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How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle

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Information How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle

Title :  How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle
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Frames How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle

Description How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle

Comments How the $100 Bill Prevents Counterfeiting, And How It’s Counterfeited Anyway | Tales From the Bottle

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Comment from : @Qxir

Why put the skype ringtone quietly in the background?
Comment from : @mresfusioncollect8494

Imagine the irony when he was duped into accepting counterfeit money he made for a painting he also made
Comment from : @jeffez6572

Federal Reserve will do anything other than use plastic cash
Comment from : @haley746

Dude this guy is pathetic
Comment from : @spicy_toilet_water

A counterfeit doesn't even need to be that good to pass as a quick absent minded cashier exhange There was a case of obviously fake movie money being used succesfully on stores even though their entire picture was wrong
Comment from : @eetuthereindeer6671

Plus our government prints out of thin air The cia is well known for it as well 😂😂😂 but if a civilian does it’s a crime Who cares Send it
Comment from : @swortham

I love how they try to convince everyone that it can’t be done 😂 North Korea and Peru are living proof On a documentary the guys in the jungle were making fun of the United States for spending billions on trying to prevent counterfeiting while they are able to reproduce bills from stuff they use from local stores
Comment from : @swortham

Average joe dilutes the currency, jail Federal Reserve dilutes the currency, life goes on
Comment from : @Sgt_Kilborn

This is why hair spray was banned Aqua net tricked the pens but they had you thinking about the “Ozone”
Comment from : @Sumtoshi

Just remember there is a slit of paper on the blue strip on the top and bottom You can stick a toothpick through it Thats how you know if its real or not
Comment from : @dxublexxsplicitxxsplicit4943

All US currency remains legal tender, regardless of when it was issued Just make fake currency that is old and easier to fake
Comment from : @junked5214

We have the writing of the disciples of the Apostles and the disciples of those disciples, and they not only quote much of the New Testament, but all the core idea of Christianity are present Jesus being God, the Son of God, dying for sins, burial, resurrection, ascension to heavenbrbrWe also have writing of Jewish and Pagan contemporary historians who were hostile towards Jesus, who say the same things : Jesus being worshiped as God, the Son of God, dying on the cross, burial, resurrectionbrbrThe archeology matches the Bible perfectly all the way from Genesis through the New TestamentbrbrIt's mainly because of the archeology, "friendly" writers, and "hostile" writers mentioned above that the Jesus Seminar, who are PhD level ashiest/agnostics who study Christ and the Bible, concluded that Jesus really lived in Judea 2,000 years ago, was known as a miracle workers, died on the cross under Pilate, and that his disciples really believed they had seen him risen from the deadbrbrThe fact that there are contradictions between manuscripts is often sited as proof against trusting scripture, when it actually does the opposite The fact that there are so many manuscripts makes it easy to tell when someone changed one, and modern Bibles are transparent about any differences in the footnotes Over 5,000 manuscripts in the original Greek and 20,000 in other languages None of those differences found between manuscripts change anything about any core doctrines of Christianity, they are mainly a handwriting error on a letter or a different way to word something that means the same thing There is 995 accuracy between the manuscripts according to scholarsbrbrThere is also all the undersigned coincidence between not only the four Gospels, but the rest of the New and Old Testaments toobrbrMatthew 2:22 talks about Joseph not wanting to return to Judea after fleeing to Egypt because Archelaus was ruling That's all the info on that the Bible gives Josephus, the Jewish historian, tells us about the things Archelaus did and how evil he was Put these two pieces of evidence together, we get the full picturebrbrThis sort of thing happens through the text with the seemingly useless details matching up perfectly with extra Biblical sources, lending to the credibility of the textbrbrThe Apostles willingness to be killed not for saying they believed Jesus had risen, but they knew he had risen, because they saw himbrbrIf the tomb wasn't empty, they would've paraded the body around to stomp out any idea of Jesus being resurrected, but Christianity spread because there was no body in the tombbrbrIf someone stole the body, why were nearly all the Apostles willing to be killed for saying they'd seen Jesus risen? They were thousands of miles away from one another before phones and the internet and were being threaten, tortured, and murdered for their claim Not one "broke" and said it was a lie to save themselvesbrbrbrIt's because of the evidence that I believe in Jesus
Comment from : @trentitybrehm5105

I don't think he "changed" He was released in 2013 the same year the treasury released the modern upgraded 100 dollar bill with the microlens 3D security ribbon He more or less gave up since the ribbon is quite obvious compared to UV security threads
Comment from : @VintageToiletsRock

FYI US paper notes are made of a 50/50 mix of cotton and linenbrHowever you don’t even need such paper You can spray the counterfeit note with hair spray and it will result in it passing the pen device
Comment from : @danielcurtis1434

