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Are Fancy Slabbed Coin Labels worth more?

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Title :  Are Fancy Slabbed Coin Labels worth more?
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Comments Are Fancy Slabbed Coin Labels worth more?

Thanks to Jason for the video suggestion and for being a Palladium Channel Member! What do you think about this topic? Do you collect special labels, and if you do, do you value them more? Let me know in a comment below, and I hope to see you in future videos!br brWant to discuss this further with other members of the community? Check out our Discord Server! br▶ discordappcom/invite/CXXqtUE br brSupport the Channel by becoming a channel member! br▶ bitly/supportss br brDon't forget to follow me on Instagram: br▶ wwwinstagramcom/coolstax/ br brYou guys rock, thank you so much!
Comment from : @SilverSeeker

I have a few top 50 label silver eagles label not worth the extra cost???
Comment from : @PaulBishop-lu4kd

@6:59 you show a slabbed silver eagle that has a label stating that this coin was recovered from the ground zero bombing of the WTC on 9-11-01 Explain to me how someone grading this coin 'knows for certain' that it was recovered from one of the WTC buildings AFTER the building collapsed on 9-11-2001? Seriously?
Comment from : @tjmmcd1

Thank you for this VidI'm new to buying silver and coins and this vid answered a few questions of mine
Comment from : @markhammett5072

This got me thinking about onebrbrI may be wrong, but weren't all of the WTC recovery ASE's graded "Gem Uncirculated"?brbrI saw one on ebay the other day that was graded MS69 and I am fairly certain such a thing does not exist
Comment from : @greyshadow9498

I appreciate the informational videos and agree quite a bit I get that a person can buy fake coins and such but just because someone from the mint or the lunch lady signs the packaging doesn't necessarily make it special
Comment from : @ericnicolaisen7284

I think people like the first day of release labels because they know that the coin will have been struck on a new die and should be just a bit sharper than one struck later on in the process
Comment from : @larrynester4713

Have plans to collect a few coins thank you so much for the information
Comment from : @jb3832

Thanks - I am going to bite the bullet for my sons collection and eat the premium on a Philadelphia 2020 emergency slabbed ASE (240k total coins minted/not sure how many graded) I wasn't sure if i wanted the green vanity label that says emergency across it or just standard label Price is like 1000 difference Would rather buy 3 ounces with my 75 bucks but its a novelty and I like the historical significance of what were going thru now
Comment from : @heatherb4302

I kind of agree that slabs on coins are cool especially older coins, it depends on some bullion One I found on apex is a Ukraine archangel that was struck on 925 silver which is so cool A think I think about is low graded bullion that would be MS 68 or lower To me, those seem worth having in slabs because I don't see a lot graded low than a 68 I could be wrong
Comment from : @numanuma20

The reason for slabbing coins with no grade is simple The sellers are making huge profits off of newbies and uninformed people They think the coins are worth more just because they are slabbed and labeled
Comment from : @flieslow

👍👍👍👍buy the coin not the labels 👍👍👍grade just milk you more money for different label 😅🤣😂
Comment from : @holiem6122

Bullion companies get custom labels made
Comment from : @Acer_Triplex

I'm Costco style bulk stacker so fuck coins its a waste of space and premiums Kilo bars are the smallest I stack because in the end its all getting traded for gold Even on platinum 1oz premiums are too high so 100g and above bars are my favorite To each their own though we all stack for a different end game
Comment from : @shawnz5272

good video Seeker , now I know
Comment from : @markbass354

Too many fake and can not check coins Not worth it Just same coin
Comment from : @jdkimpga

Shame on NGC for authorizing fake coins What are they thinking? If they're trying to attract new people into coin collecting that's NOT how to do it
Comment from : @murp61

I don’t know if they are worth it? But I sure LOVE that one with the American flag with the Ground zero recovery silver 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Wish I could buy it😞😞😞
Comment from : @darrellusa8271

Great question Jason4343 Thank you for sharing Silver Seeker Very informative Some of the labels are cool Some are not so cool I do love the certified slabbage Gonna keep on building my stack
Comment from : @jdoggwhitetrash

Just like the 911 eagle that you paid extra for? Like for me I wouldnt pay a penny extra so I guess everyone its entitled to their own opinion
Comment from : @silvereagle1798

At the end of the day they do have different prices that your wouldnt pay more doesnt mean that you will also sell them for the same price right? So think of it when you sell and you have a nice label wouldnt you want the $10 extra it commands? Or you will tell the buyer just pay me for what it is and lose $10 (that's it would normally sell for) this just an example
Comment from : @silvereagle1798

