Title | : | Money - A Brief History Of The American Dollar - Part 2 of 2 |
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Old coen my nadr mobael 7020408622 Comment from : @prakashmhaske2600 |
audio??? Comment from : @904PinballZine |
Nobody wants to carry all those coins around Comment from : @LandonHeat |
found it!!! vimeo com /31413624 Comment from : @jesseboyd7 |
cant believe the audio has been removed :0 Comment from : @cameundermayne |
I can't get any sound on this video Part 1 is great, I want to see the rest! Comment from : @bobbybrooner |
Great video Going to use this on my channel
All respect Comment from : @emperornapoleon3148 |
moremorei must have more!!! Comment from : @vanityrose12 |
it is sad though while you two argue of fiat vs gold money neither are the predominant money in America The predominant money is counterfeited book entry digital notations Comment from : @se7ensnakes |
Altering the constitution is what constituion conventions are for Comment from : @se7ensnakes |
the money of the constitution is clariffied in the Coinage act of 1792 the money of the constituion is a spanish milled dollar and its objetivity is the references to "dollars" in two occasions: Both Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 of and the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution refer explicitly to the "dollar" Now if you change the meaning and value of the "dollars" you are effectively altering the constitution Comment from : @se7ensnakes |
I went to the library today and asked if they could show me a book on what is legal money in the united states Immediately the librarian told me that money was the medium of exchange, and some patron told me that legal tender laws define what money is I old them that i did not want the concepts behind money but pictures of all the money that is legal in the United states the Librarian proceeded to show me pictures of collectable money I look at the pictures and said Comment from : @se7ensnakes |
Everybody who sees this video spread the word if You can Spread It Spread It Spread It Spread Spread ItSpread It Spread Spread ItSpread It Spread Spread It Vote 5 stars Vote 5 stars Comment from : @mrfortion408 |
@bkdmd I propose the the Federal Reserve Board Members be replaced with the Governors of each state They would only be able to change the money supply or interest rates with a 2/3 vote Given how hard it is to get 66 of the people to agree to anything, this would provide a lot more stability and true independence at the Federal Reserve Comment from : @tsafa |
re: "the government can't prop up an economy with fiat currency and increasing the money supply and deficit spending forever?"
The problem is that the govt CAN but people don't understand the consequences of how it will continue to dilute their savings and how it is a hidden tax on everyone Comment from : @tsafa |
@bkdmd RE: "politicians are attempting to limit the ways you can get your money out of the country?"
This is the reason businessmen set up import/export companies They make deals with their foreign buying agents to overpay and them have a refund deposited in a foreign bank (less a commission to the agent) As they keep raising taxes, businessmen will find better ways to avoid them This is part of the reason why US foreign trade seems so off balance
Comment from : @tsafa |
It's a good thing you added the sarcasm note on the part were Obama says yes we can because as most of us knows by now Obama is working for the Feds! As much as I hated the "change we can believe in" slogan of 2008 I love how it is used here in this video Comment from : @kevinal |
@tsafa1 An important consideration is that the end goal of an economy is not to support its currency The currency is just a tool to facilitate growth and prosperity This requires people working and being 100 productive A person that buys a house with a 30 year mortgage is now committed to the rat-wheel for the next 30 years I, on the other hand, saved up an bought my house for cash I only work part time now That is good for me personally, but bad for the economy overall I beat the system Comment from : @tsafa |
@tsafa1 You can limit inflation by limiting the new debt at any time Of course this leads to recession That is the part that people do not understand Recession is NOT the the problem it is the cure The only flaw in this system is that govt can borrow as much money as it wants without collateral Govt does not every really have to pay back anything They can just borrow to pay back the interest indefinitely A balanced budget law would correct this Comment from : @tsafa |
Good vid mate ;) Comment from : @Elliott15 |
Brilliant! Pardon my blasphemy, but you're a god!!! :-) Comment from : @PhilosopherRex |
ok, but i can't hold coins in a rubber band Comment from : @julianbell90 |
obama on the 200$ and JFK on the 500$!! Comment from : @raoulhery |
Thanks JohnFromChicago! - DanFromMarltonNJ Comment from : @iannetta11 |
one of the best vids on money, on you tube!
and yet ONLY 22thousand people have seen it!
some one sings a song and 1million people watch it in the frist couple hours!
