Title | : | C in Spanish class as a native? #spanish #learnspanish #linguistics #language |
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Most of my peers, all native English speakers, also had trouble in English classbrbrMost students are not A students in English, native or otherwise…Making this video…a lil raysis Comment from : @TheGoldenWoe |
As a native Spanish speaker if you ask me to conjugate the subjunctive of a word I’m gonna look at you as if you had lobsters crawling out of your eyes Comment from : @isabellaeid987 |
As native polish speaker officially i dont give any fuck about for example polish ortography etc Comment from : @Wernychora |
That's bs, it depends a lot on the specific individual and educacional background Even though I'm a native, I did get taught all of the grammatical rules of spanish in school, maybe a teenager could fail but not an educated adult Comment from : @Gibbysaurio |
They literally teach us how to do that from kindergarten Comment from : @Tequilacargadito |
well don't you think we have Spanish class??😭😭 we obviously learn grammar, writing, orthography Comment from : @Weremsye1 |
As a kid i learned a bit of spanish by my friend and his mother, who lived/rented at my moms house So basically i have always heard and spoke a bit of spanish since i was a child Now fast forward to high school, and i am in my first ever spanish class My teacher wanted to actually make me move classes to a harder class I ended up giving her a hard pass on the offer bc i enden up realising that i sound better compared to what spanish i actually knew I even speak it with a Guantanamo cuban accent😂 brbrBut i can definitly resonate with this video, i felt like i almost struggled in spanish class, bc the classes was so different to what i have been thought at home Comment from : @timothyomotojeah2830 |
It’s like you knew how the cases worked by how they interacted with nounsbrFor example: instead of learning the cases, as a baby, you basically get to learn the cases with the wordsbrso if you see “apple-un” used in a context that is genitive, you will understand that “un” is used for the genitive case, or in this case, an apple that has a seed Comment from : @YULDURUSTAN |
Minuet 2 is the background music I used to play that in 6th grade orchestra bro 😅😅😅 Comment from : @vedumusicofficial |
I grew up in an Afrikaans household, but everyone in the family could speak English and would often speak both languages in the same sentence I also watched a lot of English movies and read English books That said my English vocabulary is vast compared to my Afrikaans Like I know 4 different words for the same thing in English but only 1 for the Afrikaans equivalent My sister will regularly say an Afrikaans word I’ve never heard before I’m also always getting teased for using English grammar while speaking Afrikaans Can anyone relate to this? Comment from : @kaelanchristie6449 |
The simple answer is that it's the same reason why english speakers fail in english class Comment from : @etherjumper |
I once took a test of my native language, got 60 🥲 Comment from : @IanMorav |
For italian is kinda the same way Comment from : @digge2210 |
The real question is why do they take the class 😂 Comment from : @Emotaricreations |
Because grammar is a thing! Damn acentos! Comment from : @miladirey4336 |
I took Spanish cuz second language was a must and ya know fuck French but I understood nothing luckily I already spoke the language so I don’t blame y’all for not learning a second language in the US lol But y’all still fail English so y’all got no excuse either Comment from : @jcatalan1496 |
This is so true! A native Polish speaker agreed to be my tutor for a day, and when I was texting him things like "nominative" or "accusative," he didn't really have a clue, and even after translating those jargons in Polish, he still struggled somehow to explain the rules of his language to me I would say that native speakers of a language just eyeball the rules hahah Comment from : @rodolphy |
perque la meitat d'españols ho som a la força! puta españa! Comment from : @delarkaBCN |
Love is a strong word Comment from : @ramiro041 |
Why do Americans who only speak English still fail high school English? I mean, do we really need deeper explanation of this? Comment from : @RaisonDetre96 |
Most foreigners actually learn English the same way You cant explain the grammar rules it just makes sense how to speak properly Comment from : @NekiLik2351 |
The reason is that they speak a pretty poor Spanish in the first place because their parents probably never had formal education at school, that's why they don't learn "standard Spanish" Comment from : @rodrigoegordillo2617 |
The problem with language classes (at least in the US) is that they teach you to translate the language instead of actually learning it Thats why most kids can’t actually speak the language, because they have to translate every word instead their head first Comment from : @electroAM |
Nah, I that's a skill issue, I refuse to recognize the critical period hypothesis Comment from : @Starving_indev |
An English friend of mine had a spanish teacher telling her that jugo isn't a real word He learnt spanish from living in latin America for years, it was so frustrating for him to have to deal with a teacher who had less practice than him and only knew vocabulary came from spain, just to get a grade Comment from : @eoagr1780 |
TIL that I learned english like a babybrAs my second language Comment from : @Mxrasaki |
It’s weird You just sort of know it You were never asked to equate it to its English counterpart You just sort of gained the word one day Comment from : @PeacefulAutistic |
You look like judyhoppslover69 Comment from : @kayleegonzalez-bd7gh |
Thank you for answering this question for me As a Native spanish speaker I had to learn the rules of my own language Comment from : @andresfelipe3730 |
