Title | : | North Dakota Oil Well Frac Water |
Lasting | : | 5.59 |
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Views | : | 44 rb |
Great video Are you still working there? Comment from : @claytonbrown7100 |
Play nice kids If you would like to change someones way of thinking to yours you must first show them the benefits that they themselves will realize by doing it "your way" Calling them names and making threats wouldn't work against you, what makes you think that it will work against someone who you disagree with? Comment from : @FotoandT |
So are you advocating that we step back in time to the middle ages? Tools made of steel, wood and coal for fuels, medicine non-existent and the main mode of transportation walking or horse back You see, without modern fuels your electric car and bicycle wouldn't exist either Your argument loses all credibility simply because you're generalizing instead of making a cogent debatable point We can't go back in time Comment from : @FotoandT |
Appreciate this video for what it is, an observation of what life was like in the Bakken in 2011 for someone who was trying to make a living Not an endorsement of what you perceive to be an evil practice with no upside Don't bash what I do for a living, I'm not uneducated and I'm not stupid I've spent my life educating myself about both sides to most stories and I suggest you do the same Remember, those that want to stop fracking are corporations too and they are money hungry too Comment from : @joehunnicutt6977 |
The energy woes of this country will not be solved by those hideous wind turbines planted all over the place killing birds better than a 12ga shotgun or by purchasing solar panels from yet again another huge corporation which has it's hand in our pockets via tax dollars because they really can't make a profit on their own Does fracking hurt the environment? Yes to a degree it does, but not to the extent that the eco-nazi's would have you believe Comment from : @joehunnicutt6977 |
Did you happen to notice that this video wasn't about the political side of fracking? Nor did I post it so that you could have a bully pulpit to spew "your" views If you find it distasteful that's fine, you won't find me making uneducated remarks about what "you" do for a living to provide for your family The government does not take care of me and yes, huge corporations are by and large not the friend of anyone Comment from : @joehunnicutt6977 |
Instead of calling it "fracking" it should be called "raping the Earth" Corporations find pristine land and stick a long hard tube miles into the Earth and squirt toxic chemical water into a the holeand leave the land and water ruined polluted and RAPED of virtuedigging the graves for generations to come,turning the 2 of freshwater we have into industrial FILTH Comment from : @anuangelseyes |
Hey, look on this facebook page : Fracking Hands across the sea Comment from : @gunnar135 |
Wau! Comment from : @Helena-Sin |
At 1,000,000 gallons per well we will run out of water before we run out of oil Comment from : @kingmike40 |
it will become hazardous onces its mixed Comment from : @MrRazzeldazzel88 |
I detest the fact that we export OUR resources to hostile countries, ie China Do me a favor and post your source for the solar energy usage, I'd be interested to know how they came to that conclusion Comment from : @FotoandT |
I'm not sure what you mean by "fracking rig" but the fracturing of a well takes only a week to ten days at most The hazards of fracturing itself are minimal but those who would have us turn over our guns and become faithful subjects of the dictator will never be convinced of anything other than the evils of the process or the devils oil I like to leave the Troll posts up just for the entertainment value they provide for intelligent people Comment from : @FotoandT |
The tanks you are seeing contain fresh water which is not a hazardous substance unless you're drowning Comment from : @FotoandT |
I did not know that drummer Bun ECarlos of the classic rock band band Cheap Trick is now a trucker Comment from : @Crapgame44 |
There is actually a lot more water recycling than there used to be Unfortunately there just isn't the oversight in ND like there is in TX Comment from : @FotoandT |
Lots of warm clothes, especially socks And you'll need muck boots when all the ice starts to melt and you're up to your nuts in mud Have fun you're about to learn why most of us won't ever set foot in ND again Comment from : @FotoandT |
They should recycle as much of that water a possible I'm pro oil bit we have to be smart about it Comment from : @TheTexasTodd |
awsome cant wait im coming up the 20th of this month and work for powerfuels any suggestions? Comment from : @2phalanges |
The problem in the winter is when you steam the trailer you're also going to wind up with frozen brakes and NOBODY likes to beat on their brakes to get the truck moving Think long and hard BEFORE you decide to go to ND In my opinion it isn't fit for human habitation Above all, DO NOT go there unless you have a job "In The Bag" ND is the 21st Century Gold Rush but it isn't for the faint of heart There is NO PLACE to stay and if you do find someplace be prepared to pay 4x what it's worth Comment from : @FotoandT |
I got out of ND and headed for Texas but you're right I used to tell drivers that I was hiring that if they didn't have Verizon that they should bring firewood 'cause they were gonna have to send "smoke signals" They'd need the firewood simply because there aren't any freakin' trees in ND to start a fire with!! Comment from : @FotoandT |
Nice vid For anyone coming up here that wants to use their cell phone! Make sure it's verizon It is the only carrier with good enough coverage outside of the cities Comment from : @dgdaner |
Ya thats a frac, they are not loggin Thats e-lines lubricators Usually on a log run you might need 15 to 25 feet of lubricators And on a log run you will either use a work over rig or coil tubing Comment from : @jerrydon575 |