Putting real fake/replica coins in a slab that just seems like a crime 😂 Good video though very informative!
Comment from : @alfies11

That's a great Cazador shipwreck coin I have a lesser Real version that is older but was part of the shipwreck as well-smaller denomination I mean I like that gold coins slabbed can bring some peace of mind to the buyer making it easier to trade/swap down the road You hit the nail on the head I like the certification and grade and that's about all that matters
Comment from : @carlosdanger3380

Sweet slabs brother! I want to get a Ground Zero recovery coin in the worst way!
Comment from : @antfrey302

Some people collect all the same ones, And will pay more to do itSilver Eagles get alot of people collecting the holders Brilliant idea
Comment from : @yamaha226

Hell ya they are Or they wouldn't do it
Comment from : @yamaha226

Short answer: no
Comment from : @justinsnider9772

What about graded coin sets like let’s say the 2014 Kennedy anniversary 4 coin set I have all 4 ngc graded with Kennedy’s quote on it some of the labels from ngc were different would it make a difference if they were different on each coin or not I chose to get all the same for the eye appeal what do you think bud? They all 70’s by the way
Comment from : @coopite

Good to hear your thoughts!🔥🔥🔥
Comment from : @fiatdestroyer9716

Thanks for this vid I’ve been wondering about all the different labels
Comment from : @jenniferwright5536

Well done video, I like many collect certain slabbed coins, what I don't agree with though is placing a premium on First Day of Issue or Early Releases, but that is what sells coins to many
Comment from : @markb7642

I typically don't buy slabs, but I have a 2020 MS69 ($28 pre-tax), and a MS70 early releases ($38 pre-tax), though I didn't buy it as such It just came as an early release I can't tell any difference between 69 and 70, though I didn't put them under a microscope
Comment from : @paulrichards383

Seeker this is a interesting video and it's about time someone did a video on NGC slabs! NGC, PMG and eBay are all affiliated partners together! So when you have a NGC slab with eBay on it, you know that it's a affiliated partner NGC! eBay has been known to buy out proofs and burnised coins that did not sell from the US Mint and they send them in to NGC to be graded and comes back with the eBay logo on them!
Comment from : @ronschneider1870

Comment from : @NickelNationCoinsMore

Labels are cool to look at I have a few, at the end of the day when the shtf they all crack the same for the silver or gold content 🤙
Comment from : @bigjk669

Outstanding video, very informative Jason 4343 thanks for asking!
Comment from : @afoot4silver800

Awesome seeker as always
Comment from : @tyhitman584

Vanity labels are just that, vanity
Comment from : @joeramirez709

I sent a coin in for grading one time through a dealer and both he and I thought it would grade higher than it didHe told me that day that hes had coins that graded lower than what he expected them to and took them out of the holders and sent them back for recertification(sometimes several times) and quite often they would certify higherHe said it could depend on who,s doing the certifiying,maybe their having a good or bad day,and how many coins they look at in a day
Comment from : @loubrok1550

Thanks for the video SS, I’ve got a few graded coins - great information here!
Comment from : @CBPowerPlays

This was great, Seeker🍻👊
Comment from : @canadianryan2359

Great information again Silver Seeker thank you
Comment from : @sirbenji9272

As in all numismatics, the importance is in the history and confirmation of that history Thanks Seeker!
Comment from : @timpace9777

“Why is this a slabbed generic 1-oz Silver Round” ? “Why would NGC even do this; I guess it’s for money” ?!! Yes, indeed, businesses are in business to make money !!! Thanks, Silver Seeker !!! - And just like YOU, I love the PCGS GEM UNCIRCULATED 2000 AMERICAN SILVER EAGLE $1 09-11-01 WORLD TRADE CENTER GROUND ZERO RECOVERY bullion coins, as it marks an indelible moment in our nation’s history To your question: Are fancy slabbed coin labels worth more ? The answer is yes, to some people they are worth more If the time ever comes to sell their coins, they may realize otherwise
Comment from : @rogerkinard7446

Great video seeker I have one coin in a first strike slab but it was the same price as the plain label on eBay
Comment from : @adamgriffith5308

Are you telling me a Silver Seeker label is worthless of which I have many! Silver Seeker slabbage is Worth at least $50 extra!
Comment from : @proslice56

Hi! Like 👍
Comment from : @minirmonedharelaks80

Thank you Seeker, You answered my question nicely I have been buying slabbed coins for a while now and this will video will help me make a more informed buy MS-70 is the only thing I should be looking at not the fancy label, at least for me Others may like First Day, Early Release, or 1 of 1000, but at the end of the day it's the grade that counts
Comment from : @firesidecoins

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