As a Spanish native speaker, if I rolled in a Spanish class in a country outside the Hispanic speaking world, I would first ask the teacher which variety they use and ask them if I can use the one I already know "Which version of you I have to use in singular? Tú? and in plural? Vosotros?" Comment from : @marcosreynoso3901 |
Isn't every language like that? Comment from : @nfurtulaa |
The same reason that native English speakers have trouble in English class Comment from : @Hahndrei |
My grandma 😂 my grandmas first language was spanish my mom found my grandmas high school report card, and all throughout high school she got Cs in Spanish 😂 while getting after me for my B in Spanish 😅 Comment from : @whatsername1180 |
As a hispamic American I have an interest in linguistics so im quite aware and fond of the nature of my languages, how everything ties together, theyre etymologies and history, etc Comment from : @Pumfee |
heuristic vs algorithmic learning Comment from : @Goodmanperson55 |
In India (northern parts) literally almost everyone is better in school english than in Hindi, unless it's speaking Comment from : @suvigyamishra2003 |
Same way I suffer in Bengali grammar 😅 Comment from : @Arko4911 |
To be fair what do you mean with "native spanish speakers"? Because im a native spanish speaker in a spanish speaking country and at least from 1st grade till high school we had specifically spanish grammar classes It's such an universal experience that the state issued spanish grammar book is a meme here in mexico Comment from : @mochhhhee |
They never had a formal educational in spanish actually Comment from : @nctjay |
Think of it like a bird A bird doesn't know why it can fly, it just flies Comment from : @adeptmage2293 |
Hence why you see so many people who don't even know what a pronoun is Comment from : @fraxorux7367 |
This happened to me in guarani, i never failed, but i have a lot of troubles explaining how things works, i just knew that things used to be like that Comment from : @marcosgonzalez4207 |
This is like my mom failing a cooking class Comment from : @oladayoisaac6890 |
As a native spanish speaker, tour highschool clases make NO SENSE Comment from : @simoncuevas5764 |
Failing classes as a native is universal lol However i didn't have much trouble with that, my classmates had troubles with that brAlso in literature classes the language is usually old or different dialect Comment from : @bayas1302 |
If you get good enough with your other languages, this will happen with them too I know three languages, but that doesn't mean I can effortlessly translate between them or tell you what the rules are; I'm not translating things in my head into Finnish or think about grammar when I use English, I just turn my thoughts into English Comment from : @nio804 |
oh my god i used to play this etude years ago Comment from : @mymo_in_Bb |
native speakers know through feeling and not through knowing they know when something is wrong but can't elaborate why it's wrong good enough to speak not enough to teach brbrlearned it the hard way Comment from : @honeyjuice219 |
That and the Spanish taught in school tends be the one from Spain and those of Latin countries though we understand each other perfectly, do have our differences Comment from : @NoeSoto-w8g |
No, we do NOT love the tables and translations, EW! You CAN accquire languages naturally even as an adult, it just will be slower than as a baby Comment from : @ivanlinuxandunix |
This has been an issue for me Natively I am Croatian but I also know english from a very young age I tend to struggle in english classes because despite knowing the language and being able to fluently speak it, I have issues with learning some of the underlying rules and principles Comment from : @mihael64 |
Sort of, but also in reality there's a very real difference between real world spoken native spanish and "school" spanish I work with a bunch of spanish speakers and they, their relatives etc all can confirm this Comment from : @MetalDeathMusic |
Why is it targeted to Spanish people even though everyone who has a class of their own mother language has the same issue? Comment from : @DDDTTT-jm9dr |
I moved to the US 3 years ago, and somehow, i learned the language the way a baby learns it by just listening to others My first language and english don't connect at all, and when i talk in English, I think in English It's very confusing when i need to translate for someone in my family, and instead of just going from word to word, I need to translate it into concepts in my head Comment from : @fyi_cinnamontoast |
They teach Spain Spanish and not the direct navies language Spanish Comment from : @J-Z225 |
Lots of Americans fall English classes it’s a well known fact Comment from : @jeremybeaverson7167 |
Bro us romanians learn every case, syntactical function and the questions for them in 6th grade Comment from : @bloodbonnieking |
Are All Americans Getting As In English Class?brDidn't bloody think so, please people use your brains Comment from : @arandomlanguagenerd1869 |
This is also why most non natives tend to be more proper and more eloquent than natives, not that they more capable, but more like is their default Comment from : @TopoSalsero |
This I learnt Hindi entirely from cartoons, my bros and my mom But put me in a hindi class and imma fuckin fail Comment from : @SouhridyoBose |
I hated certain aspects of Spanish lessons like conjugation of verbs and writing properly (to a very high degree takes practice and patience) Comment from : @535Salomon |
Sir, a 5th linguist has been spotted Comment from : @56th |
Also, spanish dialects They can really change the meanings or way that you have to speal between dialects Comment from : @brunosztuba3556 |
It also can come up too the dialect of Spanish they're being taught and if it's not the same one as them, also Spanish people are the only native Spanish speakers Comment from : @BjörnHaakonson-z3d |