I'm not sure if it's the right messagebrThe only reason his art became a success is because he achieved a lot doing crimebrSo basically crime pays, I guess?
Comment from : @raytracer5726

Watch American Greed looking similar
Comment from : @nn8239

Unsubbed and unliked after seeing ur cop joke ridiculous
Comment from : @WhatUpSovern6

For anyone wondering the name of the type of paper he used was newsprint paper and if it fails the pen test you can use a matte lauqe to defeat it
Comment from : @djp1941

“You cannot seriously say this bill is counterfeited just because hundred is spelled with two Ns!!!”
Comment from : @Soundbrigade

Interesting note about the 1$ bill It has no watermarks, shifting ink, or security strip, and has not changed in 100 years The reason for this is that the materials needed to counterfeit it in any way that would fool anybody but a 5-year-old would require more work and money than the bill would be worth In the end, you would lose money by counterfeiting it
Comment from : @DanielMcGillis-f3w

Him being a master counterfeiter is more impressive than anything he could've ever been, becausebrThere's no tutorial or book or professor to teach you how to counterfeit, in fact odds were all against him, he had such an incredible raw intelligence
Comment from : @Rainyalley

we found him Inflation Georg
Comment from : @almondmilk1500

I just carry my cash in my pocket, I don’t have a wallet But i see how pulling out only hundreds is sus
Comment from : @iHeartFenty

Please help me I have binged this series for so long, I am not kidding, I started watching yesterday, it’s 2am right now, and I’m supposed to be up at 7am for school
Comment from : @Sundance967

He sounds like Joe Guerrero from After Prison Show in turning his life around after prison! Always a good thing to see!
Comment from : @robertaviles8451

5:28 the cash coffee table made me belly laugh
Comment from : @Pangloss6413

Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" brBasil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam " brMrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" brBasil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?" brMrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" brBasil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky" brMrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied But I shall stay But I expect a reduction" brBasil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"
Comment from : @fredflintstoner596

The counterfeits were better than the originals
Comment from : @JohnDoe-on6ru

If people create money it’s a crime If banks do it It’s called fractional reserve banking
Comment from : @invisiblecollege893

Comment from : @Barisso2

Selling art you say? An industry in which prices are easily artificially inflated and large sums of cash are regularly exchanged for the purchase of said artworks? I'm shocked
Comment from : @karlmel15

This guy would buy a $3 biscuit with a $100 every Saturday morning and I’m convinced it was a fake $100 so he could get $96 real dollars in change Will never know but it was definitely odd and I noticed it
Comment from : @BeelzebubBeelzebub

Good god Andy Warhol is not an artist
Comment from : @asordidreality

Whether its got all the fine details or not doesnt matter usually If you go to a business with a stick up your ass and get testy when they dont give you change fast enough it’ll pass The poor cashier is more focused on getting you out of the store than the bills Ive been that cashier and those days always suck
Comment from : @jeremyfisher8512

Horrible detective work police do better Wrong guy wrong suspect just ASSUMPTIONS
Comment from : @lol-wg6gu

If I were to counterfeit bills, I'd go for $20s, few people ever check the 20s
Comment from : @Name-ot3xw

Farzi : webseries borrowed the concept of this idea of a sandwiched bill
Comment from : @mardmaratha171

What an amazing human
Comment from : @Survivalguy

Comment from : @PIECESTOPEACE

In the past the secret service would sometimes use a counterfeiter to help catch other counterfeiters
Comment from : @cyclenut

This was awesome and hilarious 😂 😂!
Comment from : @B1970T

6:27 Actually, he didn't His son tried to copy him by reading what he wrote in his autobiography
Comment from : @ChrissieBear

I mean he worked hard for that money
Comment from : @maavet2351

Silly worldbrJust make your currency like Australia's currency Problems solved
Comment from : @IC3XR

When the most recent $100 bills came out I was convinced they were counterfeit😂
Comment from : @Trump985

Do Mr 880
Comment from : @cr76802

So he knew how to do art just by reading or he went to art school?
Comment from : @blak238

lolbrMy grandfather counterfeited bank notes and got caught by the FBI while in a diner
Comment from : @mjames7674

Now days currency has so many safe guards that the counterfeit notes usually are made by enemy countries
Comment from : @ManuelGarcia-cd1hk

This should be a biopic movie akin to Wolf of Wall Street or Catch Me if You Can
Comment from : @22carmoon

I just watched the story on Vice
Comment from : @DailyTv22

it's pretty sad that criminals are even allowed to have kids, knowing that it's basically sending them to a live of misery and jail Like we don't need more criminals in the world
Comment from : @JimMilton-ej6zi

