Title | : | Which Pistol Red Dot Looks Best? and WHY? |
Lasting | : | 13.45 |
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Views | : | 161 rb |
The illustration at the 8 minute mark shows spectral luminosity; but that is not the concept that you were discussing The video is good, and I appreciate the work and explanationsbrbrChromatic aberration and the illustrations that show that concept fit the concept that you are attempting to describe The OBAFGKM is a soectral classification schemebrbrThis is also a check to see how functional the YT comments can be Will helpful advice presented in a respectful and constructive manner get people dog piled on?brbrThe video and explanations on the technical aspects of reflex sights is productive and strongly needed The opposite is derp Videos like this that help explain reflex sights are what is needed I respect that Thank you Comment from : @johnphillips222 |
I just made piece with my holosun Comment from : @Unclesam0311 |
Well, I guess I'm gonna find out later today Got a 407k-gr-x2 coming in the mail this afternoon I've seen people say the green will be better for astigmatism, I've seen people say it'll be the same as red, and now I've seen someone say red will be better for astigmatism lol Comment from : @grumpychocobo |
no vortex mainly sig Comment from : @jericodelacruz6766 |
I hope getting an eye exam and some glasses fixes this for me 😢brI was stoked on getting my holosun 407k in the mail today I thought I had a faulty optic cause it looks like a blur Until I had a family member test it… Comment from : @tgsn_ |
I am glad I found this video, thank you for taking the time to create it and the explanation provided I was scrolling "best pistol red dot 2025" from my search and ran across this I purchased a Sig RomeoX 6 weeks ago and thought I purchased a defective one due to the "starburst" effect with the 3 MOA dot at any brightness setting I recently developed CSC in my left eye and after visiting the optometrist and retina specialist I now know why things look the way they do! I plan to get corrective lenses in the upcoming weeks as my CSC improves and also will be in the market to upgrade from the RomeoX as I am not pleased with it After my vision is corrected, I will be purchasing a few more holographic sights for some of my rifles, at least at that time if one of them happen to be defective I will know its not just my eyesight playing tricks on me! Comment from : @GrayzOg82 |
I shoot a lot of other peoples dots and everyone has red and I have a lot harder time with them compared to my green holosun he407cx2brI have seen several good reviews on the eps so I think I will try that but I have to go with green, I'm still not sold on red Comment from : @preston1614 |
Great video! Thanks Comment from : @Shinobi1Kenobi |
Thanks, Loved all the comparisons and info Green absolutely does not work for me in a red dot I am pretty much moving from the 507c to the EPS - Red 6 and EPS Carry for my Hellcat Pro I also find the 6 MOA dot more forgiving than the 32 MOA circle-dot if happens to be a bit bright in a darker environment The 32 MOA circle dot when a bit too bright can obscure the view Seems Holosun is my go to, all my 5 handguns have Holosuns Sometimes you might not have time to adjust the dot intensity so most forgiving is a plus Ambient light control is a non-starter ambient light and target light can very widely Comment from : @dcssteve1944 |
Great video, i learned about my eyeballs Thanks! Comment from : @scottiron6444 |
I have the Cylee Cat pro Only got it because it had double discount codes through 704 tactical when it came out Nice to see it mentoned I appreciate all the time and effort you put in Comment from : @chrisstopp5909 |
I have an astigmatism and I'm red/green colorblind brGuess I just need to use grenades Comment from : @Goliad_-ox8hg |
My SRO is the crispest red dot I’ve found Used plenty of Holosuns, aimpoints, and even the RMR Never going back Comment from : @sneekisquirrel |
Nice Comment from : @AK-qq4tg |
That makes senseI bought all my dots in green like an idiotnow I can't afford to switch to red which sounds like it would be very helpful Crap I have a green Eotech and a green holosun 507c, and what I noticed is that in very well lit conditions they both look crisp but in lower light they start bursting Sigh, regardless thanks for the information mate great video Comment from : @jaims2785 |
my astigmatism HATES holosun green dots which sucks because i love they way they look The c-more railway 6moa looks extremely sharp Comment from : @dsxz |
Is your pattern an ophthalmologist or an optometrist? They’re not both, I think you’re mistaken Comment from : @rymoy4923 |
Cylee wolf makes red dots with astigmatism there’s a guy who did a brutal torture test and the red dot never got out zero Dude burned it drowned it and it still worked Best bang for your buck if you got astigmatism Comment from : @REARNHARDTT |
Good video Appreciate the time you took Comment from : @CKKnifeandTool |
What are your thoughts on using green v red I have noticed a big difference after converting to green dot Comment from : @stevebailey8765 |
