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How the US will Inflate its Debt Away (and you can too)

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Title :  How the US will Inflate its Debt Away (and you can too)
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Description How the US will Inflate its Debt Away (and you can too)

Comments How the US will Inflate its Debt Away (and you can too)

Join my program Heresy Financial University: goheresyfinancial/join
Comment from : @HeresyFinancial

Any chance you can do an updated video seeing if it’s playing out how you thought
Comment from : @ItsBL8

This guys full of crap
Comment from : @Balibaliadashi

With everything happening right now, I came back to this video to share with friends and family today 2/10/25 So many people have no idea what we are facing right now We only have a few weeks to get this done on a national level Their trying really hard to cut waste etc and the lawfare democrats are going to cause it to all crash in afew short weeks
Comment from : @GrandmaKit

It doesn’t work It just puts you further under water Did you work for Obama
Comment from : @GordonKley-nz4qm

What is the debt made of? Who is it owed to? I thought it was imaginary I guess l am wrong
Comment from : @GnosticJohn-u1b

Since every "dollar" has interest attached to it, it is impossible to pay off the national debt And inflating the money supply will only make it worse since those dollars also will have interest attached to it
Comment from : @dimwitsadvocate6264

But it will destroy any personal savings and decrease purchasing power So no!
Comment from : @timames4405

Wow, finally someone who actually defines his terms, much appreciated
Comment from : @maynardbecker4613

Must own AGQ UGL & BITX
Comment from : @BlackOpsInvesting

Great video, solid explanation
Comment from : @nikoespino9646

I’ve never been a believer of inflating away debt , yes i agree the calculation off it but come on You still have to pay your mortgage payments for years and how your wages up
Comment from : @brett7989

Absolute bullshit
Comment from : @DragoslavSekuljica

Such a great channel!
Comment from : @jsyk3

People want their government handouts, while not willing to increase their taxes Even if you 100 tax the rich, wont' be enough So only other option is inflation which is a hidden tax Scream all you want, but the inflation is not the fault of corporations as much as it is government printing of money, causing too many people chasing too few goods
Comment from : @dwaynemauk566

I've been saving for a long time without investing, and I currently have about $516k I'm uncertain how to grow it significantly, especially with all the inflation, so I can use it for retirement I'm just looking for some ideas
Comment from : @Bunnydrille

Gov should be blocked from borrowing cause it raises taxes just to keep up with the interest payments We need balanced budget for our gov,
Comment from : @georgeholewik6531

Can you share your sources from this video?
Comment from : @ThatGuy_Nick

Your stats do not account for BRICS sorry friendlove the vid tho
Comment from : @asktoobtain

Joe, could you comment on Saudi Arabia’s recent selling of US Treasuries and if it is noteworthy? Will other similar countries follow suit?
Comment from : @thomasshannon6008

How does the BRICS monetary system effect this delevereging of the debt, if at all ? World financial systems are changing
Comment from : @charlessteadjr1839

Something missing between 1940s and now is demographics The 1940s saw the start of the baby boomers and expansion of the population Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha are some of the smallest generations -- combined with Millennials and Gen-Z are generally choosing to not have kids We're entering a population bust There will be fewer people to generate the money to service/pay-off the debt
Comment from : @papasmurf9146

Inflate the debt away wont work like it did after WW2 simply because the government will keep spending the same amount of money after it, causing another debt to rise
Comment from : @otavioguimaraes5798

Most third-world nations that have tried this approach have already proven that it doesn't work
Comment from : @dennismingus

Historically, government debt increased during crisises; civil war, WWI, WWII What crisis has caused the current debt? Excessive spending will destroy this economy and country
Comment from : @williewonka6694

Your basic message is that the money system is good as it isbrYou will eventually be proven wrongbrYour nearly 20 minutes of words to describe the Fed money system is a huge red flag that should alert anyonebrThe system for our money presented to us in the Constitution would take less than a minute to describe
Comment from : @geoh7777

Going back, who says that GDP shall stay the same and not drop significantly based on new International facts???
Comment from : @evka3220

