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Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money

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Information Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money

Title :  Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money
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Frames Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money

Description Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money

Comments Unemployed? Go to North Dakota!! Oil Fracking jobs GALORE!!- MSN Money

can you get a job down there even if you've got a bad record
Comment from : @tonysmith1124

are they need nurses down there real bad to question
Comment from : @tonysmith1124

How I envy what North Dakota's doing I live in Colorado Our state's municipal governments have been pretty obstructionist in trying to block energy development Our state government's been pretty good about suing cities that get in the way and I'm proud to say my town (Erie) and my county (Weld) have been outstanding at allowing for energy development in a way that's both fair to the residents and fair to the workers but so many cities have been a hasslebrbrOur state could make enormous amounts of money and create thousands of jobs by opening things up to more development and being less hostile to oil and gas workersbrbrAt least Colorado's been better than California and New York Those states sit on enormous amounts of energy and yet block development I guess the interest of a few loony environmentalist outweigh the interest of the people who need work in those states
Comment from : @Monsuco

Can any body help me with some information? I want to get in the oil field! Help?
Comment from : @ramonekent7186

LOL, this video looks like a joke But sadly it's reality
Comment from : @Neojhun

Who is going in april 2014 Ill tag along brIm making 9/hr brTheres gotta be something better
Comment from : @rzorNvme

Sign on bonus, 401K FULL benefits - 80K a year!!!!!!!!!!  Pay for training to get extra certificates like OSHA, Water Tanker, HAZMAT!!!  Off several weeks at a time - with this much you could afford to fly home and see Quincy - take her out to see the Badlands, Chicago - you, me  and Greg could live cheap and make a fortune in 6 months to a year and COME HOME!!!!!!!!!! I could stand it with friends but not by myself!  Something to think about!
Comment from : @AmyPeterson1972

what kind of work do you do man?
Comment from : @celestineosi6978

thanks for the reply is there a place i can fill out a APP at? would be great if i could land a job that way, risky to just head west on a hunch, i gotta give it to people who have,, hows the cost of living? whats and average home sell/rent for?
Comment from : @smokedout616

Comment from : @smokedout616

Hey i'm from Michigan, and the economy here is badI heard about this boom in ND, from the Sean Hannity show is it really as good as it sounds can i just drive there and get a job in the industry like that my wife is a nurse, and her skills will move with herso we are thinking about doing it
Comment from : @smokedout616

I walked into a starting pay of $100K a year at the lowest pay level for my job In a couple years I will be able to make $200-400K This money will pay my kids education and let my wife and I retire comfortably There are thousands of people like me up here And these "fascist" companies are more than willing to through money at us to get the job done I will laugh all the way to the bank
Comment from : @cbremer83

For those of you who are already adversely affected by Hydrofracking either from a health and/or financial respect - or probably about to be which is the case in New York State - perhaps my Hydrofracking Internet profiles might help you get "your ducks in a row"; to make immediate salient, compelling points in your lawsuit against the Big Gas company who's damaged your life to an extent that really money can't make whole analyzetheanalysts dot weebly dot com/#HydrofrackingChemicals
Comment from : @SearchSpecifics

For more info on moving to ND for jobs google NODAKOILBOOM
Comment from : @nodakoilboom4959

Comment from : @Frost517

I just found this site that will blown your mind if you are trying to make money online or if YOU are Interested in Making Money OnlineVisit ONLINEJOBSFROMHOMEUPHEROCOM and start making money now!
Comment from : @donnalissa7504

in minot we have a bunch of dudes from texas now and random places
Comment from : @karaniskanen2465

HiIs its true about the employment(jobs)Myself is an retired USPS/postalwrker/Plywood Mill wrkr(59yrs) old USMC Disabled vet Still can work even tho it maybe goffer wrk atJameskr54@yahoocom
Comment from : @jamesrasmussen748

I can use an extra arm
Comment from : @mikezahnow1605

well first off the cost of living is terrible only around that area and obviously the whole country dosnt know how to vote a re elected a dip shit
Comment from : @unbeatable911

It really isnt worth going out there because prices on everything is so high, the cost of living is terrible, there are criminals out there, and the worst thing is is that North Dakotans are fucking idiots who dont know how to vote for their Senetors North Dakota fucked theirselves over for voting in Heidi HeitkampMORONS The oil industry is not going to last long people Get over it Its too late to make a living out there I know, I was born and raised there
Comment from : @brianjaykay3615