Polarizing sun glasses solves for me Otherwise, it's all starburst for me Comment from : @jonnyhumphreys9133 |
Could you do the same thing for the micro red dots suitable for pistols like the Glock 43x or P365? Comment from : @texpatriot8462 |
Thank you Excellent information Comment from : @grantham1149 |
Anyone have any experience with the holosun scs? Thinking about going with that on my 10mm m&p so I can co-witness My 407c is very starbursty for me without my glasses or contacts but I live with it for now Comment from : @MI_TurkeySlayer |
Green works better for me and I have astigmatism but it is only a sample of one and it’s a rifle optic the Holosun 510c I have an SRO 1 moa red dot that works well enough on low setting but still blooms Comment from : @googlechicken |
I have a lot of red dots including Holosun’s and Eotech for pistols The best one hands down for astigmatism is the Cyelee wolf 2 It might be a “cheaper” option as far as price point, but it is a great optic I own 3 - wolf 2’s and have had them the longest and have never had an issue with any of them I bought two for my father in law and one of them is on an XDM elite 10mm and he has not had an issue with it Been about 3 years and going with thousands of rounds with O issues I have drop tested them (in dirt not concrete) and they have held up Can’t complain one bit They hold zero perfectly and for $120 can’t beat the price! Comment from : @jmac2465 |
I know that aspherical lenses become domiums in astigmatism! Romeo 3, Defender aspherical lenses Comment from : @junea5096 |
Nice video My ophthalmologist told me that green would theoretically look better for my astigmatism, but they must have gotten it backwards or something brI actually bought a green 507C ACSS and was really surprised that it looked much worse than the red 507C ACSS to my eye When I look through the green one, I literally see a second complete chevron to the northeast of the 'real' one that is about 80 the size lolbrbrI will also say that I tried astigmatism-correcting contact lenses and they were NOT for me I absolutely hated them because the weight to the lens that causes it to orient correctly made it feel like my eye was constantly wet with a beg teardrop in it It drove me insane Comment from : @HydrationAppreciator |
Great video and comparisons Interested why SwampFox optics did not make it in this video Comment from : @82lowe36id |
I have an astigmatism and red dots on pistols are worse for my eyes than green dots Comment from : @tonymanuel5423 |
Get a new RX Problem solvedbrbrThis is the only solution Comment from : @ColdWarVeteran-r2j |
I legit thought my red dot was broken 😂 turns out it's my eyes Comment from : @doransponsel4813 |
The romeo x looks really good for me Plus its clear i hate when dots have the blue fishbowl effect Comment from : @RockinRack |
Is a 6moa good for a self defense EDC…if you have the old dad eyes Comment from : @francostacy7675 |
Great video Everyone’s eyes are unique I’m color blind but just discovered I have an astigmatism when I ordered a holosun eps carry green 6 moa on Amazon I thought it was broken as I saw 4 dots of various distorted sizes It wasn’t until I put my glasses on that I realized it was my eyes not the dot I tried a vortex defender ccw in 6 moa at the store w/o glasses on and it looked perfect I was trying to see if I liked the 2moa or 6 as they didn’t have the holosun eps 6 moa in stock Now I guess I either start shooting with glasses on or I get the vortex dot which is in red I wish they made dots in gold for pistols Holosun used to make a gold dot for rifles Comment from : @hgk2225 |
Well, you left one out that I wanted to see I have a canon MC ninebrAnd Canik makes a red dot brIt’s called Mecanik Comment from : @danjewell2612 |
Great Review! Comment from : @richardmorrison1495 |
What's kinda crazy the best one is the Ceylee wolf 2 made for stigmatizem Was shocked after years of using lots others still run Holosun mostly but it works Comment from : @sleigh4019 |
From advice from my eye doctor who is also a shooter switch to green dot! That takes care of the problem !!! Comment from : @kurtwise7356 |
Great video Comment from : @ryanbb474 |
Which is the one @ 7:52? Comment from : @GATonTrax |
6moa eps is the best that ive tried Comment from : @seaocean4868 |
You can tell this dudes not a real competition shooter by watching 1:13 Guys shorts are way to long Gotta get those down to 5in long MAX Comment from : @asdfkhieee |
I have spent a small friggin fortune on red dots, glasses, and I can't get past the grapes of wrath, streaks of doom or a reflection of the inside of my eyeball vessels exploding out from the ghosting/splatter looking red dot like a road map of insanity A prism or standard type of reticle works great lit or black, very sharp and clean I've settled with 1 x 4, 1x 6 lit and unlit scopes on my AR's and quick mounts so I can get back to irons if needed But I'm pretty much screwed concerning pistols Comment from : @wingingit9493 |