That's why the BRICS trying to come with a new financial system US planing to cheating the world and countries know it they starting selling US bonds too
Comment from : @M0ngergang

You need an expanding economy to allow inflation to eat a huge debt awaybrIs the problem that QE went into high stock prices and not the economy and a huge number of those high stock prices are from companies that make no money
Comment from : @blueyhiszarsoff1147

US cannot inflate their debt away They are in a catch 22 Inflate until hyperinflation destroys the dollar and forces a default Or put a brake on it and watch as a deflationary collapse breaks the economy and also forces a default
Comment from : @rphb5870

Comment from : @Sepia36912

This wil cause hyperinflation in the end and they wil lose the petrodollar
Comment from : @marcelneelen-ct2ch

The 1865, 1920 and 1945 debt cycles were almost entirely due to the Civil, WW 1, and WW2 wars When the wars ended, the US was able to stop spending on ships, tanks, salaries for armies and bullets, all the war requirements All the servicemen came home and the government quit paying them They didn't need all the bombs, ships, tanks, etc so they stopped buying them Now a majority of the debt is social services, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare etc, and not a full fledged war There is no way politically that politicians can cut these costs So in the future, you will not see the rapid reduction in debt to GDP that was seen in the past Even if, God forbid, another world war took place, there is a new "baseline" of "necessities", currently about 2/3 of all federal expenditures, that must be borrowed to pay for There can't be a big enough reduction in spending to reduce the borrowing
Comment from : @larryflor1696

Inflation is theft
Comment from : @Patv54

The dollar is not worth the paper it's on
Comment from : @jonathanprince2667

They put the burden on the PEOPLE by debased of the currency
Comment from : @ChristopherR1981

5 Get wealth outside the system
Comment from : @pamelahendrix5545

4 Use fixed-rate debt to buy assets that pay for that debt
Comment from : @pamelahendrix5545

3 Get rid of all adjustable-rate debt
Comment from : @pamelahendrix5545

2 Start a business
Comment from : @pamelahendrix5545

1 Get into sales
Comment from : @pamelahendrix5545

that was fantastic
Comment from : @mikeb6354

The US debt is getting bigger and bigger, this is exactly like a Ponzi scheme, there is no way of paying off the debt, they will just keep inflating the debt bubble until it pops!
Comment from : @motto666

If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you prevent inflation,
Comment from : @paigerenee-vd7ey

Not happening Tax base is decreasing
Comment from : @i_am_thatguy1504

First of all, I'm sure we had more integrity and leverage during the 1940's They might pull this off as the world reserve while the rest of the world continues to eat dirt when they have option to use their own currencies backed by gold This trick can be pulled off on a smaller scale including individuals playing the game with their own debts
Comment from : @tonyalba790

HeresybrThis time is different Everyone's joining BRICS Nobody wants the Dollar anymore Were in trouble
Comment from : @Mike-hg7xt

Let's cut the size and scope of the government so we don't have to have two jobs to survive
Comment from : @chasl3645

What does “get wealth outside the system” mean?
Comment from : @agfan6511

What if the US Government keeps stacking Bicoin? A serious question What if we backed the dollar with bitcoin?
Comment from : @bearhead9633

Don't be ridiculous The US is NOT "inflating away it's debt" Debt is still rising National debt is $35T The US is BY FAR the most indebted nation in human history
Comment from : @robertmanning2940

Click bait
Comment from : @Wookierabbit

The problem with this theory is that the current inflation is related to financial leverage caused by the government overspending and not from the country producing more goods/services If the treasury is doing it's stated job, the interest rate on the debt goes up when inflation is high Therefore, it's going to cost more to service the debt which is going to compound the problem If the real growth rate isn't high, you aren't going to outgrow the inflation Therefore, the US is not going to inflate away it's debt unless it increases it's growth rate or destroys it's own currency
Comment from : @TheBlackMage3

