Title | : | How Many Languages Can a Child Learn? |
Lasting | : | 5.12 |
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Views | : | 17 rb |
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brGet a one-on-one consultation with me:
br⭐ wwwmultilingualfamily/coaching-call-60-min Comment from : @MultilingualFamily |
Oh my God!!!!! Thank you so much 👍👍👍👍👍so important to know Comment from : @pinarozcan1105 |
I live in Montreal which is French first language and English second language I am Lebanese and would like to teach my son my native language although I am no longer very fluid in it My husband's native language is Spanish and would like to also this that to him brShould I speak only in Lebanese and put a hat on (as a prop) to speak French ? As I am very comfortable in that Or should I speak mostly French and put a hat for Lebanese lessons? I have family here that can give him some exposure to arabic Im just not sure whether the first language I speak to him should be french if he learns it at schoolBut I also find it hard to only speak in lebanese lol but not impossible Would speaking lebanese, french (me) and Spanish and french (dad) and english between me and dad and some books be ok? And Should my first language with my 17 month old son be french or lebanese to help him learn it best? Thank you Comment from : @MonkeyBehindDecks |
Hi guys , some help needed So I speak Ukrainian, Russian, english, German My hb - English German Swiss GermanbrbrWe live in SwitzerlandbrImportant for me that kid has some basic- conversational Ukrainian to stay connected to my family and culture brbrSwiss German will be most likely a language in kindergarten All the TV is ok German So I guess those 2 will develop the same like for me it was with Ukrainian and Russian brbrI speak with hb mostly English, but can switch to German actually Should we dump English? So far it is a strongest from my foreign languages So if kid has only basic Ukrainian ( I do not think we will be in touch here with a community, it is only me and my parents ( not often) And German and swiss German I will have no way to communicate fluently with a kid brbrWhat to do? Comment from : @Angeloek-wr6ek |
How do you count German (high German) as a separate language? Cause in school etc kids will study in high German (from what I know)? What’s your strategy for that? Comment from : @beloved4lady |
Hi, Andrea Thanks for sharing your experience I can speak two languages as native (Azerbaijani and Russian) and three pretty fluently Out of those three languages I would like to expose my child to English and Arabic from day one She will learn Azerbaijani from mother and environment in general Would that work? Especially taking into consideration the fact that I spend at home much less time than her mother But we may let her watch cartoons and other stuff in eng and arabic Later I`d try to teach her both languages at the academic level, and maybe adding some Russian Comment from : @teymurasgarli9506 |
if a child's parents speak or know hindi and we sent him to a guardian that knows only English which language the child will learn? Comment from : @doomsday8987 |
very informative video Comment from : @FriendlyMom |
Me and my partner are in a bit of a trouble Her native language is Croatian while mine is Spanish, throughout our relationship we've spoken english to each other wihout any issues We recently moved to Sweden and expecting a baby :) We do not know which language are we supposed to use with each other (Partner and I) and which to the baby We are clear in our objective or raising a multilingual child, but none of us speak Swedish So the baby would be exposed to OPOL croatian and spanish at home, while also listening to us speak in english to each other while at the same time growing on a swedish environment We are a bit concerned on what should we do about this situation, could you maybe give us some advice? Greatly appreciated! Comment from : @fabian2012die |
How can i help my baby become multilingual on a conversational level if i only speak one language myself? Comment from : @EarthasinEther |
Hello, I am an English teacher in Brussels who teaches individuals of all ages and at all levels Yesterday a potential new client expressed an interest in having a group class for her 25 year-old son who already speaks French and is exposed to Polish at home too She seems very enthusiastic about this I am therefore looking for other children around this age and I have started by asking a family with a child who has just turned 2 This boy can already say a few basic sentences in Italian and will start going to a French daycare in September Both of his parents are Italian Would it be a good idea for him to be exposed to English for about half an hour a week as well starting from September or would it be better for him only to be exposed to Italian and French until he's about 3 or 4 ? The goal is for him to reach academic fluency in all three languages by the age of about 15, but his parents and I are not sure whether exposure to all three languages at his age is a good idea What do you think and are there any studies which I can look at to help me to decide what would be best? Comment from : @priscillafloyd1832 |
Great video--I just subscribed! I need help deciding if I'm trying to pile on too many languages for my daughter at once My daughter is almost 2 years old I speak mostly to my daughter in Cantonese Chinese She speaks back to me in Cantonese, but it is not as good as her English (which her father and current nanny speak) Because there are no bilingual schools (and barely any nannies) for Cantonese Chinese (and I am a heritage speaker but not very literate), I have started my daughter in Mandarin Chinese daycare 2 days a week Most kids in Hong Kong learn Cantonese at home and Mandarin and English in school anyway Mandarin is the same as Cantonese when it comes to writing but pretty different when it comes to speaking (kind of like Italian and Spanish in terms of similar grammar and some words sounding similar but not mutually intelligible when it comes to speaking) Her nanny has been speaking both English and French to my daughter and I think she has passive understanding of French I think my goal is for her to speak as much Cantonese as possible until age five when she goes to public school, as well as to start to have conversational and basic writing skills via Mandarin (and immersion Mandarin daycare 3 full days a week) It is very hard for us to work it into our commuting schedule for her to go all 5 days for Mandarin so I was thinking of filling in the other 2 days with French Is it too much to do Cantonese, Mandarin and French? Should I be doing English instead of French for these other 2 days of daycare (she says a about 30 words in French)? I thought I would try to front-load french since I think she will learn English anyway later and she has been vocal at relatively early age (about 300 Cantonese and English words) by the time she was 14 months I sing French songs with her to support her french but I only had 1 semester of it in school The other thing I'm considering is that there are bilingual public schools in French (and Spanish) in my area of New York City but nothing available in Mandarin So my motivation for French is also so that it's easier and more cost effective in the long run for her to attend French classes Thank you Comment from : @jeay4302 |