no dont need no bad legs out here special from tenn Comment from : @SuperWinner7777 |
Don't be afraid to go there and make money, just do it with the mindset that you'll only be there for less than a year, VERY few people last that long, myself included I'm told by the truck boss that replaced me that things have gotten a little better but our crew has moved away from the Williston area now If you go you'll have the knowledge that you did something that only a very small percentage of drivers ever get the courage to do Good luck Comment from : @FotoandT |
Williston is having a VERY hard time coping with the boom finacially and infrastructure wise Law enforcement is non-existant including DOT We had one of our drivers held at gunpoint at a water well, the Sherriffs office when called said that since he didn't get shot they'd come take a report in a day or so when they had time Drugs, prostitution and violent crime are off the chart in the Williston area Comment from : @FotoandT |
Another thing to consider is that there is NO PLACE to live You'll pay 1k plus per month for a bed and just a bed The grocery stores have no stock or employees, anybody who can pass a drug screen is in the oil patch Truck repair can drive you nuts as Pete, KW etc are weeks out on just changing something like a broken axle let alone a scattered engine If you go do it with eyes wide open and stay out of Williston if you can, it's the wild wild west Comment from : @FotoandT |
They arent fracin right theretheyre loggin thats a schumberj right Comment from : @prreed34 |
Personally I would NEVER return to ND Currently I'm logging in ID but I'll be heading back to TX to the patch there in a month TX has been pulling oil out of the ground for 3 generations and has its shit together way more than ND ND is the Wild West, too many broken rules and way too dangerous for the amount of money to be made Also the little guys are getting forced out of ND by the big companies PM me if you want more info on TX Comment from : @FotoandT |
I guess the easiest way would be to go to ND and find an owner operator who is looking to put somebody in his truck Most big companies won't touch you though Personally I would stay as far away from ND as I could but if you think you really want to do it, hire on with an OTR company like Swift or Werner for a year to get some time in, that would make you hireable BTW the money is NOT that great, the cost of living will eat a lot of your paycheck Comment from : @FotoandT |
I have a CDL, but no verifiable experience, how do I get started making the big money up there as a driver? Comment from : @MuayThaiBeatdown |
The trucks we were using were "re-spec'd" from fuel hauling and were way over gunned on engines C-15 550hp Cats, way too much truck in my opinion but it's what we had available Comment from : @FotoandT |
We were hauling fresh water so no placards required Even "flow-back" doesn't require placards though Even though the frac fluid as you call it is not labeled as hazardous you DON'T want that stuff on you, more than one of my drivers found this out the hard way, it tends to remove body hair What the environmentalists are harping about is the water usage and the risk of water table contamination due to blow-outs, which does happen from time to time Comment from : @FotoandT |
I don't see placards on the sides of the tanks that must mean the fracking fluid isn't hazardous! I'd never know it to listen to any typical liberal and their fearmongering anti-oil blather Nice peterbilt C15? Comment from : @jmn120176 |
If I were going to get pissed at what's going on in the oil fields, I'd be VERY upset at the fact that in the Bakken (ND) and in the Eagle Ford (TX) there are litterally billions of cubic feet of natural gas that is just being "flared off" simply because the price is too low to capture and transport it This is not only a HUGE waste of energy but if climate change actually is caused by homo sapiens is contributing to a crap load of emmisions from the flares Comment from : @FotoandT |
The controversy on Frac water can go on ad infininum, ad nauseum Does it use a LOT of water? Yes Do "you" wish to continue to be held hostage by the arab world for our energy needs? I don't Dependable inexpensive renewable energy is generations away from becoming reality In the meantime we need oil Even your politically correct electric car still needs oil to operate the power plant which gives you the electricity to charge the damn thing Comment from : @FotoandT |
The out of staters are there because the locals can't pass a drug test Same with WY Piss off doper You are a loser and this man is a good working man Get over it You could have had a big piece of the pie But that meth was your master LOL!!! Loser
Good video working man Comment from : @stevesprinceofsteaks |
im guess you dont support the oilfield huh? well if you dont how about you turn off your car and push it to your next location and dont buy any plastic and let me knew how that works out for you Comment from : @rogeliomedina400 |
I seriously wonder how clean they can make that water, and the lifespan of all the chemicals they inject underground It defies logic to assume it will all somehow fade into harmlessness Those who don't care are criminals in my book
Also, I'd like to know if the land can be fully restored once a well-site dries up If the land can be restored, oil production seems less intrusive than 400-foot-tall wind turbines that stay in place and industrialize the landscape indefinitely Comment from : @4aSteadyStateEconomy |
Many people don't realize that most US shale is the "dry" (kerogen) type, and can't be fracked like the Bakken Flag-wavers vastly overstate the net-energy potential of dry shale when they act like it will give us Saudi Arabia reserves It would also be a major water hog