PS you better be buying gold and silver the day is fast coming when you will wish you did Comment from : @cds162 |
Fiat currency needs to elminated once and for all Everyone in this country needs to boycott Federal Reserve Notes Comment from : @JOConnor100 |
Blame the space aliens Comment from : @SputnikCrisis |
Jeesuz, I hate that pretentious Floyd crap with a passion Comment from : @drmodestoesq |
Great fuckin vid!!!!! Comment from : @scgoquj86 |
No, the best way is to Obey the Lawour Constitutional Father's weren't stupid men and we should simply go back to what they created It works! But since the puppets in Washington DC don't have the fortitude to do the right thing, plus, since they are controlled by powers unrevealed to the public it would take a REAL MAN to institute Constitutional Law Heck, we can't even get a 3 party system going how the heck could Constitutional Law be effected? Comment from : @CowboySy |
Awsome! Good job Comment from : @andyswi |
But I got a crazy idea, it might even make paper money work Why not base money's worth off of land or property? It would make more sense as that stuff is actually usefull Just a thought Comment from : @HistorysMysterys |
But practically speaking gold and silver really aren't worth anything more than paper How is money suppose to represented by something that has no value? Well its obvious that gold and silver have much value in the eye's of many people but practically speaking its just as useless as a rock Silver and gold are soft, delicate, easily broken metal Its not usefull like steel and iron are, but if you asked me what I'd rather have Paper or gold What do you think I'd say? I want the gold Comment from : @HistorysMysterys |
Let say you are backing the dollar with gold I only have slight issues with this I like the idea of our dollar backed by gold or even uranium or something My only issue with that is that is inflates the price of gold We use gold, silver, etc in many industrial applications it would raise the price of these materials and gold itself Comment from : @RosieDesire |
Not sure if 'some' value would be better than none depending on the situation Sure we'd rather have some gold instead of no gold but other forms of currency can be insured (not an idea situation) and reduce that risk
I do disagree with the statment "technology could easily"
This is not an easy task, technology or
not Comment from : @RosieDesire |
I agree with much of the video but I must point out at least two problems with it:
First, silver and gold coins CAN and HAVE been counterfieted and if it is paper money back by gold or silver that can be counterfieted just as easily as today's money
Second, showing your paycheck and saying wouldn't you rather have money thisway instead of that way is well no so honest because your salary would be adjusted as well
But I still love the video, thanks Comment from : @RosieDesire |
Facts and truth have one flaw It is that humans are the irrational Comment from : @The_Equalizer23 |
It's going to come down to the current american population is not going to want to have a pocket full of heavy change, in the form of gold coins It would be way too inconvenient Comment from : @rufusred44 |
Super!!! Great production value!
And Fuck the feds! Comment from : @sonyse2t5 |
unfortunately JohnfromChicago, gold production is primarily in the hands of the Russians so this is a bunch of hooey? :) but I did like the imagery:) Comment from : @granskare |
1 It's unconstitutional therefore illegal My first priority is to adhere to the law 2 It's a big if Statistically, wages have not even come close to the rate of inflation Most people are going backwards 3 You didn't even consider savings Inflation destroys savings As many have learned, putting your money on Wall Street or in equity in your house is NOT SAVINGS
Thanks for advocating for the status quo The rich and powerful need your help! Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
No, I'm assuming we'll get paid the same in spending power If you make $500/week now, that would be a half ounce of gold, or one Eagle per week If you're asserting that I think we'll make 500a week when $20 is a gold ounce, or that price drop will correlate to modern fiat dollar amounts, you're wrong I didn't say that You're either not paying attention or attempting to spin my video Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
also, what's wrong with inflation if wages increase Comment from : @stou2301 |
horrible assertion at the end, you're assuming you will still get paid the same amount each week, if reverted back to coin currency Comment from : @stou2301 |
When questioned, Ben Bernacke claims there is "a lot of gold" on the Fed's balance sheet, whatever that means Considering the financing of wars and social programs, it's vitally important we continue to relentlessly push for the restoration of sound Constitutional lawful money With the domestic money supply at about 1 trillion, we'd need about a billion ounces of gold and silver That's a lot of metal Can we do it? Yes we can! Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
Top vid John Ode to Russo Pink Floyd The truth Comment from : @channel1_channel |
Sight ,it took Black Thursday to make the Federal Reserve , in hte early 1900th , and today we are living the same shit ,a big economic crash to bring up the AMERO thats it ,GOld/Silver is the only Key Comment from : @ragnarush |
I just went to the store today I spent $118 Federal Reserve Notes In gold, the bill would have been about 1/10th ounce, or a Tenth Eagle coin (smaller than a dime) In silver it would have been about 8 dollars Also, there's no reason to think we wouldn't still have paper money - but it would be Certificates or Notes rather than FRNs There's also no reason you couldn't use a debit card My account would get hit for $8 instead of $118 Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
I agree completely But, how do you escape the fact that you would have to bring a fork lift with you to carry your coins for grocery shopping? Comment from : @tupahc |
Amen! Comment from : @AmandaBear26 |
Yes, I agree Political action on a national level is going to be required And not just a big demonstration, but something with real teeth like a national strike, or a national withdrawal day But the first step is educating the public This video, and the many others that inspired it need to be widely seen, So please share this movie! Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
And we could have had all of this if the people in this country had listened to Ron Paul & learned to think for themselves instead of listening to the fucking sell outs in the mainstream media We would be well on our way Right now !! But everyone bought into the hype of the Obama bullshit & now We'll have to wait 4 years to get another shot if we get it at all VENTURA 2012 !!!! Comment from : @wingnut4427 |
@JohnFromChicago and purplefetus3:
Assuming a return to gold, hasn't most of the gold been stolen thru confiscation by the same people who rammed the paper money ponzi schemes down the world's throat, and, therefore, wouldn't we all be in pretty much the same situation we are in now, ie, penniless and lorded over by undeserving in-bred money-changers? Comment from : @aybesea |
Comparative advantage (you spelled it wrong) is a commodities trade equalizer and has nothing to do with money Inflation compounds like interest and is one of the exponential curves that has begun to kill us
The change we carry now would have vastly more spending power, only making it more usable And who said anything about getting rid of plastic? What difference does it make if you're charged $1 or $20?