I had to teach dutch (my native language) to some french speaking kids, when they asked me why a certain thing was like this, i just said that's what it is, it's really difficult to explain why your language has weird rules that non native speakers have to learn by heart Comment from : @jolanvreys2224 |
Hell, even my British friends don’t understand my American accent half the time and vice versa 😂 there’s a lot of “… You wot?” And “What does that have to do with anything?” (Same words with different definitions or different words to describe the same thing etc) 😅 Comment from : @Soturi92 |
Does the song loop? Comment from : @swagmudkip2065 |
I got forced to take chinese, and i have a friend whos a native chinese speaker, and he almost failed the class Comment from : @Aspen |
Im actually learning a lot about english and my first language, Norwegian, by taking spanish, Theres so much about languages You dont know If You just learn languages naturally I would have no idea What Gerundium was If it wasnt for spanishbrbr(Gerundium is the -ing on the end of verbs, and we actually dont have that in Norwegian) Comment from : @Ellie-jx8jt |
It also doesnt help that in Spanish class, they mostly teach castellano and every latin american country has its own dialect Even in mexico, there are some differences between the north and south Comment from : @TheGoldenutz |
I took Spanish grammar all the way to high-school and I still struggle with verb tenses and grammar rules crap Comment from : @fmango |
I am a native English speaker and when I studied abroad in France I was required to take English (as a foreign language) I thought it would be easy because I have a very good grasp on grammar but I still got a B Comment from : @CFILeah |
Y esto: Modo IndicativobrTiempos SimplesbrPresente: yo hablobrPretérito imperfecto: yo hablababrPretérito perfecto simple (pretérito indefinido): yo hablébrFuturo simple: yo hablarébrCondicional simple: yo hablaríabrTiempos CompuestosbrPretérito perfecto compuesto: yo he habladobrPretérito pluscuamperfecto: yo había habladobrPretérito anterior: yo hube habladobrFuturo perfecto: yo habré habladobrCondicional compuesto: yo habría habladobrModo SubjuntivobrTiempos SimplesbrPresente: que yo hablebrPretérito imperfecto: que yo hablara o hablasebrFuturo simple (en desuso): que yo hablarebrTiempos CompuestosbrPretérito perfecto compuesto: que yo haya habladobrPretérito pluscuamperfecto: que yo hubiera o hubiese habladobrFuturo perfecto (en desuso): que yo hubiere habladobrModo ImperativobrAfirmativo: tú habla, vosotros habladbrNegativo (forma del subjuntivo): no hables, no habléis Comment from : @FBI_sinver |
As a Russian guy who teaches my friend Russian, I perfectly understand the "relearning your native language" thingy It's fun tho! Comment from : @highcultmember_husband |
Lamesa Comment from : @SigmaN0tati0n |
In a nutshell, text booking a language is stupid, terrible, and worse Just do it baby style and force yourself to learn it, surround yourself with its scripts, the people who speak it, etc Comment from : @KimekaKuroyukiCH2nd |
My ex failed Spanish because European Spanish conjugations were required to pass and he was too much of a impotent weasel to learn new things Comment from : @ShadeSlayer496 |
I'm bilingual in English and Spanish and actually know the language better in grammar and pronounciation than the average "one language" person and get frustrated when either my Mexican people or American people butcher the other language without a care as well as their own I try to teach them the language properly but Mexicans especially don't give a damn and criticize Americans horribly when they butcher Spanish while trying to genuinely learn Comment from : @ellamarshall7317 |
Another factor here is dialect brbrHere in the US, a native speaker probably speaks a dialect of Spanish from Mexico, central or South America, while in school they teach basically “standard” Spanish from Spain…and that wouldn’t even be 100 useful in Spain, and you have a lot of small differences between Latin American Spanish and the Spanish of SpainbrbrAlso…this is a silly thing to wonder when native English speakers will very often fail English class Comment from : @dstinnettmusic |
Language learning classes should teach us the way baby learns Comment from : @Yoturu_mc |
Wait wait this song is the background was what i played at grade 3 piano! man how did you find this? Comment from : @person7177 |
I took French for 4 years in middle school and decided to take it again in high school I have 58 currently Comment from : @LovelyJuly |
This happens only with immigrant children who learned the language from their parents Native speakers from the country the language is official go through language classes growing up and would know the grammatical rules Comment from : @yowaikemen |
Btw you don't loose the ability to do the baby method It just takes forever Comment from : @kaedesakura9274 |
Idk how we have to take 12 years of English and people are still confused by this stupid fkn question Comment from : @OneMansHeretic |
Is it possible to forget your native language to learn German like an L1? Comment from : @thedinobros1218 |
I hate grammer man , like i can just say the sentence is wrong and what it should be , but I hate the grammer it's just waste Comment from : @Realyash |
Very good explanation! Btw nice Bach music Comment from : @jairoel |
It’s basically the equivalent of why English grammar class feels hard even though you actually know how to speak English Comment from : @pappanalab |
at my highschool, they have a class called "spanish for spanish speakers" it pretty much gets rid of the issues laid out in this video a lot of my friends take it, they said its basically literacy/english class except in spanish lol Comment from : @baileywolf8867 |
So i have two native languages? I speak arabic and English perfectly and i still dont know what an adverb is And failed most of arabic Grammer classes in high school Comment from : @LazoLad |
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