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Person-Centred Therapy, Pluralism, and the Actualising Tendency: A Dialogue

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Title :  Person-Centred Therapy, Pluralism, and the Actualising Tendency: A Dialogue
Lasting :   1.01.20
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Frames Person-Centred Therapy, Pluralism, and the Actualising Tendency: A Dialogue

Description Person-Centred Therapy, Pluralism, and the Actualising Tendency: A Dialogue

Comments Person-Centred Therapy, Pluralism, and the Actualising Tendency: A Dialogue

Surely many clients, especially younger ones, wouldn't understand the Person-centred approach and wouldn't be aware of how change happens in therapy Therefore when they are asked about what they found helpful, would be more likely to mention more obvious factors that had been explicitly talked about rather than things they are less aware of? For me what happens in counselling evolves naturally and is different each time Clients tend to find a way to do what is most useful for them in sessions and I'm not sure if it's possible beforehand to identify what that will be
Comment from : @AMBBcocco

Cooper 1 - Molyneux 0
Comment from : @victoriaives393

Thanks for sharing this conversation🙏
Comment from : @andreacappellato6567

I was sent this video by a fellow student in response to whether I actually like PCT or not brTotally relating to the “straight jacketed” feeling at the moment and I’ve not even finished my training brWhy are so many students feeling “straight jacketed” with regard to PCT, and why is there such a poor level of teaching across the board? Why haven’t changes been implemented to correct this, in what seems to be a miss representation of the therapy The therapy has been around for a long time! brAlthough I respect both Mick and Chris’s frame of reference on the subject, I’m definitely leaning towards Mick’s views towards Pluralism brbrThank you for this video
Comment from : @sharonpowell2702

Hi dear mick Hope you doing well Can I have your email address please I want to translate one of your books and I need your guidance Thanks 😊
Comment from : @captainaaa2020

Comment from : @VladyslavKL

I wonder if purist person-centred practitioners are more protective over Rogers, who was regarded as a loving father/grandfather figure who gave us this wonderful approach, rather the PC approach itself So, because Rogers is no longer here to defend what he stood for 30 years ago (although I bet that he would still be developing his theory today if he was with us), purists feel the need to protect him I only have 18 months of PC training and have tried to be PC in my relationships as best as I can What I find is, some people who (like Gloria from the three approaches) lack the self-confidence/assurance/belief to make their own decisions alone, most often than not, still communicates a bias towards particular options/directions So, I think a lot of the time people do know what they want and do know what they need to do to achieve their goal The more I think about Pluralism, the more it appeals to me Kindly, C
Comment from : @chance5745

Really enjoyed this discussion Excellent to hear you both grappling with these ideas in such an active and respectful way
Comment from : @ruthroberts5006

Great content, thanks for sharing
Comment from : @user-gu5hn8fc3k

Hi Mick and Chris, brbrWhat an interesting discussion Firstly, I would like to share that I was a counselling student of Chris' last year The co-tutors of the course led by Chris and Rich provided me with an excellent outline of Person-centred Therapy theory and practice What stood out for me on the course was the clarification concerning congruence and congruent communication The importance of staying within the client's frame of reference, and what did this bring up for me in terms of my ''own stuff'' when I felt a need to be directive with a client In addition, there was an emphasis on the value of a process group in terms of experiential and self-reflective learning as a developmental tool brbrWhat comes up for me after watching the above discussion is that Chris priorities the importance of self-reflective practice for the client and therapist On the other hand, Mick's position is that it is a client's preference that determines the level of depth of self-reflective practice that is facilitated during therapy Chris counters Mick's position in terms of the fundamental Person-centred Therapy concept of the actualizing tendency Mick asks, ''what do you mean by the actualizing tendency?'' And Chris finds this tricky to answer Understandably as both conceptualizations of trusting the actualizing tendency proposed by Mick suggest either a classical Rogerian position or a Gendlin Focusing-orientated position Rogers' later view of therapist presence seemed to shift between these two positions intuitively and he defined this experientially as a subtle altered state of consciousness That whatever Rogers did during this state he felt was intuitively therapeutic during the session Curiously I can see how Mick's movement into Existential Therapy may have occurred more clearly when he developed his concept of relational depth Relational depth being achieved through dialogue rather than this notion of a Person-centred Therapist being in a shamanic state of mystical presence that can heal the client therapeutically brbrAgain i would like to come back to self-reflective practice Chris may argue that a genuine therapeutic healing and positive personality transformation requires a Person-centred Therapy non-directive approach This is achieved through a gradual deepening of a self-reflective experiential exploration by the client This is held or facilitated safely through the necessary and sufficient conditions A person-centred theorist may argue that if a Therapist lacks an understanding of the actualizing tendency (as an attuning to therapeutic process) it would be more challenging to guide a client through the developmental stages of effective therapy that leads to positive personality transformation In contrast, Mick's position seems to be that the research and his experience working with clients is to go by the client's preference to achieve effective therapeutic outcomes However, Chris may argue that this is no doubt helpful and can be effective in measurable ways for the client Nonetheless, such a client has not had the opportunity (whether they were ready or not) to go through a therapeutic journey that could change their life in major ways brbrIn conclusion, I see Chris as saying if you're ready to go through this process of positive personality transformation i'm ready to be with you on this therapeutic journey On the other hand, Mick is saying I'm all for that, but for me it's dependent on what the client wants and asks for brbrI would like to be involved in further dialogues I'm particularly interested in what Pluralism has to offer an Integral psychotherapy approach that has been informed by the psychology of Integral Yoga Also I'm interested in how Feminist theory can contribute to innovations in Person-centred theory and practice brbrJoe BartholomewbrRadical Culture brradicalcultureint@gmailcom
Comment from : @joebartholomew2380

