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New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224

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Information New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224

Title :  New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224
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Frames New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224

Description New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224

Comments New Age Agenda in Children’s TV | Brainwashing Your Kids With Spiritualism | LED Live • EP224

Just to be clear, when I shared this info with LLS, it wasn’t to say NEVER watch superbook My boys and I still watch it to this day But, rather, parents should practice discernment and teach their children to do so as well by having open discussions about everything they watchbrbrScreen time is very detrimental to young developing minds, so I would suggest to keep it all at a minimum And when you choose to watch a show, do it as a family and use it as a tool to teach Bible lessons and discernmentbrbrAlong with the new age bhints/b presented here, there are also demonic encounters, violent video game scenes, and a lot of bad attitudes/character—for young children (mine are 5 and 3) these things are very detrimental Older children, maybe not so much I personally believe we as parents have to shelter our children from all worldly ways ❤
Comment from : @wendyparker7134

I don't like Superbook brbrThe theology in this show is Eisegetic Eisegesis is when a person puts themselves in the Bible rather than read them for their intended purpose An example is David and Goliath This scripture is meant to show David as a shadow of Christ David acted as Israels' substitute, a shadow of Christ being the substitue for us, bearing the punishment of sin we could not bear With Eisegesis, many people read this and see themselves as David, slaying the "Goliaths" or "Giants" in their lives In this show, the main characters do this EVERY SINGLE EPISODE They even did it for their Easter episode!
Comment from : @puffyhairedpilgrim

Disney is occult
Comment from : @yousuckballsify

I hate disney
Comment from : @yousuckballsify

Everything is evil to you guys
Comment from : @mysticloverfairy1

Superbook starts at 48:25
Comment from : @herrtrigger3299

There's nothing wrong with super book stop
Comment from : @Littleastro-f4z

Has you guys looked into She-Ra and He-Man along with Thundercats
Comment from : @crystaltripp2211

Magic too is not Jeus
Comment from : @DeborahManhangaIsrael

Yeah for Superbook, watch it bwith/b your children And turn to the Bible passage that the episode is talking about
Comment from : @bariettaperez

Superbook is a show made by Jehovah witnesses but it is still telling bible stories You have such a big persecution complex that you can’t accept people have different ways of teaching
Comment from : @Demonoicgamer666

Invest in your child watch cartoons before them 🤣🤣 why not invest and actualy read the Bible
Comment from : @tomislavzrno4032

They teach mindfulness in mental health as well
Comment from : @jeanettelawton3751

I loved Little Bear as a child and I see a lot of Christians let their kids watch it but it is good to know that it has Pagan roots They have a whole episode on celebrating Yule
Comment from : @sgtigereye

There is a game by seventh day Adventist called Hero, and it has bible characters and you got to answer bible questions to move in the game better alternative
Comment from : @JenniferCooley-yaya23

Comment from : @Isaiah_SJK

people are quickly triggered by anything religious related (mostly christian related) but they can easily dismiss occult like ideas in media i truly believe atheism is an easy gateway to satanism if one isn’t careful
Comment from : @ANik-uksau

Genesis 24:63 KjVbrbr63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming It doesn't say he meditated on the word
Comment from : @210ajg

In episode of Bluey, there were p***s shaped objects in the background "Artwork"
Comment from : @keeganhendricksjms

Really! superbook! Come on brah what's next your gonna say passion of the christ has a demonic agenda too!
Comment from : @g-man3731

There is nothing demonic about aliens! They are mortals just like us! Apparently you don't know the difference between outer space and the afterlife Do you also think Earth is flat? And that monkeys are satan-made?
Comment from : @wesmcinerny4524

One thing Little Light Studios needs to do is stop being paranoid!
Comment from : @arbitrarylib

No, Superbook is legit Find some other content They work extremely hard on that show They get reviewes by authorities in thw faith they portray
Comment from : @arbitrarylib

Do your research and practice decermment about everything even led make sure you have your facts straight when you expose things ive seen people try to expose things without even watching it🤦‍♂️
Comment from : @miykaeljosiyah1013