Hi there! Have you ever heard related to the Tube Cash Exposure? I came across it on Google Search and read awesome stuff about it Some of my neighbor also recommend me to check out it
Comment from : @cMember243

my roomate gets laid off in chicago from his trucking jobs in two weeks and he's headed out there ill have himmakes some vids and report back on how he's doing he found a lot of info and company contact info at oilandgasjobsnorthdakota website
Comment from : @rulesforrebels

hard ass work but hundreds of thousands of dollars to be put into your pocket a year for doing that hard work it pays off my uncle makes over 200 grand a year down there in north Dakota
Comment from : @V3EVO

This is classic Ameica--just like when men searched for a better life in the 1800s and went west DRILL, BABY, DRILL Those against fracking please turn off your computer and HVAC
Comment from : @Srd1126

Have you heard about Smarter Money Maker? (do a google search for it) It is a fast and simple way for you to earn extra cash quicker
Comment from : @mirajkunwar7499

The oil is thin from fracking fluid
Comment from : @QQTrick1QQ

Maybe I need to move to North Dakota for one year and make enough money to pay off my dang car!
Comment from : @RB902050

Yes they did the entire set up, just so they can have "Gay Man Camps" lol What a homophobic freak You are just to smart for all of us
Comment from : @Lizardatsparks

sucks having people invade your home happened in my home town with Californiansthey think its so beautiful hear They drove all the hard workers out and all the mill closed down The guys that worked hard hear are probably some of the ones that are in your territory now
Comment from : @N8-T

Dont come up here we can handle it
Comment from : @WolleytheMonster

Don't go to ND, we don't want you guys
Comment from : @Furry_Wall

Right on! They still can't stop the Red River of the North from flooding in NoDak
Comment from : @Glinkaism1

Right on! Show me the dead bodies There ain't none Greenpieces of shit ruin business The Greenies are funded by moguls who would some in and have taxpayers pay a fortune to re-greeen the place And the re-greeners are the HUGE greeny corporations So the greeny tree huggers are a scam out to make millions The same genre of civilian contractors who suck up taxpayer money working for NASA to go to worthless planets for millions
Comment from : @Glinkaism1

That's a lie that people like you want to believe
Comment from : @Glinkaism1

Something missing here Friend of mine said his son came back because there's no housing But by gosh, I'd take a portable POD for the adventure the money Anyone here hear of the downsides?
Comment from : @Glinkaism1

I'd have to go Dexter on somebody if I witnessed the beautiful state of ND being overrun by the same people that have ruined the south No way I could let it happen out there without taking some lowlifes down Problem is, it's hard to tell sometimes, which trash should be taken out, till it's too late Good people have been taken advantage of for too long by scum; so sick of it all
Comment from : @jsmyth024

What towns is Halliburton located in ND????
Comment from : @TheChristianRight09

there are none its a huge sausage fest there
Comment from : @slavatiger

Thanks obama!
Comment from : @MegaMentholMan

Destroy your world and the water table, make a buck, its the American way
Comment from : @bigraviolees

Dont move to Nrth Dakota we like it the way it is
Comment from : @LameLlama0

get the fuck out of here
Comment from : @MrBlizacane

you enviromental nuts have already damaged the planet,the forest, not to mention all of peoples lives you ruinedHell the planet is already ruined by you people
Comment from : @rosshammond

Stop your tree hugging dude PEOPLE NEED WORK!
Comment from : @jackinthebox995

The enviromental damaged is going to be huge in that state
Comment from : @nigelbulls23

I'm moving to North Dakota Holy shit
Comment from : @islespatrick

Im from North dakota and i absolutely hate how it's changed the truck drivers are dangerous and they tear up the roads, and alot of roads went to gravel because of the oil boom, and the people who are there alot of them are disrespectful, but it's never going to get better or be the same if anything it's going to get worse
Comment from : @FloridaFarm_Girl

I need a job, CT CDL A Hazmat/Tanker no driving history, no criminal record, no wife no kids
Comment from : @400hpmustang

my family members are all illegal and make good money up thier
Comment from : @mc803066

One wordPennsylvaniado your own research
Comment from : @Scampergirl

I hate to destroy your homophobic illusions, but statistically speaking, its the parents who have a higher chance to "diddle" with their own kiddies
Comment from : @Scampergirl

Please don't come to North Dakota, we've got too many ppl as it is, and we just don't have the housing for ya'll, and we don't need the crime that comes with you
Comment from : @Drmadman1333

I see a lot of liberals complaining that fracking pollutes groundwater and causes water to "start on fire", but can ANY OF YOU cite one DOCUMENTED CASE of groundwater pollution, or do you just have hearsay and fearmongering fabrications? I don't want to see EPA studies and "possibilities", give me ONE documented case of groundwater contamination caused by fracking
Comment from : @jmn120176

Driving? They drive like grandma, or even worsewhy do you Gasholers drive so slow?? XD
Comment from : @somps33

