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Polyglot Reacts to Popular Language Learning Apps

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Comments Polyglot Reacts to Popular Language Learning Apps

Duolingo totally waste of time do not use it Memrise better than Duolingo you can use for visualizing and space repetation
Comment from : @umutargn369

These big companies are still around, but that doesn't mean they're the best What about smaller companies like Ling or Mondly?
Comment from : @Lindz_Ling

After watching this video I chose Pimsleur because Bible does not have Tagalog
Comment from : @rurikschutte2188

1:36 why the cut
Comment from : @eiesdidiesei3955

I’m a bit disappointed I expected a bit more than you trying out just the tutorial of every app
Comment from : @markov_alexandr

would you recommend busuu?
Comment from : @CeekGz

What is your opinion on Lingopie?
Comment from : @NBay_

Duolingo is the worst of the worst High error and drop out rates Don't bother Any alternative is better
Comment from : @BrainWorm-b9w

I am thinking per day…br30 minutes Babblebr1 Duo Lingo lessonbr1 kids program or other tv show per day in the languagebrbrDoes this sound good?brI may also watch movies I have see with the language overdub
Comment from : @digittydog

Babble isn’t good until it has asian languages
Comment from : @JetBrews

I am confused The video is sponsored by Babbel yet in the notes he promotes his StreetSmart language What is the preferred program I can say that I have way to many days on Duo I can read a lot better than I can speak I would definitely recommend a conversation based program
Comment from : @jcrossman8892

Pimsleur is undoubtedly the best one of these I've tried all of them, and it's not even close It's the only one that teaches you with speaking and immersion, and uses cultural context to explain the language and help you understand things
Comment from : @FSAPOJake

Duo is not great but it has loads of other languages not just the generic ones
Comment from : @TurtlePower-69

Glad to see some unbiased advice on these language websites
Comment from : @mannykhan7752

Does anyone know any online language learning companies that I can learn a language via a zoom or FaceTime with a real live native speaker overseas?
Comment from : @lukesmith3283

I tried to use duolingo but discovered the grammar was wrong for the language I was learning I don't have time to unlearn wrong concepts
Comment from : @psychedianic

After 2 weeks of using Duolingo, I’ve learned they are obsessed with milk and apples Can’t tell you how many times they used these words They really need to switch it up, gets way too repetitive
Comment from : @captainkittles

Hernandez Dorothy Williams Joseph Clark Sandra
Comment from : @AudreyMalia

Duolingo is the best, I learned chinese without feeling like I'm learning at all🤣 I finished all the lessons a few days ago, now I can continue my journey outside of duolingo Thank you duo 😭🤣
Comment from : @nads_artpage

Language elitist to good for our shitty apps
Comment from : @illist

Helpful, thank you
Comment from : @janvogelgesang2206

What app is the best to learn Thai?
Comment from : @odinallfather5344

Comment from : @Isep969

Bro the 3 first sentences that you learn on Babel just mean that you dont speak spanish at all lmaoo
Comment from : @Idhem0409

Duolingo pushing the rainbow hard, interrupting my learning with nonsense agendas 🤦
Comment from : @ThePreacherman9

My dad is almost fluent in Spanish because of Babbel :)
Comment from : @Chadelon

Pimsluer has the best tiered learning for me for Spanish
Comment from : @doug9116


Comment from : @quocthang7857


Comment from : @quocthang7857

I am able to learn ok with duolingo I like it a lot but sure you need other sources to help you out
Comment from : @logicainsana21

I tried Duolingo and it does not teach you to read and write and pronouciation is off much of the time, it does not do alot of good for those learning Arabic Your review though sounding favorable is inaccurate to the point that i feel you been paid to speak nice In short it sucks
Comment from : @shannahsnyder5653

What's about bussu? Anybody has tried?
Comment from : @falkowskaaga1

its funny how many people are insecure about their choice in a language learning app
Comment from : @lootbot

Babbel has themes LIMITED list of languages
Comment from : @DavidWilson-sm2ym

I'm a partial polyglot, having lived all over I did Duolingo for Portuguese because I am half Portuguese but wasn't raised with anyone who spoke I think it is really the best app for language learning
Comment from : @shushymcsecret993

Im a visual learner I need pictures
Comment from : @msopinionated90

Esas aplicaciones literalmente hace todo que el Duolingo hace
Comment from : @MatheusOliveiraTG

Duo has many pros and cons but I will always admire it for getting MY lazy ass into learning languages in the first place bc it's a game format 😂 AND HAS COMPETITIVE STUFF
Comment from : @TheseWordsTouch