Wow I've never seen most of these shows But after seeing so many defensive comments about Superbook, I sadly think some of you have made it an idol of sorts Why would you get so offended over an optional piece of entertainment? Even if you truly believe the show has no flaws, I think Godly discernment should alert you to ask why you are responding so emotionally to a kid's show Anything that would provoke this type of gut reaction that's not defending God Himself, has some other type of spirit attached to it Seeing your reactions is proof enough for me to stay away from it
Comment from : @carmenmirandaaa

Be careful what you say about Superbook! I don’t agree with you on this one
Comment from : @daniellongwe2455

The underwear thing in Bluey may also have something to do with witchcraft Believe it or not, there are actually people out there who use other people's underwear to cast curses and spells
Comment from : @janellehamlet9462

Can you all talk about Violet Evergarden because people are talking about it being a Christian anime
Comment from : @Hirogaru_Shoujo122

you guys just as dangerous to kids as the lgbtq :D
Comment from : @karos009

God is LITERALLY theatrical in everything he does The entire Bible is filled with examples of this The gospel itself is an example of this That isn’t a bad thing The devil wants to be like God so he tries to copy everything God does and perverts it As someone who’s gotten push back for calling out a popular Christian show, y’all are reaching with these superbook takes Why would a demon give children the word of God and teach them biblical lessons? That’s completely against the agenda they push
Comment from : @CrossUpTV119

How long until they do silent Hill
Comment from : @horrorman-er4nk

Please make a video of pup g game and Arena Breakdown game My son and husband are addicted to that It concerns me
Comment from : @anthonypineda1238

I always thought Gizmo from super book was a representation of a demon Such a blasphemous little
Comment from : @orandachildren1051

Cartoon TV Liar brEquestria Girls and My Little Pony Liar brLove My Lord Of God brLove Jesus of Christ brLove Russia Church Orthodox ❤🇷🇺❤brDisney and Marvel Liar
Comment from : @franciscoserranocotto9587

LITTLE LIGHT STUDIOS? Why conflate christian content made to honor God, with a purposefully planted alien agenda? Please watch the whole series in context, and double down with the "exposure" so those who depend on your judgements solely will understand if the show is evil I also would like for you guys to "expose" Beginner's Bible Considering you say, we should check out LLS Kids because there's is no godly children's content that exist! brbr& to say God isn't miraculous because he doesn't want us to be deceived or trust in him for the wrong reasons Noah & the flood, Moses & the red sea, Jonah & the fish, tell me that the eunuch and phillip vanishing, isnt miraculous & that it didn't serve as a miraculous sign
Comment from : @austinvillareal708

Ameeeen the Holy Spirit guide us and helps us to find good content and to be temperate 😊❤❤❤
Comment from : @TheBibleDIET

Thanks for these honest discussions
Comment from : @dawnmwamba7418

Yall can find something wrong with anything if you’re looking for it leave superbook alone man all their episodes have a biblical lesson and even show harsher actions of the word which most Christianity, even in the Adventist world, is making God out to be this only “love” god that doesn’t punish or discipline
Comment from : @adrian1492

With the chasing after the light episodebrAnother counterfeitbrbrThe wise men followed after the star to find Jesus tho🤔
Comment from : @matt633

My 6 year old watches superbook I feel if it was just the Bibles stories, would be perfect! Minus all the tech gaming stuff I feel th producers are trying to make it more palatable or entertaining for kids i try to overlook these things for the bible storieskinda needed to see this video today Might be more careful in how much i let her watchGod bless you guys❤
Comment from : @charkay192

and now you targeting superbook really? it is classified as a isekai anime! you deserved to be reported for defamation!
Comment from : @janchristianursuaaguilar7434

Why are you praising anything Disney has and its fictional animals don’t talk and the spirit of prophecy says no fiction! 2 year olds should not be watching tv! Again no veggie tales they are fiction or paw patrol not to mention super book has a shape changer in it!
Comment from : @marie6519