Great interview - more please I wish Mick hadn't weaseled out of the final question, especially as he'd heard the pc guy answer it - but that's a small point
Comment from : @OrwellsHousecat

When referring to the growth metaphor and the actualisig tendency Don't gardeners put a splint on a plant to help it heal if the stem is damaged? Like wise in therapy the counsellor may bring in other interventions to promote healing and growth
Comment from : @00mrdoive

I found it very interesting and can understand both positions However I am PC by philosophy, and approach and I have struggled with what that means as a therapist and a humanustic human The more I practice the more i find that all the strategies and approaches mean less if I am not in relationship with the client and offering the 6 conditions I am in the process of becoming too, and my own experiencing of the client is part of the process I think PC is very misunderstood Seen as a passive and unscientific (not evidenced) approach Roger's was always looking for evidence and was aware of scientific method and in the end it is alwsys about the belief that under right conditions of relationship, giving up power and being totally prepared to hear someone, that they have the opportunity to change or grow into the self that they truly are and with the flexibility to love themselves Apologies that is only a part of my understanding ant not very well expressed!
Comment from : @felixruskin9019

In Carl Rogers On Becoming a Person page 268 under the heading The Meaning of Research For The Future he writes “ To what end is all this research? It’s major significance it seems to me, is that the growing body of objectively verified knowledge of psychotherapy will bring about the gradual demise of “schools” of psychotherapy, including this one brHe goes on to say further down the page,br‘ out of this should grow an increasingly effective and continually changing psychotherapy which will never have nor need any specific label’ brThis feels significant and informs my approach to Person-Centred Therapy
Comment from : @leihsteggall1889

I think it's fantastic that you are having this respectful dialogue and valuable for all of us to unpick the basis of our practice, to question Why is it that I offer this to a client instead of that? More please
Comment from : @redlady935

If we all perceive PCT in our own way but we have in common the conditions would this be considered pluralistic as wanting to meet the client in his/her way of perceiving there vulnerability We want to be seen - this may have a different meaning but it is a need looked to be met in PCT
Comment from : @nicov6985

This was an interesting conversation I perceived part of the contention was that of definition It made me consider a strong argument that pluralistic or integrative can be even more PC than PCT! 😊 I suppose it's an argument of whether we view a thing as the concept of a thing or the thing itselfbrIn terms of fundamental belief you both seem very much on the same page but your approaches are different I would very much like to hear more in-depth conversations on what the differences are between the two of you philosophically This conversation really has revealed and asked me to think about some contradictions within the PC philosophy and approach Really thought provokingbrI would also love to hear more around complex questions you touched on such as is it possible to integrate directive methods into a non-directive approach and how would the philosophy inform the limits to those methods in practice brI suppose I have taken a long winded way of saying; more please brI'm a trainee counsellor and this channel provides me some awesome content for thought and reflection Thanks for posting
Comment from : @paulsits6167

Very deep talk makes you think for sure I agree that we do all actualise but in relation to the people and the world around us I think the competence of the therapist (no matter what the therapy) is the important thing That in any therapeutic relationship it's the relationship that is the important thing for growth
Comment from : @ajed2593

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