I have to say that this is good information, much of which I’ve discovered on my own I do enjoy your channel but have one thing to say about this video…CLEAN the damn lenses! Clean lenses will certainly help dots appear clearer and sharper as well as minimizing any starburst effect Lastly, your equipment will look more professional Comment from : @bmargolisvideos |
All very interesting information but it only applies to him The science was just theory for HIM The reality is that no two people are the same What’s clear for him is distorted to me What’s clear to me looks like garbage to you There is no science that will help you There is no review like this one that will help you You have to look at all of them and figure it out Or do what we all should do and get the one you want and deal with whatever dot you get Comment from : @hoot1141 |
God bless you for this video!!! I greatly appreciate you showing different options I have been researching this for over a year after finding out I have an astigmatism after purchasing my 1st red dot for my AR This is a great reference for my research Thanks again man, you rock!!!!! Comment from : @goose5679 |
Awesome video Just what I needed before I get my next red dot Bummer about green Between the holosun eps 6 and the Steiner mps which would you prefer and why?(overall not just astigmatism) Comment from : @chitterlingsrtasty |
509 green , sro works best with my kerotaconus Comment from : @harrycallahan5112 |
Wow great video Thorough and comprehensive I just stumbled across this video and I have to shout out Thanks! Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all of these dots and judging them based on your astigmatism Well done!brbrI'm going to watch it again and take notes! Comment from : @estherlee8683 |
Thank you so much for this I have trying to get the best answers 🙏 Comment from : @stephenbrody2717 |
have you checked the RMR HD yet in the two sizes?brbrFrom what I gather it wont matter anyway since my astigmatism is different than other people's it seems so i will just have to goto a gun show and try out as many red dots as possible Comment from : @reltius2993 |
2:12 Trijicon RMRbr2:30 Trijicon SRObr2:43 Leupold Delta Point Probr3:06 Holosun 407Cbr3:25 Holosun EPSbr3:43 Holosun 507 Compbr4:02 Stiener MPSbr4:21 C•More RTSbr4:42 Cyle Cat Probr5:05 Sig Romeo 1br5:21 Sig Romeo 2br5:40 Sig Romeo 3 Maxbr6:00 Romeo M17br6:31 Aimpoint Acro P2 Comment from : @Iron_Road |
E cosa ne pensi del Vortex viper? Comment from : @amarinos66 |
Thanks!! Comment from : @GusBrBH |
Cyelee wolf2 is made for people with astigmatism Not sure if it was out when you made video But you should check it out Comment from : @junogwat1979 |
Ok so I have a bit of astigmatism as well but my eyes aren't drawn to the red dot or pick it up well at all unless its very bright But with a green dot Currently 507c and 407k i seem to pick it up fine Have you tried green just to see? Comment from : @wbf91 |
my astigmatism goes away almost completely if i completely relax my face Comment from : @z9780 |
W video I love you Will you marry me? Comment from : @Thechristmaschicken6969 |
Very informative, thank you 👍🏻 Comment from : @TheAverageJoeGunShow |
Great video Explanations were clear My vision not so much I struggle with an astigmatism with my rifles and have rectified that with some fantastic prism scopes from Primary Arms I wonder if anyone makes something similar for a pistol? brI agree with your comments about learning to shoot with the astigmatism visual defect that you have, I learned to do that prior to discovering the prism scopes for my AR’s Most people will always have the same shaped defect that they visualize, for example, mine is a reverse “C” canted with the opening towards about 10 or 11 o’clock and anchored by a ball on each end I learned by shooting what the actual center was for me, it was the top ball of the C Most people can adapt to what ever they are dealing with as you practice more although initially it was very frustratingbrThanks again Comment from : @williegillie5834 |
What’s corrected vs uncorrected Comment from : @iterppi7140 |
Thank you, first and foremost The blue block lenses are probably a great route for me to go I need new glasses anyway I’ve definitely shy’d away from red dots, because of my astigmatism I’ve been leaning more toward prism sights, for my rifles I’ll have to try one of the ones that you’ve recommended Comment from : @BafflingBS |
Thanks for the video I just recently found out how many of us have this issue A lot of good information in this video thanks again Comment from : @markaliberti8313 |
Thanks for this Comment from : @mcondon23 |
Something to keep mind is that nit all astigmatism are the same So what works forv1 person may not work for another Comment from : @junderwood6633 |
i have a pretty bad astigmatism, and most red dots are decent for me, not perfect crisp little dots, but fairly good absolute worst for me is the old bushnell holosight (yeah i still have a 1st gen one), that things reticle looks like a shotgun pattern to me Comment from : @leftyo9589 |
Was dose a rooster not wear pants? Because the Packers on their head Comment from : @brianleabo6295 |