Superbook is a wonderful show Bible based It isn’t perfect but what is it? Just like Little light studios show is wayyyyy too far from being perfect too however the Lord still uses it to reach unbelieversbrbrbrSuperbook is meant to reach young audiences that otherwise won’t ever have access to the word of God a nowadays kids are bombarded with mesmerizing cartoons that overstimulate kids brainsbrbrSuperbook is meant to reach kids all over the world with the word of God Whom otherwise will never have access to the word of GodbrbrBefore seeing “red flags” in everything open your eyes and use your discernment to see God’s heart in every project brbrSee how God despise all your ministry’s imperfections and errors still uses you to reach lost soulsbrbrInstead of always trying to see what is wrong with everything, try to focus on what the Lord is doing through thisbrbrMatthew 23 : 23-28
Comment from : @marisolfrancis1591

Comment from : @Hirogaru_Shoujo122

A comment on what Kendi said at 57:00 minutes inthe 31st of October is Reformation Day so that's something that could be celebrated and made special But I agree, there isn't always an alternative
Comment from : @seedsandpaperleaves

Again, has "New Age" been clearly defined?
Comment from : @cmc8176

I don't like no cartoons I careless how wholesome it maybeBut thats the point it's to pull you in nothing from this world is good
Comment from : @WordOfTruth316

I was radically saved by the grace of God out of pop culture, comics, marvel all that junk Thus taking curiousity in watching your material off and on, if i feel like the Lord leads me to some No offense taken but my discernment whistles doesnt go off with Superbook I agree "aliens" are fallen angel, demons Im on the same boat with that deception But superbook is pretty sound when theres virtually nothing for kids to watch scripturally The Philip episode even quotes the scripture the NIV guts How could one possibly depict and illustrate what "it looked" when the Holy Ghost took Philip to Azotus Anyway i dont usually rant but outside the alien reference in the episode you showed, superbook is pretty sound Kinda bummed you guys went that route Lord help us all
Comment from : @servantofchrist381

The voice actors in super book voiced secular cartoon characters in other projects Secondly CBN which produced it was created by the late Pat Robertson who had ties with the south Korean cult leader reverend Syun Moon the spiritual leader of the moonie cult or the unification church These are facts available in the media not conspiracy theories
Comment from : @kod4130

I wanna marry her ❤
Comment from : @officialstyleeb3055

I gotta say, I really like the artwork and voice acting on bluey
Comment from : @robertsandberg2246

Thank you, Kendi, for wearing our shirt!! ❤😊
Comment from : @Cimmarose

Is there ANY other way to alter the pic than that way?? It literally gives me a migraine!!
Comment from : @smlid

We can tell that you're work is half done on this one It's never okay to take things out of context just so you can sustain whatever narrative you want to establish You can't make a valid point without actually going through the materials in details You nick pick and leave out important points that dismantle your narrative This is exactly what the main stream media does We need to come up higher
Comment from : @June-pm2ub

47:33 that’s not anything to do with aliens I think in the show it’s the Bible or something, showing them what happened in the Bible or something, I don’t know I don’t think it has anything to do with aliens though 50:01 yeah, that would be more preferable
Comment from : @christiantwist3360

You won´t review Murder Drones eh?brBunch of religious idiots
Comment from : @decaderider2143

6:13 it’s funny, you have a problem with the one thing in the scene that I didn’t have a problem with
Comment from : @christiantwist3360

Your losing it now attacking superbook
Comment from : @lepterfirefall

5:54 I am from Brazil And the purple panties thing in Bluey's episode isn't random Here in Brazil there are some sorcerers who use underwear as a ritual to make someone fall in love It's bizarre But I remembered that
Comment from : @alineesmero6646

There's nothing wrong with superbookit's a must watch program for both adults n children I myself watch it
Comment from : @elosolo9264

This whole channel is just crazy, I mean I'm a Christian but to religiously demonize movies, anime, music, etc?! I don't take it that far
Comment from : @sethledesma8106

The underpants and the new age guru go together like toast and jam
Comment from : @greyhoundlovesme

I do not like bluey at all For me it as when I walked in on an episode and it was a marriage scene I said to my son- oh wow like mommy and daddy got married So for some reason I kept watching and come to find out … it was the uncle !!!!! It was the dad and the uncle that were doing the marriage scene for “pretend”, it was just so weird man !! I was shocked and disgusted that they would try to indoctrinate our children this way But also am I really shocked ? My son no longer watches bluey Smhhhhhh
Comment from : @Amber14333

