia

Keith Emerson wrote and read music
Comment from : @TriRabbi

Your videos are a great info source brGreetings from Bolivia
Comment from : @Pablo_Anunnaki

Exactly right Did the Beatles know music theory? Yes and no; George Martin did Before I retired I had numerous "arguments" at work with another guitarist (we're still friends) He was a much better guitar player than I, but I did know and he thought it was a "bad" thing to learn, somehow Like you know, all those other guys like the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, etc didn't know, so to him it must be better to not know However, I composed over 80 songs and he composed none He admits he still plays the same songs he learned around 50 years ago He plays them well of course
Comment from : @phillipmoore9012

I mean you can just know it subconciously right, like its not completely necesarry to know all the ifs and buts They did fine cause they knew very well how to play their instruments
Comment from : @MortanAMrk

"Did the beatles know music theory?" isn't a statement, so it's neither true nor false
Comment from : @froreyfire

It is a mistake to teach reading sheet music before allowing the person/student to explore playing by ear You learn through your ears, not your eyes
Comment from : @PamelaMcIntyre-d1j

You know you can still ask them right two of the members are still alive today
Comment from : @Puertoricanartist2010

Imagine how dull The Beatles would have been if they'd all been music school snobs
Comment from : @1FutureBoy

They arethe smartest dumb dumbs ever
Comment from : @Cathalheraty69

she's got a ticket to 'Ride a hah' maj7 b5 George Martin no doubt
Comment from : @catherinekelly532

Paul and George had to go to some random blokes house to learn B7 ? But they already knew E and A? Surely it would have already been in their chord books What a typical load of McCartney bull shit! 😂😂
Comment from : @scottandrewbrass1931

John had Advanced Schooling and likely led the band based on that
Comment from : @gfred56

Why are we making excuses for these guys?br Tonality, triadic harmony that pursues certain progressions over others, duple and triple metering and a contrapuntally satisfying melody that occupies a narrative-style arc through a modal mood and harmonic progressions are all indispensable elements of classical Western music, and that, in effect, includes the esthetic structures of jazz, rock, folk, country, gospel, soul and pop The Beatles captured these skills intuitively, but they would have made even better music had they studied theory formally br Don't fool yourselves! It's always better to know than not know
Comment from : @prototropo

Their lack of theory was made up with the GREAT ability to write songs; great composers
Comment from : @baca1635

I jam with my dad and his friend I play bass, mostly, and my dad plays guitar and his friend Tom plays mandolin (or sometimes guitar) Tom's five year old son likes to play with us as well Usually he just plays percussion, but today he played piano I asked if Rowan was taking piano lessons, because I was genuinely impressed by what he was playing (remember: he's five) His dad said he didn't, he just plays whatever sounds right We were playing the song Runaway by Del Shannon, and during the solo part, with the solo played on mandolin, what Rowan was playing worked really well He was playing repeated melodic lines, and even had a vague mapping out of what the vocal melody in the previous verse was, and played little embellishments off of it When the mandolin was doing something fancy, Rowan didn't play something fancy, he instead played a more complex counter melody during gaps of mandolin He could feel the structure, feel that this was the peak of the song, and he had figured out already what keys on the piano sounded good All just by messing around while his dad jammed with usbrBest way to learn in intuition I can't wait for Rowan to grow up and see how great of a piano player he'll become
Comment from : @swagmundfreud666

Doesn't matter whether they did or not, because they were on so many drugs that they wouldn't remember anything they had knowledge of anyway I took the vaccine, and now I can't remember words I've been using for fucking years; I'd be surprised if the Beatles could
Comment from : @edsknife

How many of us have the words but haven't written anything as good as the worst Beatles song They hear all the concepts They just weren't taught the labels
Comment from : @magdalenazurawski2618

They wrote the lyrics of a love song Found the chords, added their natural creativity to it and that's it Not what you are talking about It's natural talent!!
Comment from : @EdwinSowane

The Beatles had one decent musician and that was the drummer whe could count to 4 and never rushedThe rest of them were 3 chord bubble gum lollipop wannabees who did as told by the production team The band was like the Monkees a put on to be shoved out on the radio and used to make moneyThe Beatles were not musicians
Comment from : @garywheeler60

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