Prepare for a Depression
Comment from : @biblehistoryscience3530

You missed one, you have to be very opportunistic
Comment from : @ognqski

the economy is a bunch of ponzi-nomics it's all a rooze they just loan to themselves to get everyone working for them
Comment from : @Retrocaus

bHallelujah!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻was owning a loan of $47,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery (David), Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $12,000 and got my payout of m $270,500 every months,God bless Christy Fiore🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸/b
Comment from : @AndrewHarper-xg9id

Thoughts on Bitcoin?
Comment from : @briankuhn7396

The problem with your solution is the dollar was worth 1 the price of gold before 1971
Comment from : @brianrobertson7012

Excactly I've been saying this for decades Everyone worries about the 37 trillion dollar debt it will never be paid the traditional way br😂😂😂brThis has always been done by design 😂
Comment from : @Gunter_Custom

will somebody PLEASE tell these financial guru's to stop repeating history!! yes we KNOW , yes , 1971 yes 10 yr bonds , as you say it all means nothing !br just get to your spiel ! and keep your reasoning with the last 10 years please! and yes we know we can just declare bankruptcy just like most banks do several times in their existence , just they get bailed out , and we don,t so this is the only option we ( the little guy with no money) do it , after the collapse we all have bad credit , there DONE !!
Comment from : @andreavandekleut6379

What does he mean by wealth outside the system, concretely?
Comment from : @Chachaboyz

Sales can also be real estate agents: asset inflation and every house transacted will result in higher income for agents as home prices goes up
Comment from : @SlipperyPenguin-m9z

The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the US Debt Market Hardcover - by Michael G Pento
Comment from : @ddimov2557

Inflation is caused by the federal reserve printing money, and the loaning it to us, thus increasing our debt Our debt is rising at a much faster rate than inflation If this is "the plan" it's not working
Comment from : @SCNewbCaster

Gov can print ulimted money, get the bigess loand you can and sink it into realassets (eg house) pay you intrest Real asset catches all the money prinitn at a 10x multipler due to your big loan 15 mins of you life saved Welcome
Comment from : @JZXGENGEN

its very simple a gov can print as much fiat as they want
Comment from : @JZXGENGEN

so theyre just taxing us more indirectly?
Comment from : @tay_paradox

10:05 bold of you to assume wages will go up just because prices go up 😂 corporations are more greedy than ever before
Comment from : @easyname1

Comment from : @philipzullo

The 12 trillion that you are paying to service the debt doesn't just disappearit goes back to the Treasury
Comment from : @gregfawcett5152

Entitlements make up the vast majority of the debt and are indexed to inflation, so no
Comment from : @adamc2320

bitcoin solves this
Comment from : @Brodzik-kz8nt

Here's a simpler solution, the government could just "cancel" their debt lol, problem solved
Comment from : @Brodzik-kz8nt

Ask your self, who own the debt (Who profit from it)
Comment from : @djdynieldaniel1395

Sounds really hi-tech, but how do I afford groceries?
Comment from : @CountryTesla

This has been growing for decades our government is completely self-serving, and no one President has had the guts to address this now we're in it deep
Comment from : @rlhaff3560

For WW2 the government was spending on war costs Once the war was over, those costs went away Now the government is spending as part of its normal day-to-day activities Unless those activities go away, it won't stop spending and inflation will keep going up If it was honest, it would raise taxes so that the borrowing wasn't required because the budget would balance Currently, its headed for banana republic status currency statusbrYou have to vote for reduced government activity If the government balanced the budget via taxes it would be crushing QE isn't less crushing, it postpones the problem and makes it worse
Comment from : @fanshaw

I think increasing taxes is an overall better strategy to pay off debt I know people don't usually like tax increases; however it seems like a less convoluted strategy Pretty much the same difference just more honest
Comment from : @sterlingoldemeyer1203

Imagine everyone is a salesman! Selling what and to who?
Comment from : @silvershsadow2045

Comment from : @YouB3anz

Please do a video comparing debt to asset ratio of the US Government Include buildings, lands, military assets, holdings of foreign debt, etc
Comment from : @chrisstevens2504

Inflation hits people a lot harder than a crashing stock as it directly affects people's cost of living Everybody immediately feels the impact It's not surprising negative market sentiment is so high now
Comment from : @FennaVa

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