Pedophilia is in this episode The dad does the 'bum' bongo on his daughter Is that appropriate?? On top of that the underware thing This is disturbingbrbrEditing: this means incest also
Comment from : @hannahb8110

My family and I love Superbook, They do have some really biblical stuff, but we also know that not everything that is presented is true, we are mindful of that We don't show our kids the superbook they did on revelation, because that one is waaaaaaay off, and we don't show them the Christmas ones either What we have done as was mentioned is watch the episodes before and also watch it with them My daughter loves the David and Goliath episode
Comment from : @dowiewilliams6843

Im really dissapointed at you guys criticism of superbook Its been the only healthy and godly TV series that has stirred faith in many kids, I guess thats because of the heart and prayers behind the series-to bring the gospel to the children's level of understanding Anyways, the criticism or accolades of men don't matter in this kingdom CBN should remain faithful in their calling
Comment from : @motolani0924

Ask yourselves Why doesn't many actors or producers will not let their children watch tv at all and if they allow any tv, it is timed and they only watch nature showsvery telling! Guard the avenues to your soul!
Comment from : @1Spunky

They want to wash their brains and from them into their image
Comment from : @kevinpeterson-rs8xz

Cmon Guys what has superbook done now I love your work but at superbook you are wrong guys
Comment from : @ThammieRadasi

I love Superbook, but I totally agree with what Little Light Studios pointed out in two of their episodes It may not seem that important, but Biblical accuracy was so important to God that the very last few verses in the Bible say: brbr“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add until him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book” Revelation 22:18-19
Comment from : @ruthmcguth

These people have no idea that they will eventually have to sacrifice people to get their "spells" working
Comment from : @Alx1744

I allow my children to wàtch Superbook, but I began to feel convicted It wasnt because of the UFO [which I never noticed], but more of the time travel aspect
Comment from : @kalonmontgomery8213

I’ve been watching y’all’s content for almost 2 years now and as someone coming out of the comic book industry as an artist/writer I felt that your documentaries were helpful in my walk with navigating my convictions about the world and entertainment as a newly born again Christian brbrI think after some time though, I stopped allowing the Holy Spirit to move in that area of my life to convict me about certain issues and I was relying predominantly on the convictions and opinions y’all shared on your channel I even at one point elevated these convictions close to being laws, which became a burden for myself and those around me I understand that this isn’t any of your fault but my own We all must pray, use discernment, and seek God and His word with everything in lifebrbrI’ve finally found some decent faith-based entertainment for my kids in Superbook Hearing y’all’s commentary on these two instances in the show revealed to me how the hosts of the channel nitpick and quick to judge the content in order to ironically fit a narrative I’ve watch both superbook episodes featured in this video and it seems y’all didn’t watch the entire episode or are watching the material out of context brbrAt this point in the series, the character Chris hadn’t accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, and he hadn’t gotten baptized either so assuming that aliens exist for him is forgivable He’s the stand-in for what most children in secular culture are introduced to, but at the end the show combats these ideas with the Bible They aren’t traveling with time traveling aliens through the Bible either Also, after Phillip baptized the eunuch, depending on your Bible translation, but many translations say that he was “caught away by the Holy Spirit” There are many artistic liberties that can go into that scene and I feel like they handled it well and tastefullybrbrI love you guys and y’all’s ministry It’s easy to expose the darkness in a dark world, but constantly consuming “exposing evil” content , I easily fell into a ditch that saw everything as demonic I feel like it’s needed to shine a light on the good that believers are creating as well I enjoyed your video on steps to make your ministry successful and your recent video about culture’s attack on manhood I’d love to see a video that featured y’all’s suggestions on acceptable entertainment (movies, shows, books, etc) for kids and for adults God bless and Shalom brothers and sisters
Comment from : @PerthAlacar

Wow This was amazing It really opened my eyes as a parent
Comment from : @luvmelove5742

Excellent information! Thank you!
Comment from : @ardellakoskinen5359

You should do doctor who Major Red flags especially for a "family show"
Comment from : @patriciamulroy8119

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