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Language Acquisition: Crash Course Linguistics #12

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Comments Language Acquisition: Crash Course Linguistics #12

Hi, I wonder if there are any disadvantages to acquiring more than two languages before the critical period?
Comment from : @readingnewsbymayzin

My sisters first word was Diet Coke
Comment from : @hallieshea3140

Comment from : @jamescanningauthor

3:05 babbling in sign languagebr3:14 child directed speech
Comment from : @keerthivasanb7931

There are many ways to fail to learn a language, but the best way is to never try
Comment from : @LesserMoffHootkins

This is why adults can’t learn a language
Comment from : @LesserMoffHootkins

This episode was so cute that I had to pause the video time to time because of cuteness overdose
Comment from : @amirhesamnoroozi3741

Hi @crashCourse Thank you for making the knowledge of linguistics accessible to everyone I got my MA in theoretical linguistics and looking forward to apply for a doctoral program I have always been trying my best to explain what linguistics is and how it is different from "learning new languages", often with no success Hopefully people would put more respect on linguistics degree, as it is a very versatile, very impactful and will always be on demand brbrPS It would be great if you can also include popular linguistics subjects such as natural language processing, rhetoric and manipulation, language and thoughts, corpus data analysis and others
Comment from : @dmage1909

Languages good
Comment from : @ricois3

My first word was Numnum, My mother says I used to say it when I wanted something to eat
Comment from : @priapus6145

No mention of Input?!
Comment from : @matiasobera

My first word was "mãe"
Comment from : @klaytonsilva5890

Is this a good moment to ask for a Czech language buddy? I offer English and German 😁
Comment from : @77dreimaldie0

This is a wug Now, there's another one There are twobrMe, a native Indonesian speaker: wug
Comment from : @aarspar

I love it here
Comment from : @Bythwood

Great explanation I have a three month all baby and a five years old boy, and he constantly asks me when her sister will speak I told him that it will take her timeI think, this videos help him understand better Thank you
Comment from : @elifranco734

I feel like thanking the thought bubble is the same as clapping when the airplane lands
Comment from : @ezekielsmith8603

Proud multilingual Malaysian here 👇
Comment from : @zzdiong8546

Cool video
Comment from : @matthewbenedict5923

Although informative and mostly truthful, this video (too) demonstrates a concerning lack of understanding that early language acquisition is centred around (and should be understood through the lens of) speech acts, not syntax and semantics This video leans on a classical paradigm in linguistics which is by no means flawless brbrChildren learn to participate in practices and direct others by learning speech acts, and it is when they put these speech acts to use that they acquire the words needed to carry them out A limiting factor in early speech acquisition lies in the lack of social cognition and the period it takes to observe and learn the social practices around them and the speech acts by which those practices are carried out Words aren't learned in isolation of practical context, and are actually secondary to the speech acts in which they are deployed brbrA child begins by learning simple directives--eg ordering and requesting, which you briefly touched on when highlighting how one word sentences may in fact carry multiple signifiers spread out over multiple modalities--before learning more complex ones such as apologies, corrections, bets, promises, explanations, interrogations, affirmations, and so on Each involve a set of give-and-take from the participants which require the development of social cognition, *without which any account of early language acquisition will remain incomplete* brbrContemporary literature already acknowledges this, and it is the syntax&semantics obsessed linguistics of the 20th century which doesn't
Comment from : @olindblo

I don't remember (of course) my first word, and my parents also can't help me in this matter But the first word in enlish that I remeber is a "helicopter" There was a cool toy helicopter in the english classes for small children that I attended
Comment from : @MaksRoss418

Actually the plural of wug is still wug but you pronounce it as woog The original language puts a line over the u to show the difference
Comment from : @shadebug

2:46 This might actually explain why when I started learning English I thought that th sounded like f, v, or d, depending on the context The voiced and unvoiced non-sibilant alveolar fricatives aren't phonemes in Polish, which is my first language
Comment from : @vigilantsycamore8750

my brother's was "more"
Comment from : @joelthomastr

I would love to watch Gav One Piece
Comment from : @sandradermark8463

why am I surprised that the plural wug are in this videobrAlso it should be wüge
Comment from : @OkThisllbeMyName

You guys should check out the science of reading in regards to language acquisition
Comment from : @jeremiahwat1

My first word was "kitty" An early sign I would grow up to be a crazy cat lady
Comment from : @blendedchaitea645