Very useful videobrWill need to watch all of them to make a good strategy for our toddler Comment from : @rossonero84 |
Hi Andrea, i just discover your channel and feel so grateful We are chinese and belarussian family who lives in Germany and we speak to each other in English So when our daughter was born, we decided to speak to her in Chinese and english (family language in fact), since we knew she will go to nursery from 1,5 years old which is almost 8 hours daily in german environment Recently, we started to feel a bit confused because she has no access to Russian due to covid that grandparents can not visit we feel quite pity but do not know what to do And i have personal doubt since english is neither mein or my husband mother language hope you would have some tips for us Thanks a lot! Comment from : @muavii |
Glad I found your video and thank you for being so open to advising, well our mother tongue is Arabic and that is what I focused on with my four kids as a start because it is a quite difficult language but now we moved to turkey so that need to learn Turkish in order to go to school also I need to introduce them to English that makes two whole new languages for them to start learning at the same time I want you to tell me how am I supposed to accomplish this? They now started preschool in a Turkish school and I want to teach them English too Comment from : @sefanadiab9587 |
Good what about Indian languages Comment from : @SindhiSangat |
I'm a multilingual child and I don't exactly know how my parents taught me how to speak multiple languages or if it even works to others😭 that's why I'm here :DD just curious lol Comment from : @buteteniyoonjh |
I'm 12 I want to Turkish and Mandarin Chinese Comment from : @munawarzainab446 |
Eyyy found this vid because i learn three languages when i was a child (tagalog,english) and maranao(my mother tongue) Comment from : @Abufudail |
Thank you for sharing! All your videos are so helpful I am trying to watch them all since I discovered your channel a couple of days ago Comment from : @sdoken |
Hi love from IndiabrWell I speak in Marathi language and my husband speaks in Gujrati language while we both communicate with each other in Hindi and my child is just 4 months old we stay in a joint family so how do you think we should manage I don’t want my baby to get confused when he starts speaking also in India schools language is English so gradually I have introduce English as well please guide Comment from : @rajeshreedabhade6 |
I am so happy I found your channel My husband and I just had our son and we knew we wanted him to speak Cantonese German and English We live in the US I was born in Germany and came to the USA when I was 11 years old with my German mom and American Dad My husband's parents only speak Cantonese My family speaks English fluently My Dad doesn't speak German and my sister and I were never formally schooled in German and therefore we are likely more fluent in English My husband feels the same way about Cantonese How should we go about this? I've been speaking German to him He has been speaking Cantonese to him and English to each other Comment from : @jenniw9853 |
Omg! I'm so glad I found your channel because I'm brazilian and my husband is Mexican and we want our child to learn both Portuguese ad Spanish, but also English because is soooo important I wanted to introduce some how the 3 of them I would love to see more videos like this 🤩 Comment from : @Kris-pe5ls |
Thanks so much for your channel! I just discovered it! I’m confused as to what to do with my 1 year old and baby on the way We live in Brazil, my husband is Brazilian, I mostly grew up in the US ( my strongest language) but since my Mom is Bolivian and Dad is French, we spoke a mix of French, Spanish and sometimes English at home Therefore although my English is my best language I mostly spoke French and Spanish at home My parents speak to my toddler in Spanish and French, poor one! I would really like for my child to at least speak English, French and Portuguese fluently I started to speak only in French to him but I’m not as fluent as in English and wonder whether I should be focusing on my strongest language? Yet recently when I tried to speak English to him, French came out perhaps because I’ve gotten used to it With my husband we speak Portuguese/ English (when I’m tired of practicing) I could perhaps get used to focusing on English with my children and use the hat method you mentioned for French perhaps? Is it too late to switch to English as my main language with him? What do you suggest? I’m torn between whether to speak French or English to him and when I would like to pick a method and stick to it to not confuse my little ones Thanks so much for your feedback! Comment from : @anne-sophieblanc5981 |
Thank you for your sharing I am teaching very young kids It's so useful for me to know more about ECE Comment from : @OrganicFoodWithMrNgo |
Hi Andrea, I'm so happy to have found your channel! I'm Latvian, my husband is Danish and we live in Denmark Most of the time we speak English at home However, I have learned quite a bit of Danish in the last almost two years we've been married, so it's also not a problem to switch We're expecting a baby by the end of the year and are thinking a lot about how to manage the language issue, especially since my husband does not speak Latvian too much Should we exclude English for now? If we talk together in Danish but I talk with the baby in Latvian, would it not make the baby most prone to speak Danish and reject Latvian? Do you have any tips for the best strategy for our situation? Comment from : @maijapaulina |
I am searching for the strategy that would work best for our family I'm hoping to get your input We live in the US and I am fluent in English & Spanish My wife is fluent in English but her mother speaks Tagalog We wanted to come up with a strategy to teach our daughter English, Spanish, and Tagalog We are beginning to learn Tagalog ourselves to have the ability to teach our daughter in addition with having her grandma teach her Do you have any recommendations on the strategy that would work best for us? Comment from : @adelgado958 |
We are taking your advice and started using a belly speaker to play English and German we started back at 16 weeks gestation! Comment from : @瑪恪加里 |
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