Total US oil production peaked in 1970, which included all these "new" sources that technology has boosted marginally, not exponentially EROEI of most shale is weak and Bakken is just a small bump on the US oil curve Comment from : @4aSteadyStateEconomy |
asterix,c'est toi? Comment from : @starforce224 |
@JayGatsbyOdysseus i don't give a shit about gas mileage, and there's a lot more oil than you think hybrids are for pussies as well Comment from : @bucko60 |
@hagueblake i agree welcome to north dakota, now go home! haha! Comment from : @bucko60 |
@DiamondChrome42 While very few of us will ever agree 100 on exactly how things should be done, we all have an opportunity to see how others do it Whether we learn anything from that or not we do not have a right in the context of an Internet community to insult others Your candle will not burn any brighter by blowing out others
Comment from : @FotoandT |
@DiamondChrome42 Please get your facts correct before you decide to comment After fracking the water is recovered, processed and put back, it doesn't just disappear Plus each water well has a specific allotment that can not be exceeded From my experience there are NO lakes drying up in ND, the opposite is true, when it's not frozen most of the Bakken looks like a rice paddy
Comment from : @FotoandT |
@hagueblake The state of ND and the local towns are ill prepared for the influx of men and machines to this area Don't blame the working stiff who simply is trying to provide for his family in the best way he knows how The Bakken is the 21st Century Gold Rush and that fact means that along with the workers you are going to see a very unseemly side of humanity arrive with them Comment from : @FotoandT |
@rollin20s17 Dude, That's why I moved out of the US You're working for one of the most profitable industry and during a Gas boom, and this gas drilling outfit have somehow convince you to be happy making only $17 per hour My friend that's only minimum wages here in Australia and you would get full benefits, weeks of paid vacations, good retirement, etc Middle class Americans are getting rip off! Think about it, Someone in Australia flipping burgers at McDonalds is making a better living Comment from : @fortresssupplies |
@FotoandT How long did you work in ND? Comment from : @What1ru4 |
@rollin20s17 It may "look" flat, but the county roads and the lease roads especially are in really bad shape When it rains it's not uncommon to see one truck per day laying on it's door handle As far as $17 per hour, that's really not bad, I worked for $15 last winter in AZ hauling asphalt The going rate in ND is around $25 per hour straight pay with no overtime The down side though is you're living in your truck or maybe in a man camp Living in your truck is better but no showers around Comment from : @FotoandT |
By the way I like your comment about being the highest point in ND Sure is flat around here Comment from : @viper3901 |
@FotoandT only if you chose to max your driving hours and actually work Comment from : @viper3901 |
I don't have an answer for you regarding how they heat their homes in the area I would assume that electric heat as well as propane or possibly even heating oil (diesel) I will mention though that propane is hard to get as are most commodities in the Williston area Our truck boss stood in line for 2 hours a couple of days ago just to get bottles filled There was only one place left in Williston that had propane Don't try to buy ice in July or August either I found that out the hard way Comment from : @FotoandT |
so what do they heat the homes with? coal? stove oil?propane?
I'm really curious Thank you
They should get a guarantee in writing for cheap fuel during the permit process
no gas no permit to drill Comment from : @01sircharles |
@01sircharles Comparing North Dakota to Northern California is like comparing Montana to Antarctica!! I've been told by more than one person who has worked the north slope in Alaska that the weather in ND is similar to that The only exception being that the storms don't last quite so long -40 degrees is not unusual and turning a truck off for more than a couple of hours could mean not getting it running again for days There's no place to take it to warm up, you just wait for a warm spell Comment from : @FotoandT |
@01sircharles Unfortunately there is no infrastructure to capture and transport natural gas yet in the Bakken, it just gets "Flared Off" for the most part When the infrastructure is developed the locals will NOT get any deals It will be piped south and east generating revenue for the oil companies and they aren't about to sell it at a discount to the folks in North Dakota We went through this in Wyoming several years ago when the pipeline east opened here No more cheap Natural Gas in WY Comment from : @FotoandT |
@Weezy10580 Typical wage potential is in excess of 100k per year driving a truck in this area Comment from : @FotoandT |
@Weezy10580 Typical wage potential is in excess of 100k per year driving a truck in this area Comment from : @FotoandT |
I guess there are not too many wood stoves for heat with no trees huh? How are most of the homes heated? Natural gas?There is as much gas there as oil probably We get more snow in the sierras of CA but it rarely get colder than -15 6 cord of wood last winterno gaslotta frikin' work thoughI looked up the monthly averages for temp and snow and they are almost equal But it sounds like it's colder therePlus I'm surrounded by 100 ft trees Comment from : @01sircharles |
@RememberForThePeople Unfortunately, it's not a career, just a job Very few water drivers will last more than a year doing it You burn out very quickly given the conditions in which you have to live Not to mention the fact that even though we only drive 20 to 30mph the risk of injury or death is a very real one Comment from : @FotoandT |
Keep the videos coming! Thanks Comment from : @sputtermill |
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