I have been interested in Italian language for 5 years and I have streaks of 277 days in Busuu app but generally kind of these apps are ok if you're a beginner but when we're an intermediate level or more, we can't make any progress that's why we should watch some series and videos or read some news or go some international events for speaking Of course this is my opinion but if anyone has any other ideas about exposure to language just tell it please
Comment from : @misteriosa0024

Duolingo podcast is actually really good, the app itself is below garbage
Comment from : @tomdrum1420

babbel craps on Duolingo lol
Comment from : @thomasfischer9259

Quarantine only hurt pretty much everybody, masks are as effective at straining out nano-particles as a chain link fence is at keeping out mosquitoes IDIOCY FOR PROFITS
Comment from : @BillyJoeBob-tv6co

Hey Xiaomanyc! I really enjoyed your video on popular language learning apps Your insights were insightful and it was interesting to hear your perspective on platforms like Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, Memrise, Babbel and Pimsleur I've personally used some of these apps in my language learning journey, and I agree that each has its own strengths and weaknesses For example, Duolingo is great for building vocabulary and basic grammar skills, while Pimsleur is excellent for improving speaking and listening comprehensionbrbrYour recommendation to speak the target language constantly, whether in person or online, resonates with my own experience Immersion and practice are key to language proficiency and I appreciate your emphasis on this aspect of language learningbrbrIn all, your video provided valuable insights into the world of language learning apps!
Comment from : @sprachverliebt

Duolingo is best for French, Mandarin is meh on Duo Memrise gets way better for Mandarin later on modules 2 and 3 , really usefull common phrases in context Pimsleur and Memrise work well together for Mandarin The culture add ons for Pimsleur's Mandarin are HUGELY beneficial
Comment from : @reubengermain9771

3:20 “”fluent Chinese”” and doesn’t even know what sound 好 is and thinks there could be multiple options for it 💀💀💀
Comment from : @Flyingsearat

I like Rosetta because I have no one to practice I can hear the correct pronunciation with Rosetta Stone
Comment from : @LissetteLissie

resette stone is really overrated!
Comment from : @BEYOURLANGUAGE-hr1gb

How do you learn all your languages?
Comment from : @zampaso

I bought lifetime access to Rosetta Stone many years ago so that I could read/write in French with some verbal skill -- but I've had more success learning to at least read French by old-fashioned looking up each word and grammar nuances Maybe if I actually stuck with Rosetta and put more time into it -- I'd have better results However, it's tedious and SLOW Amusingly, you can just use Google Translate to learn how to say and write in whatever language they have in their database
Comment from : @MajorGrandpa

Thanks! That's actually helpful!
Comment from : @abigailgerlach5443

"Intense is only 20 minutes a day?" yeah haha that's it bro hilarious I speak 6 languages (mine portuguese, spanish, english, german, romanian and russian) and people really think I learnt them spending only 20 minutes a day, I died studying hours and hours every single day I'll encourage y'all: YOU WON'T LEARN ANYTHING 20 MINUTES A DAY FOR 15 YEARS!
Comment from : @alancosta4760

What about Busuu ? :x
Comment from : @PIERROOOOOO

Duolingo's basics are the reason why I understand the complex sentences in Memrise Duolingo's awesome
Comment from : @AriannaStarling

Rocket language
Comment from : @gretashapiro4118

You are also well advanced in language learning so you get bored right away
Comment from : @gretashapiro4118

Duolingo allows you to skip specific lessons if you already have a foundation, letting you learn grammar, sentence structure fairly quickly when YOU are ready Love your vids
Comment from : @Heaven-Bishop

Its so sad to see what Duolingo used to be Its so much worse now
Comment from : @secretspy44

Trust me duolingo took me 1 year to barely get to A2
Comment from : @avidier7347

Duolingo is great to learn the basics and understand how a language works, but if you want to become fluent you have the practice with native speakers and constantly improve your vocabulary I am Brazilian and I am currently living in Argentina and learning Spanish, moving here made me learn a lot faster
Comment from : @Josuas501

It doesn’t matter what app you use if you don’t listen to native speakers, and if you don’t practice every day for at least a year, you may never become fluent It’s all about your persistence not everyone learns the same Some people can learn in three months It takes some people two years to become fluent Be patient with yourself
Comment from : @Countrygirl8019

Rosetta Stone goes a lot deeper It eases people in You can get the same thing out of it You just have to get there Might want to revisit it more in depth
Comment from : @keihndeth

When I bought the French course on pimsleur a few years ago, I did so because I was sold on the fact that supposedly it was the method developed for the FBI to learn to speak a language as quickly and efficiently as possible Not sure if it’s true but I was sold and it’s definitely the best way for me, seeing as how every book I ever read was an audio book Just do it while I hike😂
Comment from : @LuIsSaNcHeZ510