Learning so much from this course! I speak Shona, a language not as well documented as other mainstream languages, and this course has been helpful in helping me think about the pieces that go into speech - and therefore, how to teach friends how to say words in my language
Comment from : @simba9825

Amazing episode :)
Comment from : @IsaacBTTF

Wugs!! At last we come to wugs
Comment from : @sandradermark8463

I started to learn english since kindergarten Sometimes I talk in english with my friends, even though we all have the same mother tongue that is not english Is this a common thing?
Comment from : @hypergalacticnoodles

I wish you had talked more about adult language acquisition
Comment from : @SergioBobillierC

Is writing language? Or is it a code for languages?
Comment from : @Illiteratechimp

meaningful video Enjoyed it
Comment from : @thecustomadventures7719

4:24 there are 2 _____ I deadass said “of them” !!?!? ig I’m worst than a baby
Comment from : @thecustomadventures7719

im quadrilingual and when she said you might know the word only in one language like YES That's why my speech is usually a hybrid of 2 languages put together depending on who I am talking to
Comment from : @deminalla3993

Hi from Malaysia Since there's 'Malaysia' mentioned
Comment from : @firdausfauzi3918

I wonder if dogs raised or trained by signers learn to understand signs instead of spoken language And, yes, I know many dogs raised or trained by people who speak aloud are also taught signs to go with commands, like a downward moving fist for "sit" - but I'm unsure if they would obey from the gesture alone without the spoken command But what I'm really curious about is the way dogs learn to understand words you didn't mean to teach them Like dogs that run to the door if you even mention walking to another person without even facing the dog Or if they respond to the signed version of "who's a good boy?" with the same enthusiasmbrbrI know this is off-topic, but I was reminded of it by mentioning sign acquisition in children
Comment from : @silverharloe

As an adult language learner, I identify well with the "receptive" bilingualism I can read and write Spanish fluently but speaking and listening are more difficult for me
Comment from : @MatthPeder

I'm multilingualbrI can speak English, Bengali and Hindi
Comment from : @muhammadisaac07

Is it true that babies can learn to rudimentarily use sign ibefore/i they can progress from babble to rudimentary spoken language?
Comment from : @LukeBunyip

Omg, this video is just amaaaazing! Loving the series <3
Comment from : @Ac3Kun

I'm a speech-language pathologist who works with 3 year olds with language development delays so this topic is kind of my thing, but I still always laugh when I hear the phrase "high amplitude sucking"
Comment from : @eggfishy

I was hoping for insights into adult acquisition of a second language
Comment from : @mns8732

This was so well done and considered many important perspectives Thank you crash course :)
Comment from : @huda2170

Conversations with my brother are always really comfortable wrt language cause we move between English and Spanish mid-sentence a lot depending on what word is more comfortable to say at the moment
Comment from : @ericvilas

Comment from : @ranjithvenkat4410

@8:48 Gavagai One Piece You ever laugh so loud you can hear it echo?
Comment from : @caligjl

THANK YOU for validating that exposure to multiple languages in childhood does not lead to language delays
Comment from : @GeeEmOh

As a non native english speaker it should be goed
Comment from : @dgo792

Comment from : @pppjyo

which is the reason deaf babies need to be exposed to ASL as soon as possible!!!!! WAY too many are language deprived!!!!
Comment from : @aimeechas

Apparently, I tried to say the word "Baum" meaning tree at six months of age, but my mum said that maybe she just imagined it After that I said my first definite words at a normal age, but could talk in complex sentences way earlier than others according to my parents Languages are still something I'm good at, especially comparing their grammar and stuff like that However, I suck at memorising vocab, which holds my language learning back
Comment from : @solar0wind

Can babies learn multiple sign languages simultaneously?
Comment from : @samallon9492

I forgot how to speak Spanish in preschool 😭
Comment from : @Lolalogo

According to my mom I took so long to talk that she was worried The doctor told her to stop responding to my gestures and anticipating my needs Voila! I started immediately speaking full sentences
Comment from : @mschrisfrank2420

4:47 this is not surprising at all (as some wish to suggest) We evolved to pick up patterns; otherwise, we'd be defunct by now as a species Take for instance the case of these videos: nobody has explained to you that the music at 10:21 signals the end of this episode; yet, we have all come to recognize that this "video-phoneme-music" signals the end of this and every episode Pretty much the same, the baby comes to recognize after many exposures, that the "sss" at the end of words about objects signals "more than one" There is no need to recur to "magic," mysterious algorithms inside a baby's head (as nativists are so enchanted to argue); this type of generalization is just another cognitive routinization out of many others I wouldn't be surprised to learn that some other animals are able too associate one specific kind of sound with a specific sort of meaning (an "animal-meaning" if you wish) Still, nice video; once again, you managed to keep it in firm land, away from Platonic accounts of language
Comment from : @sergiosanchezpadilla6941

me: "you can bi- or multi-lingual"bralso me: bi AND multilingual
Comment from : @ItsRadishTime