Do you really think dual incomes is a luxury? You're not just wrong, you're lying Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
From my own laymans understanding, fiat money isn't inherently bad, eg, check out Tally Sticks which functioned extremely well for 700 years As long as there is a built-in demand for your money, there will be a demand for it And as long as the money is not produced by a self-interested 3rd party, and as long as money is rightly used to facilitate the exchange of real goods, not as an end in itself, the total amount in circulation, and hence inflation, is easily controlled, eg, Social Credit Comment from : @aybesea |
well done Comment from : @CommSense |
I like the videos John But you seem to imply that prices would "fall" relative to wages which would remain at todays levels The "$5,000 house" vs "If you make $450 a week" this of course would not be the case as, using oversimplified math, you would make $35 a week to buy that $5,000 house "It's all relative" to what the definition of a dollar is Makes no difference if a Coke is 05 or $1
Big problem with people new to hard money thinking is they assume it will create a utopia Comment from : @LibertyOrBust |
I wanna say excellent video, and I am sure there are more facts like others have stated but overall excellent so do you think now that our economy is crap they have paved the way for the Amero? Comment from : @luvmypelone |
Thanks I am well aware of the Nixon and the end of Bretton Woods The original goal of this video was a brief overview in YT's 10 minute limit, and intended to be simple Even with some cutting I couldn't get it under 13 minutes so I had to split it Watch for a longer version that goes into much more detail, includes Bretton Woods, The Federal Reserve Act and more Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
The best YouTube video on Money, Banking and the Fed Reserve we have ever seen BRAVO!!! Comment from : @repfreedomforce |
OK< so what specifically can we do now to End the Fed? I've found an alternate currency at libertynews org Restore the Republic also has a mint Any other ideas? How fast can we get this done? Comment from : @shizont |
Time to get a Rope and thx for the great vid nicely done Comment from : @WarDogLRS |
I don't think there's necessarily a corollary here between the post war economy and gold standard After ww2 America had millions of people return to the work place along with economic resources being funneled into "butter" instead of guns so naturally things would improve at least temporarilyradical increase in consumer production and spending, etc Comment from : @ampdoctor |
I wish I had an answer for you that wasn't "conspiratorial" Why did they need an amendment to criminalize alcohol but not marijuana? How can they pass a law banning hand guns when the 2nd Amendment says "shall make no law"? The only answer I can give you is that the system is corrupt, and our officials are not obligated by the people to obey the law so they don't Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
I don't live in America so I don't quite understand how the whole system works there, but there is something I'm struggling to understand How is it that, if the production of modern-day US paper 'money' is so blatantly illegal, have the laws that sanction its printing and circulation not, in all the years they have existed, been challenged in the US Supreme Court as being unconstitutional? Comment from : @jagkorps |
Great video to pass around to people on my email list that have no idea why everything is getting so expensive They talk about inflation but have no idea why that happenes Most think it's greed by the people selling things (which in some cases is the truth) but this 2 part video will give them the back story Comment from : @Boomer1949 |
We for starters, we need a directive to the Mint to resume coining silver and gold money For circulation purposes, that would require acquiring a mass of gold and silver we'd need to resume the certificate program so people would bring gold or silver in, get it weighed, and get good paper on the spot We need to repeal tender laws that mandate FRN's, and a PSA campaign explaining the switch and exchange rates to figure the dual pricing That'd be a good start Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
great video other than that though! Comment from : @lavis88 |
Why did you have to put Obama in there? That ruins the non-political message Comment from : @lavis88 |
Yeah, exactly If you care to do the math price your house in gold at market price Compare that to when it was first built You'll find that the price hasn't changed that much, it's the dollars being worth less and less So yes, wages would go down the sense that you're getting less "dollars", but they're real dollars and have intrinsic stable value A couple silver dollars and some change would get most people through the week $20/wk would spend like $1000 Comment from : @JohnFromChicago |
Very informative although you say at one point "if you earn $450/week" but would wages not go down if gold & silver were brought back as legal tender? Aren't wages so high right now because of all this inflation? Comment from : @d991 |
excellent video Comment from : @chromogenic |
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