Bro made a movie I swear
Comment from : @kingnova2372

I’d love to get one of his paintings in the future
Comment from : @ianroger123

Those anti-counterfeit markers are a complete waste of time--they give a lot of false positives, which can lead to innocent people being accused This has been known since shortly after those markers hit the market
Comment from : @TheEudaemonicPlague

Good thing there are all those security measures we wouldn’t want someone to just start printing off $100 bills
Comment from : @isaacshively5976

These guys probably got caught for money laundering and not counterfeiting
Comment from : @collegeguy799

I swear to god this man would make more if he didn't put the effort into counterfeit
Comment from : @eighties-u3q

So he moved from counterfeiting money to laundering money
Comment from : @thalastianjorus

Maybe he should work for the department that makes the bills
Comment from : @larryalvares1369

Another brilliant video
Comment from : @EpicFishFingers

It’s time we arrested the big time counterfeiters, the central bankers who control this debt and death paradigm we currently live in!
Comment from : @AnixCo1990

Omfg that seems very lucky the crazy color car painter And wtf he just didn't stop lolol
Comment from : @Dustin-j3k

this has quite a few differences to another vid on the guy I watched just yesterday but tbf this one is more realistic
Comment from : @Nepheos

No way, a happy ending? 😮brGreat video, even wholesome
Comment from : @TinchoX

He's very likely using his art business as a front for corrupt politicians/businessmen and criminals alike to buy/sell art at stupid prices; launder money, cheat taxes, etc
Comment from : @anthonymendoza6210

What da Franklin doin
Comment from : @Ermwhattheskibidi-e2l

The largest counterfeiter of $100 bills was (and maybe still is) North Korea They use their need for printing their own currency to be able to buy some of the printing presses and other machines needed to make counterfeit money They were so good at it that the secret service even thought their bills were real
Comment from : @JaredConnell

Kinda ironic rly Without his history of illegal activities acting as many things, (a drive, motivation, momentum, popularity, a muse among other things, a good story to "sell" with the art), he probably would've never successfully blossomed into the art scene to begin withbrI wonder whatever became of his son 🤔 Successful rapper? I wish we could've heard more about him and his "music career" 😂
Comment from : @thereindeertherabbitthebat592

As I've said before you can't make this s*** up
Comment from : @j0ycedick313

Now I know how da Vinci paid for all those experiments
Comment from : @TheRiverRat96

Polymer banknotes - another Aussie invention
Comment from : @peecee1384

How do you make money selling money
Comment from : @lucassevey5989

What a G dude
Comment from : @giovannihartman-qy4vw

Imagine counterfeiting so much money over fifteen years and you still make insignificant pocket change compared to what some others make
Comment from : @patrikcath1025

Why didn’t he just counterfeit the old simpler notes? They’re still legal tender
Comment from : @RoyalBlueJay

5:28 the money table got me laughing a LOT
Comment from : @OnionJumoke

Straight subscribed for the chill, if you like it keep watching, if ya didnt theres other shite
Comment from : @Pepto8ismol

This is a very very stripped down version of the story The full story is much much more crazy
Comment from : @fallendeus

big L williams
Comment from : @originalni_popisovac

Its ok, our entire currency is counterfeit because its not backed by anything anyways
Comment from : @NotGrimman

7:45 / 8:41
Comment from : @svihl666

Lol drew time to move out of cali i guarantee that stuff wouldnt fly in texas guarantee!!!!!
Comment from : @chevyguyy454

Thanks for teaching us the basics of counterfeiting money, this video really helped me a lot!
Comment from : @swapster

@qxir there is a whole show in the story how the former dollar bills became the worlds most counterfitted currency Which in itself led up to the change of the bills in 1996
Comment from : @DinJaevel

if it can be made,it can be remadebrwhen they introduced the new paper 20pound note, forgeries were the first new 20s circulated, ahead of the genuine onesbrthe counterfeiters were arrested and the forgeries became legal tender by default
Comment from : @michelguevara151

My great uncle Sandy was a counterfeiter, when he was finally arrested it was because he had 3 storage units full of crap (all the purchased items from every store he went to--racket balls, boxes of paper clips, etc)
Comment from : @edition-deluxe

The Biggest Counterfeiters in the World , the US government Knows all the Tricks
Comment from : @kmmiller8704

Bank noots
Comment from : @tommyungaro8736

The only reason he's a successful artist is because he was a criminal first Had he never been arrested or had no criminal background, few people would be interested in his artso it's not exactly a motivational story Crime literally paid off for him
Comment from : @trivialtrav

"I'll get ya, ya slippery devil" 😂😂😂
Comment from : @visualonestudio

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