When they decide to create an etched reticle red dots for pistols a lot of this will go away Great video Comment from : @grllaspeak |
Not only do I have a mild astigmatism, I'm color blind so red is harder for me to pick up Green is the way to go for me Comment from : @bfish9700 |
I have a astigmatism and I'm about 75 to 25 on red dots to green dots I have 2 Holosun EPS MRS and 2 Holosun 507 models I have a Romeo 1 and a Vortex Venom Only 1 is a green dot and it's a Chevron green dot I wanted to put a SCS on my new Franken Custom P320 X Full TXG, but they only come in green It's my most expensive pistol so when I found out I would have to get a plate for the EPS MRS, I was bummed a little as the SCS I planned on buying was made for the P320 Nice review by the way So red is best for me too brbrNice review on the P365 XL Spectre Comp Slide as well I am thinking hard about it, but I just bought a Glock 43x MOS that's decked out I am curious if Springfield will offer a sub compact Echelon Maybe call it the Skirmish since they are naming their new pistols after battlefield formations Great channel You got another sub Comment from : @ShaneBabb |
Prism sites for the win if you have astigmatism Comment from : @andyaskew1543 |
Great video! ❤️ Comment from : @jonathanwilliams7161 |
Thank you Comment from : @csp740 |
What size MOA would you suggest with astigmatism for a staccato heritage EDC Comment from : @henrycastaneda7785 |
Wow, what a great video Thank you for all the help explaining my asigmatism Fyi, I self diagnosed myself, lol Comment from : @PorfyD23 |
Look at gold dots, too Holosun HE512C-GD Comment from : @Alex-ic3zp |
Good for around Christmas time: What do you get when you eat holiday decorations? Bowels of holly Comment from : @Alex-ic3zp |
Helpful video for someone with astigmatism All I ever wanted was an eotech I bought my first one back in 2010 and was deeply devastated when the picture sucked and I thought I got a dud My glasses and contacts helped but still not perfect Comment from : @Thomas-ox6xi |
I shoot PCC in IDPA The AR that I use is in 45ACP It makes the 135 pf The dot does not move I use a C-More rail with a 12moa dot I too have a slight astigmatism I found some wrap around glass safety glasses that removes my astigmatism Dot is perfectly round They are non prescription glasses My eye doctor cannot explain why Comment from : @joed3264 |
I have 20/20 vision So dots look like dots Honestly I like a 2 moa dot It’s easier for aiming down range Circle dots also work great for me Here’s a joke for y’all “Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, ate (8) 9! lol 😂 Comment from : @abelacosta7200 |
Great educational video on Red dots I appreciate it Any experience with a Holosun 509T? Looking at options for a larger frame Glock and considering the enclosed RD options Any opinions? TIA! Comment from : @JethroDodine |
Good info Wish I had seen this before I bought my red dot Comment from : @nicholasbaker2904 |
GREAT VIDEO…A lot of good information I’m now sold of the 6MOA with my astigmatism… Comment from : @vicb8975 |
Great vid! Comment from : @05cesarleo |
I always thought they were red smear sights Comment from : @229glock |
To repeat what another commenter said,, Thank you for a in depth video dealing with optics and astigmatism!! I appreciate it immensely! Comment from : @robertvail6013 |
You are lucky Your astigmatism seems to be fairly minor Red dots look like a firework to me Comment from : @williambilse |
Instead of a red dot or reflex sight, how does a holographic sight work with astigmatism? I would think much better Comment from : @motorheadronnie |
This explains why my MRO is absolute trash to me Comment from : @klausb1758 |
As an astigmatic shooter this is the most comprehensive and informative review of astigmatism and red dots that I've been able to find Your astigmatic experience and the scope of the review was incredibly helpful It's difficult to be able to try before you buy, so I'd taken a chance on the green reticle version of the Holosun SCS It's a great product and I liked the custom design for the MOS mount, but didn't care for the multi-reticle design and inability to manually adjust the brightness It was just too bright which caused flaring on the image After watching this video at least 3 times, I took a chance on the Holosun EPS Carry, and couldn't be happier Based upon your experience with red versus green, I went with the red reticle I received the EPS yesterday and mounted it on my G19 Gen 5 Using daylight setting 6, I finally have an actual round red dot and couldn't be happier Thanks for your good work, and I'm off to the range today My trusty Burris Fastfire 3, which is good, but not great, will now be saved as a backup, and I'm selling my SCS to a friend with better eyesight than me Comment from : @GeraldKimbrough-d1l |
Clean lenses Comment from : @HiveMind2024 |
good job😊 Comment from : @HiveMind2024 |
So Bizarre I've shot a multitude of dots and red dots for my (bad) astigmatism are worse than green dots Green dots have virtually no bursting to my eye Comment from : @kythom7574 |
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