Would love to hear your thoughts on LingQ
Comment from : @AndrewRaia

7:50 This is, in my opinion REALLY bad You're learning incorrect Spanish grammar, and listening to terrible Spanish pronunciationbrbrSure, that's how beginners speak But that shouldn't be the role model you're supposed to learn from and imitate! Why are we learning Spanish from a dude who can't even use the correct present tense in the most basic ass sentence!
Comment from : @SupremeDP

I love Duolingo
Comment from : @IAMJEFFREY-cw9ns

I think it takes more repetition for me than it does you Duolingo mixed with, watching tv, speaking on Holla as well as strangers in person every chance I get
Comment from : @HoneyBeeofficiall

@Xiaomanyc You should check out Mango Languages It's my favorite language app and it helped me to learn Spanish and Swahili!
Comment from : @IsaIbrahim-n8f

I gotta say LingQ has been the best language learning app I have ever tried Ive tried Pimsleur, Michel Thomas, Babbel, DuoLingo, and various language exchange apps, but LingQ seems to be the best for actually acquiring vocabulary through comprehensible input Its effectiveness may vary between languages and your familiarity with the language when first starting, but its been a game changer for my Russian learning process
Comment from : @as_below_so_above

These duoling bot do not help Great info, thanks
Comment from : @nyambe

Love Babbel for Indonesian 🙏🙏
Comment from : @samma3549

There a lot of duolingo fans in the comments I like duo too, but sometimes you need something beyond its fun to play Because I've tried these types of ABC beginner apps for beginner friendly apps that don't get you in the deep in, and it doesn't work as good long term If you hunker down like Xiaoma you will see more progress in your language learning I know this works because just last month, I got tired of not being able to speak Spanish Just by adding more context learning, grouping phases commonly used to reconstruct sentences, practicing multiple times per day, just 1 month I see a cheetah like experience with my learning surpassing the casual state of learning I was doing brbrI know duolingo is friendly for beginners, but when you get tired of not being able to have "real" extended conversations with "real" people, you need to hunker down and not be intimidated by apps they push you in the pool Because you won't drown, in the process you might just become fluent
Comment from : @Intern211

would love to see him try this video style again with languages he doesn't already speak, which is the point of these apps in the first place
Comment from : @PaulNelson-s3b

Jumping straight into full sentences is not for me I cannot learn that way I need step by step brbrI don’t feel like polyglots learn the same way normal people do
Comment from : @uhohhotdog

I would totally do, babbel if it offered Latin Many don't do Latin which to me is a waste
Comment from : @becomethestar

There's much more to Rosetta Stone I'm learning pretty quick with it It starts to get harder as you go If you do a language, you have no idea about its perfect
Comment from : @becomethestar

I have not used Duolingo in a while But I was doing well in refreshing my Spanish
Comment from : @cocoaorange1

If youtube keeps on with all the fucking adds, I'm going to drop them all together and only use rumble Fucking bastards!
Comment from : @TheMattjudo26

It works for some not for all don't be a hater dude You are way more talented and have more time on your hands than the rest
Comment from : @marstillo8087

I definitely recommend Duolingo if you are in a HS language class Basic vocab, grammar, sentences, and phrases Really, really good for studying your basics
Comment from : @Jpizzy_

Yo usaba mucho Duolingo pero conocí Bussu y me encantó esa app ya voy por mi A2 en francés!!
Comment from : @Misswaffle

So I'm currently living in Germany and I've always wanted to become fluent in German My basics are ok (I can ask for the bathroom or order at a restaurant lol) What's the next step for me? I try listening to stuff in my target language but I feel like I don't get much out of it How do I expand my knowledge?
Comment from : @Borel-nv5bq

Ive known a few people who went hard on duolingo, completed their course and still couldnt speak the target language
Comment from : @JonM-ts7os

What is the "hooked on phonics" equivalent for learning a new language?
Comment from : @The_Potato

Hi brThank you for this informative video Really appreciate a good and honest opinion & comparisonbrbrFor a serious learning of German language, could you please suggest your top 5 picks?
Comment from : @LV13619

What is your recommended instant audio translator for Hebrew to English (or vice versa)?
Comment from : @benjes3377

I tried learning German on most these apps the only one I liked is duolingo cuz it actually feels fun
Comment from : @Dasharobloxa

If you want an app to learn a language, the only ones that work are pimsleur, lingq and glossika Other programs that work are rocket languages, ouino, and lingo pie FluentU as well Assimil is a good choice too The best way to learn would be to combine all or some of them ofcourse
Comment from : @kshitijshekhar1144

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