My first word was "agua" (water); thirsty from a young age
Comment from : @zun-norma

An whole episode on language aquisition and not a single word on the ongoing Nativism debate? Meh
Comment from : @LupinoArts

High-amplitude sucking is a good term to describe my attempts at getting good at smash bros lmao
Comment from : @Giraffinator

I'm somewhat disappointed by this video, seems to still follow the frequent misconception that children actually learn language more easily than adults There's a great article on the subject (with sources (though not exceptionally comprehensibly cited, IIRC he gives the title in the text and thereafter gives an abbreviated title and page number(s)), and I've actually looked through many of them myself to double check), it's not published in a journal to my knowledge, but it's well written br zompistcom/whylanghtml
Comment from : @Great_Olaf5

Comment from : @cndcpwll

Damn You did a good job holding yourself together when talking about deaf children not being taught signs
Comment from : @jazzbefos9303

I was told that they were actually worried a bit because I started talking late, but I went from babbling to full sentences and some would say I haven't shut up since
Comment from : @pentalarclikesit822

This question is for multilingual people What default language is the voice in your head?
Comment from : @YourWealthCome

6:27 as a master's student in Applied Linguistics it makes me so happy that you used the term "additional language"
Comment from : @LandgraabIV

This makes me wonder, I’ve always struggled to fully learn new languages, synonyms confuse me and I just can’t seem to store away words from the other language properly, but I pick up on the ability to read other languages relatively easily I wonder if there’s anyone with the opposite struggle?
Comment from : @multistormhawks

I took a seminar during my graduate studies that was all about infant language acquisition, and I swear the experimental design of those papers was fascinating Great video!
Comment from : @mattkuhn6634

My native language is Spanish, and one of the sounds that children acquire last in Spanish is the trilled "rrrr" sound I don't remember what my first word was, but I do know that before I even learned to speak, I was making that sound and trying to communicate with birds at the zoo with it Just going "rrrrrrrrrrrrrr"brI'm special (in a very unremarkable way)
Comment from : @ArturoStojanoff

Feeling called out by the 日本語 example
Comment from : @artsyjames

Love the One Piece reference!
Comment from : @windywendi

When will you guys mention Noam Chomsky?
Comment from : @vsmk8747

Multilingual person here, I learnt both spanish ans english as a child, also galician but more on a receptive level (I struggle to speak it), as a teen I was taught french and as an adult I learnt spanish sign language The older I get the more difficult it gets but I keep on learning
Comment from : @911nmg

Stay healthy and stay safe Have a great holiday season everyone😊
Comment from : @matthewdiaz_05

Cu vi parolas Esperanton? brNe
Comment from : @NoahNobody

9:28 or, you might have learned latin in high school in which case you can neither speak, understand, or fluently read anything but you can translate texts by the greatest writers of old which is strange
Comment from : @loganvararok8710

When y’all making a crash course episode on the history of the dream smp 🙄✋
Comment from : @arianajuarez6360

My first words was ah because i said that because I fell in a puddle brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrWhat was yours and tell me why you said thatbrIf you don't know say "ah"
Comment from : @Møonlight_Gold

English isn't the simplest language to guess plural "rules"
Comment from : @son-tchori7085

Growing up, I spoke English with my sister and mom, Hindi with my dad and friends and Punjabi with my grandparents and some other friends Plus my city's (and Punjabi's) proximity to Urdu, I easily picked up on that too I'm so glad to have grown up in a multilingual household like this!brbr今、日本語を勉強しています!
Comment from : @theguy5898

Uau , cada dia melhor
Comment from :

That's really interesting! I am looking into the neuroscience of it atm for a video on that
Comment from : @MargaritaMilidakis

Comment from : @aliciachaidez5838

why am I exited to see a crash course uploadquarantine has messed with me brbrwait I actually like this videowell done
Comment from : @stellarurema9602

hello, I am eflinsu I am your big follower please heart my comment I am Turkish
Comment from : @eflinsudemir3545

I’ve been waiting for this episode!
Comment from : @copypasta1585

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