Lots of money to be made raping Mother Earth
Comment from : @darkhorseII

North Dakota weather - think Canada?
Comment from : @zzap999

Yup all i can say is Git 'R done We build lots of equipment that is used all over the oil industry and lots of it goes to ND Its a boom and bust but now its BOOM!
Comment from : @brentondueck4233

The women are comin' It just takes them while to get there
Comment from : @joebackgammon6929

Yes There hasn't been any cases of aquifer contamination that I know of during this boom I think the problems they had in NY can be chalked up to fracking being a new science at that time
Comment from : @dgdaner

uuuhh ya what makes you think we cant?
Comment from : @austin7956

Comment from : @milowent

iam a retiring flea market vender a am selling my invetory of us and european hand tools see n dakota craigs list
Comment from : @thereit21

any chance for someone from Europe to get a job there? (welding job)
Comment from : @MrEgzorcista

OMG As soon as i beat my criminal court case i'll will be headed straight for North Dakota and i will be take a crew with me yes sir see you soon !!!!
Comment from : @XxTHExONE

Wow! wonder what the gas prices are here anyone?
Comment from : @horus1971

@TheICETEE22 so you want to police in real life and the internet?
Comment from : @plasticpatch1

@shouldifeedthecat You should do your homework on mineral rights so you will understand the difference between mineral rights and surface rights Owning the land and owning the mineral rights are two different things Yes if you are smart or lucky your land ownership will include the mineral rights Mineral rights can go back to the 1800s and most of us don't have memories that go back that farYour friends and relatives were either smart or lucky, but probably just lucky Now go feed the cat!
Comment from : @1BSARoadRocket

@Gunnarsguns I take it you've never been to Tioga, ND, or walmart in WillistonIT IS MEXICO!!
Comment from : @Matt_kishere

@1BSARoadRocket No the oil belongs to the people who own the fields I have lived there and have family and friends that live there and own land there They do not give up rights to their land, they allow the oil companies to drill there but at any time can stop it because it is their land You are the one that needs a reality check Jobs are starting to go dry and they will most likely choose people who are from North Dakota over those that are not from there
Comment from : @shouldifeedthecat

If we elect Ron Paul, the whole country will look like this
Comment from : @RichPaul420

Word has reached Mexico Help is on the way
Comment from : @Gunnarsguns

everyones welcome to come join the boom make sure you bring your A game and a warm coat No bitching about the cold cause this winter is pretty nice next year will be much worse
Comment from : @boardfreak79

I'm from ND I'm only fourteen but i'm from Stanley and i'm right in the middle of all this and i've seen this state grow, and who the hell do you think you are telling people to move here? stfu!
Comment from : @heiditheguy

I'm from California and we LOVE the fact that low income people are leaving our state in droves headed to ND You have a golden opportunity to feel our pain !
Comment from : @code3k5

Frackin A
Comment from : @ThunderPants13

The hookers are probably making more money than the oil companies These types of booms are what why capitalism can be exciting Good luck to all the people who end up going there
Comment from : @EconCat88

@ameestarrie Ohhh pleaseYou are one of the " I love my little townget out of here foreigners! " Please understand that places change and towns become cities some when when it finds what it has to offer to it's citizens This is great and I love it, hardworking people welcome! and drug-addicts and thieves stay away from here Thanks!
Comment from : @mayrolas1

@jrrdking For the record I'm an Athiest Biggest mistake I've made here is bothering to comment on your completely backwards viewpoints There is an old saying, "don't bother arguing with an idiot, they will only drag you down to your level and beat you with experience" Which is just what you have done Sad thing is if you were not so full of arrogance and hate you would realize that our view points are in many ways a lot close together than you would ever think
Comment from : @1BSARoadRocket

@jrrdking Point is, the mentally ill were targeted first, many years before the worst happened to the poles and jews Maybe you should learn about a thing called a time line and another thing called fine print
Comment from : @1BSARoadRocket

@1BSARoadRocket i wouldnt piss in the mouth of a dehydrated man if i new he shared the views of those berkly fucks and bud i remember clinton well id vote hillary they believe in the right democratic views not Obamas liberal fucked bull shit like cutting military and Obama care Hope and Change huh well hope u got some change cause thats all he gana leave u with Im educated have nice jeep car child own a nice home and little land and work my fucking ass off 4 it every day
Comment from : @jrrdking

@jrrdking Never said anything about a basket of roses I guess that's the crazy talking, but I do know the economy was damn good during the Clinton era, oh wait you don't have enough life experience to have lived that era If working hard for the rich and living in the servants quarters is were it's at for you and your children, have at it, rich people love ignorant hard workers If you want better for your children you better use your brain and make good friends with the Berkley types
Comment from : @1BSARoadRocket

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